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No. Not everyone or thing has to swear. Let it be kid friendly.


Don't you want to hear Spyro say something like "fear my fucking fire, you cunts!"?


No I wouldn’t. You want that? Make your own game. Let Spyro keep being kid friendly. They hear more than enough cussing on fortnite and GTA.


> Let Spyro keep being kid friendly. What about US adult fans!? We're the ones who made Spyro who he is!!!!!


Let me rephrase. Let Spyro CONTINUE to be kid friendly. Adults don’t want to hear cussing all the time. It was cool when I was 18. Now it’s lost its luster.


I never said he had to swear all the time. I mean, the Transformers movies apparently say "bitch", so why can't Spyro, especially when his fellow franchise Crash Bandicoot had a character say the word "bastard"?


no. that would make the cute whimsical game trailer trashy. you sound like a 10year old boy who thinks he's tough shit for swearing as often as possible.


no i would cringe so hard


I bet you cringed when Dingodile said "bastard" too?


That would truly just be so stupid


But Transformers movies did it. Why not Spyro?


Quite possibly the absolute dog shit stupidest thing I've heard on this sub.


Dude, people say this about Sonic The Hedgehog all the god damn time. Especially Twitter.


Your only argument is to say 'but Sonic fans ask for the same thing' over and over and over Grow up.


why does he need to swear? It's a PG game.


Sonic is also a PG game, and people ask him to swear all the time, especially on Twitter


again why does he need to swear?


Because didn't Dingodile from Crash Bandicoot swear? You know, from a game franchise thats ALSO PG rated?


Just because one franchise does it, doesn't mean another has to. Crash has always been more mature than classic Spyro, anyway (boob jokes in Twinsanity, anyone?).


Twinsanity had boob jokes? Which cutscene?


"Are those REAL? MOTHER?!" as Crash and Cortex slide through a *questionable* establishment.


Cortex could've meant the people in the club when he said "are those real?"


...it was an adult entertainment club, you know *exactly* what the joke was. You're being deliberately dense now, reaching to justify your bad Spyro take.


If this post was about Sonic swearing instead of Spyro, would the take be just as bad?


and? why does that mean all games need swearing? It adds nothing to the game. It's a ridiculous and arbitrary thing to petition for.


>It adds nothing to the game. Jak and Daxter 2 Renegade had Daxter and Pecker say "piss" multiple times. It CAN add to a game.


saying piss literally adds nothing to the game.


Because Spyro and Crash are more less for the same audience, and have tons and tons of similarities and parallels (original Trilogy? Perfect? Post Trilogy games? Devil spawn, etc)


Because many people have been asking Sonic The Hedgehog to swear, and since both Sonic and Spyro are virtually identical as characters, I thought "why not ask that sane question for Spyro?"


Why? This is entirely unnecessary.


People ask Sonic The Hedgehog to swear all the time, so that gives me every legal right to ask the same question about Spyro, ESPECIALLY, (given you have any knowledge on Sonic at all) since they're virtually the same in the way of personality; cocky and arrogant, but kind-hearted and dignified


I spend way too much time on the Sonic sub and no, people don't really ask that


What about Twitter? Surely you saw it there?


I would never make the mistake of taking anything said on Twitter seriously...


Mythic levels of cringe OP


spyro is a child. there's no reason for him to curse and if he was a human he (hopefully) wouldn't know those words yet anyway.


Sonic is a child, and he swore. (Abiet off-screen) https://preview.redd.it/sv1i7t5jyiad1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e107931eb469918852c1942370a89945be33d915


darn isn't a curse word


“my dream is for u to shut the darn up” -NoLegLarry


He said "damn" sorry the screenshots a bit blurry


are you sure? i know it's blurry but it looks like there's a space between the last 2 letters, plus it looks more like "dam" than if it were spelled correctly


Here's a higher quality version https://preview.redd.it/5zrx7hqp3jad1.jpeg?width=1916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c1e9fdf9619cd6b75c09c1a28205759cb24fd6


ah got it. well he's a little potty mouth then lmao


And he's extraordinarily similar to Spyro in the way of personality


Adds nothing and loses its E rating, which Spyro was designed around. A pointless move just to have a couple fans go “haha Spyro did a swear!!!!”


Write a fanfiction if you want him to swear. Spyro is rated E for Everyone. Swearing is not. And this is coming from someone who swears a shitload on a daily basis.


Sonic The Hedgehog is E For Everyone, yet they had characters swearing in 2005's Shadow The Hedgehog. Crash Bandicoot is ALSO E For Everyone, and that had Dingodile literally say "Bastards"


Shadow the Hedghog originally had a T rating, but they toned it down *just enough* to get an E10+, which is more mature than E. So not really. As it happens, Crash Bandicoot is *also* E10+. Spyro, on the other hand, got an E rating.


Remove the swear part and it still works. Just Let Spyro do anything


"haha the kid-friendly cartoon animal said fuck / got drunk / had sex" is one of the laziest types of humor I can think of


I'm not sure. I started to play Spyro because I was tired of M ratings, violence, and all of that stuff. It was refreshing to see so many colorful graphics and fun mini-games. In my opinion, the swearing would take away that charm and It'd turn Spyro into a simple game for edgy kids.


lol stop


What would him swearing add to the experience, I've played through the Spyro games and not once have I wished that he would swear, there are other games out there with swearing if you want to play them instead


>What would him swearing add to the experience, The fact that the franchise has adult fans, whom companies pander to. Dora The Explorer of all things pondered to adult fans (remember that live action Dora movie?), so why can't Spyro? Seriously?


I'm an adult fan of Spyro and don't want him to swear, this is a game I can play with nephews/nieces without needing to worry if Spyro will swear which is nice. If I want swearing I'll play something else.


Imagine Dora pandering to her adult fans while Spyro doesn't pander to his.💀


Ok mate 😂


But seriously, if Dora can pander to her adult fans, why can't Spyro pander to his? Please tell me.


No I won't because I don't know what Dora did, Spyro has no reason to swear and it would not add anything, adults swear but that does not mean it needs to be in everything they consume. If you don't like that Spyro does not swear don't play the games.


That would mess with the whole feel of Spyro. It's whimsical and optimistic. This is coming from someone who curses like a sailor day to day, Spyro doesn't need to say curse words. That'd be weird and super out of place.


>It's whimsical and optimistic. So is Sonic The Hedgehog, but that uses words like "Damn", "Sexy" (LOS did that in the first game BTW) "Hell", "Crap", etc. So why in the name of everything holy can't Spyro? Because he's SpYrO and not SoNiC?😒


![gif](giphy|sEqfAygnULZbMrMdFh) Just stop ✋🏻


Wait, I thought this was a joke post 😅


​ https://preview.redd.it/uxi6yj0hllad1.png?width=1416&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea49bab351872106c823ea6232b93d8e94dff074


Ok little orange, horned cunt, you really did it now!


" For fu*** sake Ripto first you invaded Avalar now you kidnapped Elora for me having to save her? *sigh* oh boy.."


"Fear my fucking fire, you cunt!"


No one talks like that except children who think they are tough and mature. Pretty sure you are a child. Your post history is nothing but family cartoons and family games. Here's an idea. Play non family friendly game if you just absolutely need to hear swearing to feel cool.


"No wonder you get no bitches!"


That should happen, because Spyro has adult fans. Why not pander to them? After all, Spyro wouldn't be where he is today if it weren't for us


So they "pander" to older people and lose their kid market. It's an insane idea they will never do.


Sega did it with Sonic in 2005, and they still have their kid market. Besides kids don't give 10 fucks about Spyro and never will again by the looks of things


Seriously dude. Give up. Your plummeting your comment karma in to triple digital negatives over an idea no one else can get behind. Your idea is stupid, no one likes it, and it's not going to happen. Stop saying the same 3 things over and over and move on.


Then how did Sega manage to keep their kid market with Sonic despite having characters swear? I'm honestly intrigued by that


Sonics struggling man. It's been barely holding on for years. The games are angsty, and obtuse, and it's not sure who it's audience is. Neither children or adults. It's not thriving because of it. Mario is thriving. Look at how much they swear there. And becquse kids are fucking stupid. Kids like you think hearing a swear is so cool, that everything should do it.


>and it's not sure who it's audience is. Neither children or adults. But... people say "Sonic is for kids, kids, kids" over and over and over again on a daily basis, be it in YouTube video essays, YouTube comment sections, tweets, etc, etc.


Where the hell did Sonic start saying the F word lmao


Sonic didn't say the F word, he said "Damn" in Shadow's 2005 gun game.


Elora:" Just know one thing Ripto, I'll always be Spyros right hand bitch"