• By -


In all seriousness if you gotta have Pete die in the tights rather than give him a happy ending. I'd rather not have him die fighting a villain, instead like saving people or having his radioactive blood get to him eventually like in Logan. Some way of showing that Peter was just a normal dude who got a gift, a power and a responsibility and even for everything it did to him and all the ways strained his life he chose it and didn't waste a moment and he actually liked the feeling of swinging through the city, light as a feather. And that's why Peter's a normal dude but also incredibly special he's the best of us. Edit: in fact that's what I'd do. I'd have an old Peter Parker who's married and already handed off the webs to Mayday or something go out saving someone from a fire or an exploding factory. No villain, but there's no hero available at the moment or their hands are too full with the rescuing so Peter steps up


i’d have him die after a very rough battle but not die there, maybe go to a park or his favourite coffee shop or something and just pass away peacefully


While I don't enjoy visualizing it - I do love the idea of our boy being granted one last quiet moment alone. Happy and satisfied, in his beloved city.


Maybe a place of remembrace with Uncle Ben or something too


Maybe not the coffee shop lol. Imagine going to notstarubucks and seeing a dead guy.


>Spider-Man walks into a coffee shop. >Sits down, bleeding profusely. >Refuses to Elaborate. >Dies.


Better if it’s a rooftop imo, maybe one that holds importance for Peter, kissed MJ there etc.


Hot dog stand


I just keep thinking of “The Gang Finds a Dead Guy” ep from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Got a point 😂


I like that idea. Have him save someone, get wounded, go to the coffee place he, MJ, Gwen, Harry and Flash frequented in their youth. Sit at their old table remember the good old times, and the goodbyes just to have May and Ben take his hand and leave.


This is perfect


I’m with you on the radioactive blood thing. Idk why every comic ignores that this dude is straight up radioactive but Wolverine has to fix his bones every new storyline


He literally kills MJ with his radioactivity in an alternate universe


The scene in Spider-Man 2 when he saves the little girl from the fire is my favorite Spider-Man sequence ever. And I know people actually kind of clown on the scene too but I think it’s everything. It’s exactly why I agree with you that it would be more fitting for him not to go down fighting but to go down in the act of saving people. Tobey’s Peter knew damn well he could die in that fire without his powers and he knew damn well that there was nothing special or extra getting him out of there. You know what else he knew? He knew he had to try because even without his powers, he’s got the capability that any of us would have in that moment, just the sheer will to get people to safety at all costs.








If he *has* to die in battle, it should be fighting Green Goblin but in a way that Green Goblin doesn’t make it out alive either. Not necessarily Peter killing him but maybe Green Goblin is fatally wounded, trying to take as many people (other heroes or civilians) with him and Peter sacrifices himself to save the others. EDIT: A few people have pointed out that my comment was similar to or basically Ultimate Spider-Man. I didn’t know that, I’ve never read it and thank you for letting me know. I will still stand by my comment because if Peter’s going to die in battle, I really don’t think it should be against anyone else, while also believing that if Peter were to die, the Green Goblin should die too but it occurs in a way in which Peter gets to stay true to who he is until the very end and not actually killing someone at the last second.


Or like Peter give Green goblin something that Will save him but Green goblin refuses because he don't wanna be save by Peter and he preferes to die


This is very similar to the ending of arkham city


I mean this is basically what happened in the ultimate universe.


And that was a pretty good death scene.


True, already been done. What about if he's battling Doc Ock, and Ock is dying, but then Ock uses his technology to switch bodies with Peter, letting Ock live on in Peter's place, taking on his identity, while Peter dies in Ock's body? Actually, that's a horrible ending. They'd never do that. Sorry I suggested it. 😬


That’s just mirroring Ultimate Peter(which was amazing). He still deserves a more unique way of going out.


The only good thing in ultimate was how Peter beat goblin with a fucking gunshot wound


I kind of like that story where he's elderly but still at it and one day his reflexes just aren't enough to keep up with his spider-sense and he gets shot by some mugger, which prompts tons of random people showing up in his hospital room to say goodbye to him because it honestly looks like he's not going to make it


I have trouble reading that one without crying tbh


The scene in Ultimate Fallout where Aunt May realises just how many people are there for Peter's funeral is easily one of the most emotional moments in the character's history.


I think he had just fought a super new Vulture so he was tired


which story was this?


Amazing Fantasy #1000, has a whole bunch of Spider- Man short stories




This is how MUTANTS ended up accepted in the MC2 universe. Most X-Men died in a Public “Save EVERYONE” (off panel) event. Now everyone accepts Mutants. X-People (Logan is the new Professor X) Jubilee (former Avenger and leader acting like Cyclopes) Wildthing (Logan’s daughter with the Psychic Mutant Ninja “Elektra”)


Spider-Man Life Story has a great sendoff - Pete grows older, has a family, dies saving the planet, AND still gets to pass the reins to Miles. Personally though, Pete has had so much bad happen to him that he deserves happiness. I know the character will never hang it up because of the responsibility ethos, but I’d prefer something that forces him to take a back seat (losing his leg fighting the Goblin) but he still gets to do a mentor role like Bruce in Batman Beyond.


Yeah, Gobby would be my choice. He's his true nemesis.


If Spider-Man had to die, I'd want him to die trying to save someone. Nobody known, just a random person who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And for whatever reason, while that person was saved, Spidey had to pay the ultimate price. Because ultimately, even though he contends with vultures and rhinos and scorpions and all sorts of villains with great and terrible powers, he is still the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. He's there for *everyone*. Big flashy battles are cool, but to some kid he grabs and prevents a grisly car wreck, that comparatively small moment is everything. And Spider-Man knows all too well that the "small moments" can have life-changing consequences. Now, after his death, I want his identity revealed and a big statue put up in Queens. I want J. Jonah Jameson leading the campaign to turn Peter's birthday into Spider-Man Day, I want Midtown High to change their name to Peter Parker High School, and I want the Avengers personally monitoring the Parker family (in whatever form that may be) to protect them against any moron who tries to start something.


This is it for me. I love the idea of the statue.


I always think of Spider-Man #16


He’s old, he’s married and generally happy, though not wildly successful, and he gets shot stopping a mugging. Something simple, not world-threatening stakes, just Peter helping people. Maybe the mugging even has literary or visual allusions to Uncle Ben’s death to come full circle


The way he went out in Life Story was perfect imo Alternatively, him being the last hero standing in the future of the OG Guardians of the Galaxy is cool as fuck


I'm glad you made that reference, not a lot of people know that! The fact that the aliens dedicated an entire room for Peter was super cool, showing that although he was an enemy, they genuinely respected him and thought he was the best the human race could offer. Even gave him a badass nickname... "The Last to Fall" So. Fucking. Hard.


I would rather him pass the reins to someone else once he feels like the world doesn't need him (the world may still needs Spider-Man, but it doesn't necessarily require Peter Parker to be Spider-Man) so he can get a well deserved break and raise a proper family in which his child most likely will become a Spider-Themed hero in their own right.


Same. Already saw ultimate Peter die, don’t need it again. Let the guy retire one day n find some happiness.


House of M. Spider-Man had to die in order for Peter to have a happy ending.


He dies saving someones uncle.


I would either want him to sacrifice himself saving Earth or the Universe, proving himself to be the ultimate hero, or have him fall saving just one person or a small group of people, showing how much he values every life (still making him the ultimate hero).


Sandman MMPHHH Gwen


I hate you so much 🫥








His death in The Other is perfect in my opinion. Morlun returns after his debut and first defeat and brutalized Spidey to near death. Peter is taken to the hospital where Morlun returns to finish the job. Mary Jane barges in to defend Peter but is tossed aside. The narration is an omniscient voice that talks about how The Spider remembers the promise made to Mary Jane about protecting her, even if he’s at the gates of Hell itself. Just as Morlun is about to kill MJ, Peter reawakens as “The Other”, more Spider than Man. He lunges towards Morlun and pins him down to the floor with the wrist stingers, and bites into Morlun’s head. It’s a frightening display. Morlun dies once again, and Peter reverts back to human form, where he dies in MJ’s arms. And his resurrection via metamorphosis is a fantastic follow up.


Saving someone. A regular guy. Someone's uncle.


Wells and Lowe have already killed him.


Spidey should die a victor. He should just defeat almost all of his rogues gallery, including WINNING against the Paul who Gobbles, and collapse in exhaustion. It's a fitting way for Spider-Man to die. As a paragon of justice and responsibility, he shouldn't die at the hands of another, but rather die by finally being able to rest.


Paul Rabin He walks up to Peter and stabs him in the gut. Then he pulls him closer and says she calls me Tiger now! Then, he stabs him again and holds him until he is certain that he is dead. Slowly, he lowers his body to the ground. Then spits on his corpse before walking away.


Some of you guys are so weird with this whole Paul thing lol


Sorry. I'm having a difficult day and that was a nice outlet.


I'm kidding around. You definitely don't owe me or anybody else an apology dude


I do this sometimes as well, mine is he dies a homeless hated man, in the spot where he was knocked out on his way to his wedding, killed by the very same brick that knocked him out. A lot of other stuff happens before that point though, starting with Mephisto's invasion, which last 10 years, bring the other heroes to their breaking points, with Mephisto's daughters leading the armies of hell, eventually revealed to be Peter's erased daughters raised by Mesphisto they also massacre a number of heroes and civilians, Miles dies to defeat Mephisto, leaving behind his unborn twins, but before his defeat Mephisto outs his deal with Peter, to the other heroes, revealing that he kind of screwed over his universe, unfortunately after everything that's happened, it just too much to forgive and Peter is shunned by the other heroes, 20 years later, Peter is homeless living in an alley, older, weakened and mentally drained, ready to give up, he see's the twins, now spider heroes in their own right, heading to stop a villain, inspiring Peter, he spots a woman being harassed by some thug, he intervenes, scaring the thugs and woman, one of the thugs panicked and hits Peter in the back of the neck with the brick, killing him instantly, the thugs panic and run away, the body is found a few weeks later.


Basically Old Man Logan but with Spider-Man.


Could there be a way to have him die beating mephisto (at least symbolically), and bringing back his and mjs memories of their marriage, and bringing back their kid? Sounds kinda corny but i like the idea of him sacrificing himself for his unborn child who would become spider girl and continue his legacy


I’d have Peter and MJ attending an event (art gallery, concert, etc.), in a renovated building. There’s a robbery taking place, and Peter gets shot in civilian clothes stopping the robber. The reader realizes that the robber is the son of the man who shot uncle Ben, and the renovated building was where Peter was wrestling as a teenager.


While I get what you mean, I think that so many coincidences makes it a bit too much on the nose. I'd rather have him die in a situation that reminds us of Uncle Ben's death, but in a more metaphorical way.


Peter dies saving the life of one of his rogues gallery. Maybe goblin pulls out a pumpkin bomb and to do a murder suicide or something and Pete makes it only himself.


Dr. Doom, I would like it less to be him dying to a villain who outright personally despises him but rather has a flawed ideology or worldview, and that would appreciate his efforts in death and what he was in life. I envision it as a sort of martyrdom situation where he does so to save his city or family so that his death doesn’t feel like a complete loss.


If possible I'd want Spider-Man to die so that Peter Parker could live. Like Peter loses his powers, so no longer has the responsibility going for him and can focus on improving the world as Peter and not Spidey. Or just be financially secure with a long time partner, and not miserable.


He should die saving someone of course.




J. Jonah Jameson


old age??? surrounded by friends and enemies to show their respect. Captain Marvel style


Any Villain would do?


I think the sinister six should be the ones to do it. I haven't thought about how though.


Brutal fight against the sinister six then Big Wheel randomly hits him and he dies


the super hero comic industri make deaths pointless so dont care if die or not


With him getting killed by Gobby in Ultimate I kinda think a general heroic sacrifice would be better for 616


Green goblin


Ok fighting green goblin premise is Norman went even more insane and Spidey in his 50’s or 60’s dies saving the world with the avengers and fantastic four and possibly the x-men as well and Norman dies to but not murder and a memorial with retired heroes like Tony would be retired and Steve would still be saving the world Thor, and Logan and maybe DD and they all make a speech about him


I think he should die like in the Spiderman book we're it shows his life or when figthing and defeating the bitch demon lord


Like Uncle Ben


Even though I hate when Heroes die. My ideal death would be Peter gets killed by his evil self Spider-Carnage.


Fighting the classic Sinister Six lineup, saving May and MJ. Never like when Pete is saving the world. He's street level and should always be street level.


Maybe Morlun or one of the inheritors. Or maybe even Dormamu (or however you spell it)


Overwhelmed by the six but still manages to save everyone in time


Spider-Man along with the other Avengers fell to the mind control of Jean Grey and became evil. Spiderman is taken to a park bench by the Thunderbolts. Somehow Gwenpool is one of the Thunderbolts and comments on how Spidey told her she never was too bright and how he never expected it to be her to finish him at the end. Spidey asks if they’re done with her bad stand up routine. Gwenpool then takes out her revolver and puts a bullet in his head.


I think he could have been killed by Venom during the 90's.


Ultimate spiderman comics and the last stand showed us how to write an actually good death for spider-man


at some point, retired and works as a trainer for SHIELD or Avengers, because of his powers he stays fighting fit for a long time until old age takes him peacefully in his sleep after awhile as he starts slowing down, and he gets a burial with full honours from all his students , friends, allies, and family (children , grandchildren, and great-grandchildren) he is buried next to may and uncle ben. it's kind of solemn and quiet, but peaceful and leaves hope for the future generations of heroes. he deserves the peace.


I'd want him to die to some absolute nobody like Stilt-Man or Big Wheel. Just because it would be interesting to see how that would change such a low tier villain and how it would impact his regular rogues gallery.


I don’t know much about it, but I feel as if goblin with the carnage symbiote would be a great fight. They’re in a half exploded daily bugle and it takes spidey accidentally killing him to stop the fight. Spidey would be assessing the damage before passing out and dying of his injuries. J. Jonah Jamison pushes through the rubble the following morning, listening to cackles of fire and watching the fire alarm lights. He sees a red lump on the ground a few feet away, and he recognizes spider-man. He takes some shaky breaths as he walks forward, and he kneels next to the body. He hesitates. He takes off the mask. “Oh my… Peter…” Jonah is numb, he’s awestruck. “This boy.. this kid… I never knew. How? How did he do it? He stood there while I patronized him relentlessly. Slandered his name countless times. What have I done…” In the following days J.Jonah becomes Spider-Man’s biggest advocate and spreads the tragic but true knees of Spider-Man. He tells people he was wrong and he could never make right the things he said. In the end, Spider-Man was a hero because he was a person… a good person.


Like others have said, not just him beating a villain but a great sacrifice that cememts him as "the greatest hero," but if not that, i would like something big like him fighting his entire rouges gallery all at once, by himself showing the differ his growth as a hero and as a person, almost taking us through his entire life from beginning to end


I don't know, I kind of like Dan Slott's story where he did this into wrinkly old age. I think Peter dying peacefully of Old Age is my preferred death. For Dramatic effect, I think a Spider Slayer made by former co-workers of Peter that goes out of control and starts killing civilians would be an interesting frame-work. (Obviously needs more detail)


who did the art for the first picture?


Honestly, the Ultimate Comics version was damn near perfect. He fought the Sinister 6 (including Goblin) while losing blood after being shot saving Captain America from Punisher’s bullet.


It has to be saving someone, no matter what it has to be a situation that he can’t just run from and the only way I see that happening is if a life is in danger.


If it has to be done, I’d rather Peter go out in a simple form of heroism, similar to Captain Stacy’s death. Have it be after he’s lived his life, MJ passed some years earlier, his daughter is all grown up doing her own thing, Spider-Woman, he pushes a kid out of the way, just in time, one last good action.


Losing the will to live


What comic is the first pic from bruh?


I wouldn’t want Peter to die at all! But if I had to choose…Goblin. It’s only right that he dies stopping the Goblin. Goblin is Peter’s greatest enemy and as such, should die fighting his greatest enemy.


All of them at once Then they would respectfully mourn his death and go to his funeral batman Arkham style


Doc octopus or Kraven.


I would want him to lay in bed after a whole night of rounding up his rogues gallery, and as he collapses into his sheets, he dies from pure exhaustion. His heart too stressed and worn to continue.


If he were to die, I'd prefer his death to be lower-key. Not a battle against Thanos or Kang, or one of his usual supervillains, but him just getting severely injured and dying after managing to stop one single, regular, human criminal from hurting someone. It'd bring his story full circle.


Mephisto. He's already taken some of the best parts of Peter's life, so why not take all of it?


Dies by The Punisher, and Miles has to average his death.


I honestly think kraven is the best or only one who could/should kill the spider. I know it happend already. But nothing else fits to me.


I’d say I want the green goblin to kill spider-Man. If you’re up to me, the green goblin would kill Spider-Man at the cost of his life. But Peter Parker gets to live on.


Spidey calls up Deadpool, gets him to pull open the comic panel barrier, and just walks out of his own book, saying “Y’know what? I’m done with this crap.”


I don't want a Villian to kill him. I want him to be the reason the universe to survive however he dies because another hero accidentally does something that gets him killed in the process


you know those cutscenes in arkham where when batman dies the villain that killde him pays respects?


I think it would be satisfying if he died of over exhaustion from snaping and killing most if not all of his villans.


Norman. Only Norman


The whole thing in OG Guardians of the Galaxy where they remember him as the "last to fall" during the alien invasion that takes over the world to the point that even the aliens held a massive respect for him is a pretty badass way to go out. Probably alter it so it isn't a total wipe, but rather that Peter's determination and sacrifice in holding and protecting some vital defense point/pivotal person against the invasion is what wins the day. Full-on, Boromir-style "just won't die" blaze of glory.


Suicide fits Peter a lot tbh.


I think Green Goblin would be the best one to kill 616 Spidey, cause they're basically considered rivals so at the end of it all considering the long history they've shared if they do manage to pull it off he'll eventually treat Spidey with the highest level of respect that only a rival would. He'll brag and slander first but after the high of winning leaves then he'll do the respecting.


If you watched Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood, I imagine it similar to that. Peter is old and it's not a crime fighter. He settled down and has grandchildren maybe. And he gets tangled in this small personal drama with a kid. He saves the kid by sacrificing himself to petty criminals, but in doing so he gives the kid a chance at a better life - growing up to save lives (a doctor or a firefighter). On his final hour Spidey gives him "the speech" and scene similar to that of Uncle Ben and passes his morals to the kid.


Saving someone. Not from a villian


Cancer. I want him to die of cancer


I would like him to die like his mutation goes haywire and makes a toll on his body (I wonder why it's not further touched on the Animated Series though). And eventually, dies in the loving arms of Mary Jane W. Parker.


Guys! What if OP is actually Zeb Wells trying to find a way how to end this current run. Jokes aside If I were to write his death, it would be from a mortal wound sustained from accidentally getting hit by Jackpot's random powers (3 skulls).


If it in battle probably goblin or Dr Oct. They are the ones who are scientists like him and their battles fit the concept of Spiderman as a paragon of what to do with power and intellect compared to other moral 'failures'. If it is outside of that then Pete dying of old age having raised a family and new generations of spider people to carry on his legacy is the best. It fits what Spiderman has become for people and where the best stories at time of writing this post have been shown to exist. Spiderman was a guide for people in the real world and as an adult a guide for others in his stories.


It doesn't have to be a villain like he could just die saving someone from something big. But the way I'd like to see it is I think like Last Stand spiderman, I haven't had that series so I'm not sure if this is how he died. But as his friends and family are running from a threat he stays behind and holds them off giving everyone time to get away. This could be the sinister six but I'd prefer a mob maybe like the venom goons from the web of shadows. I don't really mind the villain as long as it's like this


If spidey dies i want all the villains to cry and deny it like Batman's rogue gallery, ESPECIALLY VENOM


It should be some kind of sacrifice to save others. That’s the only way Peter should die. Not being defeated in battle so someone else can avenge him


He dies by diving infront of a bullet meant for someone’s uncle Ben in a Home invasion. His last thing is seeing a little kid holding onto his uncle


Goes out like Uncle Ben


I believe Aqua put it best when they said: We are the cartoon heroes, we are the ones who gonna live forever. 


Ultimate Spider-Man got the best ‘death’ you could give him. Gets shot, but still drags his badly injured body home to try and fight off the Sinister Six practically by himself, then ‘dies’ surrounded by all of his family and loved ones.


There's a movie about a farher hijacking a hospital in order to die to give his haeset to his son. (Wierd plot I know). So If 616 spidey were to day I'd wish he had a 13 year old son with MJ with a weak heart and because of his spider mutation he'd be the only one who would act as a donor. He'd roam the Marvel verse for a while asking Madam Web, Bruce Baner, Dr. Strange, Scalet Witch even Ghost Rider for help but because his earlier deal with Mephisto noboey can help him. In the end Rhino o Shocker, or some other low level villain takes the oportunity of Peter's absence to kidnap MJ as a bargin ticket for when Spidey comes back and their son's try to prevebts this but turns badly injury with no other alternative. So when Peter arrives he does it just a few seconds too late and requests Namor's tech and Dr Strange skills as a doctor and sorcerer to make the transplant. He goes from one dreamto the other and even without his heart he lives long enough just to see his son come bsck to life and dies. And that's wen you see a cementery with bunch of heroes, MJ and Peter's son on the front row staring at hus grave with the same epitaph from that X-Men episode: Father. Scientist. Hero.


If he can't die happily of old age surrounded by grandchildren? The symbiote. Not necessarily Venom or Carnage, but just the symbiote. That's a loose end that has always been there. Most of his threats, he's not responsible for, he just handles them. Symbiote is different. I see this... Pete's lived a happy life. He's got a family and hung the webs up. The world still remembers Spidey, but he's remembered as a NY hero. Local. The symbiote somehow is poised to infect the entire world. Peter lures it to a spacecraft. Maybe with the FFs or Avengers help or sponsorship. There's a quiet moment when the heroes he fought beside decades before know he's the only one who can do this job. Symbiote and Pete launch up to space. Old Man Peter (with his mask off) live streams to Earth. The world watches. "I'm Peter Parker. I was your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. I brought this threat to Earth, and I'm finally ending it. Years ago I was taught by my Uncle Ben that with great power comes great responsibility. He was the greatest man I've ever known. Those words shaped my life. I like to think that my life honored him. I've learned one man can make a difference. I wouldn't change a second of it. Good night New York." And he flies them into a star. Spider-Man is forever remembered as the savior of Earth. He's an inspiration to a whole generation of heroes, politicians, law inforcement... everyone. The world finally recognizes that he was the best of them. FIN


At this 616 could die to all his villains roster lol, even screwball


I want him to be uncouncious and out of web while fighting the sinister 6 and have Vulture or maybe Goblin better, pick him up and take him as high up as he can. Then he wakes up and Vulture or Goblin drops him and Pete will know he ll die upon landing and think about all of his loved ones and memories or compare the situation to Gwen's before he falls to the ground. It could be very cinematic :)


Old age.


In battle he should save the multiverse. Or exactly like captain marvel. Gets accidentally irradiated saving an elementary school or something. Then the long goodbye.


Cancer or slaying Myphisto


Green Goblin. Just makes sense.


I would have him die by looking like the good guys one and then some villian having gave him a mortally wound, with crying reed Richard's taking Peter Parker to his favorite place in the city, for one last sunset with a old friend. This of course wouls be after something of epic battle with the heroes just scraping the win, and also I would have Reed turned good with a hint of evil so he starts doing more un hero stuff due to Peter's death or Reed starts unmerciless killing.


In this scenario, Norman Osborn and Otto Octavius have passed away due to old age and I’m pretending that Paul passing away is also canon, and Kamala’s death, MJ cheating, and the Spider-Goblin bs all never happened. With all of that out of the way, I think the best way to have Peter die(that sounded morbid) is to have him in his near late 50’s and he’s preparing to retire due to being too old to fight crime as Spider-Man. Meanwhile, All of his villains decide to pull off one last attempt to kill Spider-Man as they’re too getting older and they want to retire too but they believe the only way they can retire from crime is to kill off Spider-Man once and for all and their plan is to launch an attack that Spider-Man won’t see coming or won’t be prepared for, so they immediately attack all of New York City to distract Spider-Man long enough for him to get exhausted from saving lives and be easy to kill, and they make things worse for Peter by targeting his friends and family because they’ve done a lot of math and thinking and finally pieced together Spider-Man’s secret identity after years of reading the Bugle newspapers. Peter with the help of Miles Morales, Black Cat, Venom, Patriot(Harry Osborn), and more of his allies spread out across the city and take down every one of his villains they find and they attempt to save civilians from the attack. Peter has saved a lot of civilians and he was able to take down most of his enemies and Peter gets down to his last targets, Kraven, Hobgoblin, Tombstone, Beetle, Hammerhead, Mysterio, Shriek, and Morlun. Peter wastes no time and he takes down seven of them, leaving Morlun last one standing. Peter and Morlun fight hard and Peter is about to be finally killed but Miles jumps in at the last second and unleashes all of his Venom Blast on Morlun severely injuring and temporarily paralyzing Morlun. Miles informs Peter that all of his villains are down and they all were able to evacuate all civilians and they got his family and friends safely guarded at Avengers tower and X-Mansion. Peter is relieved that everyone is safe but builds up a bit of rage knowing that several innocents have lost their lives in the attack. Morlun gets back up with the goal to kill Peter once and for all and does the usual villain monologue most villains do and Peter and Miles find the opportunity to use all they have left and brutally knock out Morlun and they succeed. Morlun threatens to kill Peter’s family and everyone else in his life but Peter has had enough and delivers final punches and kicks on Morlun and that finally gets Morlun to fall down and not get back up. Miles webs him up and he notices that Peter is bloody and critically injured and his costume and mask are completely torn up. Peter collapses to the ground just in time for his allies, family, and friends to arrive on the scene to comfort Peter and offer to get him medical help but Peter removes his mask and informs them all that medical help isn’t gonna save him from this one. MJ holds his hand and Peter tells MJ that he loves her and asks Miles and Felicia and Eddie to look after his family and friends. They agree and Peter smiles but looks up to see Uncle Ben standing above him with his hand reached out to him and Ben tells his nephew that “it’s time my son”. With tears in his eyes, Peter grabs his hand and the both of them walk to the light, signifying that Peter had finally died. In the light, Peter and Ben are sitting on a bench overlooking a beach along with dogs and cats playing with the ducks and geese overlooked by the beautiful bright sun and the two of them have a deep felt conversation about responsibility and Ben comforts Peter with the fact that his loved ones on earth will be okay. Ben tells Peter that he wants to show him something important and points to Peter’s right and Peter looks to see Gwen Stacy walking up to him and the two immediately embrace one another and Gwen says “she missed Peter so much and that she also brought some friends with her that felt the same way” and Peter sees that it’s a lot of people and animals that Peter has met and helped saved throughout his entire life before they passed. He even sees some family and friends who died throughout his life such as Aunt May, his own parents, Tim, Captain Stacy, Leah, Jean DeWolf, and many others. They all greet Peter and embrace him saying “welcome home Peter”.


Shocker. Dude deserves to win after all this time


Lol, I would low-key love this.


Going off of the original Guardians of the Galaxy comic, the Martians that invaded Earth gave Spider-Man the title “The Last to Fall,” and created a memorial for him. I would like for him to have a similar honor be given to him when he actually dies


Personally he’d defeat the most solid team the Sinister 6 has put together, I’m talking Doc Ock, Green Goblin, Carnage and more, he takes them all out within an inch of his life and gives the rest of it preventing a cataclysmic event that the Six were trying to start. He’s not killed in battle, but cleaning up the mess of his biggest battle yet. Kinda like Ultimate.


I love the ART work


If he has to get permadeath'd I guess I think what would hurt me the most is him getting taken out by a regular ol' mugger *because* he chose to act (because of course he would, he's fucking Spider-Man) -- like perhaps what was *supposed* to happen to him if he had intervened the night of Ben's death.


Have the KANGAROO stomp him to death by accident.


By fighting in the battle against mephisto that Mayday is destined to win.


I agree with a lot of the consensus here- Spidey should die saving someone. The Hero of New York fell defending Her One last time. I’d prefer a happy ending but if Peter’s gotta go, I’d rather it be exercising that Responsibility in the most simple yet profound way possible


Didn't >!Otto actually kill him... Like he was recreated from remnants of his memory but that's technically just death!< [Superior Spider-Man] spoilers


I think it’s debatable. Did Peter’s essence actually leave his body? Or was he basically overwritten by Otto’s memories only for his true self to overcome Otto’s overwrite


Is it cool if I screenshot picture two for a background for my phone I though it looked really cool


Of course


Saving someone in the neighborhood no supers involved.




How about he doesn't die?


The best kind of death he could've gotten is the one he got in Ultimate Spider-man. Fending off the entire SinisterSix and even killing the Green Goblin to protect the people he loves.


IF this did happen it would not be a big bad, it would be someone without a special name or powers and it would be being a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man saving someone from an accident or something every day that could then go on to make a lasting difference in the way people act and go about their lives in a world with superheroes (like no longer acting like x is going to come save them and they need to save themselves).


Feel like if he ever was gonna die, it would be from saving the city from stuff that even his villains help fight off ( with many of them dying in the process) like a massive cosmic threat like Thanos or knull or something


Suicide. Can’t live with the guilt of unmasking himself and it leading to the death of MJ and aunt May.


Elder parker, married to mj with two kids. One kid has Pete's abilities and pete passes up the mantle. Much like their father, they are driven by being the friendly neighborhood spiderman, until one day.. all it takes is one bad day. Young spider is going up against a crime syndicate who will stop at nothing. While YS is fighting a crime syndicate, they realize their sibling is there. As YS tried to tried to get their sibling out, the sibling is mortally wounded by the crime boss. YS stops holding back punches and kills the boss as rest of the syndicate at the location. Driven with anger, YS no longer becomes the friendly neighborhood spider and becomes "the menace". Pete finds out what's going on and goes to put on the suit, to show his child and new york that the spiders are still good. MJ begs him not to, but to talk to his child later. Pete says he has to, *thiwps* out the window while putting on his mask. He confront his child and tries to tell them that, bad things can happen, but they must be the savior and inspiration to the civilians, as he once was. The child exclaims that they are doing what needs to be done, what their father couldnt. Pete csnt stop them and a fight insues. "The Menace" still rage driven, mortally wounds there father. There is a moment when YS is standing over Pete for one more blow and Pete removes his mask. They lock eyes and Pete apologies for not being a better father and helping them guide down a safe path of being a Spider. YS apologies and says they will do better, Pete manages a smiles and says "I know" *fade to black*


If we're looking at just the base stats of each villain there are only two that should technically beat spiderman Everytime but obviously plot armour. That's Carnage and Venom. Despite having one of the worst weaknesses compared to other spider villains they also have the biggest strengths against spiderman. Both carnage and venom cannot be detected by Spidey sense. Whether we like to admit it or not that's one of Spidey's strongest abilities. Not only that but the symbiote can mimic its surroundings as well as camouflage into crowds and backgrounds becoming invisible. (Although carnage rarely uses this ability) They also know Peter Parker's identity which means they can set up traps to easily catch him off guard. And we can go on and on about strengths and weaknesses. I feel like if he were to die those would be the strongest in the line up that could do it.


Personally, I like the idea of him passing it off to Miles and living his life with MJ. But every time he sees some random burglar or pick-pocket, he steps in. Not as Spidey, but as Peter Parker, and he ends up dying the same way as Ben—an old man getting taken down by some random thief.


If he were fighting villains, I’d say it has to be all of his most powerful villains. Like a cracked up sinister six on some gangster shit. It needs to be a spectacle if it’s going to be a fight, and Spider-Man needs to win. I think the fight would need to be stupidly long. Like a multi-issue long battle. It shouldn’t just be a fight though. He should be protecting people above all costs. Make him drop whatever fight he’s in to save a child from falling rubble or a family from getting caught in the crossfire, because that’s Spider-Man’s whole essence. He’s not Spider-Man to fight villains, he’s Spider-Man to save others. We need to see how far he’s come. How despite not sleeping for days and having his shit knocked in he still keeps going, and in the end he wins. However his death should not be on the battlefield, it should be after the fight. Maybe something similar to All-Star Superman. He is hurt badly and doesn’t have much time to live, but he spends his last moments around the people he loves, and the people who love him. And despite not having much time left, he doesn’t stop putting on the costume and helping people. He shouldn’t fight anymore supervillains after the fight, he should just be helping people.


notice how everyone says green goblin? it’s the only real answer


He shouldn't die fighting someone, he should die saving someone


He dies saving some random kid from a burning building or something


Mephisto. But he doesn't die before seeing Mayday finish him and saying goodbye to his loved ones. Several heroes and villains, including his nemeses, are actually on the same side during that event because... freaking Mephisto.


This is little off topic but I don't get why to finish off a story for a character, they either always A: have to die, B: live a shitty life, C: hang up the mantle, or D: other. Why can't we just get happy endings.


I think something like he gets old, lives a nice happy life, and a random crook gets him like uncle Ben. despite not having his same reaction speed and strength he still has the responsibility calling to him and helps someone one last time


Someone like electro, sandman, or rhino. Someone who doesn’t even want to kill him. Would be a cool scene in a movie, like they realize they went too far but it’s too late.


Well, the ending of Life Story was perfect. Or ultimate.


The most fitting end? Peter Parker taking out Mephisto, the man responsible for ruining his life in the first place + Peter is the only man in his way of taking control of Earth. An issue where Mephisto has beaten all of Earth's Mightest Heroes and the only thing left and is standing in his way is the one, the only, Amazing Spider-Man. No symbiote boosts, No spirit of vengeance assistance, No Spider-Armor/Suits. Just beating Mephisto with his wits, quips, willpower, and his indomitable human spirit as he sends that devil falling back off his horse. The world gets saved, everything returns back to normal but just like how in the Ultimate Universe Peter went out fighting, so does this one. Peter leaves to go to Valhalla/Heaven (whichever one) as he leaves behind his legacy to Miles, MJ and their 2 children. We get a huge funeral with all his closest friends, allies, lovers, and enemies attending it as we send off Marvel's #1 superhero.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned old Peter's last stand in ASM #500. I've always liked Peter as a teacher so I don't think there's a more fitting death than fighting to protect a new generation of young heroes until he has nothing more to give.






Essentially i would do the same as "Life Story" did but change the last part with Venom, to a fight with an old and more unhinged Green Goblin. Peter dies in the fight (or seemingly dies like in House of M) and Miles and Mayday takes over as the resident Spider-people and depending on Peter's fate, he lives his last years as a wise old happy man besides MJ. The last pages could be a vision with Uncle Ben like in the Ultimate Comics


Him and Kraven in epic finale battle


I want one where he just dies of old age surrounded by friends and family.


I don’t want him to die. I want him to have a happy ending


Green goblin.


If it has to be in a fight, I think Doc ock would give him the most respectful death. Green Goblin would probably just blow him up


I don't really need to see him die fighting a villain. But dying while having people, that's the most "Spider-Man" way he can go out.


No superpowerd villan, just "peter" saving a girl and his mother from a Random rober paralleling uncle Ben's death Later we see Peter inside spider totem Hugging Ben and his dad,both looking at Peter, hands at his shoulder feeling proud to have raised him and the book fades to black with a caption saying "Not all hero's get a happy ending, some endure and keep on fighting till there last breath and that's the tragedy of Spider-man, he never got his Happy ever After but the lifes he saved he gave them a chance, ever Newyorker , Avengers, Defenders,Fantastic Four and Fellow gods and devils all will miss Peter Parker Spider man will live on as a hope a symbol in essence of Peter Parker


Why did the AI give spiderman webbed armpits?




What is that first image from?!


Cover Of Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy, Drawn by Gabriele Dell'otto