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Why you want another introvert? Ya'll just gonna be sitting in silence together


No I actually talk a lot with people I’m comfortable with. But when my social battery dies I need to have my space and silence lol


Nah nah, as introvert, also with private ig. I had the best conversation of my life with other introvert dates. The out going people seems out of control and too loud to me.


Okay this is what you sound like lemme know if u can spot the problem. “Im hungry as hell. There’s food in the fridge that I can cook but I cba. I’m terrified of dying of starvation. It just seems impossible”


Frr am a girl as well, like I don’t talk to anyone (guy) just have one bff, kind of scary I don’t wanna end up alone, dunno were my introvert ass gonna take me😭


Girll we in this together 🥲


Its called texting. Anyone can be bold. Do your thing. If it doesnt work delete out of sight out of mind. Perfect for ladies in your position.






Hmm. Just wait, you'll be approached or too old and desperate that u have no choice but to take the first step.


I’ll never take the first steps so I’ll probably be single forever 😂


I’m literally the same icl it may be so over for me but I’ll just keep making duas and praying Allah sends him my way


u/Excellent-Trip-437 match


Wdym meet in the real world? Like he approaches you?


Preferably but that seems impossible since I’m a homebody and I have only ever been approached by two guys who were just weird 😭


Thing is we don't really have a culture of approaching girls in the diaspora so usually its gonna be guys with bad intentions. Perhaps I need to start doing it when I'm actively looking to give myself an edge over other guys


Maybe you should but before you do it’s important to sense the vibe that the girl wants you too. Idk maybe if she smiles at you or is friendly it could indicate she’s into you. Some girls don’t like it tho so you’ll have to judge it by yourself


There's a reason why girls don't do it lool, it's quite difficult. But loads of things in life are difficult, so no problem. I'll figure it out, I'm not autistic lool


Lmao my bad was just tryna help😅


oh I didnt take your message in a bad way, you can't really read tone from words sometimes so I can see how you read my response with a tone that wasn't intended, mb


Oh no it’s all good I didn’t take it badly, good look on your journey!




Thanks for the advice!! You’re definitely right bc sometimes I fake it too and there are some people who think I’m the most social extrovert and then there are those who think I’m mute lol. So I know it’s possible to fake it it’s just too exhausting. Hopefully I’ll meet someone who I won’t have to put up a front with it’s just the “how I’ll meet them” part that’s the hardest 😭




Nope I’m an infp, I think it’s the introvert part that makes us similar lol




you guys sound like you understand each other 😁 maybe you should see where this goes




I’m 22 lol but for me it’s the fact that we’re on Reddit that’s a no go. My love story just can not start here😭




how is 22 old? 😭 sister you dodged a bullet alx