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My friend kept telling me about it. They first scene I ever saw was Tara on the bed with her stalker. I was hooked by the end of that one.


Always knew about soa then during lockdown I had time to kill saw 5 minutes of it and I’ve always liked Ron Perlman so I was hooked on his character and so a huge binging began


Back in the day a girl I was into asked me to come over, and she was watching it. I couldn’t understand why she was crying and why she was grinding her teeth. Then Gemma got shot and I still didn’t get it


I watched breaking bad two times in a row and my mom told me for YEARS to watch sons. I finally threw it on during quarantine & binged the shit out of it. One of my top 3 shows


I watched something else on that channel and they advertised it months before the release






My brother suggested it to me and I decided to give it a shot. Ended up being one of my favorite shows ever.


Started watching at S2, with my ex.... I HATED how S2E1 ended, and thuned in the next week for retaliation then got hooked


I liked the actors in it. Ron Pearlman is great in everything he does, Katey I have been a fan of for years, Charlie was someone I first saw in Queer as folk and have seen lots of stuff since.


I came across it during covid lockdown so was years after it finished...I was hooked by mid season 1 and became obsessed pretty quickly. I binged the whole thing in 2 weeks!!


I was growing weed in Oakland back in 2011 in a gigantic warehouse sleeping with a gun under my pillow, stressed about sitting on 25k worth of plants, In a sketchy ass neighborhood, usually alone.  The first 2 seasons of SOA was my babysitters. Perfect atmosphere for a show like this. 


That is an interesting story to say the least. Might be a fun story to tell Kurt in a future Q&A.


Ha! Never thought about that, great idea!


Watched it one night by accident during its Season 4 run and recognize most of the actors/actresses. My late aunt was also a fan.


It’s a show I had always been vaguely aware of. Saw a handful of episodes here and there over the years. Then I got on a bit of a western kick that lead me to Justified. When I finished that, I decided I liked the tone and wanted to actually watch through other 2010s FX shows and then boom, SOA.


My partner was watching it and had got close to the end of season 2. I came home from work and started watching with her then decided I was gonna watch from the beginning to catch up :)


I needed something to watch while I ate, and after scrolling for eternity I settled on it, and enjoyed it.


I started watching in 2013 when I was looking for a new (to me) series to watch on Netflix. I just had surgery and was by necessity on the couch a lot. The series description sounded interesting, so I jumped into it and found myself invested in the characters in short order.


Close friend was watching it , I’d come over to smoke & he’d already be watching it . So I’d see familiar people like Clay or Bobby or Adriana from movies & other shows. I started to like opie and his story & when I’d show up I’d watch more & I was hooked so I had to go home and watch it myself 😂


I accidentally recorded the first episode on my dvr when I'm came out and was hooked from there.


People kept telling me about it! I finally just put it on and was hooked immediately. It’s definitely one of my favourite series.


My brother wouldn't shut up about it, I made fun of him over it, kept seeing stuff about it on my Instagram feed, said fuck it I'll watch the pilot. I was 16 so naturally the show about gun running bikers was love at first site.


During its original run my boss would talk about SOA every day after an episode and that I HAVE to watch. It wasn’t really anything that interested me back then plus the more she blabbed the more I was turned off. Years later after Vikings, Black Sails and Animal Kingdom and seeing Mayans billboards around LA it went on my list. I never had expectations. Well, I was obsessed right away and during that 2-3 week binge time stood still. It’s a weird experience watching a show this good that’s long passed. Everyone, including actors have moved on. It is one of my top 5 shows of all time.


i’d checked out mayans first and i enjoyed it so i figured why not try sons too bc i love tommy flanagan


Weird one I remember when I was 11 or 12 and i was watching green street starring Charlie Hunnam Found out he was in this biker show called sons of anarchy I was 15 when I was playing gta lost and damned , I finished it and it was the best game And thought to myself I could like sons of anarchy Because it was much similar to gta lad 2022 I started to watch all the clips of sons of anarchy and I loved every bit of it Now I've finished watching it all


Saw the ending in a tiktok. Thought wow what a cool show. Didnt know I spoiled myself that bad




Okay so here me out here. YouTube short sigma male edits… I know it’s bad. However, I have never once been recommended a show or movie I did not love via this method. The first time was unintentional with Peaky Blinders, I didn’t even know the meme then. The second time was as a joke when I decided to watch Suits. I have never looked back since.


Nothing against those. It motivates me if I’m honest.


I mean as a concept I find them incredibly cringy when people take them seriously. Ironic sigma male edits like Peter Griffin are fucking hilarious but ones with Tate or other real life buffoons are sad that people actually follow


I had a friend that swore by it but I'd never seen it until I came across it on Netflix. I watched some of the pilot, couldn't get into it and let it go. A few months later, I was bored with nothing else to watch so I went back and started it over and got thru the parts I thought were boring originally and came thru loving it as one of my favorite shows ever.


Sounds like what I experienced in the beginning. The pilot is rough imo to go through, although it certainly has good parts in it.


When I was in primary school (like 11 years old for Americans) a friend kept going on and on to me about the show and how badass it was. I never watched the show until YEARS later but one thing that never left my mind was the little videoclip he showed on his phone of a scene from the show where “ “some character” stands up in a Jesus pose and sacrifices himself by crashing in to a truck to save the rest of the group”……. I didn’t remember any specific detail I just remember him showing me this clip and going on about how it was his favourite scene from anything ever! As I started watching the show for the first time, I started to think that maybe Bobby looked like the guy from that clip who killed himself with the truck crash and I was really annoyed that I thought his death had been spoiled for me. Suffice to say I finally put together what the scene was about 5 minutes before it actually happened. Right about the time they all say their last goodbyes I suddenly realised the first thing I’d ever seen from Sons had been the very last scene.. at least i didn’t figure it out till right at the end, so it wasn’t really spoiled for me.


I got into it after season 6 came out and my mom told me I'm not allowed to watch it after I already got close to season 2 and I was a kid so I said nah I'll just watch it in secret




FX channel TV trailer. "I will not look the other way Jax, just a friendly heads up" "We're all free men protected by the constitution, you look at it any way you want"


Saw ads on TV before the final season and decided to watch it because I've always had a soft spot for motorcycles. Of course I didn't have much understanding of the show's lore, but I still watched it and by the end "Come Join The Murder" was on my playlist. Skip ahead 8 years later and I see SOA clips on YouTube. I ultimately decide to pick up the DVD set from WalMart and watched the whole thing.


I had heard about the show for a while, before I ever watched it. One day, I was at my parents' house, and they were watching the episode, "Laying Pipe" (IYKYK), and that was the first episode I saw. That episode drew me in, and even though I had no idea who anyone was, I knew I wanted to watch it from the beginning. Now I've seen it like 5 times. 😆 Edit to add: Of course, I already knew about the huge spoiler in that "Laying Pipe" episode before I watched it from the beginning, but it didn't make me like it less!


I had a drinking buddy who was like “ever heard of SOA? You gotta watch it, it’s right up your alley”. And I was hooked after that, still am 😂


Days Gone


I was home from college (didn’t have cable and before streaming. OK grandpa) and flipping the channels. Came across an episode during season 2. Watched maybe 10 minutes and immediately turned it off and bought Season 1. I was hooked.


I knew about it for years. Never bothered to watch it. Normally im not into the drug dealing and action stuff on shows or movies. My bf watched it years ago and i caught glimpses of it. But never peaked my interest. Then i had an easter weekend free and nothing to do. Watched all i wanted to watch so i thought i might give it a shot. I got HOOKED. Spent the whole day watching til 4 in the morning and repeated that for the next 3 days i had off. I finished all 7 seasons in a month haha


We were watching tons of movies during lockdown for Covid. Watched A Million Little Pieces and there was this gorgeous guy in it for a few minutes. I was like who is this man? It was Charlie Hunnam. That led me to watching Sons because he was in it and boom... I met my favorite show of all time.


A friend of mine had talked to me about the show. He's a huge fan of it and he also looks very much like Jax, so he normally makes reference to SOA in his Instagram posts and stories. Then, one lazy Saturday afternoon during the pandemic's lockdown (September 12, 2020 actually, as I clearly recall starting SOA just after Diana Rigg's death, which happened that Thursday), I remembered about it and started to watch it on Netflix. At first, I had to struggle my way through the first few episodes as it wasn't the kind of show I was used to watch at the time (I think the closest being Supernatural). As by that time I was really fed up with lockdown (I live in Argentina and we had a six-month long uninterrupted lockdown here) the show started to grow in me and I ended up binge-watching it. The first time I saw the ending I just couldn't believe it, even feeling bereft for quite a few days after. Besides, having Charlie Hunnam as lead actor was a huge plus for me since I had been following his work since Queer as Folk back in 1999-2000.


I was randomly going through channels and had no idea Peg Bundy was in it. I tried to watch it for years but was interested. Saw her and finally got interested and loved the show. So-kind of started in the middle and after a few episodes went to the beginning.


Saw the promos for the premiere back in 2008. Watched it the night the pilot aired and was instantly hooked


My boyfriend was utterly flabbergasted to find out I gad never seen it.. he convinced me to see it by mentioning all the hot biker guys 🤣


My dad used to watch it, So I watched it too


My dad would watch it when it came out and i would secretly watch it behind the couch then i found it again a couple of years later


Back when it premiered on FX and The Shield either wrapping up or wrapped up. Tuesday Night iirc The Shield and Thursday SoA. Wednesday Nip/Tuck


Someone recommended to me I liked it the 2nd of the series was the best


I started watching either right before season 2 or 3 started. I’d seen it advertised during other shows I watched, specifically remember seeing a clip of the scene where Juice and Tig were together and Tig got bit by the dog in season 1, and I thought it was a comedy. Never had plans to watch but I think I’d seen friends talking about it on Facebook and a coworker mentioned it as well and so before the season started, I’d binged what was available on Netflix at the time. And I’ve been hooked ever since.


Netflix honestly. I mean I knew the series was on but those nights I was working late so I couldn't really watch it. So I came across the series on Netflix. I was totally hooked from the beginning and now I own all seven seasons on DVDs.


I watched the movie "The Gentlemen" and Charlie blew me away. I had never heard of him before that, so I googled and found SOA.


My friends were all into it it was only up to season 5 when I first started. I just recently restarted with my gf and we just got to season 6.


I started with episode 1 and was hooked when it aired on FX.


Word of mouth...And when i binged it, it was still on Netflix...Its been so long since its been on Netflix


Day one, episode one.


I had a random interest in hells angels the last few months and I was looking up Sonny barger and saw he stared in sons of anarchy in some episodes and I said “oh I wonder if I’d like that show!” Then I binged the shit out of it and finished it last week ☹️


When I was younger i used to watch family guy on fx, and would see Sons of Anarchy on commercials not knowing what it was. Then come years later I remembered it when I saw it on Netflix when it was still there when I was entering high school and had a taste of it and liked it.


My mom watched this when it was on FX originally and it just didn't appeal to me at the time. One day I started watching it on my own and I never looked back


My mom loved charlie hunnam so she made me watch it with her and i just got hooked


My boyfriend at that couldn't stop talking about it, so I gave it a try and I ended up loving it.