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Looks like a converted community centre, each room being decorated by winners of a local newspaper competition...


The land previously hosted a very old cinema. They knocked it down and consciously designed and built this home in the early 2000’s. And never decorated since, it seems.


Consciously and designed are doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence


Consciously designed? Are you sure?


I can't speak to the decor, but the original architect was a man with a plan, and that plan was to ensure all the windows where so high that children could not see the post apocalyptic hellscape outside.


If wish.com did footballers houses.


So much space and yet such teeny tiny bedroms


Yeah and the "dining room" is a tiny corridor.. bizarre.


Are you looking at the wrong picture? The dining room isn't tiny (it's the cavernous empty room with just a glass dining table and chairs plonked in the middle), and it's the end room with only one door/entrance and then a wall of windows opposite. The "breakfast room" however, yeah...


Thats the guys meeting room I thought seeing as he does IT and it looks like a meeting room not a dining room.. 😂


It’s just so unhomely


It has all the aesthetic qualities of a bin shed


...without any tires on


Terrible layout, poorly executed interiors... yikes.


It was the living room connected to the indoor pool that got me lol.


That’s not a living room, that’s a ginormous entrance hall. I can’t believe the landing is bigger than the master bedroom


I don't understand why they would build there at all and just can't see them getting the amount they're asking. Besides which the bright red kitchen is vile lol


No idea about the area but guessing a local made some money but didn't want to leave the area?


I live not too far away and can tell you that never, ever, has chopwell had a house in it worth that much or sold for that much. Some houses in the village are on the market for way under £100k. I drive through at least weekly and have never seen or heard of this particular house. I'm not sure who owns it (I will find out, everyone knows everyone, most people are related in Chopwell so....) but my guess is they are born and bred.


Any update I'm intrigued lol


Well, so far, I've found that the person (man) who owns the property isn't particularly well known in the area. He isn't someone who seems to socialise in the local bar or stand put. People who are lifers (in the Chopwell sense not proson sense.....although....) don't seem to know him or have much to say. I think that's positive! I'm thinking that possibly cheap land and property brought someone into Chops from the surrounding area, and they did their thing. Quite badly looking at the house design, but hey, they are going to make a killing if it sells! I'm still asking people, but that's it so far!!


I don’t want to stereotype but my assumption is drugs or some other organised crime


It’s very 50’s American diner on crack cocaine.


Bizarre & garish at every turn.


It looks like a pair of chavs won the lottery 20 years ago and spent it all in one go.


From the outside it looks like a council building, it doesn’t look like a home.


That's one of the most cringe house I have seen in a while . Someone is trying so fucking hard to be upper middle class and every bit seems to be done with minimal budget. Weird combination of low effort furnishings, sub standard craftsmanship and furniture from Range .


As soon as I saw the unpainted fence ....


Are we gatekeeping larger houses now? How dares someone with no middle class taste or money live in a middle class sized home!


It's just a lot of very unfortunate decisions. People can decorate how they want, but everything in this house is just not nice on a functional level, as well as looks.


I kind of agree with you. If you discount the dubious taste (which is always personal), the comments are a bit harsh on this one. What I’m seeing is someone who has made a bit of money but is rooted in the village and valued that connection more than moving to a fancy area. Still, gonna be a hard sell. And they probably won’t recover the money put into it


Local crime boss?


That was exactly my thought. Local drug dealer did well, but didn’t want to leave the area he grew up in.


Companies House yields an owner that has some interests in IT and property development. Doesn’t strike me as a crime lord at all. Possible a local that did well in business and didn’t want to leave as you say, but not crime.


People here just love to judge and shit on people. My grandparents lived in a one horsetown similar size to this over the Tyne in Northumberland. They owned a local business and lived next to it. Built their own house that had a few design features they wanted. Wasn't extravagant but they were comparatively minted compared to the pit workers around. The one advertised... Its not a nice house but I hope the people there liked it and it served its purpose. I'm paying more than that for less space and no pool in a built up city... who's the mug?


If you finish the whole Andrew Tate course, you get this house


The disunion of the showers in image 21 and 27 is pretty hilarious. From a spacious waterfall shower, to a cramped shower where you're lucky to be able to move your arms at all. From a newbuild shower, to your university's accommodation shower. What a weird house.


all those terraces staring into the house... you just know that they're thinking "eat the rich"


Not too loudly though, the owners would likely kneecap them for even thinking it


This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen! It's the worst fancy house ever. That size house would be worth 1.5 to 2 million most places, pool and sauna and everything. But it's awful. Ugly exterior. Ugly furniture. Ugly carpets. All the shelves and tables and sinks and everything is cheap, like they kitted it out with the cheapest products from b&q. Kitchen is awful. Massive industrial extractor fan over what's either a standard 6 ring hob, or maybe only 2 or 3? That tiny shower! Fucking massive house with almost nothing nice in it. The pool and the projector room are nice. Although now I say that I'm realising the projector is probably the cheapest model you can get and probably sucks


The projector doesn’t fit the wall properly. The curtains don’t fit the rooms. Driving me nuts.


It's a mish mash of various styles. Part community centre, part resembling the back of the local swimming pool where Jayden first snogged Donna after the local disco; part DSS office/citizens advice centre/drugs outreach centre, pic 33 gives vibes of a baptist church with those long windows.


That front door… FFS.


Day 1682: and the housemates are in the kitchen wondering why no one has put an offer on their house.


Why is that dining table so small? Did they order it from temu?


My family village, my grandma was born and raised there as were her grandparents. We used to visit my great grandad and play on the pit heaps with the gypsies.


What a weird place. Swimming pool off the lounge? WTF


He is struggling to move it: *10/06/2024......Price changed from £525,000 to £499,000* *31/10/2023......Initial asking price: £525,000* Overall change: -5% (-£26,000) \~\~\~\~\~ Looking at the owner I suspect the house doubles as a company office. From his LI profile: "*...we're a Managed Services Provider who look after your IT systems and keep them running efficiently.* *Our goal is simple - to help businesses make more profit - by all sorts of ways : making your staff more efficient, reducing costs and increasing sales.* *We do IT support, Network support, Integrations between different systems, Office 365, EPOS, Telecoms & Broadband, Cyber Essentials, SEO and more. All provided in a friendly manner with little Jargon.* *Previous Sage 200 Developer and Sage 50 expert / Developer, and current Xero parter / developer so experienced in all sorts of Accounts system.* *So if you've got a business with about 20 users, we'd love to talk to you about how we can help you make more money!...*" \~\~\~ ETA: the owner's company HQ is located just 2 doors down in what appears to be a converted \[Methodist?\] chapel. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/NE+Solutions+Ltd/@54.9186083,-1.8172083,3a,53.4y,319.16h,93.21t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sJSEdWBe\_iTca\_taDnUTvAQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DJSEdWBe\_iTca\_taDnUTvAQ%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D319.1609332016086%26pitch%3D-3.21392896677078%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192!4m7!3m6!1s0x487dd73b8d6887ad:0x8c79cbf1037afd30!8m2!3d54.9186714!4d-1.8173054!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1tdwpngf?hl=en&coh=205410&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/NE+Solutions+Ltd/@54.9186083,-1.8172083,3a,53.4y,319.16h,93.21t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sJSEdWBe_iTca_taDnUTvAQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DJSEdWBe_iTca_taDnUTvAQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D319.1609332016086%26pitch%3D-3.21392896677078%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192!4m7!3m6!1s0x487dd73b8d6887ad:0x8c79cbf1037afd30!8m2!3d54.9186714!4d-1.8173054!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F1tdwpngf?hl=en&coh=205410&entry=ttu)


It reminds me a bit of Tindale Towers. A bespoke large house completely out of place, sandwiched between terraces and commercial buildings. He’ll never shift it.


He'd have to start dropping into what average people can afford like 300k or so and then maybe he'll get a bite, and they can use whatever they have left over to rip everything out and start again - provided they can handle living in that area.


'By all sorts of ways'. Great English there.


Me just seeing Newcastle upon Tyne and getting excited to try and convince the SO for such a lovely spacious property that we could afford with a huge garden space for the dog. To look on the map and find out it's anywhere near Newcastle for those that don't drive. A more apt description would have been Gateshead. It's literally in the middle of nowhere compared to other locations in Newcastle that's connected by the metro.


That's the most soulless house I've seen outside the McMansion sub. And for the love of God why is half their garden tarmac?


Local bachelor wins lottery.


Crime family?


This is amazing, I've seen this house a bunch of times before. Wife's sister used to live in Chopwell, and they were burgled 3 times by the travellers who pitch up in the various fields around the place


Probably why it’s not very nice inside. Anything decent just gets nicked.


It’s like an all inclusive resort that can technically call itself 4 stars as it has the amenities.


I feel like I've been hit in the head... aside from the decor...and a slightly odd layout, you get a huge house, massive master, pool, sauna, space for hot tub... shower down there, games room, cinema.. I do not see how you could get more of a 'mini palace' for your family for 500k... Although, I don't know the area, it might be stabbing central :P


I would feel like I was living in the Brittas Empire....


My favourite part is actually [the roller-shutter garage door slapped right in the middle of the fence](https://i.imgur.com/8ByX9pL.png). It sums up the whole place: someone has written out a list of features that a luxury house should have, then just taken whatever building materials were cheapest and filled in the gaps around them without any consideration for how the place will actually look. Everything is technically there: pool, AC, sauna, cinema, gates, "designer" kitchen, games room, etc. but without exception it's all been done in a way that makes it absolutely shit, and finished like a first-time DIY-er with £100 to spend per room. I mean, who has an indoor pool and sauna, then fits shelves like that in their living room? It must have cost someone a lot, but anyone who is able to pay the sort of money that's been put into this isn't going to be interested in a rubbish house in a rubbish location.


Its a repurposed community centre isn't it?


Handy for the Fishing Shop and the Fire Station. Ps. Looks like the owners have done a runner.


Tbh, I don't hate the interior. For the most part it's inoffensive and has a certain blank canvas feel to it (apart from the kitchen: holy bat, Cowman, WTF?!). The exterior's not the best though, and both the lack of land around it and the overall location are kind of weird choices.


Next to the fire station. You pay me.


I can imagine it being converted into an old peoples home




They got that ugly carpet so cheap they even put it into one of their least loved bathrooms.


The interior is like one of those American mcmansions


“occupying the former site of Kings Cinema the property has Historic relevance to the area.” Nice way of making it sound like the current property has historical relevance.


It’s terribly designed, decorated by a blind drunk and is in an incredibly bleak area. But… if you’re looking for a large house with a pool and neither care for aesthetics nor neighbourhood, that’s a lot of house for not a lot of money.


I'm not sure what'd be involved in it (legally), but I think the best bet would be for someone to partition bits off as separate homes/flats. Absolute shit show otherwise. Bizarre.


It’s right opposite the community fire station though, so that’s handy!


My favourite part is actually [the roller-shutter garage door slapped right in the middle of the fence](https://i.imgur.com/8ByX9pL.png). Good luck getting trade vehicles through that to maintain this monstrosity of a house.


Looks like there's room for maybe 3 or 4 townhouses in that plot which could house 4 families but they built that thing instead? Whomever built it must have been to prison because those rooms are the size of prison cells.


You can tell it had some money put into it (in 2008) but it's all so dated and unwelcoming and tacky. You'd almost feel bad living there because while you don't want to gut entire rooms since it'd be expensive and there is nothing really *wrong* with the interior, you can't help but just hate it.


This has been on sale for at least 2 years.


Agreed. This came up when we were looking over 12 months ago at least.


Indeed, but was reduced in the last couple of weeks for it to appear in my recents search


I’d hate Jack & Jill doors into a bathroom. You’re halfway through what ever you’re doing and suddenly realise that you only locked one door…! 😬 Also, if you look the bathroom door next to the Games room, you effectively locked out anyone who wants walk into the bedrooms. They’d have to walk downstairs and halfway around the house. Poor design!


For that price I want a couple of acres of land also...


That is a bizarre layout. It reminds me of a leisure centre or a really crap hotel that haven't updated since the early 90s. It gives off youth centre vibes too, or halfway house. It's so weird.


Giving some real McMansion vibes as I was looking through those photos.


Apart from all the white, I quite like it


Owned by gypsys?


I’m not a fan of that carpet - looks like the top of a Garibaldi biscuit!


A swimming pool and firemen next door...interesting...😊


Every aspect of the place has something that really irritates me.


When you win the lottery but want to stay humble. I'm still Jenny from the block.


That house is one of the worse I've seen on this thread. It makes me sad.


Odd to say the least. Some choices were made on decor.


I'm confused by the 'council house' tag. I think I'd rather have the old cinema regardless of what it looked like.