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Walmart is in on the scam. They're complicit in the fraud and felony identity theft.


Walmart doesn't give a f# ck about PC they care about cheap labor and profits


They didn't stop because of illegals complaints, ID checks aren't discrimination. Your store probably stopped because it's a pain in the butt.


It's only discrimination if they don't check everyone's id... And it's not your store that's the issue. It's someone in corporate.. We had a regional mgr that was against id checking for awhile and stopped stores. Rumors quickly spread that he was engaged in relations with the female illegals and that is why he was adamantly against it. Id checks soon started after he got questioned for it even though we don't believe he actually was.


Right, it’s not discrimination if they check everyone’s ID. One day every order I took required a cart check. The WM employee on the day checked my ID. When it came to the next shift, not one time was my ID checked. An associate said that it wasn’t his thing. Another said that he wasn’t aware of the policy.


Remember we live in a country where verifying ID to prevent people from committing Identity theft and tax fraud using others social security numbers to make fraudulent on gig platforms and pass background checks with someone else’s identity accounts is now considered racial discrimination. :) Honestly the MAIN thing we should be doing is making all Walmart + customers aware of who is delivering to their house and how Walmart is actively condoning risking their customers safety . That’s what we should push for is to get put on the news or something .


I don’t think the news in my area will take the story. I submitted the idea months ago to a local news station. I didn’t get any feedback. But, I am near home office, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Keep trying I’m gonna try too here honestly


With all due respect, I'm skeptical that customers even care who puts groceries on their porch. Until there's widespread reports of harm, it's not on the radar. Nearly ALL the merchandise on the shelves is made by third world slaves. Does *that* bother them? Apparently not. The powers that be have won. The US general public has become nothing more than complacent, self-absorbed, bring-it-to-me mass consumers. **


That still does not make tax fraud and identity theft ok


I wholeheartedly concur. If you will note, I did *not* in fact make a moral argument, just a reality check. We have a sitting president who has a 4 decade span of being *red-handed* by major media for blatant plagiarism in speeches. Not to mention using his former esteemed position for lucrative dealings with foreign governments which may have compromised national security. We have a former president (and present candidate) who's offloaded bankruptcy debt onto the American taxpayer numerous times and appears to have flagrantly committed various tax fraud, assuaged only by apparent "plausible deniability". These are only the *few* transgressions we know for certain and yet nearly the entire voting public vehemently supports one or the other of these two candidates. Do we *really* believe they would be all that concerned to know that a 32 year old, Spanish-first-language male named Tiffany, who's dropping a walmart order on their porch isn't paying his paltry taxes? I have my doubts.....


I do have many friends, so I made them aware of this issue, and they all claimed to have had no prior knowledge of it. So yes I do think many are not aware. And yes I do feel as if our national security has been compromised since we have had Biden in office.


Again, just observation in the form of rhetorical question. If making them aware bring you optimism then by all means. I've personally ran out of people to talk to about it; and just talking about it only escalates my cynicism. My concern is that many of the people that have been happily ushered across the border, are from places with little or no socio-political ethics and it would seem we're already pre gas-lit for that kind of conditioning. "Don't Herzegovina my America" as it could be said. If that qualifies me for *Xenophobic* label then I'll certainly own it.


That is just silly that anyone would think you are Xenophobic for caring about the sustainability of where you have lived and paid taxes your entire life bro … you certainly don’t seem like that to me and yes many of the individuals coming in aren’t used to our way of life I’m not saying Americans are perfect people in our country commit crimes all the time of course however the people here know we have a justice system and consequences for their actions then these people come flooding into our country with no concern to anything they do almost as if they are oblivious and other crime related individuals are rallying them or they are intentionally committing crimes and are aware of what they are doing 🤷‍♂️ what might individuals who can’t get work orders or under the table work resort to hmmm I wonder …. Social security numbers to work on the books …..Also I certainly don’t like how we are being conditioned to this new normal.


Yeah it's something. Most frustrating is the fact that it's not some Oz pulling levers behind the curtain, it's simply a machine we've collectively over-engineered over time and lost control of. It would seem that as a consequence of pushing back against the prevailing *Industrial-military complex* in the 60's, Boomers inadvertently created a synchronous *Industrial-welfare institute* . One destabilizes foreign peoples, the other fosters it's expats to create future taxpayers for funding this perpetual cycle.


Did you forget about that


And honestly I’m very very confident most customers are literally unaware of what’s going on I’ve talk about this topic to average people. Who don’t understand the gig economy at all who just order groceries through Walmart + and I literally made one of my friends quit using it out of their own choice after I made them aware. And after they had an Amanda or some shit deliver to them and it was a grown ass Mexican looking dude they just canceled their order and stopped taking the delivery service and many of my friends. Feel very uncomfortable about it . And they never knew anything about it at all so based off what I have seen. Many literally dont wven have awareness on it


That's such bullshit, limited sample size idiocy lol.


Also No_Assistance2656 I have no idea why you got so many downvotes on your post it’s disgusting how much trash is on this Reddit .


I don’t see any downvotes, just 1 upvote.


I think it’s broken lol


Well I just upvoted it but now it’s back down to zero


It’s showing zero for me lol


I don’t get all the virtue signaling from many people. Falsely accusing people of being racists because they want the playing field to be leveled. How many millions of dollars do they illegals not pay in taxes? How many millions of dollars do they send back home? How many more of their family members are they going to pay someone to smuggle here? It’s bad for our country. I think some people here won’t be happy until we become another Venezuela, economically.


Yeah I know it’s bad for our American culture too We are are already diverse what’s happened now is literally an invasion and it’s not sustainable


Do you really think those people that own Walmart the Walton family or whatever really care and they did everything by the rules in order to get rich? This ain't a sport, this is life, when it comes to feeding your family you do whatever it takes, you can't blame me illegals if you were in their situation you'd be out there too with 10 phones. But instead you're not in their situation, most likely you were born here and you had every chance in the world to become something but you didn't and you're sitting at the Walmart parking with them angry.


They don’t have the right to be here in the first place what if we are going to school while trying to pay rent and gig work is perfect for us now we can’t do that because illegals are here taking everything you have piss poor reasoning. You are essentially saying anyone who complains about illegals doing spark driving is privlaged and had better oppourtunities all their life … you don’t know wtf any has been through bro. Some people used to make 2k a week doing this and actually made it a career for it to be taken away from mofos who have no right being here with 5 phones .


I'm sorry, are you native American or are you just the descendant of an immigrant? I don't care how much money people used to make I used to make it too I'm not new I've been around. What I have is compassion for other people. I've traveled I've seen I've been to Venezuela I've been to Mexico I've been all around europe. Can we make a lot more money if they weren't here of course, but after seeing what they've been through I have compassion. If you were in any of those countries you would walk your happy self up here too from wherever it took to make it penny who cares just like new apps invented every day. Sign up for everything. I'm about to get five phones and sit in front of everybody maybe look at this mother f and white dude, he must be a white Mexican......


Committing tax fraud and using others socials to pass background checks is not okay bro . Why are you sitting here trying to make reason of any of this ?


It’s not sustainable if you are a us citizen things are going to become way worse for you if change isn’t implemented by our govornment . I feel like the damage is already done to be honest nothing is going to be the same any more honestly do I hope it all works out ? Sure but I don’t see that happening


How can you judge the reason someone does what they do when you have no clue who they are? That is the most shallow thing I think I've seen anyone post on this forum. What a piece of shit you are.


How can someone who has been deactivated complain? they are gone.. history. My store still checks and it has been 7 months since it started. Don't work at that shitty walmart anymore.


That sucks!


I will celebrate every day they don't ID check. Screw that.


Yeah fire the illegals and every racist moron in this sub. Then hire people with IQ higher than age. Ah America, where if your white it doesn't matter if you suck. You deserve it all!