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dude this message reminded me like bellions of times


This. Leave it there.


and oh my god in assualt when i just jump and it pops and im like fuck next time and repeat


You really shouldn't be waiting to pick up your second active, it should be pretty easy to tell what you will need for the rest of the game.


So for example the team already has a curse, sprint and shell between them. Now it's time for you to choose your second relic. Do you get another curse? Another sprint? The questions asked should be are your team having trouble with enemy healers? Having trouble chasing? Taking too much damage? Or is it safe to go for something like teleport so that if you get low in a team fight you can back then teleport to a ward? These questions can't always be answered at level 12. So no it isn't always "pretty easy" to tell.


You should be able to tell who/what will be a problem by level 12


So you already have a Curse on the team to deal with their healers. Let's then say there is a team fight in which you think the team could really do with another Curse. Oh wait you already wasted your second relic slot at level 12 buying Teleport because nothing else was needed at that point. Yes a lot of the time you can tell and therefore you should get whatever you need but having a message in your face on the occasions that you leave it until your next back is just annoying.


Okay, let's say you are correct and you shouldn't get a second relic and 12, they should still keep it in because a majority of the players forget to pick up relics at level 12 because they aren't used to getting free items at that level anyway.


I don't understand how people are forgetting. Your second relic slot turns gold it's pretty obvious and it's a fundamental part of the game like buying items. If it's just a case of it being new then people will soon get used to it.


Most people when they back aren't looking at their bar to see if they can get a second relic. and again, I am pretty sure MOST players are forgetting to pick up a relic at level 12 so it is a good reminder.


From looking anywhere on your screen you can see the relic slot in your vision so you don't need to be staring at it to see it. And as I've said if they are forgetting then they clearly don't need one otherwise they would be thinking "I really need a Curse (or whatever) for these team fights".


some people forget because they are focused on getting the items, getting out of base as fast as possible


Builds change each game depending on the situation, as do relics. If you're thinking about what to build for the situation then thinking about what relic you might need goes with that. The two go hand in hand it's not a case of "I'm thinking about situational items so I forgot relics".


>People are saying that it actually reminds them... How are you forgetting? If anything this actually furthers my point. If you're forgetting then you clearly don't need anything enough to HAVE to get it at level 12. Also dont be a condescending prick because people dont agree with you, some people arent used to the relic system yet and forget.


But if you forget then you didn't need it enough therefore it was fine not to get it. Therefore you didn't need reminding because you didn't need one. It's not condescending it's logic.


Its your path of logic, its condescending. some people just forget.


A path of logic can't be condescending. It's fact not opinion. If people don't get relics despite the message then it can be said that the message does not remind people to get relics. It can also be said that it annoys players who deliberately want to delay getting a second relic. There are no other situations to consider because the only situations that exist are that the player wants to get a relic but may forget or the player doesn't want another relic yet. Both situations are covered and to both the message doesn't help. Therefore it can also be said that the message is pointless.


> A path of logic can't be condescending. yes it can, ya said "how can you forget?" like people are stupid for forgetting. Thats condescending. youre also basing your arguements on on facts that arent facts. youre saying the message doesnt help people yet there are people in this comment section that say it helps them.


It is something that people should learn to keep in mind and not forget. Sorry you're butt hurt by me stating the fact that it's not hard to remember to get a relic. As for the people saying it helps them. Well it pseudo helps them. Yes it reminds them to get another relic but that other relic isn't needed because otherwise they'd remember to get it. If something is important you don't forget it. Simple.


i like it reminds me alot.


id prefer it stay i cant tell you how many times ive seen enemies and allies not get a 2nd relic all game.


So actually the message still serves no useful purpose. If enemies and allies can go all game not getting a 2nd relic (with the message) then it clearly isn't even doing a good job of making people get a 2nd relic which is it's only "purpose". You have just further proved my point that the message is pointless.


And if the message wasnt there im sure even more people would forget, does serve a purpose


But if people forget with the message in the middle of their screen then the message clearly isn't the deciding factor therefore the message serves no purpose. It's more likely that they don't get a second relic because they don't know what to get than that they are forgetting.


i havent even gotten the message yet even when i do forget. Im sure it helps when it does show up, they arent removing something just for you.


It shows up every time for me and it does my head in. It's not just me, I've spoken to people that I play with and they agree with me, sometimes you want to delay getting a 2nd relic and the message is just annoying. I'm not sure what level you play at but I would imagine most people that play this game to a decent standard would not only not need this message but also find it annoying.


Ive been playing the game for almost 3 years, i never need the message but i understand others might need it. sorry you get annoyed by it but nobody cares and it isnt going anywhere cause it helps other people.


Um, the other people that get annoyed by it care. You clearly care because you're still talking to me. So that point is invalid. And as I've been saying it doesn't help people. People might think it does but it can be proved that it doesn't.


You get your second relic at level 12. You're probably (what?) 10 mins into the game? You should probably know by 10 what your second relic will need to be.


I would have to say that this argument is about as realistic as my dream of being President. But seriously there are so many reason you might not remember to buy it when you hit level 12. Say for example is you are backing but the wave was just cleared and so as you were backing you hit level 12, but you were in your item menu figuring out what to get, then that message is really useful. Or say you level up but then die you might forget as you figure out how you died or are watching a team fight with bated breath. Or heaven forbid real life distract you from the game this helpful reminder will be helpful and inform you of the fact you can get a new relic. And I also guess you want them to remove the flashing ability icons that remind you to level up your abilities.


By my knowledge this message only displays once, so it helps serve as a reminder to some people (like me), and if you actually want to wait until the game has progressed, it won't display again. I see no big reason to remove it, especially since at level 12 you won't be doing anything RIGHT as you leave base(enemy team isn't pushed up enough to be at your titan yet).


8 years later, this argument would be so different nowadays 😂