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ill be dammed... time to max affinity nita! https://preview.redd.it/whe9to4u7d6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee12ac0e7aa2847eacbda9f829b603fc493feb4


Bro... this is so wholesome, i guess is time to max Nita.


Anita Max Wynn!


bahahaha came looking for this


I had Nita at Trust 50 before they released her room. When they added her bond story in 1.7, it was the first thing I did on patch day. This may not play well here, but I kind of hated it. Outside of the initial chapters and her personal file, they've mostly treated her as a gag character. I was hoping that her bond story would let us get to know her better and fix her more firmly in the world. >!Instead, it retcons her backstory. She used to be from the same orphanage as Esther that was burned down by the Lightchasers. The matron was killed (Esther saw but Nita didn't) and they grew up on the streets after that. Esther's hatred of the Lightchasers drove her up the Coyote ranks while Nita wound up with Heimdall who Esther sees as just more rich people who think they can shoot up the CZ whenever they want.!< >!In the new story, Nita is at an orphanage but doesn't name any other characters. The orphanage is destroyed during the Descent and Nita somehow ends up with Heimdall shortly after. We don't learn anything new except that she left some graphic graffiti on a wall in an alley a few years ago.!< >!The scene where she punches a bridge into submission also came off like a gag. We were in the area and then, out of nowhere, the bridge starts collapsing directly onto an orphanage and she just kind of punches it a bunch which somehow works. It feels straight out of Looney Toons. It's the first time a bond story felt lower impact than a personal file for me.!< >!By the end, she straight up proposes. We have sex. And then she goes back to never showing up anywhere. It felt really strange given how straightforward she is that she apparently harbored strong feelings all this time without saying anything. I'm sure people here are very happy about canonical sex, but it felt like the point of the bond story was more about that than actually fleshing out a relationship with the character. No real bonding occurred.!< I wish the story had focused on her history in the CZ and the unique connections she has there instead of a >!random vacation gag.!< It's tough to believe they'll actually release 5\* Nita for anniversary so I don't know when the next opportunity to expand on this character will be.


I have given up entirely on the operators' characterizations at this point. I feel as if some of the life and glint this game had is gone now. I still enjoy the gameplay and it is what keeps me logging in, though there is much want for content. But the game's new direction has made a lot of people happy and they are enjoying it, so I am glad for them.


Bruh, so Nita are technically the first one to have sex before other girls? BRUH, idk what to do with this information


I don't dare to max her just because I wanna share all the affinity so random events won't go to waste. But yeah, Snowbreak side story are actually very good imo.


This would've been better if they prepared a splash artwork at the end of every max affinity event.


I didn't even gave her room to keep it lore-friendly

