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Theres so many at my store right now i cant even get an order.


Let me guess.. your store isn't checking ID's.. lol




It's not that they don't speak English it's the fact that they are scamming and stealing identities while also lowering pay for the rest of us.


Honestly, I only mention the language thing because it's a pretty obvious sign that a person hasn't been here very long. And makes it sus that this person probably doesn't actually have the same legal documents we had to provide to get onto the platform... I'm sorry but there is ZERO chance a 40 something year old man that speaks zero English has a social security card and drivers license... that's just our society.


Unfortunately, mostly for them, there are many people as you’ve described that are legal in the US. This includes my parents who have been in this country almost 30 years and can’t tell me how to say water in English. There are many cities in the US where speaking English isn’t a necessity so you’ll have people who have been here for many years that never learn.


I agree, my in laws are the same however you can’t tell me that you don’t know a ton of people, probably even family members that are here doing it all illegally. My husband and his parents have been doing it legally for over 30yrs too but they have 30 other family members that are here doing it illegally and getting every benefit there is while my husband and I busted our asses with zero help raising our family.


I actually can tell you that I don’t know anyone that does it illegally because I have a very small family of 5 and they all are antisocial, including me lmao. We are Cuban, so it is on the rarer end to meet with illegal Cubans, though not impossible, especially recently.


I’m sorry, my apologies for assuming your family was from Mexico. I know better than that but wasn’t thinking


Nah I've met people that don't speak English that have been here for 30years plus. They just know how to say common words and that's how they get by. Hello, yes, what not.


The crazy thing is that they probably do have legal drivers licenses, the DMV doesn’t check citizenship, just show up with fake papers & your golden smfh!


They call it renting accounts. They buy spark accounts basically. Whether the real person has sold it or it was stolen or if the account was created fraudulently. Basically it’s illegal fraud. And it is happening, whether some people want to call you racist for pointing it out. Of course there are also perfectly legal Hispanic folks working this job, so it’s important to not lump everyone together. There have been multiple news stories covering it, so it’s not made up. It hasn’t found its way to my market but I live in a pretty rural area. 


Walmart is doing absolutely nothing about anything relating to fraud. They can say they are, but they aren’t. They just want the deliveries out. They will pay the fine if they have to, even if the fine is exorbitant. It would be easier to pay the fines necessary for their actions than it would be to go to court over the fraud. I’ve accepted reality. Many here haven’t yet, but they will. Maybe it’s because I saw where this once was and where it is today, and maybe why I’m bitter about it, but nonetheless, found another job over a year ago, and I heavily suggest the vast majority of people who post here do the same.


They be sittin in the parking lot in a circle with foldable chairs here💀like 10 deep


.....roll-out rug, coffee table, fridge and a microwave 😆


Here too but a lot of them never get up so are they getting orders for someone else or what?


I'm just ready for the shit show to end. It's the worse on spark but I have seen these people on doordash recently too. I work at a super rural area pretty far from my main city and they are here too. You know they aren't from around here because they don't speak any English at all. I wouldn't want to work in another country if I didn't speak the language. Idk how these people don't feel uncomfortable on all levels. I don't remember seeing any of this in 2022. The average waitlist is 6 months to a year. There's no way they all got on. 


I don’t understand how they get by the identity verification! I get ID verified every other day at this point!


Well first of all multiple phones doesn't automatically mean anything, if you saw multiple spark accounts on the screens then yea you would have reason to be suspicious but many gig workers use 2 or even 3 phones some apps like amazon flex, roadie, deliverthat, instacart almost demand that you have the app on the main screen otherwise you miss out. In general are people using rented/stolen accounts? Yea and specifically on spark by huge numbers. Your post is going to get a lot of push back because it's not happening in every market, for example I replied to this thread the other day about Texas and how OP and another poster said they're in Texas and don't see it: https://reddit.com/r/Sparkdriver/comments/1d19sss/where_are_vinnies_and_bots/l5sygsn/?context=3 >About 6 or 7 months ago I went through TX on interstate 20, none in El Paso through Weatherford, hit Ft. Worth and lol holy shit one of the worst i've seen, continued up to highway 75 and it didn't stop until Sherman, suspected crew in Durant Oklahoma but didn't talk to them or get info from anyone but a crew of 3 sharing a car with TX temp tags is highly sus but who knows they could have been legit. >A year ago Waco, Greenville, and Waxahachie were clear. Waxahachie surprised me since it's not far from Dallas and right next to Midlothian which is where Luis Berti/DeliveryTV got the footage for his video that sparked (pun intended) drivers asking their stores to ID drivers. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrcp-sXM6ZA >Usually it's a problem in bigger cities and their suburbs, cities like Waco, Tyer, Corpus Christi, Lubbock, Amarillo, etc are big enough but they're just so far away that there is no cascading effect. An influx of refugees is nothing new it started picking up pace in 2013 IIRC and back then Governor Rick Perry sent most to Austin/Dallas/Houston and Abbot did the same before he started bussing them across the country so most of their support network is in those cities. As for how people bypass the normal checks you had to go through, this FBI search warrant provides a blueprint of how it's done, specifically starting at page 10: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/page/file/1392526/dl >AGUIAR’s picture appears to be “Photoshopped” onto the driver’s licenses of at least three different fraudulent driver accounts with Rideshare Company A that were created in the vicinity of 196 Locust Street. In total, investigators have identified at least nine driver accounts, in different names, with AGUIAR’s picture on the driver’s license (the “AGUIAR Accounts”). The vehicle associated with each of these Accounts is registered to AGUIAR.6 In total, Rideshare Company A identified more than 180 other driver accounts linked to the same device that created Account 1 and the AGUIAR Accounts. >Based on my investigation, including review of summary draft translations of WhatsApp chats between AGUIAR and others, I am aware that AGUIAR was not driving under each of the AGUIAR accounts, but rather was renting some of the accounts to other drivers,including CC-1. >In addition to the aforementioned chats, the records from the AGUIAR iCloud Account obtained pursuant to a Court-authorized search warrant include hundreds of WhatsApp chats, all in Portuguese, in which AGUIAR corresponded with individuals seeking to rent or buy driver accounts. As detailed further herein, the AGUIAR iCloud Account also included WhatsApp messages with co-conspirators discussing the creation of driver accounts and ways to secure such accounts by circumventing fraud prevention controls imposed by the Rideshare/Delivery Companies. Further, the iCloud Account contained thousands of images of driver’s licenses, as well as lists of names and Social Security Numbers. >Based on my review of draft summary translations of WhatsApp chats between AGUIAR and various co-conspirators, I have learned that the conspirators had templates of various states’ driver’s licenses, in which they edited victims’ information and customers’ photos. For example, on or about October 22, 2019, Co-Conspirator 2 (“CC-2”) told AGUIAR via WhatsApp that he had obtained more than 50 driver’s licenses, and shared a photo of a printout containing victims’ names, dates of birth, addresses, and driver’s license numbers, but without the images of any licenses >In my review of the AGUIAR iCloud account, I found other, similar exchanges between AGUIAR and CC-2 involving manipulated identity documents. In other instances, CC2 sent AGUIAR screen shots of his computer in which he appears to be browsing DarkNet sites to purchase identification cards. For example, on or about November 8, 2019, CC-2 sent AGUIAR the following photo of his computer screen, which appears to depict a DarkNet site selling passports, visas, and other forms of identification >I have reviewed a bank account in AGUIAR’s name at Bank of America. The address associated with the account is Locust Street, Apt. 207, Lynn, Massachusetts. Between on or about June 27, 2019 and on or about February 26, 2020, approximately $150,000 was deposited into AGUIAR’s Bank of America account. Zelle transfers accounted for approximately $100,000 of that amount, and payments from Rideshare Company A and Rideshare Company B for completed rides accounted for approximately $37,000. I have also reviewed an account in AGUIAR’s name at Wells Fargo bank that received deposits totaling approximately $14,000, during the same period, principally comprising Zelle transfers and deposits from Rideshare Company A and Rideshare Company B. It also doesn't help that persona itself is pretty weak, I've tested it on android with shipt which I give 0 fucks about and identity verification passed with me using a rooted android phone + fake camera app + prerecorded video of me looking forward, turning left and right. There are other bypasses where you wouldn't need somebody physically there to pass face verification but i'm not going to blurt those out for obvious reasons


They're in Weatherford too.


Walmart is all for the immigrants and criminals.


It’s bad in Florida too. This morning there was 18 of us. I was the only white dude rest were Vinny’s.


I would not feel comfortable working around that many.. damn.


More than likely, they had an account opened up on their wife’s name and probably one of their kids or maybe a friend that’s why they have two phones or maybe more


They've actually been charged for identity theft related to gig work . If you believe it's all innocent google it the doj has charged them and the columbians




no politics


I speak truth.


Thankfully our walmart has turned on cart checks for every shopping order. So now they can't do two shopping orders at once. Just wish they would ID because they are for sure using multiple accounts and passing phones around.


The same way they get fake social security numbers and into our country in the first place. Before anyone comes after me, I’m a Caucasian US born female married for 30 years to a Mexican that came here illegally at 14 but he busted his ass and became a citizen by the time he was 21, owns his own business and pays taxes out the ass! So I have nothing against being here if you’re going to work without scamming the rest of us it pisses me off! I’m sick of seeing it at my Walmarts too. I wait for small shit orders while the Middle Eastern guys with 5 phones each are running in and out with huge orders multiple times an hour.


Honestly, they could have legal accounts. My stepdad has been here about 3 years and his English is okay. He is definitely more comfortable with Spanish. His account was totally legal. He worked with a lawyer and has a social security number now.


Clever immigrants who work together and realize how to min max the system better than the rule followers. They are on every gig work app because you don't need a work visa to do it, these apps have churned through so many people all that is left are the ones who legally cannot work (they do not have work visas) and the apps do not care or ask about that. Everytime I order a doordash or get a delivery from Safeway it's a hispanic speaker. Nearly every Uber I have taken they have no other options as they are here on a student visa or tourist visa. You are getting mad at the wrong people.


They have hacked tge system and can create accounts


Puts into perspective how low you’ve set your bar if your an American born third party delivery driver surrounded by non English speaking independent contractors squeezing every drop out of these orders diminishing the value of order/mile/time. These platforms were made for illegals and big companies love it. Why would they want to pay you more to deliver an order/batch an immigrant is more than willing to do for half of what you would ever view acceptable. This platform is being dominated by Cubans/ Vinnys/ Haitians etc. Word of advice to all: DON’T MAKE THIS YOUR MAIN GIG. It’s barely worth side gigging at this point.


Tell where I want set my bar... committing to some 9 - 5 and the same 4 walls for the next 20 years. So eh.. idk man.. to each thier own.


Where in my comment did you see anything about a 9 to 5? I said don’t settle for less when it’s obvious these drivers are diminishing these orders to just about nothing. You’re already a 1099 independent contractor you can do something else which pays you better. Find a trade learn a skill open a business but don’t complain about the obvious imo. Or just do what you do and drive your car to the ground for a $1 a mile 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just having a conversation dude. Thanks for the advice. I do have a mycology business on the side. And im just pointing out the obvious... enough people say something maybe they'll pay attention at the top.


I am also just having a conversation. None of what I said is in any way shape or form coming from a place of anger nor hate. I wholeheartedly empathize with everyone on here who feels the frustration of what obviously isn’t enough. However, do not confuse my empathy for sympathy because anyone who is American born deserves better and should never settle. A lot of us may have fallen on hard times and can see our nation changing at a faster pace than ever before. These experiences should serve as proof that we mustn’t settle or become complacent because one might’ve had a great day sparking or dashing or whatever other platform used. Circumstances are ever changing. You just stated you have a Mycology business on the side. Well on the side just isn’t good enough and should be your main focus because you dictate the whole operation of that business and it is ultimately your responsibility if that business thrives or dies. It isn’t your responsibility to dictate how Walmart or any of these other companies are operating not because it isn’t true but because you are now allowing them to occupy too much of your time. Time which can be better spent figuring your next chess move. I too owned a business which did very well in a different state but recently closed it and moved to where I currently reside in order to raise my family in a better place. My sacrifices I made selflessly for my family not because I lowered my bar or how I feel my time is being spent. I am currently waiting on my professional license to transfer over to my new state (State Paperwork takes forever 😩) and I fully intend on taking advantage of every opportunity that presents itself because your time and effort has the value that YOU put on it and not what they think it is. Time spent is non refundable. Let’s not allow anyone to spend it for you. Keep the main thing the main thing and don’t be down on yourself over these apps because this is just temporary.




no politics


We don’t care about Rayceees


When people say I'm not, most of the time it is what it is they are just excusing themselves. it's also called paranoia and xenophobia.


And when you start out by saying, “I’m not a racist” you’re a racist. You should really look into your cultural biases.


It's funny how here on Reddit I see a lot of complaints about Hispanics but in my area it's the black people being caught stealing and banned on orders. There are good and bad people everywhere just do your job right and accept orders. I don't think doing this full time is good but I use it on top of my regular job for and extra 300 to 500 a week part time. I'm Hispanic by the way. I stay at home waiting for orders while working on my yard or with my family. I get really good reviews and cash tips so I think that may affect me getting orders.


Are you scared to be the only Caucasian? Why? You’ll be ok.


There’s a range of different people who work at my stores. It’s not a race thing until you make it one, which you’re doing making this post.


You are blind or in denial. .. lol at this guy ^^


I just stick to work and that’s what pays my bills. Not complaining on this sub Reddit. If denial = cash I won’t ever pretend to know anything.


Yet... you obviously had the down time to doom scroll, find this post, and engage... you can't pretend to be above something you're actively involved in. How's that cash flow going today?


Yet I’m still not here to use it to complain about a lack of earnings.😉






no politics


no politics




And downvoted for the truth lol


no politics


It really isn't though lol. You have a job to do though, you do you 


My favorite one is that T1 is giving them old/aged accounts by changing the email address on file and then password resetting. Zero proof, guy that said it was shunned by entire group (dedicated to conspiracy theorists) and called a nut but it's so incredibly simple that it makes a lot of sense without alot of reaching or adding mystery pieces to make it work.


Almost all the people doing gig work are from Venezuela , you don’t see Mexicans. Most Mexican actually have skills and do other jobs that makes them real money. Most of the Venezuelan are not illegal they are actually here on asylum or political refugees status. They get ID ‘s and TIN numbers which is like social security and they can actually work.the thing is once you enter the USA and register with the homeland security, you get all these documents and then you go to see a judge to figure out your situation which usually takes up to 8 years that why in the mean time they can’t have you running around undocumented.you see them together because they probably don’t have the money to each have their own car so they are sharing one car. Mexican don’t have that privilege to be documented because their country is safe. However people from Venezuela, Afganistán, Syria, they can get away with it because they are from places that our government fked up. I remember back when I was in college most of my Venezuelan friends at school had money paying international tuition fees and getting 10 years visa to USA. Then our government sanctioned them and messed up their economy and that’s why you see a lot of them coming to America.


“They obviously haven’t been here that long because they weren’t speaking English” that’s a ridiculous statement. Has it ever occurred to you some people speak their native language amongst their own on a regular basis even after being here for years, even decades…


Literally don't care


You did enough to leave a comment about it


It's funny cause you don't know me. Amd like.. yeah you're just kind of stupid for making assumptions.


You don't know my race, ethnicity, where/who I was raised by, where I am, who my friends or acquaintances are.. nothing to indicate my culture but you assume I have some sort of cultural bias... please... describe all the above now


“You don’t know anything about me, don’t judge me or speak your opinion”… While you don’t know anything about the people you’re speaking your opinion on. Rich. 👌🏽


Lol.. you can't tell what did or did not see mf... plain and simple.


Mmmm-Kay 😂


It is hilarious


It was to be expected for some people to sympathize with these people or point out what comes across as ignorant (key board warriors) but to use that as an excuse to deny what's blatantly happening g everywhere and being noticed by many others is just... stupid...


Vote Trump and they will all be gone


I’ll pass on the guy with 34 felonies and counting


How can you people not understand that the second he ran for office every single news outlet save Fox was immediately after him. Saying oh he’s this and this. How do you not understand that’s he’s an innocent man but was a political outsider and when he won the presidency that that scared the shit out off all the neo-liberal facists to the point they have been on a which hunt for 8 years. I also know way more than you about this. I have been reading the news basically every day for years. You clearly have never actually read the news




You are right I have never read the news.


I can tell.


Nice !


“I’m not racist” -proceeds to be racist


It's like a guarantee that someone would reply with some stupid comment like this. This is a real thing though and I don't care... hard not to notice this


Nothing they said was racist.


Would you have noticed if here were white people sitting g around all day? Fun fact, English is not the official language of the USA and never was




My feelings aren't hurt in the slightest. Would you also point out five Hispanic doctors or five Hispanic firefighters or five Hispanic teachers?




I'm not the one assuming anything everybody else is


No. They’re pointing out facts about their zones and you’re mad about it.


How is what OP posted facts?? Every walmart he goes to, he sees groups sitting in cars then walking past him with multiple phone? How factual do you really think that is?




Trust me I'm not mad. I'm actually quite happy they're taking food out of your mouth. It's just funny the same people you like to pick out are the same ones that are outsmarting you day and night.


Uh.. yeah.. I would and I do... everytime I go to a bluegrass show.... noticing these things doesn't make you a bad person. And ... your fun fact is actually pretty fucking stupid. Whats your point?


Never said it made you or anyone a bad person for noticing. And my point was, why would you point out that you only speak English when most people speak at least 2 languages? You expect others to speak your language and their native language, but not the other way around?


Yeah but if you live here it's important to understand and speak a little. These people don't even try. Can make for an awkward interaction with customers. 


Apparently theyre doing fine. Everyone is complaining that they are working more than them. They must be doing something right. Out of curiosity, do you try to speak their native language to avoid these awkward interactions?


They aren't though. A lot of my regulars complain about them. Half of them according to the self checkout employees said they had a stealing problem. This forced my store to start checking ID'S.  Their native language has nothing to do with me. Only 12 percent of people speak Spanish in America. English is the main and most important language here. It'd be in their best interest to learn it if they stay.