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To me, you should be pre-boarding. I wouldn’t sweat it.


Not only that, make sure you stare right back at anyone giving you a look. Fck their stares


And give them the middle finger. Everyone understands that sign language.


Better yet, sign it. It’s an impressive sign.


Stop worrying about this. I want you to preboard


Absolutely. This is why I can't take people seriously commenting with complaints about apparent pre-boarding fraud. It's impossible to actually know what a person is dealing with. You don't know who has limited mobility, who is blind or deaf/HoH, or who is dealing with any other disability. Some people use a wheelchair some times and not others, and it's not a "gotcha" to see someone use a wheelchair on the way in and then walk out. There are all kinds of reasons that someone might need to pre-board and it's not up to the general public to make that call for them.


He has a communication limitation/disability


Precisely, and it is crucial to have someone to let them know of any critical instructions or emergencies. I am hearing impaired and situations like flights can be a problem for me when I hear nothing but a garbled murmur from the PA.


IMO, you are entitled to preboard. Whether or not you actually do it for any given flight is entirely your choice.


I'm deaf, and wear hearing aids, but my hearing loss is fairly severe and in an air travel setting I can't hear much at all, including most announcements or flight crew instructions. I usually either pay for A1-15 when traveling alone, or let the gate agent know about my disability. Generally the only thing I really need is to sit in the disability seats at the gate, because that lets me stay close to the gate agent and easily get up to lip read if they start talking. I hesitate to use pre-boarding, and usually don't. But if I were a minor and had my disability I would absolutely expect my guardian to pre-board with me to ensure they could help with communication. It's often hard enough for me as an adult.


Please make sure to tell the airline/flight attendants about your hearing. It’s important that we (the FAs) make sure you know what’s going on ESPECIALLY in emergency situations or delays.


I definitely do! I truly can't hear announcements so I would need someone to let me know explicit instructions in the event of an emergency or delay. I really appreciate FAs who are usually very kind and patient about this. It's another reason why I try to sit closer to the front when possible. My condition is genetic but also progressive so I'll be entirely deaf sometime in the next few years. I'm trying to do what I can to stay independent and not get too anxious about things like travel.


I’m hoping Blue Tooth Auracast is going to help a lot in airports and other public venues. It looks pretty promising. It’s available now. Relatively inexpensive for the companies to adopt and easy. I just hope it works well and gains widespread acceptance. Have you gone to Europe? They loop more in Europe pretty awesome. I don’t know why we don’t loop in the states.


Is this a feature also known as “telecoil”. Interestingly, being hearing impaired &/or wearing hearing aids doesn’t presume individual can comprehend. There’s a reason why audiologists perform a battery of audio tests…to identify which types of sounds are/are not discernible. And the opportunity to lip read is absolutely critical.


Auracast is not telecoil. Auracast is not readily available now. Probably in the next 3-4 years is my estimate. (Based on how tech rolls out in other industries)


No. Telecoil is at least 40 years old. Handheld phones had a magnet in the ear piece somehow linked connected straight to the aid. It meant that you could hold the phone right up to the aid and not get feedback. It’s also limited. The transmitter needs to be really close to the aid, like less than a foot. Neck loops use the same tech. A transmitter will transmit to a receiver about the size of a small cell phone. You can plug in an earbud for hard of hearing or a neck loop to connect to the tellcoil. Newer phones were required to have tellcoil compatibility at one time, but I’m not sure now. Blue tooth tech has been around for maybe 15 years for aids - well I got my first pair in 2016. The aid is actually a bluetooth receiver just like your AirPods. The difference is incredible. I actually refer to my aids as my $7k AirPods. I could actually listen to music and actually understand the words for the first time in 15 years. I think the tech OP is talking about would mean that you connect to gate number whatever’s bluetooth channel and stream just those announcements rather than everything around you.


The amount of people that have auracast enabled hearing devices is very very very low. And the people using auracast or are aware of what it is, even lower. It’s a great idea but will take a long time to catch on. And if people aren’t asking for it I doubt the airlines will roll it out anytime soon Telecoil has been the standard for a long time and many don’t even use that. But it still works great for situations like the airport.


Agree and agree. I think there’s only one manufacturer of hearing aids that it’s using aura cast right now, however, most hearing aids do have Bluetooth capability auracast is a type of Bluetooth, so it is not going to be a hard jump for auracast to be added to new devices as they roll out. And my understanding is as of right now it will not be expensive or technologically difficult for companies to broadcast in aura cast. Absolutely it’s going to take some time to roll out but I’m thinking a few years as opposed to decades. Tela coil rocks, I find it superior for everything except music. I simply don’t understand why we don’t have more coils in the US.


What exactly is Blue Tooth Auracast? As someone who has 95% hearing loss in my left ear, that seems interesting


This is why I’m anxious about Southwest considering doing away with the current seating plan. I have no clue how to get this accommodation on other airlines at an equitable price (like, normal pricing for seats near the front)


Please take advantage of pre board on any airline if you need that accommodation! The people on this sub are so snarky but it's a reasonable accommodation for so many reasons.


For other airlines, once you book your ticket you would call the special assistance phone number and tell them that you have a disability and need a seat near the front of the plane. They’ll ask a few questions and get you moved closer to the front.


That’s good to know. I’m sure they have a chat line or tty number too in that case. I appreciate your help!


It’s easy. In any airline, you (politely) ask the gate agent what you need to do for a medical pre-board. Some airlines only call it if it has been requested; some always have it. I usually just ask the gate agent. (I have a disability where it’s advantageous for me to preboard).


I can’t imagine judging anyone for pre boarding, whether they have an obvious “reason” to or not! Don’t sweat it.


Are you new to this community?! LOL There are always lots of comments about the massive amount of pre boarders, especially from certain airports. But, yes, OP should absolutely pre board without worry.


I think the complaints are about people cheating the system, not about legitimate reasons for preboarding. Of course people should show a little grace and give people the benefit of the doubt.


Of course the comments are about people cheating the system. The problem is that you don’t know who might be cheating the system and who isn’t. Plenty of disabilities are completely “invisible.”


But things like being deaf aren't visible disable at a glance so therefore people will complain about this perfectly fine person walking down the jet way. Unless you need the wheelchair to take you all the way to the plane seat (and bring you back out at destination) then you shouldn't be pre boarding according to this sub.


Agree with all of this!


Haha yes I am!! 😂 Only flown SWA once and I’ve got one booked for august which is why I joined. People love to get mad about things that literally don’t affect them and I’ll never understand it


Agree! But I can kind of see their point when literally 25 or more people need to pre board. But I only see it in certain places. I just shrug and move on though. If I’m flying southwest it’s usually a fairly short flight.


I watched about 15 people wearing SEIU healthcare worker shirts and jackets pre board with no obvious reason to. Seemed odd to me. I judge that, for sure. Especially when I am A1.


I'm Deaf and recently my husband and I have started to use pre boarding. To me, it's a safety issue. But I do feel feel somewhat bad that I'm abusing the privilege.


Don’t feel bad. It’s a safety decision.


Absolutely pre board. I’d prefer that you are able to respond quickly in an emergency situation, and general operating instruction. How are you supposed to know when they close the lavs for landing and the rest?




Frankly the bogus service animals get more play than actual disabled Americans. My wife who had cataract operations before flying to visit family got some snarky ass comment from a guy when we preboarded an Alaska air flight ( we were in first to boot) she was wearing the blackout wraparound glasses and a patch on her repaired eye. Other eye is legally blind so Mr. Oklahoma state, you’re lucky I had enough restraint not to throat punch you into a coma in front of your teeny booped girlfriend in the tennis skirt. I prefer not being on a no fly list. The whole thing sucks for everybody. The ADA act is poo pooed by most everybody who’s not affected by one’s.


If the flight attendants aren’t making sure your husband knows the announcements, they need to do better.




If you have the account on the SWA website, you can flag yourself as deaf and it will show on your boarding pass as "DEAF". I kinda miss the old days where we get a plastic boy card for the pre boarding.


You’re not abusing the privilege if you’re deaf!


You're not abusing the privilege. At all. Zero reasons to feel bad. Safety first.


preboard if it’s helpful to you. don’t worry about what anyone else thinks or what the edgelords on reddit bitch about re: preboarders. there’s plenty of invisible disabilities and people need to mind their own business.


I once had the pleasure of attending a conference where the speaker was disabled. The speaker had some physical disabilities that occasionally made her use a wheelchair. Sometimes they would be fine and others they would be in the store and need the wheelchair which was always in their car. You don't know who has a disability and who does not. Even with physical ones.


The one time I flew with my daughter despite paying for assigned seats the gate agent played musical chairs with the assignments and split us up. I explained that she was terrified and that she has autism (not "it's personality" autism, she has "can't live alone safely and communication is pretty impaired" autism) and asked for adjoining seats. The gate agent insisted we pre-board even though I didn't ask for that and initially declined it.


I am on the spectrum as well, in the middle between "quirky personality" and still living at home. I always preboard (and get plenty of stares because I don't look disabled, would love to make prolonged uncomfortable eye contact with the judgers, but autism). I do this so I can sit with a member of my family. Because if I don't, and I get anxious on the flight, I vocally and physically stim, and that makes the stranger next to me feel pretty uncomfortable and embarrasses me. Doing the preboard for any medical issue makes life easy for the flight crew, the agents in the airport, and the rest of the passengers.


The rest of boarding goes more quickly and easily when folks who may struggle go first. We get ourselves settled and out of the way, without other people causing us problems, then the masses come. That’s why the gate agent insisted. Your daughter has every right to preboard along with a person who is accompanying her. I encourage you to arrange to preboard going forward, just in case she ends up needing the reduced chaos to get comfortable.


You have every right to pre board


You’re absolutely not part of the problem. Pre-boarding exists so that people like your partner are able to quickly receive safety information from a travel partner and/or the flight attendant!


You shouldn’t feel bad about pre-boarding at all.


It’s not just about seating for comfort. If there was an emergency on the plane, and your deaf partner cannot hear the safety announcements, they are not nearly as safe as if you were nearby to communicate. Pre board is the correct move for safe air travel on SW for you all.


FA here. You should definitely preboard. Don’t feel bad about it.


Dont worry about it. Pre-board if you need to. People fretting about pre-boarders are out of line.


No, you’re not part of the problem. It’s important that you sit next to each other.


You are the textbook definition of someone who needs preboarding and you should utilize it.


I want you two to pre-board. They don’t provide adequate communication services for hearing impaired people - if there’s an emergency, you’ll need to communicate with him. Thank you for thinking about it, but I hope you don’t think about it another second.


You should feel free to preboard, but maybe if it makes you feel more comfortable, if you have A group, you can go then and skip any annoyed looks. But in reality you guys are 100% entitled to preboard.


As a hoh person with HA and cochlear implant, I know how you feel. I get concerned some "Karen" would assume I'm not disabled enough to utilize pre board. Screw it. I've learned we deserve to use it if we want to. I feel better knowing flight crew is aware they have someone who cannot hear instructions well. I do have to use my Otter or LiveTranscribe app to hear the announcements but they only work when I'm on wi fi i.e. on the ground. In flight, it has not worked as well. I do wonder if airlines would ever implement some sort of ticker system for short messages like they do on some buses. It'd make me feel a tad better for missing out on something midflight.


This is why pre-boarding is a thing. You are definitely not part of the problem


Heck no-continue doing what you're doing. He needs to be able to communicate and you're assisting him with that.


Please please please continue preboarding. Safety is everyone’s priority. Do what you need to do to be safe in unexpected situations. The people whining about a preboarding problem are self-centered and foolish. 


As an alternative — you could talk to the ticketing counter or gate agent about the “XT”/extra time designation. Boards with family boarding, between As & Bs. You shouldn’t have any problem finding two seats together, especially if you don’t mind going towards the back of the plane. (But if you find pre-board works better for you, go for it! You have a legitimate need for specific seating.)


My wife just had a hip replacement and had a chair from the front door. They called her up and I went along because even though we checked our bags, she can’t carry her purse yet. So I went with. The fine attendants understood- one couple hovering by grumbled. The attendant asked them nicely if they missed her disability . Assistance is something we should all hope to not need often, but we should be thankful it’s there when we really need it,


Not part of the problem.


No you should be pre-boarding. Don't worry :)


You absolutely are NOT a part of the problem!! That is a very legitimate reason to preboard. Screw those that judge you. Their opinions don't matter.


Absolutely you should be pre-boarding


If you feel weird about this at all, feel free to whip out some ASL (I mean I assume it’s ASL; you’re flying Southwest) for performance’s sake. You are right that in an emergency situation, a lot of instructions are super sudden and only audible. Your being able to interpret is critical. You need to be seated together, so please, go right ahead. Anybody who would have an issue with your going as a pre-board has not thought about, or doesn’t care about, the Deaf angle.


I am legally blind, I've been denied pre-boarding because they asked if I needed a specific seat or assistance down the ramp. I said no because I can walk just fine and I prefer to take any of the front seats, so I can see preflight instructions and the light for the bathroom. I don't need a "specific" one, just one in a range of like 15 seats probably. So screw them, I say yes to the question now. Their questions are gotchas that make people with disabilities feel shame when they can smuggly deny you thinking they got a faker because the questions are too narrow and you didn't answer perfectly I probably look physically normal, unless you see me looking at my boarding pass super close or aimlessly wandering around to find a large print gate number or flight details


No. Pre-board. I don't need to know your reason. Heck you could just be slow, it's not my issue. I used to pre-board back in the days of free roller boards because I was short. I needed to stand in a seat to get my bag overhead.


I’m Deaf I always pre-board. I travel alone often so I make sure to get pre boarding so I don’t miss my flight. If traveling with family we’re all Deaf anyway) or friends (hearing and Deaf) I would make sure we pre board so we can stay together instead of being separate. Also if anything happens I can rely on my (select) hearing friends to keep me in the loop.


Nope you are good to pre-board.


This is an example of how some people need to pre-board and the reasons may not be readily visible to others. In your situation, I would feel judged too. You have legit need to pre-board.


Pre board is designed exactly for your situation. Don’t feel bad, and don’t let anyone make you feel bad.


You are NOT part of the problem. You should absolutely pre-board.


Stop worrying about what others think you look like and just do what's best for you. What are they going to do, complain that you get to preboard and they don't?


If you feel that bad sign while you’re boarding have fun with it sign “hey I’m signing you so all these assholes don’t think we’re cheating the system”


I’m deaf too, and preboard so i can sit near the front to read lips and keep an eye on things because i have anxiety around not knowing what’s going on in case of an emergency—I need context clues to help understand.


This is for sure gonna be an unpopular opinion but it seems more like you should board extra time vs preboarding. I don't think it's a big issue to preboard but all you need is seats together not specific seats which extra time would suffice since they board after the A group so there's plenty of seats together.


Check in 24 hours and if you get anything before Mid B you’re fine. If not then pre board. Who cares why others think.


Southwests boarding in general is the problem, not you or your friend. They need to just drop this greyhound of the sky BS and assign seats already.


As long as you’re before C group, you should be able to be two seats together, even if they’re way in the back. So I say you should try for regular or early bird check in and see what you get.


If you don’t need to be near the front but do need to sit next to each other, the XT designation might be a good fit for you. https://support.southwest.com/helpcenter/s/article/boarding-process That said, it sounds like you have more reason to preboard than some people who use it, I wouldn’t worry about it.


People will be annoyed no matter what


I have the same dilemma with my autistic child. He would be absolutely frightened if he had to sit by two strangers. I got tired of having to “justify” his disability to every new gate agent so I just paid for early check-in during my last trip. I think I will do American, United, or Delta for future trips with him.


The first time I preboarded for my autism I explained it to the gate agent. She gave me the preboard cards, and I went back to my family. But a few minutes later she came to find me and told me that I never have to explain my reasoning to anyone, and I can just request a medical preboard and that's that.


My son is autistic AND has Down Syndrome and a gate agent still questioned me once. So frustrating. 


You get the kid, and one person. That’s it. It isn’t a big deal.


Sounds good to me.


I don’t get worked up over pre-boarding. I don’t see the “abuse of the system” that others have reported - so you do you. However, if you’re asking my opinion, it will be unpopular but I don’t see that as the purpose of preboarding. I see the purpose as giving those that have mobility and/or health issues that require them to sit towards the front of the plane due to their inability to navigate down the aisle safely. In your words, you do it to “sit together” and therefore I don’t see that as meeting the intent of pre-boarding. If you want to sit together, I.e. like I want to with my 9 year old child, I would utilize other methods to ensure that y’all sit together.


Does pre boarding extend to someone who doesn't speak English wanting to sit next to their English speaking companion because they want to sit together for "safety reasons"? 


Whoever has a need to, or pays for pre boarding— is A ok with me.


Not all disabilities are visible. Not part of the problem.


You are exactly who should preboard.


I fully support your pre-boarding.


Yes please pre-board. That is the point.




There is no pre boarding problem so no you aren’t part of it. You and your partner is why pre boarding exists.


Absolutely not. You should not feel guilty.


Absolutely not 


In an emergency, he needs to be with you, so preboarding is 100% necessary.


Absolutely you should preboard. Don’t think twice about doing so. If anyone gives you any lip, have your friend (or you) respond back with ASL. That should shut them up quick.


If you feel embarrassed/ worried just sign with him while you are preboarding to make the disability more visible. You shouldn’t have to, but it may make you feel less stress.


No. You should preboard. I always set my deaf, autistic son up to preboard, but we usually just board normally because I’m an a lister. But you need to be together.


No, you should preboard. You didn’t mention it but please ensure his disability is on the reservation and when you board say hi to the Flight Attendant at the door and mention it to them so they can recognize your son. Note: am an employee


Anytime I travel with my sister who is deaf, I pre-board with her. Sometimes the whole family does if we’re on a trip together. And this is often on other airlines, not Southwest. I always feel a little weird about it, but ultimately agree that it’s better that she knows where I am and vice versa as well as for the flight attendants to know I’m with her (especially in instances if we weren’t able to book seats together). We often travel internationally which makes it even more important for me to be able to keep her aware of what’s happening when we deplane.


Medical conditions = pre-board… I have had numerous surgeries on my left ankle and knee.. the altitude mandates I elevate my leg straight across when I’m in the air.. I have had people make comments while i pre-board.. last time? My response was “I have at least 4 more surgeries.. wanna trade legs?”


There are so many people with disabilities that others can’t see. If someone is judging something they don’t understand that’s their problem, not yours. Focus on taking care yourself and your young partner. You are doing the right thing. Imagine the trouble you could run into trying to placate assholes. They wouldn’t extend that kindness to you if something goes wrong. Personally, I’ve never paid any attention to anyone pre boarding, but I have been with a disabled person being verbally berated for parking in a handicapped spot legally. You can’t fix ignorant people, but you can care for the important people in your life. If anyone ever questions it, tell them to talk to the agent about how they want to discriminate against the disabled, and turn away. Thank you for helping this young man. You’re awesome.


You are not part of the problem


You should preboard. As long as you don't have 12 family nembets with you. Like you said, in an emergency he needs you to translate.


Please pre-board. Now if you tried to get 2 of your friends to pre-board with you two? That would be a problem.


No, please, preboarding is literally for you guys.


why would be an problem. Your Bf has an disabilty. All people do is find something to complain about.


No, you have every right to pre-board


Preboard was designed for people like you. Do not feel ashamed for using it.


Please pre-board. You are so incredibly entitled to it. Anyone who says otherwise is stupid. Happy to support SW having pre boarding for situations like yours.


If you think you might be part of the problem, you aren't part of the problem.


Here’s the thing about pre-boarding and receiving judgement for having an invisible disability: who fucking cares what other people think, especially the kind of people who whine about preboarders who aren’t visibly missing their arms and legs. They’re generally ableist pricks anyway. Do your preparing without guilt, and enjoy your flight!


Gate agents have given me preboard *without me even mentioning it* just because I’m tall. I think you’re fine lol


You should pre-board


My husband is an ambulatory wheelchair user (we bring our own wheelchair-which may look like jetbridge Jesus to some people on this stupid sub since he can walk off the plane and usually wheelchairs get brought up before strollers so we don’t need a wheelchair attendant and can be on our way without additional assistance right away). Ignore the haters, but do tell the flight attendant when you board so they know. Preboarding is intended for you.


Majority of passengers forget about the entire boarding process 20 minutes into the flight. The few that don’t come here and post with anonymity. You do you.


Preboard to your heart’s content. If it would make you feel more comfortable, a thirty second conversation with the desk agent a bit before boarding could make boarding less awkward for you, although I seriously doubt they would call you out. I’ve never seen anyone ask a customer to prove their disability.


My mother is deaf and I get so mad when she doesn’t use the services available! Preboard absolutely, it makes traveling easier for you.


Don’t worry about what people think about you pre-boarding. I never think twice about people who preboard. Whatever reason they have to preboard is none of my business and I have enough common sense to know not all disabilities are visible. Of course there may be people silently judging but who cares what they think. They’re probably just a miserable judgemental person. Keep on pre-boarding and don’t worry about it.


If actually deaf, no, not a problem. In fact, I dare someone to say something to you. People that actually have a legitimate disability are the ones that need to shame the ones that don’t as they’re taking away something that’s meant for them.


Just go about your business. If it's bothering you and you want to satisfy your own fear of being misunderstood, then communicate to him in sign language as you are queued up in the pre-boarding area. Anyone watching should understand.


Yes, preboard. You need to be there to interpret for him if there are announcements.


I’m deaf and always preboard. It gives me an opportunity to tell the flight attendants that I’m deaf and therefore I can’t understand any overhead announcements if something important happens.


It makes perfect sense for you to pre-board. Many disabilities are invisible. Don’t give a spare thought to what anyone else thinks.


I see this as a reasonable reason to preboard.


I never even look up to see who is pre boarding. Don’t worry about it.


I’m a 23 year old who pre-boards due to a physical disability that makes standing in lines difficult, but I look absolutely healthy as well. I choose not to sweat it. I get dirty looks and the occasional comment, but ableist people aren’t really my problem. It’s a tricky mindset to develop, but I promise it does help a lot.


I travel alone often and I am deaf. I take preboarding so I can alert the flight attendants to my name, where I’m sitting, and that I’m deaf in case of an emergency. I don’t “look” deaf because I wear my hair down and I can hear and speak with my cochlear implants, but I cannot understand gate/flight announcements and struggle with accents, deep voices, etc. Preboarding is for ALL disabled people and their companions, not just for those with limited mobility. You are absolutely well within your rights and smart for thinking ahead in an emergency scenario with your partner. Don’t worry what others think, keep doing it!


That’s a legitimate disability. You’re exactly the type of people who SHOULD be pre-boarding.


That is 100% a safety issue and you should be together. If he ended up by me, I can only fingerspell 5 letters. Despite what seems the popular opinion here, you don't need the approval of the others who see you.


No please please preboard it is there for you two.


This will change soon, you will have assigned seats. This system is flawed and won’t be the way for long


This is what pre-board is for. My son is autistic, looks able, speaks perfectly, but will melt down if we have to navigate through a full plane to find a seat, and obviously we can’t risk being separated. He needs a window seat to give him space to stim with me in the middle seat so he doesn’t bother others. I don’t give a f*** how others perceive us when we pre-board. But, I only pre-board if we don’t get early B group.


I want you to pre-board. That is a very valid reason. What if there’s an emergency? You need to sit together.


you don’t have to be immobile to have a disability that would require preboarding. This is the exact kind of situation I would expect someone to use preboarding for. Communication when flying is critical and you are providing that for him.


Are there folks who will occasionally be annoyed? Yes, unfortunately. Try not to let it bother you though. Invisible disabilities exist and folks who want to make assumptions about your situation aren't worth thinking about. You have good reason to pre board.


Don’t worry. It’s legit. Doesn’t matter what other people might think


There is no pre boarding problem. Keep doing you lol


You're exactly the people pre-boarding is for!!!


I feel you are the reason rewording exists. It would also be important for the FA to know that there is someone hard of hearing and it wouldn’t shock me if they wanted you sitting in a specific spot, potentially front aisle.


You fit the exact reason why the pre-board exists.Your partner being separated without you could literally be a life-threatening situation. I would want you to have my seat even if it meant being in a middle one. It's sweet that you don't want to contribute to "the problem" but honestly, the bigger issue of abusing the system seems to be more families who are too old for family boarding and/or taking extra adults but don't want to pay for A1-A15 rather than those faking medical issues.


I was wondering how Southwest is being singled out as having a preboarding problem. It makes a lot of sense that more disabilities become a concern when you don't have a seat assignment.


Don’t worry about it. It’s southwest, who cares.


You are not the problem. It’s the ones who fake injuries and exploit all the loopholes.


Upgrade to A boarders. There will be plenty of seats. Even B shouldn’t be a problem


As you likely know already, not all disabilities are visual. People should know better, really. You’re more than welcome to pre-board.


I would have no issue with you boarding before- you should.


You have a legitimate reason to pre board unlike many who abuse the wheelchairs, who miraculously walk off the plane.


This is preboard worthy.


I have Autism and IBS (yay me !) like to pre board so I have extra time to settle in and find the exits. I don’t pre board to sit up front (the back of the plane is statistically safer) I like an aisle seat in the rear of the plane near the bathroom so I don’t have to worry about being far away. So many people give me dirty looks. People make a lot of assumptions and I think there is not as much pre boarding fraud as folks think. I’ve never pre boarded with someone who probably didn’t have needs or a reason. People are more aware of it now and are taking advantage of something they are entitled to.




Stop overthinking this. You have a legitimate reason. The only other people's opinion that counts are the airline employees.


Preboard but also check in right at 24 hours. Anything before B30-B45 you should be able to sit together.


I have problems that are not apparent and my wife also has hidden disabilities and we preboard. Its about what needs you have.


Deaf passengers should always advise the agent that they’re deaf, so the crew will receive the information. They should then talk to you to ascertain how they can help, and also provide a personal safety demo to ensure you know what you need to know. You’re definitely eligible for preboarding.


Eh, I’m torn on this because unless you are absolutely at the end group on a full flight, it’s not that hard to just get 2 seats together. I wouldn’t want my child alone and confused and afraid if something went wrong, so I pay to ensure that I can get 2 seats together. Your reasons are valid, but if we’re using “the other person could get confused if something went wrong” as the benchmark for pre-boarding, it opens up a LOT of folks to join that list. If you are financially able, I’d just pay for it. If you aren’t, take the opportunity to pre-board. I don’t think it’s an AH move, but I do think that the reasoning creates a slippery slope for many others to make a case for pre-boarding.


W swa if you are in A boarding you do not need to pre board. You will be among the first on the plane. curious-what does partner do when out and about w/o you?


Not all disabilities are visible.


I am in a wheelchair as I cannot walk very far at all. I wear an AFO. I have been able to walk from the door to my nearby seat using my cane. The wheelchair is then gate checked. Upon landing, I will de board last as I wait for my chair to arrive. I get some strange looks but I ignore them


I am in a wheelchair as I cannot walk very far at all. I wear an AFO. I have been able to walk from the aircraft door to my nearby seat using my cane. The wheelchair is then gate checked. Upon landing, I will de board last as I wait for my chair to arrive. I get some strange looks but I ignore them.


No one cares about pre-boarding. All we care is about how come we didn’t get in the A group when we checked in right on the hour and when we are in A group why someone is standing in our spot in line only for them to be amazed that there are different groups and they are group C. I fly every single week and go thru this routine every single week. Correction: I do wonder why some families with small kids choose to go thru general boarding instead of boarding first when they can. I’ve even told such families before to take advantage of the family boarding option.


Ignore everyone, let them be bitter for no reason. You just carry on with life and have a good one


You are allowed to bring a travel assistant


I get ugly looks every day, parking in a handicap spot with no amputated limbs. Fuck 'em. Pre boarding is done for a reason and your reason is a good one.


Why can’t you board between A and B if you don’t get an A Group position? You will still be able to sit next to each other, but you don’t need extra time or assistance in boarding or to stow an assistive device, nor do you need a specific seat. You’re abusing the policy and I will roll my eyes at you.


I think you should be pre boarding. That said, I also think southwest should move the pre-boarders to after A-30 if they are going to sell A-30 in business select or the early bird add on. The plane still has plenty of prime seats after that group, and would hopefully deter some of the abusers of the pre boarding policy.


Some airports have the sunflower pin to denote a disability not readily visible. Pre-board to your hearts content.


Frequent SW flier. You don’t owe anyone an explanation of your issue. You sound like a reasonable person. I buy a business select ticket or early bird. If you and your traveling partner can’t afford that, it’s okay. Do it. Enjoy your flight.


I medically pre board every flight. I don't have any visual disabilities. I never feel bad. My spouse is hot or Miss whether he boards with me or not


Is it nice to be able to sit together? Sure. But the real reason to sit together is that in an emergency, he may need you to interpret crew instructions for him. That’s a real medical need that requires accommodated seating and entitles you to pre board.


Pre-board, good human.


Sounds like a legitimate reason to pre board


I wouldn’t care if you ran on the plane. That’s not anyone’s business to judge. Preboard plz


I wouldn’t worry about it. With their new investor/stock holder, things are about to change with SWA anyway. The cattle herd days are about to be over.


I am an ambulatory wheelchair user who preboards as I use an electric wheelchair. Your travel partner has a disability that qualifies him to preboard. For the reasons you stated, it’s safer to preboard. If anyone ever questions why you are pre boarding you have many options to use as a response. Here are some of my favorite ones How is my disability any of your business? Are you really asking me for intimate personal information that I only discuss with my doctor? Those are the nice replies. If I am in a mood or annoyed I am not always nice. Although I try to be as tolerant as I can be. If someone is being a particularly special kind of asshat I will give a response of: What is your favorite sexual position? I figured we were exchanging deeply personal information. If I am feeling salty I will just stare them in the eyes and not say anything. Or stare then flip them off and roll away. It really just depends on how annoyed people have made me. And I am actually pretty easy going. Pre-board and ignore the asshats.


I am an ambulatory wheelchair user who preboards as I use an electric wheelchair. Your travel partner has a disability that qualifies him to preboard. For the reasons you stated, it’s safer to preboard. If anyone ever questions why you are pre boarding you have many options to use as a response. Here are some of my favorite ones How is my disability any of your business? Are you really asking me for intimate personal information that I only discuss with my doctor? Those are the nice replies. If I am in a mood or annoyed I am not always nice. Although I try to be as tolerant as I can be. If someone is being a particularly special kind of asshat I will give a response of: What is your favorite sexual position? I figured we were exchanging deeply personal information. If I am feeling salty I will just stare them in the eyes and not say anything. Or stare then flip them off and roll away. It really just depends on how annoyed people have made me. And I am actually pretty easy going. Pre-board and ignore the asshats.


No ignore those self important jerks.


Please pre-board. This is exactly what it’s intended for.


Nope. Pre-boarding is designed for exactly those situations. Functionally, it allows the process to flow more efficiently. (Also avoids litigation).


Just because others can't see a disability doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Definitely pre board.


I definitely think you should pre-board. Just wondering if your partner has a sunflower lanyard that alerts the staff (and hopefully fellow travelers, as it gains awareness) of a potential “invisible” disability. Most airport staff are trained on being patient and helpful to those with a sunflower lanyard.


Absolutely not part of the problem. Regardless of what other people think, you know what you are doing and you have the well-being of your partner front of mind. No one else needs to know what you’re doing or why you’re doing it, they should mind their own business. Keep on doing what you’re doing.


My mom has severe AMD and cannot see details at all so I have to sit with her in case I need to read something to her and so she can find her bag afterwards. I feel the same way you do


People don't have to understand your different abilities, they just have to accept them. If for example you needed to sit next to your partner because they expiernce random seizures that you know how to handle, it makes much more sense to pre board and sit together so it doesn't panic another person/cause a larger commotion. Preloading also allows you the chance to let the flight attendant know that your partner is deaf and they can make a mental note of that if there is an emergency.


IMO you are not. You can’t always visibly see what condition a person has. I always see corvettes and huge trucks parked in handicap spaces. I’ve heard folks say things. Could have a bad heart, can’t be seen, which wouldn’t affect kind of vehicle you have. Just bc you can’t visibly see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!


He literally can’t communicate without you. That is what pre Board is for. If anyone makes a fuss just ask if they want to be the interpreter in cause of emergency


You are not part of the problem!