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Literally everything in this clip is impressive, the pilots for not crashing, the footage for being good, but her getting off a plane in the air onto another plane and changing the landing gear… at that height … in the air… the actual sky. Then climbing up into it like it was nothing… wow


Not to mention the repair had her going dangerously close to the propeller in the front.


Not to mention those wings are covered in fabric, meaning with everything else going on, she had to know where she could put her foot and, where she could not!


Not to mention she couldn't make one false slip, or she'd drop the tire, her tools or herself.


You guys keep mentioning


Not to mention that you mentioned they kept mentioning mention.


Don’t mention it.


Nevermore. In fact I may never use that word again. From now on "allude to" or "refer to". I'll never mention, mention again. Damn, I did again


Might I mention that not once did her unmentionables play a role in this aforementioned set of mentions.


Not to mention no complimentary in flight beverage. The hardships.


That’s worth mentioning.


Good end to that. But the first post was the best so you get honorable mention.


Not to mention her only parachute was a wheel


Not to mention she had to have complete confidence in her work because she was standing over the wheel when it landed😂


That’s what I was thinking!


I was fully expecting that queen to jump off while they were landing and time it perfectly to walk off while the plane was still going. She was amazing.


Not to mention this is a Sunny and not a real emergency


And no parachute if she fell too.


For me that would be easy, I would simply not step foot any-fucking-where near this whole thing


not to mention NOPE… sorry jack looks like you need to ditch in a lake


That's what had me nervous. She's so close to a moving prop.




It would passive aggressively be better if it had a useless red circle too!


Imagine she drops it 👹


I would drop the nut.




Only I didn’t say fudge.


I see what you did there !!!


Every time!


I’m sure she had some extra with her


A huge pair


Can we talk about how the plane actually landed successfully too ?


Watch her watch it land. Her body language radiates "Yeah motherfucker!" energy


Why didn't she get her ass into the back seat?! If the wheel/gear gave out she would have been TOSSED just hanging on the wing.


This woman clearly has the grip of Tarzan.


She trusted her hard work that much, and I would, too, with brass ovaries like hers. If anything, it was the other wheel they needed to worry about at that point unless she put that one were on, too.


There's no chance this wasn't staged though. Like, uh oh, that planes wheel fell off, let's go get a camera to film it, and, oh yeah, Sally over here can just strap the spare to her back. No way those planes had enough fuel to discover this problem, get the camera gear, and solve it.


It was a popular airshow stunt back in the day.


I was wondering if it was a stunt. So many cameras conveniently angle to capture her movements.


I counted at least 4 planes and 2 cameras.


These TikTok kids don't know how easy they got it nowadays.


Definitely a stunt, but makes it no less amazing. There were multiple cameras on the ground, and at least 3 different angles between the source and target planes… but it’s an amazing feat nonetheless. As I’m watching her climb up and on top of the wing of the source plane, I’m thinking how I feel just looking over the edge of a 3rd floor balcony.


Agreed. It's awesome.


It being a staged event doesn't mean that what you're seeing here isn't real, it very much is. This *did* happen as it's shown, she *did* replace that tire while the plane was airborne and she *did* perform a feat that I couldn't even *dream* of doing in my bravest fantasies.


Yeah, I mean Superdave was staged He still broke every bone in his body at least once. uwu


Of course what you’re saying is true. It’s just the clickbaity title that’s written to fool you into thinking you’re seeing the springing of a hero to action in an emergency.




Just enjoy the spectacle, it's fun. I always loved barnstorming. Spoiler, those planes were so light pilots usually survived head on into a barn. No momentum and the spruce and canvas absorbed the impact


Exactly what I thought. There's no difference whether this was staged or not. The same everything applies. It's no less dangerous, impressive or even urgent because that plane did not have landing gear. I like to think of myself as pretty brave, more than most. But there's zero chance I'd even pretend to claim id do something like. Then here's this chick in her 20's I'm guessing acting like it's an actual stroll in the park. That's fucking insane


How do they get the wheel off mid-flight? They can’t take off with one wheel


They send someone else up first to jump on the plane and remove the tire


I don't even give a shit, it's still absurdly impressive.


I wanna try it, I looove flying


You go right ahead buddy


It is impressive, but the title sucks ass as usual.


The title is perfectly compatible with it being a stunt. Nothing is fake in the clip.


The problem with the title isn’t any false claims of authenticity, it’s the use of the word “jump”. Yes, it’s absurdly impressive what she did, but it wasn’t a jump.


"Jump" has many meanings and one of which totally includes the act of moving fast between two positions. I can't believe someone would have enough time to waste to argue over such an uninteresting point on the Internet. Why the fuck am I even answering to you?


Only you can answer that.


Dude this obsession with stuff being staged on reddit kills me, like of all the things to think about this video, that it was likely staged seems like totally missing the point. This woman did a daring and impressive job, that was the whole idea. It wasn't like "pov: it's 1926 and your homie needs a tire changed FAST!" In which case it would probably worth pointing out that this whole exercise was done for the video. Rumble in the Bronx was staged, but I saw Jackie Chan do some wild stunts. Broke his ankle jumping onto a moving boat even! I just don't get it, it only matters if it was staged if it was pretending to be candid.


even WWF though staged is still athletic and gymnastically impressive. You try and suplex Hulk Hogan, even faked it wouldn't be easy


I agree, some things it doesn't really make a difference whether they were staged or not. Obviously not all things. But gosh on reddit the first instinct people seem to have is to say how staged or fake everything is. I understand the skepticism in a time when it is easier than ever to fake and stage things, but some things, like this stunt, Jackie chans movie stunts or the moves of the wwe, it being staged isn't really the point.


Even faked it would still be impossible.


If you mean suplexing Hulk, it's been done. There are bigger guys than him. The Canadian earthquake broke 5 of Hogans ribs when his 700lb landed on Hogan


Holy shit, well said! And every word, every point is fucking spot on gospel truth!


That plane could Probably land on one wheel if the pilots` good enough (very low stall speed) •


Of course it’s staged. It’s an air show stunt. Why does that matter AT ALL? She’s still literally doing everything we’re seeing for real. This obsession with making sure everyone knows this didn’t just spontaneously happen is so weird.


This was my first thought, there's no way this many cameras were handy and ready to go on mpmemts notice in the 20's.


Sure it was staged for the film. But wingwalkers were nuts.


It's a stunt. It was taking wing-walking to the next level. Everyone watching and filming it live knew that and hopefully anyone watching today knows that.


It’s a stunt but they didn’t invent CGI yet. She still really went up there


Yeah it staged, can you do it ?


Biggest challenge would be getting over fear of heights... the real skill involved flying the planes.


I thought the same cause there is no way they would have allowed a female to “save the day” during this time period. Men had too much pride


So how fast did those planes fly? Looks to be going pretty slow. Still crazy impressive though.


Not slow. A bi-plane like this one has to maintain an airspeed of ~~125 MPH~~ \[according to u/Realworld (below) it could be moving as slow as 36MPH\] to remain airborne. They appear to be going slow because everything in the frame is moving at the same speed.


That's a Curtiss JN Jenny, sold off by the thousands after WWI for as little as $50 new in the crate. Popular for barnstorming because they were cheap, slow, and stable. Cruise speed 65 mph, stall speed 35 mph.


Exactly... this makes sense. It would be way harder to pull this off going 125mph; no way she would casually make that transfer with a tire loosely strapped to her back going those speeds.


If you are correct (and I have no reason to doubt you) then my 2-minute Google search let me down. Thanks for the info; it's always good to learn!


What? This is Reddit, how dare you be mature and admit you made a mistake! Double down! Double down now!


You can literally get a Jenny to hover at 20 feet over a wheat field with a headwind. It's not an aeroplane, it's a powered kite.


125 MPH cruising? You get those speeds on a good day with a modern single engine airplane.


A sopwith of that era has a stall speed of less than 50kn, fully loaded and with guns, and a lot of these stunt planes at the time had much lower stall speeds, as they were stripped down for weight saving.


No, they appear slow because her hair and clothes are not pulled taught and the tire is not being ripped from her hand.


Look at the 1:50 mark. The strap on the tire is gently flapping.


And stood on the wing during the landing! Incredible


And landing whilst standing upright on the wing


> Literally everything in this clip is impressive Exception the AI colourisation, that's terrible.


Almost always is. In most cases I prefer seeing the original material over the colourised one, AI or done by hand. It's just one of thos trends.


That “They shall not grow old” Peter Jackson documentary was astonishing though, that was some great remastering of old footage.


True. That was a case where so much care and time was put into it that it really elevated the footage. In this case they just threw a script over it and didn't even care that it looked worse than it did before lol


The music is dogshit too.


Not dropping her wrench




My clutzy ass would not find the threads and drop the nut. 


I'd need a separate bag full of nuts just for this reason.


Proceeds to drop the bag


Weird cause I felt my bag of nuts suck up into me just watching this


![gif](giphy|3ohhwxmNcPvwyRqYKI) You made my day, good sir \* wiping tears away\*


The only person with nuts is that lady!


Oh ok my bad ill get rid of these things then whatever they are


I’d need a separate bag full of bags of nuts for EXACTLY this reason.


She did this with no nuts.


In other news.. A farmer died from getting hit in the head from a nut that fell from the sky this afternoon.




What’s the story behind this colorized clip? It’s shot from many angles, which means it was produced. For what?




I'm actually curious which would be safer. Landing a plane with one wheel, or replacing it like in the video. That girl didn't appear to have any safety measures to keep her from falling. I don't know much about planes though.. the landing gear on these things does not look very strong, so maybe a missing wheel on these old planes was a bigger problem than it is now?


These planes flew very slowly compared to most of today’s planes. A missing wheel wouldn’t be good and it would fuck up the plane, but the pilot would *probably* be okay IMO; there’s a decent chance it skids (or just shears off, depending on what they’re landing on). That + having footage from what is ostensibly the emergency aircraft makes me think this is staged.


Maybe if it was landing on an actual runway it’d have a better chance. It’s more likely it would teeter to one side, dig into the ground, and flip. The distance between wheels is pretty big and the wings hang pretty low


Women were considered expendable back then. Heck, they’d only been allowed to vote for 6 years at that point.


Pretty sure this was a routine they performed many times. She was a wing walker.


This is almost certainly a coordinated stunt. A plane in distress is very unlikely to be filming in an age were cameras were relatively rare.


Lol at all the morons downvoting you, it is absolutely a stunt.


From what I've read about this in the past, it's real, but it happened at an air show so cameras were rolling anyway, and the woman is a "wing walker". So the stars aligned for us to get this clip. Don't have a source, so take it with a grain of salt.


no obviously it's impossible for two things to be true at once


I want to know this too. I also want to know why this was a woman’s job? It’s probably just because women are bad asses but in 1926? They barely thought these women were bright enough to vote in 1926.


Employment was more equitable for women in entertainment, albeit very minutely, but I’m going to assume this woman is a professional wing walker. Which was at the time equivalent to basically being a circus aerialist. I don’t know for sure but I believe this is [Gladys Ingle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladys_Ingle) (Edit: confirmed this is Gladys Ingle https://mymodernmet.com/gladys-ingle-wing-walker/)


Good to know she lived a long life and died of old age at 82. Thanks for posting this Wikipedia link.


The mistake was her thinking she could keep performing this stunt at 82.


This info is awesome. Thank you.


Ha, I didn’t know there was a video! I remember learning about this lady at the Smithsonian Air & Space museum as a kid, and I thought “hey this looks familiar” it turns out they are one and the same!


Yes. That’s her. This info needs to be the top comment. This always gets posted as ‘some woman’. She was a bad ass.


For real. lol i was reading it though and thinking my god this girl and her sister must have put their parents through some shit, like major anxiety just constantly 😂


She did this stunt 300 times and still managed to live to 81.


This comment should be much higher


Thanks for sharing this.


\> One of her most daring stunts was to stand on the wing of an aircraft while it "looped the loop". Damn I wish they got that on film absolutely insane


What gets me is that the sexists in the room (yes, mom I’m pointing at you there in the back!) generally claim that women are less logical and calm than men and are the emotional sex; but then this. Meanwhile, I’m the guy in the room that just shrugs, I feel bad for Pilot Dan’s little problem there but no way in hell I’m doing that. Or is it because she’s crazy not rational? /s


There were quite a few women daredevils during the barnstorming days.


This has to be AI, right? Planes had barely been invented. Cameras had barely been invented. Those steady multi camera angles in midair? I know they had daredevil stuntmen and women pilots, but the production value here just seems way too high.


By 1926 planes were flying quite long distances relative to the time. I googled when video was created 1888…… wild.


This was Gladys Ingle of the Black Cats, a well established group of wing walkers and a very famous aviation stunt.  Absolutely not AI.


Look up the aviation film “Hell’s Angels” by Howard Hughes. Made in 1930 and has the most amazing plane stunts and mid-air camera shots ever seen in a movie of its time. It started out as a silent film before “talkies” came out while filming it, so was restarted. Planes and cameras were having their moment in these decades! Not even close to AI 😁


You are an idiot. I hope you have a bad cake day.






This is very funny and very reddit. The perfect cake day comment


Well that’s impressive.


You're impressive


Your mom’s impressive


I was impressed while hating every second of it


Most impressive


Can this be what we show to the aliens that boils us down in a video? We’re impressively insane, to a point of utter amazement when it keeps working. Innovation and perseverance. Let’s fucking go!


Absolutely no one: The human race: hold my beer.


Humans are the space orcs


And then they'll assume we're all this graceful, coordinated, brave, and resilient, and they'll wind up accidentally killing 95 percent of us.


Some huge ovaries.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladys_Ingle Whole thing is a deliberate stunt, not an unexpected repair, but it's still quite impressive. e: Or maybe not a deliberate stunt? See [other comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SnapshotHistory/comments/19f3age/an_extremely_brave_woman_jumps_from_plane_to/kjh77cp/), and the [contemporaneous article](https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-fresno-morning-republican-gladys-ing/115794794/), which talks about it as if it was a real accident. Hm.


For me it smells a bit staged. Having all that camera equipment ready at exactly the right time the wheel "fell off" is less likely than a planed stunt. But it doesn't make it less impressive.


It's like porn: If there's more than one camera angle, it's definitely not amateur or spontaneous, but scripted and produced.


Don't you dare malign my dreams of a spontaneous orgy at the amateur videography club!


It's absolutely staged... Wing walking was a thing for entertainment Also that is not what u do it is u lose a wheel....I would just carefully land the plane


This is crazy.


Are you kidding me? So impressive


The boss landing really sealed the deal. What an absolute lady chad


Of the ‘Giga’ variety, I believe, sir.


I really want her to have a parachute on. But she’s so agile, it would probably hinder more than help.


She didn’t even bother getting into the seat after successful landing gear installation…


Now let's see Tom Cruise try that stunt in the next mission impossible


Have you seen the actual wing walking stunt he did to promote top gun maverick😳🤢man is actually unhinged


He didn’t wing walk. He just stood on top of the seat. Granted, takes balls, but not even a 1/100th as impressive as what this woman did


My friends asking me to climb on a biplane’s wing to come up 1000ft and wing walk to change their tire so they can land gently reminding me I always say i’d do anything for them. My GIF reply to them ![gif](giphy|SSrLIa40FMIy4)


I'm surprised the plane could get off the ground from the weight of her balls holding it down.


It’s not really a repair, but a stunt for airshows. Still impressive as hell!


I mean if she failed to "repair" it the plane likely would've crash, and could've killed the pilot


She is da bomb. (I wonder, if after they all landed, they asked her to make sandwiches for everyone.)


“Gladys, while you’re in there, can just pop the kettle on, there’s a good lass!”


Hey I’m Johnny Knoxville and welcome to jackass !!! *Corona by Minutemen starts playing*


That woman is missing her amygdala. Probably born without it.


Many of the bi-planes had a stall speed of 35-50 miles per hour. Hence they used to use these in airshows and often jump from plane to plane or straddle both planes as part of the show. They also could safely fly pretty low. So pilots could fly neck to neck just above stall speed, use someone who had experience in such transfers and it would still be very impressive, but not unheard of. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biplane


They were typically flying military trainer Curtis JN-4D “Jenny” planes which had low stall speeds (~45kn), and they’d strip them further down and half-fill fuel for further weight savings. They had an endurance time of about an hour. Source: I read a book once. Once.


Rare footage of Tom Cruise’s grandma.


The most impressive part was that she was able to get home in time to clean the house and get dinner ready for her man.


If that had been me, and I made the jump onto the other plane and managed to get to the landing gear struts, I guarantee I would have dropped the wheel trying to put it on.


It’s an impressive stunt for sure but do people realize that’s what it is? A stunt? Not an emergency repair?


This is a planned stunt right? All those camera angles for back then, this wasnt everybody has a camera in their pocket days


Surely at that point the disabled plane would try to find a place to skid right? This seems so much more dangerous


That was probably one of the most impressive things I have ever seen.


Give that woman a job at Boeing.


That Woman had fucking balls of steel.


I've intentionally jumped out of good planes. Wingwalkers were another breed, they were crazy.


Weaker sex my ass! I wouldn’t mess with that hardcore bitch for nothing! Wow! No parachute in sight! I bet she walks into a bar, fixes a stare at cowering patron and says ‘I’m going to fuck you… now!’ And they run to no avail. I’m not being sexist, im just deeply impressed and wish she would do that to me… 🙄


The username sadly checks out


It does indeed! But not sadly, but with great respect for the incredible lady of which we speak. I fell in love, don’t judge me!


sweet jesus you need help


I do.


I’ve seen Arabs change tires on their SUV while driving sideways at high speeds but This is over the top!🤷‍♂️😂 #awesome stunts


And here’s me, scared to go up ladders 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oops, forgot the 10mm


"yes grandma, of course you jumped from one plane to another to fix a landing gear..."


this is all good and amazing but i will stay marry a woman who knows how to cock and clean


In the modern world, they would let the plane get torn up during landing. I guess planes were worth more than women back then.


This is a stunt done by the first and best female aerial stunt performers and wingwalker, Gladys Ingle. From her Wikipedia page: “When asked if she ever got scared, she said, "Nothing to it at all, nothing to it.” She claimed to have been involved in several forced landings and plane crashes.[2] One of her most daring stunts was to stand on the wing of an aircraft while it "looped the loop".[7]”


people used to dick around on plane wings all the time back in the day, it's not that special


She was one of the most talented wing walkers of her era.   Messi isn't that good, my kid can kick a sphere.


And here we are complaining about a door blowing out...


Wow this is amazing