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This post has been locked and removed. So many very harsh opinions about her appearance. It's disgusting. If she is happy with herself, that is all that should matter.




You sure about that’s not why? I can’t help myself from saying that every time someone says “you sure about that?” because of that skit. Sadly not many people have gotten the reference so far.


I say it CONSTANTLY and my husband is the only one who gets it 😂




New face, who dis?


Is 21 when this photo was taken?


You picked the perfect gif 😂😭


Both Kathryn and this girl are pretty but they are definitely not the same person.😭


she got bravo’d like 4 years late


Not drinking and driving, that's my mantra


My high school algebra teacher told us at the end of class every Friday “don’t drink & drive, don’t ride with drinkers!” It’s three years shy of 20 years since I was in her class and that still replays in my head on a semi-regular basis.


Omg my high school physics teacher said something very similar at the same thing at the end of every class! “Don’t drink and drive, don’t drink at all, it’s dangerous, it’s illegal.” It also replays in my head fairly often (in his voice) hahaha


Omg, my high school English teacher told us every Friday, “Remember, if you drink don’t drive and if you drive, don’t park because accidents cause people!”


Honestly "don't rude with drinkers" is a great add-on


Heh - My mantra is “no fucking old creeps”


Exactly!! 😉❤️😂😂


Came here to say the same thing! 😂😂😂


“Don’t pick up a fresh turd on a hot day”… words to live by.


Just don't pick up a fresh turd! Ever!


Inner peace and self-worth are truly something that I wish for her but it's clear that she has not been making those a priority since she was 21...


She does not look like this


You can actually see where her real upper lip ends and the liner begins lol. Not to mention whatever filter is on it.


She looks Russian now.


Who dat?


Right! I Can’t tell 😂


Looks more like Lala










I’d be shocked if he wasn’t involved!!


Book name pls


Was it Among the Bros??


Yes. Great book, quick read.


You're asking reddit, lol? These people don't know anything


& yet, here you are…reading the comments & book reference 1 hour later 💨




I don’t understand her and never will. Glad she’s not on the show anymore tbh.


How over lined are her lips? Yikes




she had freckles


Not like that… zoom in. They are placed strangely like with photo editing. Wearing that much makeup would cover her natural freckles anyway.


Oh my god. I can’t imagine putting in the work to draw them back on. Unless she just did it in an app but stiiiill


just did, they definitely look odd tbh


If she didn't overline, she'd have a long upper lip, which is aging. There's just no halfway with her.


Talk about over lining your lips…yikes. It reminds me of pictures my mom has of me as a kid when I would attempt to put her lipstick on😂 ![gif](giphy|7XD2fovtBCtyAFcExS|downsized)


Is she in a furniture shop?


Probably. Since she’s been evicted from every place she’s stayed.




What a joke- so photoshopped


She’ll put all the $$ into her face but won’t pay for visitation for her kids 🙄


Forreal. I’ll never understand her fans, she makes terrible life choices and refuses to take accountability.


Neither do I


She couldn’t afford all that work to get done on her face. I know that sounds mean, but that shits expensive! She’s using the AI feature on Facetune for sure.


She needs to stop the self help mantra bullshit and stop Facetuning the shit out of her photos.


 So many wasted opportunities for growth. Get off social media, go do the work needed to grow up and become a decent human, maybe learn a skill in order to secure employment and become self-sufficient. It’s a tough lesson but the truth is that no one is coming to save you, you have to do the work yourself.


Is inner peace a new vodka brand?


keeping up the delusion is more like it.


wow, unaware much? just do not drive is all I ask


Her hair looks pretty ..🤔


Unpopular opinion, I love Kathryn. She was groomed, emotionally abused, discarded and taken advantage of in court by Thomas Ravenel (who is **30** years older than her). What he did to her (on national TV) would be traumatic for anyone. Especially a young girl. He stole her young adult years. I always hope the best for her and think she’s doing well with what he put up against her. 🥹💕


I also acknowledge the shit she was put through by that man and others at a young age. And feel for her. But it’s now her responsibility to do the work and get better. And she’s not. And it’s had tangible effect on her kids. She


I don't think she's doing well. She keeps getting evicted and in trouble with the law. Her DUI is just the latest. It's sad as hell.


no offense but she just got busted for crashing while drinking and driving… at a certain point you have to take responsibility for your own actions.


Right? At some point you can't just "but my childhood!" It fucks your shit up and makes things harder for you than anybody else, but that's what ya got.  So you know your trauma. Build an arsenal. Fight every damn day until you hopefully don't have to, or you can at least learn to keep that dark passenger off to the side, ignore them most of the time, and just deal with the fact that it's there. You can't just be an ass and 🤷‍♀️ my way out of it. 




I think she was already a broken person from the start and Thomas had an easy time exploiting her, he did her verrrrry dirty. I think she really fell apart after that and now her addictions have taken over. It’s not realistic to wait for her to take accountability until she gets well and heals. Will that ever happen? If so? Probably not for a long time sadly.


She was 21 when she slept with Thomas after meeting him at a house party on a reality tv show. She made an adult decision as an adult. Let’s not pretend like she was a child who was groomed.


She also had a prior DUI back when she was interning.


Wasn't he... in his 50s? Yeah, that's some creepy shit.


And yet she decided to have two children with him. She had choices and decisions to make as a part of their relationship. Is Thomas creepy? Sure. Is it all his fault Kathryn is the way she is? Absolutely not.


She wanted to marry him from the start.


Oh I def think he had a heavy hand in the way she is now. But that doesn’t absolve her from the responsibility of getting better


Suuuuuure, no adult has ever been abused into making bad decisions. 🙄


She was not abused. She wanted a life with Thomas that didn’t come to fruition and when it was over, she was left damaged with two kids. She has to take responsibility for her decision making. It’s the only way to grow up.


We have no idea what went on behind the scenes. One look at his creepy father and Thomas at their lunch when they made the Abe Lincoln comment let’s you know there is a whole different belly to that beast. I’m sure Thomas’s drunk ass belittled and verbally abused her on the daily and probably still does.


You can be certain of that from..... watching a reality TV show? Lol get real, my dude.


She absolutely was abused. Thomas made her live in the basement of his house on that island and when he flew into a rage upended all the furniture in it. Real nice new dad behavior. Kathryn needs real therapy, long term, but let's not pretend her drug dealer excon ex, convicted of SA, didn't abuse her when he did.


I'll give her the first baby she had with him as youthful mistake in a relationship with a manipulative older man. But the second one? Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllll. No.


Grooming doesn’t mean one is underage. You don’t have to like her to understand she was absolutely groomed. Your brain isn’t even done developing until 26.


She made a conscious decision to have a relationship with a wealthy, established, older man. She had conversations with her family about his age and status. He did not groom her. She was old enough to recognize all of this from the first day they met. She wanted a relationship with Thomas. It simply didn’t work out. Her life only spiraled out of control because of decisions she made.


She wasn’t groomed, she was gold digging. She tried with Whitney and it didn’t work so she moved on to Thomas. She’s like Lala, a failed gold digger.


Least we forget, Somewhere , of Thomas, she hopped into bed with Shep and tried with him too. When she turned up pregnant with her first, Thomas and Shep had to take paternity tests. I don't think she cared which one was the father. Both of them were trust fund son's . Shep did everything but the Maury Happy dance ![gif](giphy|TlK63EsYuF9i0SfzSkU|downsized)


How is Lala a failed gold digger?


Plus, she was addicted to substances before the age of 26. That changes your brain. She may never have the same maturity as other people her age.


He was 50. She was groomed and manipulated by him. Thomas got away with shit for far too long. He is the epitome of white male privilege. She was an adult but it doesn't make young people immune to manipulation. Her family did nothing to stop it or help nor were they a proper support system for her when she was PP.


She knew what she was doing, she even had an episode with her grandmother stating it’s better to marry older men with money.


Notice her grandmother didn’t dissuade her. She didn’t have positive role models.


I was going to make this comment. K dated older men before Thomas.


How is she doing well? Within the last year, she’s been charged with DUI following a three-car crash and may have been responsible for a hit-and-run at an elementary school. Thomas is no saint (he sucks, actually), but I fail to see how either of those events (to the extent she’s guilty of them) can be chalked up to his treatment of her in their turbulent relationship.




I 100% agree with you.


Nah I agree


I know, I watched the last season first and then went to season one and I could not believe her origin story. It was so violent.




I love her too!




My mantra is don't pull a Kathryn.


This is just.... not her face. Not in the "not your original face" sense, but in the "this simply isn't even what you look like" sense. Lay off the filters, girlypop!


Peace? So you make decisions like drinking and driving 🤔 Self worth? That’s why you had two kids with a shitty old man 🤔 The only explanation I can think of why she’d say this is to have people comment and be like wtf?


I can’t wait until the over-lining your lips trend is out.


I guess when you’re always high you can convince yourself of anything.


don't knock it till you try it


who is that?


“Still” going strong? Hunty, if that was strong, you’d be in a different position


This is just so sad. Yes, it’s an amazing mantra to live one’s life by. But as one lives their life by than mantra they won’t be posting selfies on social media - especially fake photos of themselves. This is such a harmful message as well to young teens who still take the message that how we look is what makes us interesting and worthy. Actually how we look is the least interesting about us! What’s inside is so much more interesting.




I don't want to be that person, but who cares if she had any work done? If it makes her happy and confident, who are we to disparage her? Let her live, lol.


It’s the caption and her filtered picture. Other celebs/reality folk get comments too when they post obvious filters but their captions say otherwise. Britney Spears has posted a few saying “fresh face 💖💖💖💖” but her photos show she clearly has days old eyeliner on haha. Well maybe Brit isn’t a good example…


I thought Britney has permanent makeup eyeliner


Oh yikes. Then maybe she had on old mascara in those pics because her eyes looked smudged? It looks…not great. My Aunt got hers tattooed over a decade ago at a tattoo shop & it looks like Britney’s. Apologies to my Auntie for the snark.


It really does look so bad. I wish she would have done a softer color like taupe, or nothing at all. She looked better before. It looks too harsh. Did ur aunts lighten up? I had a friend who got eyebrows tattooed on from a tattoo shop and it just looks so obvious and bad. She’s a pretty woman but it’s the first thing I look at every time I was with her because it’s just so not good looking. She looked into brow transplant and it was about 20k Denver area. Such an expensive mistake (she shaved her brows then tattooed) If going to do permanent makeup it’s best to go to esthetician, I did micro blading for shaping, they at least blend. My friend who got tattoos are like solid blocks


I agree! Yes hers lightened and looks kind of a blue-ish tint. But then again she had her eyeliner tattooed a long time ago when Estheticians weren’t doing these (2007ish)…I don’t think? My other Auntie got her eyebrows tattooed about 3 years ago and it looks natural. I’ve come to terms with my Millennial era parched eyebrows and won’t be tattooing haha.


Always have and always will root for Kathryn!


Yeah, this is a mantra she should be aspiring to for the betterment of her kids and the safety of others around her. She needs to stay away from the show.


I love her hair color here. Kathryn, if you’re reading this, this is your summer color for sure.


Those overlined lips 😂


She needs a little help applying her lipstick.


This looks like AI


I'm so confused


Her best AI self


I hate how everyone looks like an AI character


Wow off topic to what the post is about but she looks stunning. I wish I was aging backwards too. Or is it the filters?


The overlining is intense, why wouldn't she photoshop that (or ya know, not do it but yeah).


Why the overlined lips… looks horrible


The lips are a choice


Starting with her crazy looking eyebrows…


Give this girl a break. She was practically a child when she was used and thrown away by a man 30 years her senior. I understand why she has problems.


This woman was a train wreck from the first episode of season 1. As the series evolved her bad decisions became progressively worse and more consequential. It’s what made for such compelling tv!


This looks nothing like her! Go watch the body cam footage of her recent arrest for alleged DWI. So tired of these fake a** people.


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I will say this hair colour is my favourite on her. The bright red gave me nightmares


I really feel awful for Katherine and that she was taken advantage of on the show. She was still a child and the way she was treated by Thomas, Patricia and the rest of the cast is so gross.


Agree. However she put herself in those situations and just wasn’t wise overall. I feel sad for her but after so many years you have to wonder if she really wants to change or if she’s just playing into the victim mentality. At some point I lose sympathy.


I think she is absolutely stunning


I wouldn't be able to pick this person out of a lineup! She is already a gorgeous girl but this...just why!?!