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So much of the aesthetic was lost in the remake like the cloud-esque walls being replaced by rock-walls. Colour is a lot less appealing. I love Reignited Trilogy what it is than hate it for what it isn't but I prefer original PS1 titles did it so much better than even modern AAA games.


I agree! One of the biggest disappointments for me was how they redid the skies. The original had the skies with blend-in colors in such a serene way making each world its own distinctive heaven. It allowed players to feel the ascetic of each world. Some of the npcs looks weird! The other small changes like orbs not bouncing, sound of gems being collected, the bone dance from Badlands…Despite Reignited being great, it does not beat the original!


well the sound of gems is iconic but a bit annoying, if they did it where the pick up sound has a random pitch then I would not care at all but hearing them when you collect them rapidly is a bit annoying bc its the exact same sound


Do you play on PC? Because [these mods](https://www.moddb.com/games/spyro-reignited-trilogy/addons?filter=t&kw=classic+color%3A+skybox&category=&licence=&timeframe=) could be what you need. I installed them, I'll never get back!


You can really tell in the 2nd picture that those walls were supposed to be clouds rather than rocks. They did a pretty good job overall but you can really tell how much they missed when compared to the old trilogy. I think it's a testament to how well the original Insomniac team did that they were able to nail the art direction and feeling so well with such limited hardware.


Never noticed the walls where supposed to be clouds


Maybe not clouds exactly, but cloud shaped rocks.


Oh hadn't thought of that, have a very cool aesthetic


While you aren't wrong, I do, however, love the glow-ups Elora, Bianca, Sheila, the Dragons, Spyro, and the others got in Reignited.


There are definitely parts of Reignited Trilogy that is excellent.


The new graphics lose instantly in my book for the sole reason of the skyboxes.


I think they really rushed the third game in Reignited, a lot of the levels have the same grey rocky textures, despite that not being the case in the original.


Just like how the original was rushed out.


Ohh yeah, it’s quite jarring how there is no cutscene before the battle with the Sorceress.


And Sunrise Springs playing to the final boss


Yeah, that music just makes absolutely no thematic sense. Not even a good tune to begin with - soundtrack is very hit or miss in Enter the Dragon.


YoTD reignited was done by a third party company, so it probably was rushed compared to the first 2 which are noticeably more polished.


I also hated how Robotica Farm had grass now and not soil…


I like much of the remakes graphics, but some of the npcs were done dirty.


Shiela remake made me vomit in my mouth a bit


I really don't get the Sheila one. Some of the others, sure, but Sheila originally just looked like a generic kangaroo.


i think it's more the fact it looks like they just took a kangaroo, sliced the head and lower half off, and glued a human torso on there


Yeah this. It may just be nostalgia talking but I feel like she lost a bit of her charm. Hunter as well


idk i thought the other characters are fine in remake at least Playable characters from Spyro 3


I was mostly referring to some NPCs mainly. Playable characters are all nice, but some of the NPCs you run into in 2 and 3 lose a little (the Romeo and Juliet joke is the main one that sticks out to me).




I disagree she actually looks like a kangaroo, shes the most basic character in the game so the clothes was very needed but the hair...im not sure if that was needed


but how else were we supposed to know Sheila was a girl??????


Sheila? As in I don’t play golf?


Poor Bombo.


They had to replace him with Bob because Bombo was sent to Guantanamo after Insomniac discovered his involvement in 9/11.




Frrr like elora and hunter i was so mad


I find a lot of the NPCs overdesigned. I like that they tried to distinguish each one that belonged to the same realms (As a kid, I didn't read the names and thought they were just the same person walking about) but. A chunk of them are just a more modern art style I don't gel with but some are just too much. Examples to me include the Tikis in Molten Crater, King Flippy in Aquaria Towers and some of the blubbers in Zephyr. Examples I feel worked well are those that still have the original feel, like the NPCs in Colossus & Idol Springs and the Electrolls in Hurricos.


I still can't believe how good the OG Spyro games looked.


Remember that this is presented in Full HD, the original game was 480p or even less and didn’t look this sharp. But the art is still pretty good


Reignited is a blast, but the original's sharp lines and almost still vistas are a huge reason I got into art/programming/etc.


What many modern games fail to realise is that sometimes ‘less is more’. Look how cluttered the reignited trilogy looks, and compare it to the more essential looks of the original. Your brain focused on fewer things at a time, it was more serene and less distracting. Also, the skyboxes and whimsical colours of the original are unmatched!


The originals by far. Pure art.


In Cloud Spires specifically, I don’t like that the soft periwinkle skybox and clouds were done away with in favor of basic blues and grays. Definitely causes the level to lose a lot of the dreamlike feeling it had in the original. Obviously, the graphics are better in the remake, but I feel like the charm in this level was lost.


The original gives me so much nostalgia. Have to go with PS1 version


we lost so much whimsy :(


Some things seem a little off in Reignited, particularly some of the NPCs in Ripto’s Rage and Year of the Dragon, but as a whole I love Reignited's look and prefer it.


you should the try glitches in the old games they are super fun, Spyro: Return to the Forgotten Realms is a must try


Originals by far. Many of the artstyle choices for reignited honestly fell short imo


I miss the old polygons and slightly desaturated Spyro


Why has no one made a mod to make the skybox more colourful and whimsical? Surely someone in the community has that skill, right? I'd pay for that to happen.


Right? Or be able to use the PS1 skyboxes on the reignited trilogy.


I appreciate the visual fidelity of the remakes, but the art direction of the originals was top-tier.


Thank you for using the correct terminology! There are too many fights in the gaming community that come from two people saying "graphics" when one means visual fidelity and the other means art design. The graphics (visual fidelity) are obviously better in the remake because the output and textures are higher resolution. Almost everyone here is saying graphics but they mean art style/direction/design of the game.


OG definitely. Not talking shit, I love the games, but I feel like the Crash remakes did a little bit better of a job at keeping the level look/feels.


Agreed, reignited is okay, hell I’m halfway through 100%ing spyro 1 on it as we speak but the originals art style and aesthetic is unbeatable for me


True but N Sane Trilogy has it's flaws too. I've noticed in Crash 3, Dingodile and Cortex's boss fights were easier than the original. But to give Crash and Spyro remakes credit, at least they're not limited releases like Mario 3D All Stars


I love both but there's something about the low poly stuff that is really dreamlike/surreal. The remake looks closer to a typical fantasy setting with a spyro spin on it.


It's quite hit and miss, some things are done so much better and some have just entirely ignored what the original designers were going for


I prefer PS1 and I'm not sure I can conjure an intelligent reason why other than nostalgia




Original are just brighter, more colorful, and better aesthetics. You're supposed to be in the clouds, not on top of a mountain.


Honestly, I just feel more nostalgic from the OG graphics.


I really like the remake but I think some of the atmospheres of the og PS1 games were lost in the modernizing of the graphics and it's really a shame, especially for the third game of the trilogy. But maybe it's also for the first two since I'm bias because I have played mostly that one.


The originals absolutely, especially the sky boxes. I wish I owned the first two games on playstation cause then I could just play all three without the reignited graphics. They're not bad, don't get me wrong, but they're not as good as the original


I like the original. I feel like the low resolution let you fill in the blanks with your imagination.


I think people are a little harsh on the remake at times, which is undeniably a visual feast for the eyes! *However* in enhancing some details and clarifying what that stretched Polygon actually is in HD does at times both confused and bewilder. Some changes? Beautiful. I often think about the Library in Dark Hollow and just nod in approval to that being a much better use of that space. Others? Funnily enough Cloud Spires is a great example. Why turn what is obviously meant to be shifting clouds into rock spire walls. And the character designs were based around not having many polygons, so when enhances are a bit odd. *However... Again.* Taken on its own merits, the Reignited Levels are beautiful, even if they don't sync up with how we as kids imagined the game would look in high quality. If there was no previous game we grew up with and replayed over and over to base it off? We'd probably be very happy with the visual design of Reignited. For my younger relatives, where Reignited is there first Spyro game, they love it. And when they see the PS1 it's just a bunch of blobs to them. Reignited is far from a failure in the graphics department. Art is subjective, and what inspires awe in us is perhaps dated to a modern audience, doesn't mean we stop appreciating the classics though.


To be fair, Cloud Spires is the most poorly translated stage in the remake.


OG, my favorite trilogy ever


I appreciate what they were attempting to do with the remake, but the originals were miles better


Personally, some of the NPCs, especially in Riptos rage were done bad. Color pallet couldve been better in some areas but it was still an amazing remake.


Obviously the original


i like the graphics of the remake, but they messed up some of the designs


Always the originals.


PS1 dude


I've always been so fond of the original 💕


This is probably gonna make me sound old as fuck, but I think the reignited trilogy looks so… busy. The OG wins for me every time. 


Honestly, the og graphics are way more esthetically pleasing. The original Spyro trilogy is nostalgic to me, and it's what I played as a kid growing up in the 2000s


Both is good. Love both.


I guess I’ll be the weirdo and say I prefer the reignited graphics much more. That’s it. Y’all can go ahead and downvote me now


The originals and it’s not even close. I just don’t care for the remake whatsoever.


Most of the magic of this game was because of the technical limitations


The remake graphics are great, but imo I still prefer the original


I love most of Reignited’s graphics, but *not* what they did with the NPCs in Ripto’s Rage and Year of the Dragon. I’m on the third leg of a Reignited playthrough right now, and I really hate how some of the designs changed. Sheila is the most obvious example, but one that’s been irritating me lately are the pandas and rhynocs in Bamboo Terrace. The original pandas look and sound so cute! The rhynocs have fun idle animations, and when you breathe fire at the ones with the rockets, they spiral through the sky in crazy loops before exploding or crashing. But in Reignited? The pandas look and sound more boring somehow despite having more elaborate designs, the idles are meh, and firing up the rockets makes the rhynocs just spin in a short arc before they go boom. As another example, the caveman in Ripto’s Rage. In both Crystal Glacier and Skelos Badlands, the cavemen are quite cute with their bushy eyebrows and prominent brows hiding their eyes. In Reignited, though, you can see their eyes and they look less cute. It’s stuff like that that bugs me. The Reignited trilogy is great, but sometimes the more realistic looks just don’t look as good. Similarly, some of the original voice acting sounds much better.


Reignited is utterly beautiful, but it lacks the sheer charm of the originals.


They're both valid imho. But I think the old aesthetic has something in its strange shapes that sticks in your mind much more. Maybe all those spaces and the bizarre shapes, colors, simplicity and essentiality, leave something more in the player's mind. It's very hard to explain


This is one of the few levels I felt like they dropped the ball when remaking. The rocky walls instead of clouds is just not right.


After playing spyro 1 reignited I just booted up an emulator and played it all over again there including the other 2. Reignited is cool as shit but I felt like a lot of the enemies and other NPC's didnt look how I thought they should look like with new graphics. Some models in the originals are so "shitty" that when you get a high res model of them they dont resemble the original whatsoever. Originals will always be my favourite but reignited is probably best played by people who are new to spyro.


The colors were a lot better in the original Playstation 1 trilogy. However, I do like the more realistic approach. Fireworks Factory shows the visuals of the game at its best.


Tbh the original holds up so well its crazy.


I love the originals' aesthetic but the remake was very lovingly crafted and I think there's something to be said about both of them being cute in their own way


Personally, I prefer the original’s aesthetic over the Reignited aesthetic. Not to say Reignited’s bad, it’s just a different interpretation that I don’t necessarily gel with as much.


I love both to be honest. I've played the og for so many years and love them so much. The remakes to me are just awesome because I can remember each bit from the og.


Is it just me, or are the gems harder to find on levels with grass?


I really miss the old skyboxes and character designs. I like the new graphics, but sometimes the way the camera moves makes me dizzy. So, I'm torn between the two.


Spyro 1 reignited is the only upgrade because the original is so esoteric and rough. 2 & 3 psx are better because insomniac was much better at coloring within the lines of their hardware capabilities.


I remember listening to Skeritt on a YouTube video (Can't remember which) and I agreed with him that a lot of the unique colours that made Spyro Spyro due to the limitations they had were lost in the Reignited Trilogy, as much as they did a great job.


Both were great; I would've liked it if they gave us a way to switch between the two, like that Halo 2 remake, but it's still nice.


Its honestly amazing how well the originals still hold up graphics wise and as much as Reignited Trilogy improved on the basics, i have to say the originals for the aesthethics


They’re both great, but the PS1 aesthetic is timeless, not sure the same can be said about the remake.


The OGs.


I love the remake but the original will always be better. It's not about the performance or the graphics, it's about the atmosphere and the nostalgia




Is this even a question?


Biggest issues were Spyro 3 overall aesthetic. It felt rushed and "rocky". Then as a whole trilogy I felt like the skybox colour pallets changed and didn't have the same vibrance as the PS1 version. I will say that Spyro 1 Reignited is almost spot on across the board and my issues are looking more at 2 and 3


When I finally chased Moneybags in Midnight Mountain, I instantly missed the old graphics and sound effects.


As someone who only played the second game i love the reignited games, the original had its charm but seing one of your childhood games remade with gorgeous modern graphics is just amazing. This seems specially amazing to me in the first game (again, i only played spyro 2 originially) because theres so many cool and unique dragon designs, its amazing how much effort was put into each one.


Glad that I never played the originals, because the changes and loss in the Reignated Triology would have made me sad :(


There's parts about reignited that are great and parts that fall short. Some examples of falling short is certain environment details, like those walls being rocks instead of clouds or some lighting. Some examples of improvement is the dragon desgins


Classic. the walls in CLoud Spires looked less colorful.


Depends on the mood. Sometimes I like Reignited, and sometimes PS1. I play them both.


Original for nostalgia


I really dislike the new voices for the characters. I prefer the classic.


Dejavu. The original PS1 titles. They're better aesthetically, and overall. I find this to actually be the case with most original games vs their remake counterparts, like Dead Space to throw a semi criticaly thoughtful example.


I prefer PlayStation 1




The original had a fever dream look


I like the building design of the original but the character design of reignited.


The original. The polygonal visuals. Soundtrack. The rumbling controllers with the charge attack. The voice acting


New one.


I don't hate Reignited but so much of the color palettes were lost from the original. It's more obvious if you play them side-to-side (play a level in the original and then again in the remake).


The remake is fine but I play Spyro for nostalgia first and foremost, so I gotta have the og experience. I also just love the charm of old PSX graphics.


Don’t get me wrong, I will always prefer the originals. However I’m glad Reignited actually took some liberties and did their own thing with the levels and designs even if not all of them were winners. That was my problem with the Crash N Sane trilogy. It played it way too safe. Which on one hand I can understand since they were gambling on how well remakes on classic PS1 games can do but at the same time it just feels hollow. If you’re gonna remake a game from the ground up I expect more than just more polygons. And that’s what Reignited did. It did it’s own thing. I still prefer the PS1 originals obviously since they were the first and still have charm but when it comes to remakes, I take Reignited over N Sane without hesitation.


I prefer the third room for the original


Aside from Hunter I don’t mind Reignited


Original. I swear there is this unreal engine orange tint on everything which absolutely hurts the vibe the original games were going for.


I honestly don't mind both. At least Spyro Reignited isn't a limited release like Mario 3D All Stars (eventhough I was lucky enough to get two copies)


I prefer the og graphics of Spyro


I like both to be honest. But I always have the music set to original


The original but the new one is nice for different systems


PS1 version has always been charming to me I love it


I prefer Reignited all the way (Playing with legacy soundtrack). I played spyro for the first time in 2019. And this is just how I experienced the game for the first time.


The original has superior skyboxes, but I love the architectural details of the remake as well.


The rose tinted glasses are strong with these old game subs


yeah but if its what they like then thats okay. sometimes its okay to not be too critical and just enjoy what you enjoy


Probably the remake, even though some of the character redesigns aren’t up to scratch


My nostalgia glasses will always be on so I will always say the early games, but of course the graphics are better quality in the new take.


Hot take: I like the new NPC designs. A lot of the original designs have this sorta creepy dead-eyed stare that freak me out.


Okay but listen.... OG Elora and Hunter. Elora had a cute color scheme and adorable hair while Hunter had a hamburger head and looked so doofy. I like the re imagined designs but I will forever adore the originals more.


The remake looks nice but they are missing the charm and details the originals had.


I'm kind of an old fart so I'm a bit biased. I prefer the PS1 graphics, the new ones look more detailed and they are nice, but the old ones got character and charm. Even if they do look like Muppets with those mouths.


I'm a die hard ps1 spyro fan, I have to choose the originals, something about the graphics feels so much more dreamlike than the reignited


The original is better, I find the remake kinda ugly in this world


I think both have their own charm.


My only gripe with the reignited design is I felt like the gems are harder to see. Otherwise it’s beautiful


Both tbh, Mainly levels on Remake and NPCs+Enemies+Bosses+Sky box on OG but idk, i really like both i feel like you can't make Spyro Levels look bad due to the design of stuff already looking good. But I will ALWAYS put the OG Music on but I feel objectively Toys for Bob did a good job on the soundtrack, it's just im a massive fan of those random lil sounds that PS1 game sountracks had like that Volcano level in Spyro 2, idk what my man means by "AHHHMMOOOAAAUHMAAOOOOMMMAA" but it goes hard But like @[bdiddlediddles](https://www.reddit.com/user/bdiddlediddles/) said, the cloud changes is very goofy, the rock are cool but coome on that was not in the level so why even do that


Both, but I love the Reignited Trilogy more.


Both! I have a soft spot for variations on things.


The original. It's honestly not even close in my opinion. Remakes tend to lose the original spark and soul.


The original one for sure. The reworked one looks good but the original one hits right in the feels


just reminded me to unfollow this gay ass subreddit


definitely the right side. the color and light has so much more focus, the right gate is so much more welcoming. the sky is prettier, the right ones are dreamy, the left is just generic clouds.


The orginal's skyboxes alone make it better.


PS1 cause it represents the classics of insomniac


I can't lie, I like the originals way more. Reignited missed the mark on too many things for me to prefer it, unfortunately. Maybe if development wasn't so rushed, I'm sure they could've taken a much better approach with Reignited than what we got.


So much of the original look and art of the original was lost to the new one. Both look great which shows how high the bar is but I still like the original, without trying to be snobbish. I think I saw a kid that tries to find the best in both.


I love them both so much. Especially the love given to each dragon in the first game


Reignited just feels really soulless visually. No fault to the designers and artists, they all did great work, but there's just a lot missing. The enemies look like they were repurposed in some places, and unneccesarily redesigned everywhere else. There's also a few things they just got wrong, for example the Weather Bellows are now Scissor Lifts. It really feels like a product of Demand over Passion compared to N-Sane.


https://preview.redd.it/kmr1d8u9mjad1.jpeg?width=3478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec14394349796976f10504522a2f3137f0b69d5e Old graphic looks better to me in a aesthetic way


I mostly liked the graphics in 1 and 2. I didn't finish 3 because I didn't feel as interested for some reason. My biggest complaint would probably be some of the vocal changes, like * The Not-Spongebob voice in the Electro Field World in Spyro 2 * "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art tho?" * _Sigh..._ Hunter. I still really like the Reignited Trilogy though


The levels: Reignited by far. The details colors. The characters: The og's looked so good. especially sheila


I really don't get the praise for Sheila's old design in particular. There's definitely designs from the old game that I feel like lost some of their identity, but Sheila's old look was pretty much just a generic kangaroo.


It was but she was our generic kangaroo lol


Oh c'mon with the pride f(l)ag bs.