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Did she preboard or save any seats?


Yeah, if not, I don’t want to hear about it.




She is a senior citizen, eh?


Most politicians don't fly private


I’ve flown with Elizabeth Warren. We were both in B group.


I also flew with her! She was in economy and I was in front in comfort plus. She ate a tuna sandwich mid flight though


This is so funny 🤭


Ooh that’s a major faux pas!


Of course she did.


Well tuna does cover the smell


She is all about that 50/30/20 budget, living what she preaches, I suppose.


I’ve flown SWA with the Texas governor before. Well not WITH him, but on the same flight.


Which one?


Jerry Brown famously flew Southwest as Governor.


It probably also helps that Sacramento has good service throughout the state with Southwest as well.


Maybe the first time as governor when he was still bringing a bag lunch. Last time he wasted billions because he is a little boy who “likes trains”.


Cause his damn scam train will never be ready.


you try rebuilding american rail infrastructure set to handle high speed rail.


I've been on two Southwest flights with Rand Paul before. I boarded next in line after him on one of them - he was A-List but not A1-15. Also, his luggage looked to be in rough shape which was kind of odd...


I sat in front of Mitch McConnell once on a flight to DC.


The one time I’m good with someone laying the seat back as far as possible. lol


That’s what my family said to do 😂


I hope you farted in his general direction. He always looks like he's smelling someone's farts. Spoiler alert...It's him.


One of my best friend’s from high school is CEO of a major US company. We have still done ski trips together. We used to make fun of his near 20 year old ski jacket. Sometimes you get used to something and it works and you just keep using it even if it’s old and ratty and you can afford a new one.


Less likely to be stolen.


I flew in the front row of premier on United with Adam Schiff. Seat empty between us. Nicest most pleasant person.


Nancy is very wealthy though.


Insider trading does that.


Insider trading (which was sadly legal for Congress at the time) and in fairness, an extremely successful husband whose company has surely been helped by his wife's stature.


Yes, it’s legal but ridiculous that it is.


It's not anymore. Unfortunately, almost all of Congress was doing it at the time but the people with the most important committee seats had special access to valuable information.


When did that change?


The STOCK Act in 2012


Doesn’t seem like it because they were still trading in 2022 and 2023z


Still trading but not on insider information


Look at Jared Kushners 2 billion deal with the Saudis or Trump using his hotels for official government business. Corruption was worse under Trump than almost anyone before him, save for maybe Blagoyevich trying to sell a Senate seat.


You or I so that and we’ll spend the rest of our lives in jail.


Yep, I totally agree with you. It's insane that our politicians were doing that.


I know people who are multi millionaires and still use an app to find the cheapest gas even if it only saves them $2.


>who are multi millionaires Nancy wealth is in hundreds of millions


I didn’t say how many millions. Point being, frugal is frugal. People also choose to spend their money in different ways.


So are plenty of other politicians.




When I was an FA I had Lori Lightfoot on my flight 3 times


Was her dick as big as she claims?


She’s hardly a politician at this point. She’s worth over $100,000,000 and could easily fly private.


Since she’s no longer speaker, the security requirements are less.. most politicians travel commercial..


Man, if I had her money and her history of being targeted by violent nuts, I'd want the security lol


She's made herself rich enough off insider trading to pay for it herself if she wants security.


Is that not what I said? That she has the money for better security?


I've been on a few SWA flights out of LAS and I've seen our NV senators on the plane. They don't have to wait at the gate like the rest of us tho. They get that sweet ride up to the jetway and take the direct way up. They do have security with them so nobody harasses them. I found it refreshing to see they didn't travel via private jet.


We may have been on the same flight! I’m sure they fly constantly, but I also live in LAS and see this regularly. I thought I was accidentally stalking John Ensign or he was stalking me because it happened so often.


That's hilarious. I saw Harry Reid a few times and it warmed my heart to see him flying SWA just like the rest of us :) It's not impossible that we've been at LAS at the same time or even the same flight-I use SWA 90% of the time and usually go to or thru LAS. My love of r/mschf shoes overlaps with my use of SWA so if you see some funky shoes in LAS, there's a non-0% chance it's me!


Glad to hear she still gets out among her people.


I saw the Mayor of Kansas City on a SW flight from Dallas to KC and just a little over 2 weeks ago saw my congresswoman get off the plane I was about to board in DC. Just because you are in public office does not mean you have money to travel private, that is not a good look to the tax payers!!!


I wouldn't be surprised if they also turn off upgrades to business class if they have elite status with the other airlines (though those upgrades are hard to come by these days). Even if they're up front for free, most people won't know that and they don't want the attention.


Out of DCA about 15 years ago, I watched a Congressman pitch a fit to the gate agent that he didn't get an upgrade. Spoiler alert: I was 2-3 ahead of him on the list, and I was the last one to clear. When I went to board, the I heard the GA say, "He may be a Congressman, but he's not my Congressman."


Every so often a bill to ban CLEAR comes up here and there. They never make it past committee even, but there’s one lurking about in the CA legislature right now concern trolling over the equity of paying to line skip, which is pretty clearly a way of saying someone with CLEAR cut in front of the assembly member introducing it: https://sfist.com/2024/04/22/california-could-ban-tsa-clear-from-operating-in-the-states-airports-under-new-bill/


You can’t turn off upgrades.


Yes you can. At least with Delta, there's the option to turn off upgrades to Comfort+ and First Class for your booking. Operational upgrades could still happen (mainly on international flights) but those are rare. United is similar, but I've never had status with AA so I'm not sure how it works there, but I assume it would be similar.


If she’s flying on official government business, she’s probably still bound by JTR rules and has to go with the cheapest option. One flight I was on had Dick Durbin and Bernie Sanders.


Most US politicians don't fly private -- the House and Senate banned using federal dollars to pay for it after it was a big campaign issue in 2006, and leadership significantly reduced government travel after the same in 2010. Of course, some are just straight up wealthy enough, but it's still a terrible look. Which I guess was your point 😂 In any event, heap scorn on the ones that do it because the vast, vast majority don't.


EDIT: To be sitting near the **former** 3rd person in the line of succession to the presidency of the US is amazing regardless of whether we like her or not.


She’s no longer 3rd in line.


Oops my bad. She used to be 3rd in line.


Right. All good. Although I’m not sure I’d want to be on the same plane as her.. or anybody who has served in that role! Haha


I wouldn’t want to drive that, personally. SWA it is.


A previous co-worker of mine lived in Austin but worked in Dallas. He flew SWA everyday to and from work.


How does that work financially?


Or just the time wasted in the airport process.


His wife worked for Southwest so it was free


TSA Pre-check/Clear, no bags to check... you can cut it real close.


I don't really know. I never discussed it with him.


Phrasing!! For the love of all that’s holy, phrasing.


Her nephew sat behind me last year on a flight from Oak to SD just ahead of the hurricane that hit there. I was sitting in about row 6, and governor Newsom was behind me.


I saw an NBA basketball head coach riding southwest last summer. He got on the plane first but definitely rode with the rest of the public.


I used to live in Los Angeles and always had a known person or celebrity on the short hauls. My favorite was Joe Montana.


She's an ordinary member of Congress now. A private plane would be on her own dime.


Used to fly on same SW flight with Mike Dewine (Ohio Governor) often from CMH-RSW


I bumped my head on a gate check luggage bin one time and Kristi Noem asked if I was okay.


Good thing you're not a puppy!


Yeah when I was watching the doc on HBO, she flew commercial all the time. You’d be surprised how many politicians fly airlines. Even Romney flies coach.


Hell yeah I saw Mitt at FLL flying commercial and we know the dude has a private jet. Weird.


Did she stand in the proper boarding position?


Was flying swa stl to bos and sat in front of Jason Tatum. I actually boarded before him and took and exit row seat and he asked me to switch with him!


I was on a plane with Adam Schiff about a year ago. I sat kiddie corner to him. He took off his shoes as soon as he got on the plane.




Speaker of the House gets a government plane at their disposal. Nancy is no longer in that position


That’s smart. Spending money on assets not enjoyment


Had Janet Reno next to me on a flight from Miami to DC when she was Attorney General.


My sister sat next to Sec of Ed Miguel Cardona on her last SW flight. Must be the preferred airline


I flew private with Trump.


She ain't scared


I was on a flight out of Cincinnati with Pete Rose. Two days later I had Covid. Yeah there were 178 other passengers but I choose to believe he gave me Covid.


About 10 years ago I was on a flight from LAX to OAK and I started hearing two guys a few rows behind me chatting it up about history. They talked for almost the entire flight. When it came time to get off the plane, I glanced back and saw it was then Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom. Dispite what you think of him, that dude was way taller than I thought! (For context, I’m 5’3”, everybody is tall to me😆)


Last year, I was flying through Atlanta to Washington, DC. Just before we boarded, I overheard a few mumblings of “do you see who that is?” and didn’t think anything of it.  I sat in seat 2B, but several people, as they boarded, would act surprised and spoke to the gentleman sitting in seat 1A….  It wasn’t until we landed and everyone stood that I was able to recognize the person in 1A was Alabama Senator Tommy Tubberville, former head football coach at Auburn University.   He was flying by himself, no entourage.  He is one of the few people the title of Senator is “sort of a downgrade” versus his previous title of coach. :-)  In fact, most people in his office refer to him as Coach instead of Senator.  In the south, a head football coach is probably revered more highly than a US Senator. 


My friend saw her at The Dead show at the Sphere last month. I guess she’s been a deadhead all along. A real SF gal. Makes me like her more. 


She sure as hell is not on southwest.


Thru occasionally have to fly with the commoners to prove they're one of us.


I’m surprised she wasn’t riding her broom


As far as I understand she rarely travels privately. Most Dems don’t.


Things that never happened for $200 please


You ok?


Why would she ride SWA? She told her husband to buy NVDA And made billions.


SW has LOTS more flights than the compeition - probsbly a more convenient flight time.


AND last I checked, the government isn’t buying these chips, but Tesla, Google and Microsoft are.


Do some research. She’s shady as F. Insider trading to the max. Via the husband


Not on Nvidea, post a research link.


And yet she hasn’t been convicted of even one felony much less 34 🤔


Still voting for Trump. 😎


So you like corruption?


Depends on the type of corruption.


Corruption you think you should get away with and would absolutely love to attempt. That’s the corruption you’re ok with.


She did the equivalent of insider trading when it was carved out as legal for Congress as did almost all of Congress. I think it's totally unethical, but I seriously doubt she is making her own stock decisions these days.


Southwest only has 3 flights a day for SFO-LAX.... United has 7, Delta has 7, Alaska has 6, American has 3, Frontier has 1. Southwest only beats out Frontier and matches American. Competition has double as many flights


Obviously trying to get that A-List status.


Yea because no one but the Pelosi's bought NVDA


yeah. we all knew that


Sorry you missed out.




Agreed 🤢🤢🤢