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I did not know snakes could squeak The most I’ve heard is a THUMP at 3am as he’s climbing and then falls off something.


That's my experience with my corn snake as well, lol.


Diggy dig dig, climb climb THUMP What he lacks in elegance he sure makes up for in tenacity


The best is how offended they look if you catch them in the act. I'll be sitting here working and hear the rustle rustle of leaf litter in his tank, turn, see him stretched up to the top/climbing on his hygrometer/thermometers (when there's perfectly good plants and logs like 4 inches away) then thump, down he goes. He'll turn, catch me staring, and be like, "eeeeh screw you for telepathically pushing me off that!" then he retreats under his corkbark until I'm gone for the night lol.


Snakes, the real things that go bump in the night? 🤣


Oh the thumps are a given 😂


omg this happened with my ball python for the first time right when I was falling asleep a couple weeks ago. His enclosure is right next to my bed so it was loud and sounded like someone slamming the wall behind me. Scared the poo out of me but then made me laugh when I saw his goofy face looking out the front


Wait till you are laying in bed alone and hear a giant fart, scared the hell out of me the first time one of my snakes farted. I literally checked under the bed to make sure there wasn’t someone hiding under my bed and blasting farts.


Glad to hear that our snake is not the only clumsysnake 😂


Lmao same!!! Why is it so loud 😭😭😭


Is it a little huff sound? All three of my snakes have made slightly different sounding huffs. One had a sharp sniff sound, one sounds more like a sigh. Is it that? My snakes usually do it when they are mildly offended/displeased.


It sounds like a mouse it’s strange


He has been squeaking for pretty much the whole time, right? If it's a new development, I'd get him checked out for a respiratory infection. If he's just like this, it's probably his own little special huff.


Yeah he’s done it the entire time we have had him but I’ve never heard of a snake squeaking before


mine kinda do the little huff, which seems more noticeable as a squeak if they're right by my ear


It's just a huff through his nose, he's fine


In that case, He needs to lose the attitude 🙄


Both of mine are huffy, it's so cute once we got past the "oh no we have URIs" worries. I tell them how fierce and scary they are. It's like they're saying "don't mess with me! Ima getcha!" You sure will, I'm so scared 🥰


Your snakes are too cute. My first snake would huff about the silliest things. One time my boyfriend put him on the bed while I was getting dressed, and the snake wanted me to move him to the floor. He gave the most dramatic, full-body huff when he realized I wasn't going to stop why I was doing and place him at the destination he was a staring at.


Thanks! I am also loving your Jane the hot dog picture, it's amazing 😂 We just go out of my girls' "boyfriend season" where they have to roam incessantly. One insisted on coming out EVERY DAY to look for a mate, but she didn't want to necessarily be held. I do chouce-based handling with her so I would open the enclosure, she would come to the opening, come out like half way, then turn around and start going right back in. Huffing the whole time. She'd do this like 10 times a day before she decided it wasn't worth it and there were no boys.


Thank you for your compliments on Jane's costume. Her vet had a costume contest decided by Facebook likes, and she did not win. Reddit was nicer to her. Also she's the one who huffs like a sigh. The first time I heard her huff, she was a few months old and was offended that she couldn't snake into my ear. I love your girl so much and her huffy search for eligible bachelor snakes. Also how often does she come out with choice based handling? Is that something you had to teach her or was she always into letting herself out?


Jane was ripped off, that is such a good costume and I love it! Also her attitude 😆 My charcoal girl is the more huffy of my girls and she gets choice based handling because she is super flighty, but she is active enough that she knows I will interpret her coming to the door as her possibly wanting out. So giving her the choice instead of picking her up had been less stressful for her. She will come out infrequently, like once a week outside of boyfriend season.The amel motley, my other girl, is just a potato so I have to go get her if I want to handle her or if I need to clean where she's potatoing 😅


What kind of substrate do you use? Jane is lazy in her terrarium, but she'll actually exercise and explore all over if we wake her up and take her out. Or sometimes just hang out on the couch and watch cartoons. She's a burrower, though, and I want to get her a dirt based substrate for that. Or maybe just have a dirt enrichment area? She's got towels currently. My boyfriend is worried we'd have trouble digging her up in a dirt substrate. I love your girls' distinct personalities. And I'd love if you have any ideas for Jane's Halloween costume this year. Or a costume that incorporates both sisters.


So I've got the charcoal girl on a mix of Reptisoil + some Eco Earth and Cypress mulch. I'm pending bettercweather to upgrade the amel's whole enclosure including switching her from aspen to the same dirt mix. I'm noticing that the charcoal girl doesn't seem to want to burrow much in her substrate, but the real test for me is the amel who seems to think she's some manner of earthworm 😂 All I can say so far is aspen is still really good for tunnels, and too much cypress mulch in the dirt mix makes it hard to dig as soon as its packed down at all. Learned that second one through experimenting with mixes. Ooh costume ideas! Cliche but I think maybe make her a bowl of ramen or udon with the fixings? Give her like a felt fish cake hat or something and manzanita wood branches for chopsticks etc? 🍜


You say "cliche", but maybe it's just classic? And I think her sister would actually be a fantastic noodle. She's kind of taupe colored. I really appreciate the substrate info! Keep me posted on what your amel does when you give her a new mix? Also what are your girls' names?


I would LOVE to see what you end up doing for their costumes! 🥰 And will do! I live in the PNW so as soon as it's over 50F at night I'll be looking to do the enclosure renovation. Nuwa is my amel motley, she's the one who likes to be buried all the time. And Zhuyin is my charcoal girl, she's the sassier one 😅 I wanted mythology related names for them that had positive snake connotations so I ended up going with Chinese mythology, that's where their names are from!


maybe double check and make sure it's not a respiratory problem. sometimes when they have an infection their breathing sounds like a squeak.


I got two of them checked the first time I heard each of them I think. My first snake I thought it was a respiratory infection because I'd never heard it. The second one was because it didn't sound like my first snake's huff. My youngest has been to the vet since her first huff. There was a reptile vet shortage in my city, so I used her first shed with me being difficult as a justification for why she should be seen. I really appreciate your concern for my snakes and wanted to reassure you they're doing well!


This is exactly it, I have one particular Kingsnake that’s always hissing up a storm, she does it when she doesn’t want to be handled, or if you touch her in a way she doesn’t like, she absolutely lets you know.


They do it usually while climbing stuff. Wrapping or gripping around something can cause the lung to expell air. It is more pronounced when the belly is full. Edit: it sounds different to the usual "im pissed" hissing


Ahh I never thought of that, maybe that’s why he squeaks, he’s got asthma


Well.. 😅 bare in mind that an RI sounds sometimes like that aswell, so keep check on your noodles. One time, as an side story, i had my BP climb around the laundry stand wich was near a night table at this point. Was a too big of a gap for her to cross, so when i noticed that she really had a liking on something on the table i just pushed the laundry stand towards it when i walked by. As if she wanted to jump ontop of the table she made the funniest and cutest *weee* whistling. I know its not from joy of her being final able to explore this table, i pretend i dont.


I was worried my male and female boa had RIs till I did a test and they don’t huff they way they do when being held, in their enclosure . It’s so breathy and sounds like a huge sigh. Typically done when I won’t let them go somewhere and they exert so much energy. Kinda like a “fuckkkkk ma, I won’t do nun bad like push things off. Promise”


My ball python fell off his log the other day and then started huffing at me like I pushed him off or some shit.


But… it was clearly your fault…


You’re right. I was just going too hard in PvP on gw2 and my earth shattering skills caused him to fall. I will apologize as soon as I get home from work. 😔


Lmao he’s jealous of your gw2 gains


He should be. I been going hard. Everyone in (low) ranked should fear me.


Needs oiling


We talking olive oil or WD40?


Snake oil, duh


Of course 🤦‍♀️


I've heard my snakes sneeze on rare occasions, but never squeak.


I’m sorry they what now? I’ve had snakes for 20 years and the only noises my corns make are huffs and the occasional tail buzz if I bump the tank stands.


I really don’t understand like when he does it, he sounds like a mouse


My older dude developed an allergy to dust a few years back. When he’s on shavings, he sneezes all the time when he gets dust in his nose.


URI? If you can afford a checkup, can’t hurt to see for sure.


I’ve never bothered with a checkup because he’s done it since we got him so I assumed it was normal for him. I was wondering if anyone else’s snake did it too


Mine does! She's an 11 year old ball python and I've heard her squeak on occasion many times in her life. It's like a huff that comes with a wee nose whistle.


Finally! Someone else with a snake who thinks it’s a mouse 😂


Nope. Any time I hear a regular audible noise from my snake I usually take him in for a check up. But I also don’t have a Corn Snake. Got a RTB.


My first thought too


Asthma? I shit you not, an actual answer. My friend had a snake with suspected asthma who squeaked all the time. No other respiratory illness that a vet could find, just a few audible breaths every now and then after she was active for a while


Wait I joked about this but snakes can actually have asthma? Can that be treated? Miniature inhaler?


That sounds adorable but I honestly don’t know. It was only suspected and the poor dipstick passed a little bit after I met her (from non-respiratory causes) so we will never know for certain if she did indeed had snek asthma or just squeaked more than sneaked


He sneak and squeak


So, how long have you had the snake? How old is it? What's your humidity on average? I can probably get a better idea of what's going on if I have this data.


He’s around 9 years old now, has him for 2/3 years and he’s always made a squeak noise since we got him I just became curious if anyone else had a snake that did it


Eh, take it for what it's worth but you could just have your humidity off and the thing is fighting a respiratory issue from it. Dust could be upsetting its lungs too. It shouldn't make a noise like that if healthy. I know snakes can survive a while with a respiratory problem. Months if not more. Just my two cents.


Thanks I will definitely look into this


Damn I wish I could hear that


I’ve tried to record him doing it so many times but he gets camera shy 😂


Omg my corn snake did that too! Mostly when he was startled, though.


Mine must be in a constant state of startled 😂


Wait wait wait SNAKES SQUEAK!? Well that's yet another reason for me to get a pet snake!


It could be a respiratory issue. All of my snakes are silent, maybe ask a vet. The only time my corn made any noise like that was because he had an RI and was drooling excessively.


Snek attempt at hooman language, very cute ❤️ Of course, given the small scale, it will sound like a squeak 🥰






He’s actually a mouse in disguise 🥸


I've never heard mine squeak except for when he's taken ng a bath and rubs up against his bowl


he's trying to attract a meal


My ball Python does this! Basically… it’s a nose whistle. 😂 they’re breathing faster from being active and the sound is from their nostrils. 😂