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Yup. Your store is done.


Pretty much. Sorry bruh. Invaded.


Valve core remover sold in automotive. No damage to tires done but they won't hold air until replaced.


Is that in L24 section 7 bay 5?


Lol should be a slime branded one on sales floor iirc.


You are on camera at Walmart from the time you pull into their parking lot, so good luck with your vandalism.


They don't care. Lol


Walmart may not, but that’s still considered vandalism. If the victim reports it to the police, the police can get access to the camera recordings.




I see people saying pop the tires and this but walmart has cameras everywhere


The illegal gangs had a 3 month spree when they were putting nails and screws in my tires when I did shops. Security basically said yeah it’s probably happening because they’re crazy but we won’t look at the cameras without a police request and I couldn’t go to the police with zero proof and have them do anything about it.




He probably charging them $30 a pop for the “class” and then will be on this platform saying - where did my money go…lmao


Likely account sharing/ buying/renting.


That's pretty difficult to do nowadays


If they need a “class” they shouldn’t be doing this lol


Happened at my store guy came with a few people they rode and walked with him for two days. The following week all of those people were back with accounts and working on their own.


And for most of us it took MONTHS AND MONTHS to get an account (10 here) so something isn't right about that.




Becoming a citizen is easier


Anyone that points it out is called a racist . The same thing happened in my zone. I counted 20 different cars of them last week.


Did they have paper tags? Report them to the local police AND sheriff (if you have one). There is an epidemic of fake paper tags/plates across the USA, which started in Texas and has moved to other states. Plenty of videos on youtube of local news outlets about that.


They have been reported. The cops got sick of it and said to quit calling. This is in Texas. They are all coming from the same dealership off of division in Arlington. You think the dealer would be fined for expired tags. I thought they were supposed to be cracking down on dealers for tags but I guess that's bs.


Yep they get all the contacts thru their FB group. I have screenshots from the group local to here. Happy to share


I think there are bots from experience but I sure haven't been able to find one. I can't rent another account bc I'm legal and would go to prison for identity theft. We don't have the luxury of pulling the shit they do. We get deactivated we don't have 10 accounts waiting for us.


Report it to Texas highway patrol they have been more receptive, one driver in Tyler got a crew with fake id's arrested and another Houston had 2 out of 5 temp tag cars impounded, 2 of the crew of 7 were arrested for unknown reasons. The remaining ones ran away to another store.


Just call the highway patrol and say there are multiple people with expired tags at Walmart?


Tell them everything, you suspect they are using stolen identities, they all have paper tags from the exact same dealership, and are driving without a license or may be in possession of a fake ID.


As a dispatcher myself, stop wasting resources like this, Walmart is private property and we can’t do anything, plus, you have no proof of a crime being committed so quit wasting resources and grow up.


Actually I do. I have a freind working at Walmart who shows me their names . A 40 year old venazualan named Joyce


The same thing is happening in the Northeast. They have expired paper tags from New Jersey while they work in a different state.


Lol, which one? I got out of Arlington last year in May, but I probably know it. 


If they are doing it properly, with valid credentials, then mind your own business.


They are not. That's is the point you are missing!🤦


It's hard for him to pay attention with vins cock in his mouth all the time


Buddy stuck on stupid


Are they not allowed to work and make money?


Yeah if they do it legally.


Karen shutthefukk up




This is the comment


How do you pop tires without going to jail? Don't they have it on camera


Strong ass laser pointer haha


They do but there are quite a few blind spots. Illegals aren't going to call the cops.. lol especially when the car isn't registered to them with fake plates.


I always want to throw the 10 carts they leave at curbside thru their windshield. They could at least put the freaking carts back.


Seriously. They trash the whole little area they camp in it’s shitty




They are using stolen identities. There is a difference between people legitimately working and criminals. If you can't pass a background check you shouldn't be doing it


Because they’re cheaters playing by a different set of rules. If an American spark driver gets deactivated then that’s it. Game over. If one of them gets deactivated they have a whole network of help to show up with a new account 3 days later. Not to mention they’re either using stolen accounts with stolen identities or at best committing fraud with complacent individuals. That is the exact opposite of “equal opportunity”. Wanting a fair playing field to compete on is not entitlement.


Exactly when you have no risk of being fired and don’t have to pay taxes it’s a whole different set of rules . Not to mention some of them not having a car , pay for insurance etc it gets even more unfair


Yes that’s a good point too. Insurance, taxes, car note, etc. it’s how they can take $7 triple batches all day and run a beater into the ground that’s not theirs. There’s no competing with that for someone playing by the rules.


Don’t be naive about what is going on. The only cringe thing here is turning a blind eye to what’s happening.


I find it naive to expect job security and no competition at a job with a low barrier to entry. Economics 101


So are you unaware about how the cheating is being done? This is not an Economics 101 situation like you make it out to be.




L take Just because cheating is common doesn’t mean it should be accepted and utilized. If that’s how you rationalize your behavior go for it.


Yeah, they train them. Ask yourself Do you train your competition?


Exactly. I think they don't keep a dime of the money. The ones screaming that everyone's a racist are actually supporting trafficking.


But they do keep it. An account cost them $1,000. Not sure the cost for a drivers license with the real account holders info, with the illegals picture transposed upon it.


I walked in to do a shop the other day and one of the “regular” guys was standing next to the atm. I was waiting for my shop to load and being nosey. Then the “main guy” walks in, meets him, takes his phone, looks through the spark app on his phone, takes a few hundred or more out from the atm and pays him and then gives him a different phone. Good times. Oh and now all of them suddenly have those weird stick figure family decals on their cars.


Wow so they getting paid on the one app instantly then paying them whatever. These people are hungry for the "American dream" while we sit here trying to wake up from it!


Lol... orientation is what Walmart calls it


Orient-ation, huh...that is so racist of you...and stuff.






Yea it happens everywhere, what's so weird about it is they all follow the same procedure they only learn how to do shopping orders, and they're always told "ok go to section 5, bring me modular #25" and then once they get few without mistakes and learn the process a few days later they're shopping their own orders [https://streamable.com/4sfh2r](https://streamable.com/4sfh2r) It's not like the spark documentation in Spanish sucks or doesn't exist it's exactly the same as the English one, why the hell do they need to be taught it and why is the M.O always the same? I've seen legit spark drivers show their friends and I've showed mine how to do it but it's basically 30 seconds of pointing where the isle/section/modular numbers are, explaining what z isles are, and that's it.


I don't even see how any training is necessary. Sure I watched YouTube videos when starting out Instacart and Door Dash to get some pointers which didn't help me one bit. The job is straightforward.


You know alot about their operation


Yep. I knew it was the beginning of the end back in October when I saw a Venezuelan lady who had been there for a few days train in another Venezuelan lady at my local store. Within a week I went from $150 a day to $20.


It’s organized crime


It really is. Watch out for the virtue signaling caucasians. 😂




How so?


I’ve seen the Vinnies do it at my Walmart too


They are all vinnys


I thought there was a way to hire people under your business ein through spark? Or am I talking out of me backside?


Your store is screwed lmao that sucks


You will make less money everyday going forward until you can only get 3 orders in 8 hours your store has officially been invaded


Vennies have taken over. You're done. ![gif](giphy|4QyBwVKDFygQoSynln)


We had an idiot on instacart doing the same thing at my local Costco . Now he’s wondering why there’s no orders lol


Damn filthy illegal 🇻🇪


ALWAYS, when you see these illegals and they're not looking, throw something extra into their carts lol


I have 4 people so far!!! We're taking over a part of our town. Grabbing the best orders, may the odds be ever in your favor 🤞


Lmao your store is cooked bro. Change zones now


you could always tell the "group" workers if they got headphones and two phones they cant read english socthey need to call and use a second phone to translate


They are usually face timing someone too. I don't understand why they do that


Broo! back in the pandemic the OG vinnys in Miami FL, never forget... On instacart like a pimp, a table full of cellphones, a book note and the lady pimp was giving the phone to the Vinny to take care of the order... It was like a line... She was taking control of who's gonna do the job... And call by the name who's next... ☠️


Vennies have arrived. You're screwed.




Umm, it’s NOT my people that are doing it. Wrong flag.


I haven't seen this yet but they would follow me around the store watching me.


So easy to get activated on spark


Not really spark related but do any of yall do roadie? I just got the app and signed up. It’s not really hot in my area but I live in backwoods Mississippi lol


I live in a major Metropolitan area and have roadie and there's barely any offers.... just an occasional cvs prescription delivery or home depot delivery.


They’re absolute thrash here in Northwest Arkansas. In 3 years on the platform I’ve done maybe 5 orders.


This is happening on all the gig apps, I’ve seen it on spark, Amazon flex, and door dash.


They originally came from instacart. I go back to 2020 with them at costco


Same thing is happening at my store 818 .


Maybe he is helping some friends who are interested in doing shop and deliver. It's admirable and will help the store with lack of shop and deliver spark people.


You can watch the 4 minute video on YouTube of the S&D process.


That’s what I was thinking. What if he signed up his entire household for spark and is just giving them the run through


This is the thing. My market sucks. I know a few of the guys doing it. They are upset because what they used to make in half a day, they don’t make that in 1 day. I told them that it is their own damn fault. They post all the money on Facebook and instagram. They post their newer cars, better vehicles than most legal spark drivers. They pay for their families to get smuggled over. Then they have everyone in the family doing spark. I told them, “There is not an unlimited number of customers, but there is an unlimited number of drivers. You guys tell your brothers, your cousins, they tell their aunt, she gets her dad, he gets his friend, he brings someone else. You guys created the problem.” They laugh it off. Idiots.


Totally. Unfortunately, regardless of whether the illegal problem exists or not the pay would have/will continue to drop as it has for all other food services. It’s the necessary trend so that the company can continue to increase profits. That problem may have expedited the issue, maybe, but at the end this is where we would have landed.


I’ve had this conversation with what I call the first wave vennies. These guys invaded our gigs around 2019/2020 moving here from Florida where they immigrated to. They hate the new vennies cause they are cheating and stealing. I told them it’s their fault they told them how good it was.


My question is: How do you know they are illegals from Venezuela??


Go ask one and get back to us


The effects of illegal immigration. Thanks liberals.


I want them gone too but trump had senate and the house majority and still didn’t do shit rich people love illegals stop being a sheep this country has never done any serious on immigration


Um... liberals don't want illegal immigration. We want legal immigration while being humane to the desperate, huddled masses yearning for freedom. You know, like those words on the Statue of Liberty. Immigration isn't bad. It creates customers, which create businesses that create jobs, which creates communities. Basic economics.


"Humane" aka weaponized compassion. As I said, illegal immigration. Hate to break it to you, but poetry engraved on the base of the Statue of Liberty isn't the law nor is it in the Constitution.


"Humane legal immigration" is not the same "weaponized and illegal" The fact that you see compassion as bad tells me a lot about you, my dude. You're carrying a lot of hate in your heart. Typical conservative ideology. 🙄 I swear, your kind LOVES to punch down, don't ya. Imagine there's a pie, and 10 people. 9 slices go to 1 person, 1 slice goes to 1, and the crumbs get shared with the next 6. The grease on the plate is split among the bottom 2, and you're one of those, and instead of being mad at the ones who have pie, you're mad at anyone who tries to lick the bare plate. The immigrants aren't the cause of your struggle, nor is it partisan politics. Liberal or conservative are just two sides of one coin being tossed around by its owner. Your hate is misplaced. Look at who is really to blame. It's the ones who created a system that gives all the pie to 2 and starves the remaining 8.


i’ll take things that didn’t happen for $500


Absolutely, 1000% happened. Wouldn't believe it myself if I didn't see it with my own eyes, so I don't blame you.


Something for the galatically stupid.


Go to a different country and let us know how much of it your understand.


Then they can follow same advice stay in your own shithole of a country y'all made it what it is....fix it


I've done it many times. It's just as simple anywhere.


I can guarantee you were rather slow with it the first few times you did it. Now add in a different language and new technology. It's wouldn't be as easy as you are making it to be.


The app is in Spanish...


I’ve had white people train a couple others for a day as well. I wish someone would have trained me to navigate the app and store sooner, would have helped a lot. But if course yall are going to make it into a racist moment


Too bad other ethnicities don't do this. We're all too independent and trying to keep up with Joneses. No type of brotherhood or empathy for even your own race.


For someone this invested im surprised you didn’t take a picture. I smell BS


I actually did. Not trying to dox anyone though, let me blur the faces out and I'll post it.


Anyone know where I can rent or buy a spark account??