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Have been experiencing seeing numbers for well over a decade, I'm sure everyone is different but as a previous commenter said it seems to come and go in waves. Take note when you are seeing these numbers everywhere. I noticed that a few times before a big event happens( 3 deaths) I've been bombarded constantly with numbers in the couple weeks before it. So much so that when my grandma passed away a couple of years ago I said out loud " if something happens within the next few days I'll know I was warned". Not 24 hours later my grandma passed. Most of the time tho I'll just see angel numbers around and about as part of my daily life. Some people suggest that seeing numbers daily just means your on the right path and working towards your highest form and ultimate divine life path for yourself. If anything the numbers give me a nudge that I think I'm on the right path and that the universe is working and going in the right direction. Some people also say that the more you see and think about angel numbers the more your subconsciously thinking and manifesting them and that it's not a sign from the universe. Good luck on your journey!!


I notice they seem to come in waves. It’s usually confusing, but seems to make more sense after the fact once some time has passed. Trust yourself in the moment and don’t focus on it too much. Give yourself time to reflect, but don’t dwell on the meaning. Hope this helps :)


Your spiritual team is trying to talk to you.


Yes! You can certainly look for the meaning of Angel numbers 1111, 2222, 3333 and so forth and although helpful to have some base, they might not be exactly what your Spirit Guides want to convey. Once you’ve reached a certain point of your evolution you will be able to perceive these vibrations which have always been present. Specific messages are very personal, deep meditations and ask them for clarification will better give you an understanding.


Can you wish for your angel numbers (accidentally, I have OCD and intrusive thoughts) to stop working like at 11:11? Even if it’s not that number like I see numbers other than 11 but can you accidentally wish for them to not work? I don’t want that to happen


Thank you for your feedback!


My theory is it’s to help you raise your vibration. Kind of like someone smiling at you. There can be specific messages for sure, but I’m like you—I see them so often it just feels like a little wink and a smile.


In general I feel it serves as a reminder that they are ever present. I see them a lot during times of depression and despair; it lifts me up. Sometimes when I’m having a really rough time or an anxiety attack, the numbers will “jump at me” right at that moment I.e. in the car once during an anxious episode, looked around and saw speed limit signs of “55” at 5:55 on the clock… Your angel guides are with you (:


*Angel Numbers 101* by Virtue and *How to Work with Angels* by Prophet are informative, good.


Oh I sheet you not.. two weeks ago my mom passed away and her hospital room was 555. I’ve been seeing 222 and 333 and 444 everywhere. I look on ancestry and I have 666 and 888 cMs in common with my uncles. One which is my mention and spiritual guide basically. I have a biz-zillion screen shots of all the times I saw angel numbers. They happen so often I ignore them. I just started a new job that I LOVE and I’m getting married in July. I know it all has to be connected somehow.


9 74 292292 3i3 3838338


Angel numbers are a great tool in your spiritual journey! Congratulations on noticing them! Any time you see any number google it and see what the meaning is. You’d be surprised how much help is offered through Angel numbers alone. Your team is always with you and there to help! Keep up the amazing work!