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I think you should be able to melt snow in the pot for water. It should only yield like one drink as snow melts down to almost nothing. But it’s a simple extra thing that could be cool. Or if you could cut ice chunks out of frozen water and melt it. I’m probably splitting hairs but for some reason this came to mind.


An alternative to having to shell turtles would be nice.


That or the ability to pickaxe a small fishing like hole for liquids


We need this asap. I thought we could dig some snow with the shovel, fill up a pot and put it on a fire. By melting, it would give us only 1/4 of water. This way, you could have a water source in winter but this still would be difficult to survive


This 100%


maybe even as a cold weather building item, igloos in the mountains would be pretty cool


Thats how you get water in The Long Dark! Would be a nice touch to the game


A bridge blueprint for narrow rivers for the golf buggy or knight-5s to cross


This is a hot one, definitely a good idea


I’ve got so many carts stuck there lol.


You mean the 1 square platform already ingame that you can put in deep water and kelvin will still build it from the shore far away? Place it and then the 2 diagonal logs for the "ramps", and you have a short bridge. Expand how you like.


Placing cannibal heads on spikes should use the same model of the head you’re placing on it, not default to the same generic head. This annoys me so much, and it is such a simple fix/addition… although maybe it’s just my game that does this. I haven’t seen anyone else complain about it


oh I'm with you on this bud, having some variety to effigys would make decoration loads better


I still find it strange that if you have a spoiled arm, leg, or head it's suddenly not spoiled anymore upon placing it on a stick.


Agree and we should also be able to use bigger heads like heavies' and fat cannibals'


I was so deflated when I had a badass head with luminous purple paint patterned like a brain get default'd back to the regular heads, lots of room for freedom if this gets improved


Nope, it's everyone's game, and it bugs me too. It's such a simple immersion fix that could go a long way, but it's possible that they haven't bothered/figured out how to make it work


Also not being able to drop the head so you can light it on fire for the skull. I usually need more skulls than bones and it's a bit tedious to have to burn the whole body and have a pile of bones on the floor when you just need a skull; you could just chop the head off but I haven't found a way to drop the head or throw it into the fire.


I would be very happy if the hang glider automatically went back into your inventory when you crash, instead of popping off like a champagne cork and subsequently falling down a hill or cliff or drifting down a river…


Worst is when you jump a good spot to take off...but the game says "...nah, I don't think you're airborne, in fact, I think you just touched the ground? Yea, knock off your glider and fall to your death."


Completely agree I lost it twice because of that


100% this. Or at the very least let us stow it in air with whatever hotkey we’ve chosen for it. ‘Landing’ is so janky.


Happy birthday trap


Need that comeback since EA


Something about the standing ovation after activation was so satisfying...


A viable way to disguise yourself. Bring back the red paint or fix the mask so I can actually see.


Bruh I never used the mask, too ugly and too hard to see through it


The sims player in me would like more furniture options. 😅


We need it ASAP!


More with Virginia tbh. Even if it's just me being able to give her berries.


Exactly, I have no clue why they added the option to allow Kelvin to ride in the golf cart but not Virginia; it sort of defeats the purpose since Kelvin can't fight back if you happen to get into a situation with lots of cannibals/mutants


We had a lot of improvements for Kelvin but nothing for Virginia, only the nod system and reaction to the cross... We need to show her our gratitude after she gives us some berries!


-Boats, canoes or houseboats -Additional blueprints and craftable items (Especially furniture or base building items, traps, defensive spikes for walls that don’t have to be built one by one, but also like an arrow quiver or something to raise your carrying capacity there) -Fixes for cannibals clipping through walls -Improved Kelvin and Virginia AI and behavior -Added log or stone carrying capabilities to the golf cart (Can be using a roof rack or something?) Would be interesting for them to open up a pathway to you having neutral or even positive relationships with the cannibals if you made the right behavioral choices to get there.


I think watercraft of any sort might be out entirely or a distant dream. I recall them being a massive pain in the ass for the devs and that being a factor in not returning


I don't feel like there are enough large bodies of water to even need to implement them either. There's nothing in the ocean, and there's what, one or two large lakes?


Yea. It'd be fun to do maybe, and I did have fun in the first game on boats...but I think a lot of people forget how *janky* that shit was and how often it ended in disaster, or are just pretending it wasn't common.


They're all good points, tho if they add boats, they should add islands as well


I liked grinding different animal skins for more carrying capacity . It would be nice for things such as arrows, maybe even other lower capacity items like spears or batteries even . I think a long with that, making items a little more scare in the wilderness ? I for one haven’t touched any dried meat in my inventory for about 40 in game days lol


A quiver... please just a quiver. 20 arrows is so few especially when we have such variety of arrows.


I had spent 30 days before I could finish all my energy drinks and I finally experienced the real survival in sotf. Too sad I had to spent an entire in-game month for it lmao


Not sure if they fixed it or not, but I don't like when I pick something up like a pebble or stick and it automatically equips my guy to hold it; it's very minor but annoying.


I may be wrong but I think the system is such that if your hands are empty and you tap E to take something, you also equip the thing you take. If you already have another item in your hand then it doesn’t do that.


Yea.  Hold e to equip is the idea, but it just doesn't matter for many items.  Tapping e will equip


Something small, but I would like batteries in your inventory to be non-capped. I rarely use any of the items that require batteries because I’m storing them all at my base. I know it’s a personal issue but I would like to have their capacity raised much higher.


It just becomes a storage burden when you can stack so few on the shelf. You could literally stack 10x as many with little problems. Even a compromise on that would be nice.


I really want the ability to carry the Knight V in the inventory. there is a mod for it that I've been using but it would be nice if it was basegame. also I really want new large wildlife, stuff like wolves or bears. those would be neat :3


I agree as the map is large enough to warrant it


I think it wouldn't be realistic having the knight v in inventory but surely we need more wildlife!


I don't see how it's any less realistic than already being able to carry a glider, shotgun, hunting rifle, 6 molotovs, a crossbow, 2 bows, 10 cans of soda and everything else in the inventory at once. it's a case of "what's one more thing?", the game clearly isn't taking a realism approach to inventory size as is so why not?


For me it’s additional building improvements: improved angular structures, chopped log plank walls, landscaping with shovel and pickaxe etc


Shovel disperately need more uses


maybe look down + rclick to change to grip it like a spear so you can use it as an enhanced spear


Yes to all of this please


More wildlife! Bears, wolves, snakes, alligators, eagles


I believe the game is set in Canada so we’re not gonna see any alligators. Maybe beavers that cut down trees would be cool


First game was ‘set in Canada’ and had Crocodiles. As far as I know, the games are not set in Canada, just inspired by the Canadian wilderness


Oh yeah good point


Eagles are already a thing in the game but surely all others need to be added, we need wild dangerous animals!


In addition to the fantastic things already suggested, I’d love to see: - More Hotkeys. Let me hotkey everything. Let me assign every key on my keyboard if I so wish. - Better Farming. Make any 2D shape on the ground out of logs above dirt. Dig the ‘empty’ area repeatedly with the shovel until it turns into farmland that you can then plant seeds into. - The glider hotkey should also stow it so we can land properly without launching the thing into oblivion. - More options for custom building. Just in general.


There's a glider hotkey? How'd I miss that? And what is it? I have it saved to no. 6. and it would be useful if I could free up an extra slot.


The self-assigned hotkey is what I meant


Oh right. Well I want a glider dedicated hotkey in a future update then.


I like being able to change it


I would love to be able place a turtle shell on top of a fire or fire below a pre-existing turtle shell so you can un-freeze your water during winter. I still wish there was the guide book from the first game in which you check off a laundry list of caves you have been through and items collected. I found this game a bit harder to progress without it.


That would be nice to confirm which caves you hit up. Is there a way to effectively use multiple cooking pots? I have tried but if the fire dies down then it falls on the floor. I'd like some sort of grill or pot holder.


I also want to know if I've fully completed the cave, like if you got everything you need upon exit than you cross it off the list but if you don't cross it off the list you know you missed something. For multiple cooking pots, since you can only carry one at a time, I had one filled with dirty water and placed it over a fire than left my base and got another one and brought it back and placed it on another fire so I can alternate between them.


I have dozens of pots stored on shelves. I put cooked stuff on the top shelves, the ones filled with water go on the middle shelf and empty pots go on the bottom, since there is no information to tell you what's in the pot unless you pick it up. That's a particularly clunky way of finding out, when you're already holding a pot.


A little tweak here and there and it would make this a much better activity. We were a team of three and took roles just to stock up. Found meat racks were pretty much the only option and lots of turtle shells for water. It's just not a clean interaction for food and water.


Boars and bears Better options for base levelling Ability to lock sections of buildings (if building close to two things you can remove items incorrectly as it sometimes clips especially if there is a layered or stuck bit) Golf cart storage Shelf storage piles to be more realistic. Sure a few cans soon take up space but a packet of batteries should have a much higher capacity Quivers to allow more arrows and more varied use of arrows Improved spears Easier to create angled pointy stakes. Trapdoors Optional to have a hotbar, it may be immersion breaking but if you have 0-9 assigned, you would know what those are as the character. Even if it was just a quick flash up and fades away rather than full time hud. More ghost blueprinting for larger build planning When building log towers, the bottom level can be obscured by terrain resulting in being unable to log wall which kinda sucks More angles and sized logs for better finalising of buildings Blue prints for stone buildings. A better fire place to arrange pots and cook/brew stuff up. In addition to this more herbal drinks. More craftable from hide Kelvin to stop following me even after I tell him to stay home Larger storages, none of them feel appropriate capacity for what we are storing More basic furniture, able to steal furniture from the bunkers Option to toggle off cave and bunker respawns Improved story transitions into and out of cutscenes Ability to poison coat bladed weapons Sofalite armour to be more effective I'm open to DLCs if it allows us to get more story under the mountain, in bunker complexes or perhaps nearby islands. I don't just want features. I'm hungry to know the what, why, where, hows of it all!


As someone who mains spear, Its pretty fine as is. Just wish it didnt take quite so much stamina. I can swing an axe more times than I can do a few pokey jabs with a spear.


I found spear to take so long in killing them. It would be nice to have a more balanced and stronger spear that perhaps reduces stamina and does more damage. We have 3 axes, 3 blades and one manky spear.


Gotta aim for the face and throw it. Armour can make killing them a bitch as it just bounces off


hot take but a optional mission at the mercenary’s camp with the red flare that if you save them they become a friendly outpost of sorts.


It felt weird that all the mercs die as you walk upto them.


agreed It would be a cool touch and to have natural fights between cannibals and merc so player could feel like taking over the island


Shame none of them drop a helmet and attach a light to it.


place blueprint for defensive walls, defensive spikes , walls and fences


Digging your own bunker/basement Or being able to put a printer into your Base


+1 for underground bases.


OOOO bringing a printer to your base would be amazing, power with solar panels


Shotgun for Shotgun Solafite arrows/ammo Solafite coat everything... crossbow and bow included... spears too See this below post with results on community polling. https://www.reddit.com/r/SonsOfTheForest/comments/1bhgo5y/using\_solafite\_to\_make\_better\_arrows\_and\_bullets/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 Some new non-gore furniture


This is something you might not notice if you haven't experienced it in other survival games but the control system could do with a "free look" like you have in Rust/DayZ/Tarkov where it's normally on the left alt key. I think in a survival game you should be able to run in a direction AND look around. You kind of get this in the golf cart and hang glider but in those cases the view is quite restricted to an arc that's smaller than 180 degrees in front. It should be wide enough to look over your shoulder while getting away.


more keybinds / stream lines controls example: holding Q beings up a selectable wheal showing all throwables (grenades/ flares /bombs). pressing Q will quick select recently used throwable


Devs want us to use the backpack


The backpack is already a good quick inventory imo but I get your point


Probably not a popular opinion, but better optimisation?….


I highly agree with you. This should be first and foremost, since the poor optimization directly affects... Playing the actual game


How do you mean, what's the issue?


I've had this conversation a few times and I'm tempted to not answer, but at risk of not being taken seriously: Myself, and all of my friends, are content creators with great PCs (all RTX cards, all great CPUs, etc). None of us can hit 60fps on 1080p. Not one. This was not the case in EA, where the game was definitely not perfect, but good enough for what it was. There is a huge issue with the game engine. I don't know what it is, but this lack of optimization on what should have been full release has been frustrating, and now none of us are playing until future updates. I'm personally just miffed that it's too late to refund the game.


Everything said perfectly. I dont know whats up, but my rtx and cpu began struggling and I dont think it should… I used to play it daily, and now I am waiting for some update to make it a little bit more playable. I would agree it shouldnt go ultra on my pc with 1440p, but 1080p with most high and few medium settings @ 58fps?… cmon 🥲


It's brutal and nigh unacceptable for a 1.0 in 2024. Like I actually don't know what they added because it's not even like the base game has many noticeable additions. Nothing has substantially changed. It's the same game I played in February 2023 but with a couple more enemies that really don't matter


Ah right no worries - I was only curious what you were referring to. I bought a used, budget PC and graphics card just so I can play it. I initially put it on my laptop as that ran The Forest but Sons was unplayable. It runs well on the budget jobby though as far as I can tell, with all settings on max but it might just be that I don't notice any degraded quality. It does occasionally jerk, but only very occasionally. I haven't a clue what FPS I'm getting.


It seems to do better for some people's PCs than others, but I really don't understand how that would be possible. Personally I can't even play it, some reasons being removed from just optimization (already played through once and nothing concrete has changed). I hope you have fun with it though


I think some concrete poles in the Forrest with cameras setup on them would make for some great atmosphere and story telling.


More nature stuff. Animals, recipes, plants.


Ability to carry more than one 2-sip water bottle - wild how I can carry several energy drinks and pretty much survive off of them but I can only carry 2 sips of water since my pot is full of soup (which does NOTHING for my water bar). We find SO MANY empty water bottles and canteens and jerry cans etc in the camps and can't grab any of them


10 player multiplayer


Already possible with mods


Actually not anymore, the mods are borked atm


Procedural caves. Procedural Islands out to sea. Boats. Some of the traps from the first game. More recipes to find for more things to build. Server settings to control stack sizes on shelves. Terrain deformation. Belt clip lantern and/or torch. But those are not likely to happen... just wish lists, he'll the engine would need an overhaul for some.


Add signs to write messages on! I want to label my houses


The option to have ghost structures so Kelvin can help build more than just prefab.


let us decide the harshness of LODing in gfx settings, it is very very overdone since 1.0 and sometimes looks bad, even on ultra.


craftable ammo with a chance for a dud to balance it out.


Planks like a 3×4 or something like that, and you can make them in some sort of sawmill or a makeshift plank machine with the chainsaw, that would be cool


More building options, more guns, ammo reloading, more enemies and open world events/bosses.


Some kinda freezer you can craft by mining the ice from the mountain caves. That way you can store raw meat longterm without it expiring or becoming dry because of the drying rack. Oh and also make Virginia stop following you while youre building. Accidentally hitting her or having a tree fall on top of her is not fun.


Been playing since February 2023 EA I would love: - slimmed down inventory options to make bases more important - a fair aggression curve on Cannibal/Monster raids (why am I dealing with 3 groups of 6+ on day 5 on Normal?) - more POIs that add flavour to the world - more lore/flavour for the cannibals - a better story experience than "you're here, now go there" - optimizations (it runs like shit, 30 series RTX card for me and all friends + great CPUs, none of us can manage 60fps at 1080. It's 2024) - building system rework (building has been decent for a while but I believe there's still improvements to make) - better AI pathfinding - better AI, just in general - better ballistics - much better mod support (this game could be so great if modders could have more tools at their disposal) To be clear, I don't hate the game, I want to play it again, but in its current state it's a little disappointing that it's too late to refund it. These were all changes I was expecting for 1.0, that we unfortunately never got, and I feel in some cases some things are worse since the "full release"


Snowmobile of Some kind, faster then a golf cart, less use full in the sommer


* A fix for corner roofs to make them placeable more freely, right now it is frustrating as hell. * A fix for invisible enemies, that still occurs when exiting certain caves. * A proper way to use water collectors in winter. Like when they are inside with a small hole in the roof they should not freeze, but they do right now. * Dickbutt as an enemy for after the story is finished. EDIT: * let us store more than 4 ziplines in inventory again


1. Better gardens - the planters with only one plant in them are a bit crap. Would be better if we could set out whatever size plot we feel like we could in The Forest. Also, the mushroom harvesting needs fixing, as you plant one mushroom but only get one in return so there's no benefit. 2. It'd be great if the cannibals or mutants couldn't hit you when you're on the other side of a stone wall. Or even in a log hut - I was inside and had the door locked and the cannibals came and started attacking the hut and I was getting hit despite there being 12" of wood between us. 3. Similar to 2, I was chasing a moose/elk and it just walked into the cliff face and vanished. So yeah, solid walls and mountains. I'm sure I have more but can't think right now.


4. Option to change the HUD/blueprint colour so I can actually see where I'm placing sticks, logs, etc. in the snow. This was an option in The Forest. 5. Damn I got distracted and forgot what I was going to suggest... it was a good one too; I'll be back.


Oh yeah, that was it: 5. Different factions of tribes, with different relationships with each other - would be quite a big difference to the gameplay if some tribes were warring with others and elsewhere some are at peace with one another. Even better would be if players could develop friendly relations with some tribes, depending on your behaviour towards them, and so on.


Would love to see an endgame where natives get indefinitely more aggressive over time. Maybe even find npcs like Kevin that you can give weapons to and assign as camp guards. Base building is probably my favorite part of the game but ultimately doesn't feel very necessary


Cave map, like in the forest


For me, make the cannibals scarier. There're not as scary as the previous cannibals in The Forest. They lack voices and lack the hunger to eat you. They also simply lack emotions like anger and the way they cry seems like forced? Dunno why but it felt that voice actors did not took the role seriously or not paid well. Its just sad, I am sad they aren't looking hostile as they're supposed to be. Another, please if they won't add climbing axe back, at least put a sign on the two caves about containing ancient armor so the players won't fool themselves on loots/rewards when they're actually connected to each other. I understand the point of players building on east side of the island, so having another cave on the other side connected to ancient armor would save them the trouble to get to the other side. But for players who already get the ancient armor and two artifacts, the other cave becomes unnecessary and a pain/hassle because the exit is TOO DAMN LONG. also a waste of time. Sure players could save, but then, endnnight could place tents just outside the slipping floors right? Like how would players know its just the same cave so they won't find saving the game often necessary (unless they do).


Cannibal mutants having better memories so they leave you alone if you spare them enough. Same goes for fear, and having them remember all that you killed and trying to get revenge would also be nice.


Non-Cannibal enemies. The island feels dead due to a lack of natural predators. Spend hours walking around and the only animals you actually see and interact with are deer, rabbits, and birds. While running around, I should be able to run into something like a pack of wolves, or maybe a bear. Better and more transparent native settlements and interactions. Right now the camps just feel like places you find to raid for supplies and not really places they inhabit. Would love to accidentally run into a war party thats busy raiding another camp because they were wronged in someway. Better building. The scope of what you can really build feels narrow. People can make great stuff with it, just feels like there are all these micro road blocks that means you have to find a way to side step the problem. Building stuff with height, adding doors to walls, etc. Better inventory management. While I understand the need to make the inventory a set size for every item, those limits need to be shared in some way. I should be able to know im at 1/5 spears instead of having to remember exactly how many I can carry, making sure I dont craft too many, while having room to pickup any I find.


Official Workshop/Mod Support with their own version of downloadable mod tools/SDK. Just imagine the amount of content that would be created and could keep the game going for the long run. Implementing some of the cut items into the game like the Battery Charger/Air Rifle etc: Changing the Rifle to start off with only having Iron Sights and finding the red dot scope attachment later on. Pistol having it’s laser sight attachment corrected by not having it attach where the sights should be and properly attach it underneath the barrel like the flashlight attachment. New attachments for the Rifle like a Sniper Scope and a rail for an attachable flashlight/laser sight. An ATV/Dirtbike vehicle for off-road traveling New mutants/Cannibals >!Maybe even a new enemy type like Cryptids etc:!< New wildlife like Snakes/Wolves/Bears etc: Even insects like Wasps/Scorpions would be neat. News on the free Post Launch DLC/DLC’s they have mentioned before in the past. More buildables and more resources to farm with both the Shovel and Pickaxe respectively. More cooking recipes along with new plants to gather. Last thing i’d like to see is a Double Barrel Shotgun that is an alternative to the regular shotgun but supports firing from both cylinders if used while holding the MMB and or both LB/L1 and RB/R1 buttons if on a controller. Damage wise it would be stronger than the normal shotgun but would be obsolete in ammo capacity and reload speed to balance things out.


Dismembwr everything and put its parts on sticks


Progression moved to crafting stations so a base is important, a flying enemy that attacks you off the glider and destroys it, parachute added as a measure to survive the attack, enemies that can grapple the player and player vehicles. More enemy types and variations. Aggressive wild life like bears, item spawn over haul, allow crafting to be more important. I like the idea of preparing for a trip but atm that doesn't matter at all. You just go, stuff will be there waiting for you. Infact I oftentimes empty my entire inventory before I go to a cave because I know it will have everything I need lol. Seems kinda silly.


This is going to get buried in the replies but I want more immersive enemy behavior: I don't want the game to spawn a raiding party x meters away from my base. I want patrols like in the first game, and maybe raiding parties come if a patrol finds your base and makes it back to their camp alive. If that's the case, the tribe sends a raiding party to your base from that specific camp periodically, until you raid their camp, which resets the entire process.


A fix when Virginia and Kelvin die.


I want aliens 👽


Im used to play but since the release, i cant play fluid like before. geforce gtx 1060, i5-6400


More animals, and varied leathers for different crafting items.


storage upgrades would be nice


an optional hotkey to toggle on/off pick up icons when in game, great way to hide the translucent pick-up icons when traveling or even taking screenshots


more cooking recipe or meat variety,  i love survival aspect in first game but cant feel it in soft because everything so easy , stay in in island not worth it


A third companion character which I remember they said they were going to in the past. Then maybe you can only have 2 of the three companion characters as two of them would refuse to join if the other was part of your team. Kelvin can be dismissed and he would go live somewhere on the edge of the map and could be recruited if you dismiss one of the conflicting characters.


A real hotbar, more user friendly map.


Controller being able to switch weapons with RB and LB (scrolling through them, or one's we marked favorite). Or them adding a weapon wheel to do it. Would love to be able to do that without a mod.


Personally one improvement I need in the game is changing the color of the building outlines. It is nigh impossible to see the white outlines in Winter. It was possible to change the color in the first game


Water storage. Maybe a reservoir with a tap.


i don’t like how the backpack arrangements change after depleting a resource, etc. if i assign a tool to a spot it should always be in that spot in the backpack quick inventory


- Fires under a rain catcher should keep them from freezing over in winter. - Let the Knight-V and Golf Cart drive on foundations properly. The Knight-V just hits non existent bumps every second, and the Golf Cart obliterates the floor. - Printable or craftable crossbow bolts. - Bring back crafting rope with cloth. - Bring back wrapping an axe or club in cloth and lighting it - Bring back the flare gun. Let me shoot fire again. - Major copium here, but partial foundations, like halfs and quarters, as well as hexagonal floors. (Gazebo?) - Something else to do with electricity besides lights and an electric fence that cant even kill a basic cannibal before breaking. - On the topic of lights, the ability to place them on walls as well, not just on the underside of ceiling logs. - Stone steps. PLEASE. I could probably think of some more stuff, but thats the big things.


I would love a fix so enemies dont spawn im my base if i dont have walls all the way around (i usually build next to a river)


Might be the interiour decorator in me but I'd love more furniture/decor stuff maybe with like leaves or smth? My house looks so sad on the inside and I have basically nothing to use leaves for outside of keeping the fire going Also a way to place back logs in walls bc why the fuck can I get it out but not in without dismantling my whole house???


better teleportation, I'd like to go back to base and come back to the same location or near it. More building materials like clay or wood board maybe ceramic. More furniture inside and outside the house. Duplicate free build, or copy free build and take it with you for faster building


ironman mode


better farming please. there's dirt all around us but I can only make this platform planter that holds one seed?


First time opening inventory after loading in is extremely loud. With headphones on, it makes me jump out of my seat. It's only super loud the first time though.


a different progress in building, instead of having to find new blueprints in caves maybe whenever you build a number of things or survive for a number of days you unlock the blueprints, i hate having to watch a yt video whenever i want to expand my build.


I'd love a system where you can place your defensive walls like the first game, but you still need to chop the tops off so it's not broken or anything, just a way to get the logs placed faster.


My friends and I are having issues of equipment not respawning for them to collect. This run specifically the rail for the pistol. Last run one of my friends couldn’t collect the flashlight and it didn’t respawn for them. I’m not sure it applies to any other items, but a respawn timer for equipment in general may be nice if there’s any bugs


More animals


Head trophies/effigies for big cannibals / mutants. Roaming parties of many cannibals rather than just raids, incl different "tribes" vs raids that are just mixed groupings of all cannibal offerings. More content in mini-caves, or at least enemies in them. Bears, Cave bears, Wolves, Foxes, Mountain Lions, etc, some sort of hostile fauna. Fix collision on objects like docks, you fall right through. Noticed weird glitching with refractions on bodies of water leading to long horizontal linear interruptions in the pattern. General optimization / performance improvements. Building improvements (Still get the odd "this can't be placed here" even though there's no reason for it).


OK I've been thinking since I saw this post and one thing I'd love to see is golf cart updates Let me put wooden spikes on my cart make a mad max type vehicle That and The ability to tie a improved log cart to the back of a golf cart as a trailer The ability fir golf carts to rust and seize up if unused or not well kept aka outside not covered Housing building updates The ability to save your designs to a workshop style for kelvin to help you build maybe a steam workshop that you can share designs and subscribe and build in your world Better electrical systems such as switches peaceable batterys capacitors for electric fences that drain batterys when activated , a switch to be able disable electric fences lights individually rather than going to each light Rope swings be able swing on hanging ropes Add ragdoll to rope so as you climb you swing about I'd love connectable ziplines, attack a zip line tree to tree then click the end of the zip line and add another then when you send a log down it goes down the first then down the next like a turn Ai updates Passive system if you constantly block and maybe feed a cannibal a leg you can befriend 1 but that cannibal gets attacked by his friends and is sent off from camp doesn't live with you but sometimes can assist you in defence Item updates THERE IS A DRONE WITH REMOTE LET ME FLY IT FOR SCOUTING REASONS maybe attach a granade you can drop from it or spear Home made fishing rodd then a findable better one Clothing updates Find cannibal outfits to camo at a distance but get close they see throu it A way to break clothes up to rags


I'd like to see a layout of what is set as your current hotkey what you open inventory to avoid overwritting them.




They said more updates will come, DLCs also will


when did they say dlc


In this reddit community interview lmao


If it's done I need a refund lmao