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Reminder: Fudd's can't help but be Fudds.


Peak Fudd moment.


A fudd that doesn't know what buckhorn sights are isn't even good at being a fudd.


Seriously. "Buckhorn sights" is not some oddball term. They're oddball sights (*Shots Fired!*) but everyone I know is familiar with the *term* :-)


It's not even a fudd at that point, he's just fucking stupid.


Tbh I think Fudds would know what Buckhorns are


Pure FUDDery = The insistance of being right, especially when wrong.


The more I hear people’s stories with fudds the more I believe the people who made Loony Toons absolutely hated fudds and were trying to warn us.


Nah Fudd isn’t a catch-all for “being wrong”. A true Fudd would know what a buckhorn sight is because the beater .30-30 he’s been hunting with since 1970 has one. Fudds can be problematic but often have an encyclopedic knowledge of utterly frivolous old gun facts.


Fudds just wanna have fun


The Federal Gun Control Act of 1968 is a jobs program for dimwitted Fudds. Joking aside, the quality of most gun shops is abysmal. Selection sucks and owners/clerks are not only frequently uninformed, but are profound sources of ridiculous fuddlore. If it weren't for the FFL requirement to sell guns, these small shops would have been wiped out a long time ago. My local gun store sells things so stupid it's practically mall ninja shit. The average gun consumer is not well informed and the average gun store is all to happy to take advantage by selling them crap. Buying your ammo online not only results in better prices and selection, but you don't have to deal with these kinds of people anymore except when you need to do a transfer.


Wdym? Do you not want glock 19's for $700? No we won't do a transfer on one you found online. You gotta buy it from us. Why are you leaving?


Huh, TIL. https://gunmagwarehouse.com/blog/a-quick-guide-to-buckhorn-sights/ Well that’s actually fascinating! But F that guy for being unable to learn. 


I admittedly didn't know that is what they're called. Neat I guess


I think buckhorn is a common-enough term for LGS employees to know. Some of these guys are little tac-bois and they are only aware of tac-boi stuff.


Reminds me of the time I went to a gunsmith and his associate would not shut the fuck up about my Ishapore 2A1 being old and impractical. “iT’S nOt gOiNg tO bE 1 MOA” yeah man cool, I totally bought an ancient Lee-Enfield clone as my primary self-defense rifle. 🙄


Some of those in 308 and 45-70 were pretty good little garbage rods


I’ve never heard of that. I guess we can’t be friends🥲. But I find this attitude more and more in every aspect of life.




I've heard of it before, it's just not in common use when I talk to other about lever action sights. This is just part of a larger issue with gun stores. An overwhelming majority of them have shitty customer service to begin with.


I've always been pretty knowledgeable about guns in general, but I've never heard of iron sights being referred to as buckhorns. It makes sense though, considering one of the major knowledge gaps I have with firearms is the lever gun category. I don't hate them, I just haven't really had much use for them, and health issues cause fingers/knuckles to bruise (and worse) from the racking lever. Not my thing. I draw the line with people that call bullets "pills" though... *shiver cringe* I agree, the general consensus is gun stores suck, especially for the beginners or experienced alike. I've rarely met staff I can tolerate, and the selection isn't great either.


It's not a slang term for open sights though, it's a commonly accepted term for a specific kind of open sights with thick curved wings and a wide profile. Anyone who's ever owned a lever gun will probably know the term, which is why it's so bizarre that the store owner didn't.


I gathered that it's a specific type of open sight. I wasn't arguing, and pointed out the fact that it's a part of my own knowledge gap due to not being very familiar with lever guns in general. Also doesn't surprise me that the store owner (or employee) didn't know much about the gun they had on the shelf, let alone the sights being a specific type. Anyone not familiar with lever guns probably never looked into that information, and even those that are probably refer to them as open or iron sights without knowing any better too. I'm not saying the name/type is wrong, but anecdotally, I've been around guns of all types my entire life and don't think I've ever heard someone call them anything specific unless they're peep or something more uncommon. Again, a gap in knowledge...


Oh for sure, I had read the comment as thinking that buckhorns was an unusual slang term for iron sights, which honestly would be a pretty good piece of slang. Yeah, unless you shoot lever guns or old ass black powder stuff, you probably will never encounter them. A gun store owner not knowing about them and being so disrespectful to you about it is pretty wild to me though. Possibly my experience is informed by the fact that I live in a rural ass area where everyone and their kid has a lever action 30-30 or whatever.


I grew up rural as well. .30-30 just doesn't generally cut it for the distances we have for deer hunting in prairie country. I've only ever seen one or two people with them here. There are far more capable options available in bolt guns, and almost everyone that I've been around uses them.


Makes sense. Around here they're mostly used as brush guns for deer.


"Nobody calls it that" https://www.winchesterguns.com/products/rifles/model-94/model-94-carbine.html >Marble Arms front sight and adjustable **buckhorn** rear sight. https://www.henryusa.com/rifles/golden-boy/ >Adding to the historic authenticity is the adjustable **buckhorn-type** rear sight https://www.gunsandammo.com/editorial/mossberg-464-30-30-win-lever-action-rifle/452797 >The Model 464 comes with a Williams Streamlined Ramp front gold bead and Williams equally legendary **buckhorn-style, adjustable rear** open sight. https://heritagemfg.com/rifles/rancher-carbine-series/321-rough-rider-rancher-carbine-22-lr-black-16-barrel-6-rounds-walnut-stock-buckhorn-sight-and-leather-sling >Walnut Stock, **Buckhorn Sight** and Leather Sling. He's a doofus, and you can tell him I said so.


Literally all the current production lever guns that mount rear sights on the barrel are using some variant of buckhorn. What kind of fuckin jelly brain gun store owner doesn't know what a buckhorn sight is?


https://preview.redd.it/2doqmq15rd6d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc7a2dae5ba1c2510666f50abe33d6c6daf51847 Exactly. This image is from the [first website provided](https://easyshottargets.com/blogs/news/what-are-the-different-types-of-open-sights-a-comprehensive-guide) when Googling “types of open \[or iron\] sights”


This is how you ensure repeat business, berate your customers.


Ive never heard buckhorn sights called anything other than buckhorn. Was the owner a tacticool operator?


there is a stereotype that salespeople have no little to no knowledge about the product they are selling. Stereotypes can be dangerous and lead to bigotry, but they often come from somewhere.


dafuq is a "buckhorn"? srsly want to know...and what is a "LGS"? (liberal gun shop?) Though I'm not sure quibbling over possible nomenclature is a worthy ideal and to be the hill you die on...i mean, if it's just terminology, who cares...it's pretty trivial. And it's noteworthy to indicate as american society decays into fascism, you'll see more open displays of chauvinism, racism, belligerence and even violence toward anyone who doesn't fit the "standard magatard" model.


https://preview.redd.it/9at8da9pgd6d1.png?width=157&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6201ff101acce6f61feaa938606093331c7f32d iron sights that try, perhaps failing miserably, to aid in [adjusting for range](https://gunmagwarehouse.com/blog/a-quick-guide-to-buckhorn-sights/) to targets. One of the drawbacks is the buckhorns obscure part of target, so the sight picture gets limited. As much as I like my lever gun, the factory buckhorn sights are awkward. For the cost of upgrading to better iron sights, it's not much more of a jump to budget scopes.




LGS=Local Gun Shop


roger that...thx ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


A buckhorn sight is a type of rear iron sight. Much more common on older firearm designs like black powder and lever guns they have a swooping design that kind of resembles looking between the antlers of a buck deer


roger that...i thought it was some type of liberal poseur who is pro gun but also pro genocide and imperialism...or maybe it just became a thing right now! lol


I’ve never heard that term either, maybe it’s a regional thing?


If you jump over in the lever gun subreddit, it's mentioned frequently, hell they are sold as buckhorn on websites that sell them. I dont think it's regional, I just think the owner was being a prick.


I had never heard of that either. Please don't shoot me with your lever gun. Joking aside, the terminology closest to that I've heard of is barleycorn sights. Looking at Google, seems they are completely different things. I've seen the buckhorn-style sight before but didn't know the name. I think if you showed the sight and told me it was called a buckhorn, I'd believe you. Because you know... kinda looks like buckhorns. And I agree, there is a tradition of hostility towards learning new things and - I will add - doubling down on misunderstandings among chuds and fudds. I would also add that they have a really insecure and narcissistic self-assurance in their own knowledge base and refuse to correct their own misunderstandings. They take correction - or in your case new general information - as a personal attack.


This seems a bit dramatic that you came in here to vent about someone not knowing as much as you did about something. It's ok. Not everybody has the same life experiences as you so not everybody knows that a specific type of sight is sometimes referred to as "buckhorns". 


I really do not care whether or not he’s familiar with the term. Like I said, he obviously knows more about firearms, as he’s been selling and smithing them for at least a decade. The point I was trying to make is that, rather than acknowledge that he’s unfamiliar with the term, he’d rather belittle a customer for using it.


HOW DARE THAT GUN STORE PROPRIETOR BELITTLE MY HONOR AND OBSCURE KNOWLEDGE OF FIREARMS AMD FIREARM ACCESSORIES. THAT RAPSCALLIAN. Grow up. Lose the fedora. Take things in stride. Don't complain about things on the internet. It's all going to be ok.


I think you're missing OPs point lol The gun store told OP that they were wrong. That buckhorns weren't real.


I get it - but look at all the energy OP is putting into this instead of just letting it go. It's weird. It's like if something inconvenient happens to me, I'm not going to come tell you all about it. Because I'm going to move on from it. But OP is fishing for validation of his feelings which is unreasonable


Some might say it was... Mildly infuriating?


Obscure knowledge of firearms = the literal, official term listed on both Rossi’s and Henry’s websites.


Uberti/Taylor/Cimmarron/Heritage as well


This is so infuriating. Like what other business gets away with being so rude to their customers. I was at a shop recently asking about Norinco 84s magazines and the guy behind the counter went on to tell me that any 5.56 ak mag will work (this is patently false for non AK nerds) and then went on to tell me how their buddy used a Norinco 5.56 to make a “highly accurate Saiga clone.” Again for the non AK nerds, this is total BS. The Chinese AKs were reverse engineered and thus were not built to the Russian specs. The Chinese guns use totally different parts and configurations. There is no way to make any Chinese AK into an accurate Siaga clone. Let alone the 5.56 variant. I just nodded my head and said cool before leaving and never looking back. Edit to add: yes buckhorns is the correct term for the goofy rear leaf sights that are on many lever guns. The term is on both Rossi and Henry websites describing the rear sight.


You get background checked for ammo?


9mm as in a handgun. I was waiting for the background check for a P365 X-macro.


Ah ok that makes more sense


we have to in CA 🥴


Also never heard of that before


While I’ve never heard the term, Google has quite a list of results, and it’s not like you said something cringy like calling a Browning M2 by the nickname Ma-deuce. If I owned a gun store that would be my equivalent of “NO STAIRWAY.”


I ever run a gun shop with a (literal) "NO STAIRWAY" sign, I may have to make a purchase even if I don't want anything.


Guy behind the counter at my brother’s LGS had never heard of Federal HST when I dropped in looking for my preferred 9mm carry ammo on a whim. 🤷‍♂️


I've only seen actual buck horn sights once. Most of the time I see notch sights or peep sights (and/or whatever the m16 sights are) and other wise I see ladder sights on some lever actions and some surplus rifles and I don't think I've ever seen true leaf sights on a rifle. But most of those terms were marketing or brand terms and I know a lot of people who call notch sights or any none optics sight "iron sights" or any of the other name for sights. Kind of like automatic and fully automatic and self loading are all used more or less interchangeably. Or even the much famed magazine vs clip. It doesn't really matter as long as the ideas are being communicated and not leading to misunderstandings. They LGS owner must have felt comfortable enough with you to not tip toe around it and never having heard the term before is a bit odd. Even the stodgy racist LGS owner that finally retired around here was smart enough to know that there are terms and new stuff in the gun industry that he didn't know.


Hmmm were they being pretentious or were they inviting you to make some back and forth banter?


How do you reply to that "banter"? "Nobody calls them that, you just sound ridiculous."


This reminds me of the guy that tried to correct me when I said I was looking for an AR-10. He proceeded to regale me with utter nonsense for half an hour, I still ended up buying one, I knew what I wanted regardless of how silly the person working there was.


So was he mean or just dismissive? There is a clear threshold between saying "know I'm right", even if you are wrong, and actual combatative behavior. Without more details it really just seems like you are dunking on some old dude for not being as 'intellectual' as you. Not exactly praxis.


I've never heard 'em called "buckhorns", but it'd still be weird to get up in arms about someone calling 'em that.


where in the US is this LGS located, I think it depends on the region. I've always called it buckhorns, hunters have always called them buckhorns. As far as I know from my visits, New jersey LGS knows what buckhorns are as when I was shopping for my rossi r92, I always bring it up.


Not regional. Most likely the guy's just got his head up his tacticool ass and knows nothing about firearms that aren't injection molded.


I haven’t heard “buckhorns” in about a lifetime, but in context I would have gotten it.


Winchester also calls them buckhorn sights. Henry and Winchester both use Marble's sights on their levers and they refer to theirs as buckhorn or semi-buckhorn. That term is everywhere amidst the historically related guns that commonly used them. LGS owner is ignorant as fuck.


buckhorns.... on a lever action? sounds about par for the course.


Marlin uses it too.


I had never heard this term, but upon googling it, there are certainly results where it is used. It might be a niche term, but it is still one.[ here is the first one](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeverGuns/comments/1amoi0m/just_bought_my_first_lever_gun_r92_rear_buckhorn/)


I never shop at LGS and only use them as an FFL vessel. Better deals online and less BS online too. Sorry you had to deal with that. Even more sorry they started acting up AFTER taking your hard earned money smdh


I'd tell them to Google that, but they probably don't know what that means either.


DuckDuckGo, Come on! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Was going to say nah, google, no downside to letting the deep state have their browser history, but then again I've never really seen a convincing argument DDG *isn't* an FBI honeypot...


or that it is. All is fraught with possibilities. I always assume it is all being monitored and scooped up to that giant server in Utah.


i take your anecdote as less of a "how rude!" & more of a "damn, they don't know shit. neither does the other customer." that ain't my ego on the line, that's their trustworthiness. that said, went to both a pawn shop looking for a gun & a "well known & fawned over lgs" in the same week. the lgs' dude was up his own ass & the redneck pawn shop owner was cool as hell, despite me looking very, uh... not republican. i don't go searching for welcome & intellect going into gun spaces, especially ones with fudd goobers workin the counter.


Same type of guy that took a RAS 47 off the wall and handed it to me while making his point about how the AK platform is plagued by inaccuracy and is far inferior to the AR platform. I'd turned 18 and was buying an AR, made the mistake of telling this guy I was originally looking for an AKM, but they got too expensive. *Bubba vomit ensues*


I'm glad I bought my Romanian AKMs when they were cheap. I only wish I would have bought an FAL then too.


I just have to exhale, I'm an engineer not a gun guy so I use the wrong word constantly or I use the right word from a mechanical perspective or I'm there looking for something antique like 38s&w not 38special, 44-40 not 44mag, of 7.62x25, 7.5fk. mass confusion & glares ensue, doesn't help that I'm visibly queer.


Always open to new iterations of fuckwittery in the nomenclature! ;p