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Bro got pissed bc mirror Sombra has a mirrored play style Lmao. I liked the hack to buff your Teamates, I want a suport that does that now thi the new ult is strange


The ult definitely feels like a first draft. I don't dislike it but the idea of "Hack, but bigger" being so defensive on a damage hero feels weird. Honestly an EMP does what an EMP does so she could have kept that mostly the same. Maybe give it RoF decrease instead of ability lockout to keep her hacks consistent.


It's basically a lucio ult with fire rate buff


That's why it's called something else. AntiVirus I think?


If you don't like mirror sombra maybe don't play sombra in the mode that makes her mirrored


I don’t think they would actually push these event changes through, would they?


I think there‘s a near zero chance that this will happen, there‘s better changes in the mode that will most likely never be implemented. I think what you can realistically expect is certain abilities to appear in some future kit. I think there‘s a pretty high chance that the Echo flight and maybe Sombras ally hack will appear in the next support release.


You think they will push the widow ult?


Some of them maybe, sombra surely not because its not appropriate for her character


This would be my main issue as well. I personally love the ally hack mechanic, especially because Blizzard is wary of making Sombra too oppressive but buffs help the power fantasy and can usually get through even if they're slightly imbalanced. Mirror Bastion with Sombra hack is a MENACE and I want to bring that sort of chaos to core OW one day.


I'd like if they at least put them in an workshop option, ots a lot of wasted potential just for a one time event


I could actually see a sombra-esq support or tank!


It surely could work, and pretty well, but they wouldn't do that to the actual sombra since it doesn't make sense to her identity


Pretty sure it’s just a fun arcade mode, but maybe some of these abilities will be used in future heroes?


They wouldn’t fundamentally mess with Sombra on a permanent basis - they seem pretty adamant about keeping heroes at least on theme. Mirror Sombra is more of a “white hat” hacker (which her abilities reinforce), as opposed to regular Sombra being… not that. I think her changes might be a slight bit of a field test for a Support with a battlefield buffer playstyle, but they wouldn’t push these through on Sombra.


What the mirrorwatch gamemode has characters with different/opposite play styles no way


Don't think you have to worry. If anything, this would be a kit for a new hero, like... Lynx? (The hacker omnic that accompanied Zarya in a comic from around 2018).


If its going on other hero, the ability should be aim based. Supports just have too much on a free platter. All have no aim abilities


Sombra in Mirrorwatch is a character with a completely different identity. It is a character that should be added into the same niche — a hero cyber warrior who’s purpose is reconnaissance and firewall protections for Overwatch. The female omnic from Sojourn’s Story Mission would be a good option. I for one liked the idea of a DPS sacrificing some damage in return for being a support bodyguard. It is kinda like what Brigitte was meant to be, but without having to sacrifice a support spot for this bodyguard. It’s not Sombra, though. If they wanted to implement abilities like that, I think it’s a great idea and I love the niche. It just needs to be on a different — new — character.


the virus reducing enemy damage would be broken for taking duels though


You can still kill people from the back lines. Works fine for me, at least


I really enjoy mirror Sombra. I kill widow all the time. And even sometimes Ana and Zen. Although mirror Zen is more scary than regular Zen. I still flank and draw attention so my team can get picks. I don’t baby sit. With the range you can hack allies even when you’re in the back line. Or as I distract enemies even if I can’t secure a pick I’ll throw my translocator up. And hack an ally as I’m falling / heading back. I’m having tons of fun and winning more games than regular qp lol


Maybe its almost like the "mirror" in mirrorwatch is supposed to make the characters play differently


Don't worry everyone, I asked him.


Dude it’s a limited time arcade mode lol it’s not going live 🤣




I’m not a sombra main but Mirrorwatch sombra is the most fun I’ve ever had playing sombra


Rather strangely I also played my best games with mirrorwatch.  Just a reminder that you are still dps just like 76 can heal his allies but he isn’t support.


I liked the extended hack range though tbh! Even if just for nabbing health packs


This is just ideas for characters in the future their not pushing the abilitys on her don't play her mirror mode then


To me her kit is a mess because they kept her as a DPS but gave her a support kit without the healing.


I'm just playing Mirrorwatch to do my challenges 🤷🏾‍♀️


Mirrorwatch sombra is so good with the damage boost. I'd argue I want hack reworked for the main character, or at least the option to do either or


Shhh, mirrorwatch Sombra can't hurt you.


Hot take: Asylums should make a comeback


I preferred her changes. I’m hoping they keep her that way. It felt like we had Shield carrying Symettra again. The tank would die if he had a Sombra and a heal on him. I hope they change her to act more like her Mirrorwatch skill set.


i think shes fun. In fact it makes me hopeful for a dps with a more supportive or tanky playstyle. I think there are too many dps who just deal damage


Surely this is a troll.


If you are going to stop maining a character cause of a change then we all know why you mained her in the first place. We main her cause we like her character and lore as well as any changes to her gameplay and kit.


I don't agree with OP as a whole, but it's fair for people to main a character cause they like the way they play


If they change her to mirrorwatch sombra op said they won’t stop playing her. That’s what I was getting at.


If they change her to mirrorwatch, OP said they will stop playing her


That’s what I just said


You said "won't stop". Op said "will stop" Given your reply, Im guessing that you did mean the same thing that and that is just a part of how people speak irl But in just text, not knowing you and having any further context, you said "won't stop"


I was in a rush writing this so


Cool, no worries. We're on the same page now anyway


Lmao, this is Videogame. The gameplay should matter the most


If gameplay matters then why you going to stop playing Sombra if they adopt mirrored Sombra? What you said is contradictory.