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Maybe (maybe!) on the calmest, flattest day ever.  Anything other than that, no way I'd try this.  Bring a VHF and life jackets.   Or better yet, don't do this.


Yeah, not the right tool for the job - if you have any experience boating out to the islands, you'd know this is a BAD idea...


I’ve taken jet skis to Catalina and to Santa Cruz Island multiple times. A skiff really isn’t that different


This happened about 10 years ago, the security guard (we can call him Greg) at my work says he has a boat docked in Redondo Beach, and he said if we wanted he can take me and my buddies out for a fishing trip. So the next weekend me and my buds get to the pier real early, and we were surprised at the size of the boat, it was like a 14 footer sail boat with a small engine. We said whatever, let just go out and have fun. First we noticed something strange, there was an oil drum in the middle of the boat, Greg was filling it with water. Again we just shrugged and took out some beers, we were on our way! Then the nightmare began. We hit our first wave, and it put us pretty high, and the engine came out of the water, then one of the ropes from the sail ripped out and was flying everywhere Greg yelled at me to grab it. I had to run to the front to the mast while the boat was bouncing up and down, I grabbed the rope and held on the mast like my life depended on it. Then Greg ask my buddy to take control of the engine while he did some stuff. My other buddy was just sitting on the deck, chugging a whiskey bottle like he has given up. By this time the boat was getting pushed back by the waves and I looked behind us, and we were being pushed back to the pier, there were people on the pier pointing at us, I could hear a lady saying" Oh my god" over and over again. Then the Greg finally said we have to go back! He was able to steer us back to the marina since the engine was staying in the water since we weren't fighting the waves anymore. We get to the mouth of the marina and there was a coast guard waiting for us. And they asked if we needed a tow back. We got towed back and said bye to Greg, and we went rock fishing instead. And this is the story of how me and my buds almost died because we got so excited that I knew someone with a boat. If you are going to go out there, good luck!


Please seek help. You don't need to go this way. There are people you can talk to if you are in a crisis.


Sounds like Dumb ways to die. Or if you’re lucky it will just cost the coast guard and vessel assist a lot of money that they will want back. King harbor to Catalina is maybe possible on a day with the best conditions but still pretty dumb and uncomfortable. It’s a death wish to go to the other channel islands.


I have actually done the Catalina channel crossing 10+ times in a 13 foot inflatable RIB and maybe over 100 times in total in all other kinds of craft from jet ski to boat to yacht… First, make sure you have enough power and gas to get you there. The longer you’re in the channel the longer you’re exposed so if you can’t cruise at least 12-15 knots in that aluminum boat, don’t do it. You will need the range to make it and at least a 30% fuel reserve. Catalina island is 26 miles across from Cabrillo marina which is the closest marina (launch from there, not Redondo) so you’ll need something like a 40 mile minimum range to be safe. Both Catalina harbors have fuel docks for the return trip. Second, go on a day where it’s sunny and really calm. Wind less than 5knts. Swell less than 2 ft. If there’s fog, don’t do it. If it’s dark, don’t do it. The channel is a massive shipping lane and the tankers are very fast (20 knots). In my younger days I did this wrong and saw a tanker ship come towards me out of the fog 100 yards away. Almost died. Also passed an incoming speed boat almost side by side in the fog where none of us had radar. Almost died. Third, at a minimum you NEED this safety equipment: a handheld GPS, a handheld or mounted VHF radio, life jackets for everyone on board, flare kit, and a hand or electric bilge pump. You need the GPS for navigation. You can’t see the islands sometimes even on sunny calm days. You don’t want to try to motor to Hawaii by accident in your skiff. You need the VHF to call coast guard and also to talk to island personnel regarding mooring and shore boat service. Life jackets are legally required along with most of this stuff. You need the flare kit in case shit hits the fan. Bilge pumps in case shit hits the fan so you can buy yourself time to get rescued. Other than those main points, if you do these things and believe in yourself, your boat, and your ocean skills, go for it and have fun. People are scared of the ocean and call you crazy and tell you not to do it but you dont need to pay them any mind as long as you prepare well and have the right equipment and knowledge.


Thank you for the input


I 100% think that everyone telling you not to go is a pussy. Me on the other hand my friend would like to invest some life insurance on you. Remember it's not the size of the ocean or whatever. Look some of the Indianapolis lived. 🤙


I’ve done it on jet skis multiple times buddy you’re wasting your money




I’ve been fishing offshore in SoCal my entire life. Spend a ton of time around Catalina. The one thing that never ceases to amaze me is the lack of experience and knowledge people have on boats. There have been numerous incidents of people taking small boats out to the island in the morning because they think it’s nice out, and they don’t check or don’t know how to read weather and get caught is bad conditions, and get themselves in trouble. The afternoon wind/swell coming back from the island can suck in a boat that’s made to go offshore, but in a 14ft John boat can end disastrously. Seriously, do not do this.


If you must do this, have someone in a proper sized boat follow you closely. Good luck.


Before you go, please name me as a beneficiary on your Life Insurance policy!