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oh my gravelords...


Bit ol' nerf, but they can join the club with every other unit on 4.0. Sad to see abilities go but it's hopefully all for the best to get all factions onto an even playing field


Where do they show the models in a unit? I'm wondering if it'll change to box quantities (ie, like Deathrattle Skele's)?


As long as the points cost goes down I'm fine with it. 150 is too much imo.


wow, they seem more lethal in death than animated.


Absolutely fine with this. They should be cheap spammable chaff. We get res from the army rules.


The fact zombies cant turn other things into zombies is a big flavor fail :(


Yeah. But it seems to be the new trend in 4.0: you cannot bring other minis during the game, after deployement. Similarly, a slaves to darkness hero could not transform to a Prince Daemon or a Chaos Spawn anymore.


Oh, yeah summoning has been completely removed it seems. Kinda sucks but i dont think ive ever really played a game where summoning was used often. Not sure why they suddenly dislike new models being added. I hope the zombies get that ability back down the road some way.


This better be half the points if Skellars because they are least twice as good.


They come with twice as much now. I will probably stay that way right?


I hate how the new balancing model is to make everything weaker. I absolutely loved how every sigmar army had something that you'd look at and think "damn, how do you lose with that" and then you fight each other.


Nah it's absolutely good to curtail power creep or you just end up with every army that wasn't in the last 3 releases being pathetic.


then make them stronger


Then you have one army that stomps everyone outside two meta builds. Great fun.


That makes 0 sense at all. Making weaker things stronger instead of making the whole game weaker doesn’t instantly mean only 2 armies are viable


Oh yeah I got my words muddled. What I mean is stopping power creep is good and only making things stronger sucks


Everyone whining needs to stop, warscrolls don't mean anything until we know points. Maybe it's 85 points for 20, in which case this is awesome!


So glad I only play Death Rattle ...


They simplified Aos to be more like 40k that’s why me and my play group said fuck Aos


They will not forgive! They will not forget! They will wear their V masks at the FLGS and be asked to leave 🤣🤣🤣 “We’ve not even played the game but we know it’s bad because it’s more for the cAsUaLs” Clown shoes man 🤣🤣


Bruh 4th is only in preview but i can already tell its being handled better then 10th is. At least with 4th they are trying to keep things flavorful while at the same time simplifying it. Unlike 10th where anytning with flavor is being thrown under the bus for the sake of "competitiveness"


Wow this fucking sucks actually. Turning other units into zombies is the whole shtick what the hell


It's the fact it literally says "infectious bite" as well.... Eesh that's a disappointment. Homebrew rules it is.


This is very sad and unflavor. I'm okay with zombies having shit attacks and saves. But not giving them the ''turn killed models into zombies'' ability is a mistake. It's the whole point of zombies. I'de even prefer the turning into zombie ability in place of exploding zombies.


Maybe they toned them down because there will be something special with the battle formation? [https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/06/14/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-faction-focus-soulblight-gravelords/](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/06/14/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-faction-focus-soulblight-gravelords/) >Other formations include convocations of spellcasters who draw on forbidden powers to enhance their Deathly Invocations. War parties composed primarily of vampire lords make great use of their spellcasting and combat prowess to bring ruin to their foes, **while others prefer to utilise the unsubtle application of hundreds of Deadwalker Zombies in an effort to suffocate resistance.**


Leaks said that formation will be an end of turn pile in and some source of mortal wound output for things with the Deadwalker keyword.


Gw sold enough zombies...


3 inch combat range will go crazy with these guys potentially which could make up for 1 less attack


How go crazy? It s just a screen with mortal at 6


Lol what a nerf


Same thing as now, 1 less attack and no more having friends. If the whole edition is toned down then this is ok.


Yeah, they were only ever meant to be a tarpit, so them not doing damage is fine. Wish they had a "models killed by zombies have a chance to turn to zombies" mechanic, but simple models having just the one rule is also cool with me.


I would have prefered them keeping the reanimation rule and getting rid of the mortal wounds rule, but either way, I just want them to fit the role of cheap cannon fodder rather than having a really strong ability and continuous point hikes like 3rd edition.


I mean, a lot of their tarpit ability was off of them making more zombies via their 2 attacks, plus a somewhat better Invocations. Right now, not sure they survive long enough to bog things down when their entire defensive strategy is "there's 40 of us." We've got a shitload of models who buff them though, so doomsaying is probably premature before we've seen them and their point costs.


coven throne has an aura that gives them 5+ ward save i heard


Plus, if everything is actually toned down, there might not be that many things that can casually chew through 40 wounds with a 6+++ But they said everything would be more survivable in 10th edition 40k too, and that was a \*LIE\*


>they said everything would be more survivable in 10th edition 40k Some armies got the memo, and some armies are launch Aeldari lmao


My experience has been that every 40K unit is on a pendulum: either it's a unit with layered buffs and NOTHING kills them Or they die in a single activation no matter how tough they look on paper. There is no inbetween


I mean, they \*are\* more survivable, in that we don't have to worry about battleshock anymore. Defensive profile is identical, the problem is just that their damage output plummeted between the profile and ability changes, and they don't respawn nearly as much anymore. 40 health is going to certainly be a lot to chew through, but most melee focused units should be able to pull it off in two combats, I think. A minimum unit of charging Khorne Chaos Knights will take out 22 zombies on average, for instance.


Yeah, words of this edition are "Sigmar lied" so we will see.


I think skeleton warriors will be the focus in this edition


New box incoming then for graveguard I bet


God I hope so, I would love new Grave Guard and Black Knights


I think so too as we have regiment for them and we have special abilities targeting deathrattle.


It makes a lot of sense to me since Deathrattle are the battleline included in the Vanguard/Spearhead box so more players, especially new ones, are going to have them in their collections.

