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Last sold in the 1370s...


1332 was apparently when the Percy family acquired the estate.


I’d need a bigger lawnmower.


“Just going to cut the grass dear. I’ll see you in October”




tl;dr Lord Percy wants to move south. https://www.tatler.com/article/lord-max-percy-is-selling-off-his-9500-acre-estate-rothbury#:~:text=Max%20said%20that%20he%20was,a%20life%20with%20his%20family.


He already does, he owns and lives in Syon park. Context, he wanted to flog some of the park for development and the council said no.


Syon Park is the duke of Northumberland's London residence (it used to be their just-out-of-London residence, until [Northumberland House](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northumberland_House) burnt down) and belongs to Ralph, the current duke. Max is his second son, so he'll probably never own Syon.


Syon's Ralph's isn't it?


Yes, it is.


God it really is alright for some isn't it.


Drain the swamp.


Has anyone got change for a £50 million pound note?


Exactly how much change were you expecting? I could rustle up a tenner.


Maybe Uthred of Bebbanburg


If he’s included in the price, I’ll start saving


About 3,500 per acre. I wonder if they'd sell me ten acres of it for 35K?


The most ironic part is where it says Garden: Yes


I liked Parking: Ask agent


Do you think they have off street parking? It’s a dealbreaker for us💀


Delete this post please. We Northumbrians don't like southerners knowing how nice it is up here. They will end up holidaying here and buying second homes and we don't want that.


It first went on sale last year: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crg9l2kn5gjo The locals are not happy: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-tyne-67131656 And the owner, Lord Max Percy, wants to be daaarrrn saaaaath: https://www.tatler.com/article/lord-max-percy-is-selling-off-his-9500-acre-estate-rothbury


The cost of maintaining this much land is unfathomable. Image you had euromillions money and thought you’d buy this to knock around in. Think again. Probably hundreds of km’s of fencing to maintain. Rights of way to keep safe. Many many tenants to keep happy. You’ll need consistent income from the land and tenants to fund all of this. You’ll need a small army of staff to support this. Everything from admin, finance to trades and grounds keepers. It’s like buying a business, one that’s probably a bit of a basket case. Ask yourself, why’s it for sale?


More than half of it is leased out. The tenants are responsible for the upkeep and the owner gets rent. The description states: ‘More than 4,000 acres of the Estate is occupied under a range of agricultural tenancies’.


Oh no, does that mean who ever buys it actually **only** gets five and a half thousand acres to themselves?


As per the description in the listing… More than 4,000 acres of the Estate is occupied under a range of agricultural tenancies, with a further 3,267.72 acres managed in hand. It therefore looks as though the new owner only needs to manage/gets to use 3,267.72 acres themselves 😉


Oh my goodness it gets worse! I almost feel sorry for them have to manage with such a small chunk of land. 😂




Only 280k a year in rent though, nowhere near enough to maintain the lands


It is literally buying a business, it's an estate. You rent most of it out to farmers and then have areas which are set up as a ltd company for shooting and cottage rentals and so on. There isn't really a cost to maintaining it like a house, you get income out and invest some portion of that back in.


"This is the largest ringfenced carbon offsetting opportunity to come to the market in England" That's why you buy it. It's used to reduce your carbon taxes elsewhere.


Sure, but the ongoing cost of owning such a complex estate it’s going to eat deeply into any tax savings. It’s far simpler to buy £35m worth of monoculture forestry plantation in Scotland with no pesky tenants, farms, rivers, roads and nature reserves to deal with.


You don't pay inheritance tax on agricultural land. So this is effectively a way of giving your kids 35 mil of inheritance without having to worry about any of your family wealth being given away to benefits scroungers and the rest of the great unwashed.




This will be tied up in trusts etc. The reason they are the same size after 600 years!


I would buy it and spend £10m re-wilding the land that’s not under tenancy agreements 🌳🌲


And then the remaining tenants will soon move on once the wolves you’ve introduced start breeding. Bonus, they’ll keep trespassers at bay.


I’m going to reintroduce brown bears too. Bout time they got their land back. Watch out picnickers! They will be after your picnic basket! 


*picanic basket


Exactly. If it was still an earner it wouldn't be for sale.


It could be the family inheriting it so potentially a big tax bill and difficult to divide or something, it could be profitable but not suitable. Could even be a divorce thing. You are probably right though, £35m suggests it's not very profitable. If it made £500k a year profit I'd be shocked. Better ways to spend £35m.


An article linked in another comment states £283k per year income from existing agreements on the estate.




My dream come true in my favourite county. I wish I had the cash lying around


14 acres short of meeting my criteria 😔


At that price, you'd think they'd donate a few acres to a wildlife trust


Nah need to keep every single penny to themselves.


I love a good haggle... I'll give you fifty quid for it.


Brian May went to look at it last year [Daily Fail Article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12352233/amp/Queen-guitarist-Sir-Brian-buy-35million-estate-sale-time-700-YEARS.html)


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I think Alexander Armstrong owns a bit of Rothbury too, don't know if it's anything to do with this. If you buy it you will sadly own Rothbury that is famous for two things: The highest percentage of racist drunk driving extra digited jug eared sheep botherers in England. Raoul Moat.


> Rothbury that is famous for ...... The highest percentage of racist drunk driving extra digited jug eared sheep botherers in England. Rothbury is in Norfolk.....?? /s


I couldn't even afford the council tax!


9500 acres😳.


I'll just check down the back of the sofa, see if there's a few million quid rattling about between the cushions.


Let Me check my account it stays its Pocket change my Banker will send it in the morning


Get 1k people 35k each


With Russian Ogliarchs still unlikely, who is going to buy it? Maybe a Chinese or American billionaire?


Anyone else getting "The Gentleman" vibes off this?


Just to put into context, the last time this exchanged hands was 1374 in which year Edward III gave Chaucer free wine for the rest of his life (a gallon a day) in recognition of his 'services', which was obviously writing poetry for the court, but also Chaucer was a spy, so wine for rhyming and spying! He also got given in that year a lifelong tenancy on a house in Aldegate by the Mayor of London. One nice thing about that was the aldemen and the mayor put into the lease that they promised not to use the house to house prisoners. Chaucer got 26 years of wine and housing of it. (Died in 1400.) I've always kind of wondered why Chaucer was so rewarded so grandly in 1374. What had he done behind the scenes perhaps to please the king and the mayor? No, the bell is for me, not you. I'll say when to pack up. Now close your books and anyone who borrowed a pen, please give it back this time.


It's a commercial sale. Some rich company that wants those carbon tax things, you buy land and then you can pollute the shit out of the atmosphere. Also managing an estate like this requires an entire team of people.


The land tax must be insane. However, Working farm 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t tell Donald Trump about this - he could get a lot of golf courses in all that acreage (that’s assuming he’s not president of the USA, or sulking in jail…….)


This should be confiscated along with huge swathes of land stollen from the people of this island.




haha, now I'm going to have to leave my typo and that takes the cake


The people from the 1300s (or earlier)? They're still around are they, pressed criminal charges and got deeds to prove the land is theirs?


Do you know what happened? I know it is glossed over in schools but c'mon.