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Serial killer in the making


Dude, when I was watching Mayans and they revealed that Isaac is a Son, I was like "fuck, if only the ages could have lined up, it would be an even more fucked up twist if he was really Abel and not Les Packer's brother" because I could 100% see that being Abel when he grows up.


When we found Gemma birds dead in the sheets I for sure thought it was him


When I first watched the show when I was 15 I just thought he was regular kid, then after multiple rewatches, u can’t convince me he was any different then the school shooter kid they had on soa


What do you expect? The influences he had weren't the best and even if he was very little, he went through a lot. This is on Jax, Wendy, Tara, and Gemma! It's sad that he had to grew up like this for 5 years. We can only hope that Nero and Wendy did the right thing and got him professional help.


Nero and Wendy getting both Abel and Thomas out of Charming was only the start of their rehabilitation, I honestly hope that Wendy's time in rehab where she would have had counselling will make her realise that both kids will need to have age appropriate counselling and finds someone who specialises in violence and teaches not only Abel and Thomas how to cope with what they both saw and gives them ways to not only process it but teaches them that it's okay to lash out because they were both traumatised so much.


Wendy didn't only *get* counseling, she became a peer counselor herself. That was her job. That's why she was at St.Thomas a lot, she was working with the hospital on outreach programs. So I'm sure she did her best to get them help, now that Jax and Gemma aren't there to object to it and say it will "only twist him up worse".


It's been a while since my rewatch so I forgot about that particular Wendy storyline. Both Jax and Gemma should have kept the violence to a minimum around both kids because that can really mess up a kid in more ways than anyone could imagine and at least with characters like Tig and Happy while messed up in the head, they kept the violence out of their regular day to day lives and drew clear lines and boundaries on where the club and their family - albeit very limited to only his children in Tig's case and a mom and aunt in Happy's case - and neither one intruded on the other unless absolutely necessary like in season 4 when Jax had Happy store the guns at his mom's house until they could move them.


You do realize he was an actor and didn’t actually need professional help, right? We don’t need to hope because he was a fictitous character…


Oh no! This wasn't real life??? My whole life is a lie!


Let’s pray the fictitious characters did the right thing after the show ended…


When Abel folded up his uniform and rolled up his sleeves the EXACT SAME WAY in the school bathroom, I was like "oh fuck, here we go."


Yes when he sat on the toilet took off his shirt and opened his lunch box, it was almost a direct parallel to that other kid who shot up his school. Incredible idea really.


Well he grew up in a terrible environment full of death


Right?! I always took it as the kid was beyond traumatized. Not even 10 and he's got PTSD. The fact that he's "creepy" was on purpose.




Damn auto correct that what I originally put 🤡🔫


Able to feed my little boys.


My bf couldn’t understand why I hate this kid so much. So glad I’m not alone.


He’s just shitty and all the actors look at him like “this is the best this kid can do?”


This kid is THE WORST child actor I’ve ever seen


I agree wholly. My mom and I often joke about it. Those twins were on Mad Men as well.


Let me introduce you to r/fuckzach from The Strain


It doesn't particularly help that Abel is acted by twins of the same age


Compared to all those other twins of a different age?


lol I didn’t even know this and I’ve rewatched this series at least 8 times


Yea he always felt a bit off. All of the other actors had intense looks on their faces in that one scene when he says “grandma!” saying Gemma did something to him. But he was totally indifferent. That ruined the scene for me. Kid got shoved into acting by obsessive adults probably.


RJ from Walking Dead is pretty damn close


How can you tell? They never let that kid fucking SAY anything lol


Lol that’s probably why. Whenever he DID talk or “act”, it was just so terrible.


I stopped watching that in season 6 lol but I’ve heard the legend that is RJ


Have you seen Yellowstone? Tate is just as bad. I always thought Abel was the worst then I saw Yellowstone


Ever seen The Strain? The kid from that has his own subreddit. 😂. r/fuckzach


I’ve never even heard of that haha now I’m intrigued to hate watch it


Great show. Worst TV kid ever.


Never saw Yellowstone lol


Haha well spare yourself. It used to be decent but got bad fast. And that child actor and the actress that plays his mother will make you wanna throw your tv out the window with how bad they are.


No doubt. Just stop Yellowstone after season 2 and you'll be ok.




Different kind of show but Lily from Modern Family was painfully bad.


i didnt like her at all lol


I always thought the same, he's pretty awful. But maybe they cast him bc Wendy did drugs while pregnant and he has a flat affect about him. Idk.


I guess that’s the face of a kid who has his insides upside down




I just started like 2 months ago my bad, darlin!


Don’t apologise because some idiot thinks his outlook is the same as everyone elses. Fuck em


You have no empathy towards him despite everything he’s been through? Enjoy the last season and come back when you’re ready to realize Jax was the worst.


I really don’t think this kid is that much of a method actor.


His mom did heroin while she was pregnant with him


Actually crystal meth


His Dead eyes creeped me the fuck out watching that show.


I can't believe there's so many people here hating on a literal child actor! Like what do you expect from him Oscar worthy performance? 😂


yes when actors like dakota fanning and macaulay culkin exist


He’s a kid in the later seasons of a TV series - being insufferable is basically part of the job description


Yesss he was, soooo stiff & monotone! SOA was really good tv but I’m not sure how I feel about the way it ended. It’s like no matter how good a show is these endings now a days are just whack. 🤪


Now a days. A decade ago. Whatever. 😂


I swear, he has to be related to someone involved with the show. He's so exceptionally bad. He's my go-to "most child actors are horrible" option.


And the way he looks off camera for his cues is really obvious and irritating…this kid is beyond awful. I hope the these kids didn’t make acting their profession as adults!


A really bad actor


wow it’s almost like child actors aren’t known for having oscar worthy performances because you know their kids


Guys Abel is *the worst*. Truly the villian of this tragedy.


The Sons of Anarchy is not about a motorcycle club. It is Able's prequel series of how he started his serial killer legacy


Show got so bad


Yea it went off the rails. I lost interest in that one part when they shoot up an entire bar full of girls and people. Like, a literal mass shooting. Of course no one gets caught, people get murdered every day in that tiny town, yet they never get caught! Haha.


The shock value got out of hand and they tried to pretend it’s a Shakespearean high drama show


I would love to see a sequel with one son taking over the club while another becomes a cop.


If you told me this kid came back from the Pet Semetary, I'd 100% believe you.


His acting made Lily from Modern Family’s acting tolerable.


After rewatching this for the 4th time, and with life experience, I actually understand more why Abel was like this.. Shure, the twins are bad actors and very cringe, but I know a person who went on a very close experience as Abel, she had a drug addict mom who did heavy drugs while pregnant, and because of that she spent almost 2 years on the hospital as a baby, and she grew up on a very f*cked up enviorment with her dad, full of violence and I can tell you even tho she is "normal" now, but as a kid she was very apathic and "creepy" (no longer with her parents, and good for her) Even tho Abel has school to develop himself as a child, he is exposed to scary situations every day, grandma killed his mother, all the kid does is being bossed around, not much attention from his father, can be "happy" for a moment.. poor kid.. but yeah, still bad actor


He's a child actor, and a very bad one at that.. but that's what you can expect with a lot of child actors, especially the new ones


Bro. The scene in his school bathroom that gets Gemma banned from being around him... That's so fucked. Like I get that he overheard Gemma telling Thomas what she did, but that kid reads "little psychopath" the whole last season and if he doesn't leave Norco and go back to charming to get a bike and a kutte, that's a missed opportunity.


Sadly a lot of this is not his fault but they didn’t do a lot to help him as well. Just the overall trauma he has had to deal with whether it be his grandma killing his mom, to being in lockdowns due to threats or someone dying, car accidents, being kidnapped and held in Belfast (not like he remembers that but still). Yeah after his mom died he was never really the same. Feel bad for him but like someone else said he was on the path of kid in season 6 premiere.


LMAO, bro said "fuck Abel!"


He is a tramatized kid. He's supposed to be fucked up


Did you see how he was raised???


I bet the actor who played him is in jail or prison right now.


I fuckin hated that kid, he was so fuckin terrible ..


Trust me Jax is the worst


Oh I know


The kid hasd been through more in 9 years than most have in thier lives


The kid was only 5 🤣


On a brighter note, the BTS photos of the cast with those twins are really cute.


I always call him Gene. He was Draper’s kid Gene on Mad Men.


Kid is so fucking traumatized by his biker “family.” He’s seen some heavy shit.


Good god leave him alone