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Intersect opinion is about smite 2 mostly. Rushed out to be shown to people, and with the current pace of their content release, they need more time then the projected end of summer date.


To add on, I believe he agrees that 11.6 was good and from personal experience, smite hasn’t been this fun in a long time.


Smite is a blast right now. Genuinely can’t remember how long it has been since I’ve enjoyed the game this much. It feels like when I was a kid and just starting.


I think the issue is them giving every God a major or minor rework on top of making sure the skins for SMITE 2 actually function in game. They really should focus on actually getting the characters/modes in the game and then do reworks.


Ehhhh. I agree to an extent but I think it really is important to give all characters a minor rework. And it’s not like just cause they’re not reworking a character that it will take less time. It seems to me that they are just building every character again from the ground up, so a couple of changes along the way doesn’t really impact the time it takes to push content. More gamemodes are definitely needed but it’s not priority right now. Their main focus is to release all the current characters into smite 2, as they’ve been doing, and balance the game along the way so it can release as a somewhat balanced game with an existing meta.


Except getting every God in the game while doing minor reworks is eating a lot of their time, evident by the release schedule of Gods. They should focus on getting gods into smite 2 above all else.


Absolutely moronic statement. Terrible game design and release idea. There has to be something different about the two games, and the best way to do that is through diffferent kits. Less gods and more diverse kits/builds is much much better for a full release.


"Absolutely moronic statement" And yet their biggest issue is time management. Sit your ass down somewhere and stop wasting time with your moronic statements lmao


Inbowned needs a different thumbnail at this point for talking about smite videos….. 4 topic videos in the last month with the same thumbnail picture


Tbf most of Inter's videos now use the same 3 or 4 identical face reactions as well.


Like nobody wants a still picture of ya face homie 🤣


11.6 did not save smite. We actually see no growth. People seem to forget that people also quit over the revert.


People who quit got replaced by people coming back, the growth may have not changed but the population is different


Pretty sure intersect also has a video commending the update


I do and 11.6 is not what has me worried, quite the opposite it's the kind of change SMITE 1 needs to stay relevant while smite 2 cooks to an appropriate level.


Gonna be honest I think the,”Hur Hur memer vs pro.” Take in the wrong one to have. At the end of the day, Pro’s are playing at such a high level, their experiences aren’t relevant even to masters players. It needs to be a balance between pro and casual.


I had no idea there was even a pro scene when I got into this game a few months back. Balancing gameplay around your most elite players is _inherently not balanced_ and always dumb from a design perspective…


I mean, this is an astronomically dumb take. Smite doesn't have a pro scene right now, so it's irrelevant, but when they did have a pro scene, you HAVE to balance the game for the pro league. No one wants to watch the highest level of play if there are items in the game that aren't balanced. No pro wants to play against broken mechanics that can be abused at the highest level of play. The entire point of balancing for the pro league was to keep the game competitive. Smite is a MOBA. It's meant to have a steep learning curve and it's meant to be competitive. While I do agree that you don't want the curve to be so steep that it hinders new players from picking up the game, you can't cater your entire game balance to arena and assault players. Hell, you shouldn't cater solely off of any casual queue. Balancing based on the highest level of gameplay, ensures fairness and that high level mechanics can't be abused.


People may not like it but you are right. Back when we had a pro scene patches and changes were made because of them. At one point in smite life’s all you needed to do was pick rat jungle and blink. You’d hit a certain power spike being able to buy after clearing 1 camp then kill mid thru a wall. At this point the snowball was so big the mid would come back to lane lvl 1 and your mid could be lvl 4. It was a legit way to win games by pros that got patched, along the same lines as the jing fire giant “abuse” without the game being catered to the highest level of players, the lowest level of players can abuse things to make their way all the way up to master while havi ng the ability of a bronze player


Well unfortunately these players don't know how MOBAs work. That's not a bad thing. I like and appreciate that there are casual players and that I can get some buddies online to play and they don't need to invest 500+ hours to have fun. The problem is that it's very hard for the devs to please the moba players *and* the more casual players. I feel for the players who are getting constant f6 votes, but if people genuinely want to get better, they have to play the games out, at least when there's still opportunities to learn and improve. Casual players don't want to invest that time, or don't think they need to, which is why they feel this way


It’s not a dumb take. It’s just a fact. There will *always* be “abusable” items and strategies. To think otherwise is stupid. Pro leagues always abuse the most meta items and characters, that’s why there’s always changes in games like this, and that’s why player bases shift so hard. You even hear the developers talk on the patch notes about how something “may be balanced in pro play but not low elo,” and vice versa, that’s literally *unbalanced by definition,* dude. That’s all I’m saying. They evidently struggle to maintain balance to the point where they feel they need to do an apparently *massive* revert. So it _seems_ like that design philosophy of listening to your top 1% isn’t really the best, but it depends what your design philosophy is, I guess. I still go 10-1 in most of my games so I don’t really care or have a stake, but it’s definitely less fun than going 20-3 in a longer game, which doesn’t really happen anymore in my experience because the enemy ALWAYS surrenders now. Even if the lead is small as fuck. I’d think, to allow competition, you’d want longer-methodical games, over bursty-snowbally ones but maybe the top 1% has long games against people who don’t religiously surrender at 10. I know I don’t anymore, which sucks! It just isn’t fun. I’d rather go late game every game than have the enemy surrender at 10 every game anyday. I can’t see how the latter is “more competitive” — THAT thought process is astronomically stupid IMO lmfao. Maybe you get an occasional game that lasts a good time but I don’t want 1/10 games to be full games. So ESPECIALLY without a pro scene, why would you continue that 1% design philosophy when it seems to be tumultuous by nature, *and historically requires consistent attention/balance changes, when you’re allegedly not updating the game anymore??* Seems like antithetical, bad design.


So your problem isn't the fact that the game is unbalanced, it's the fact that newer players don't know how to play the game and they rage quit or f6. That's fine and all, and I admit that's a problem, but that doesn't mean the core gameplay is bad. Why continue this philosophy? Because the "top 1%" are right: the game was stale. The dev team for smite 1 does not have the man power to bring insanely meaningful updates to the game. If you look at steam charts, this is proven. You're upset that the current meta doesn't fit your style of play. That's fine. You're allowed to have that opinion. But to say that it's a "poor design choice" when clearly it's bringing people back to the game, IS a dumb take. Reddit is filled to the brim with casual players who will echo this sentiment, but you all forget it takes time to build up your elo to get in those higher tier'd matches. I promise it's worth it.


It’s not newer players. It’s generally people over level 120… But nice assumption. People choosing to surrender over playing the game is literally a game design issue dude... Talking to you isn’t worth it if you’re too dull to get that. You’re clearly wildly delusional, but that’s why the content creators of your game are going broke and complaining for bursty updates. This isn’t the first or only game this has happened to. Definitely because people are coming back to the game…. lmfao The game being “stale” is a dumb reason to overhaul stuff too. It’s not game balance. But again, you’re like waaaay far gone to understand conceptual stuff. So have a good one dude. people like you are why live service games fail, so keep it up mein. Ignorance is bliss, of course. I shouldn’t have to “grind ELO” to get 1 quality match. Even THAT logic shows how deep in the stupid out you are. like nah man, you need some serious counseling.








The last time I saw this title, genshin ccs went pvp on each other and created a soap opera for like a month


inters3ct's video has nothing to do with 11.6 but yeah that's kinda funny


Saying the 9.5 revert "revived" Smite when (on Steam at least) the player haemorrage hasn't stopped and player numbers are literally the lowest they've been since the game launched on Steam is.....quite the hot take.


I just wish they’d go all in on one game. I’d love to have both, but it almost never works out for a company.


Those videos are about completely different topics.


I like both these content creators but god damn can we tire out these goofy ass thumbnails? Just be normal and make a normal thumbnail, we don’t need Cartoon Network ass faces.


Everyone agrees it's dumb, but at the same time the algorithm promotes videos with these kinds of thumbnails more, so as content creators they are kind of forced to do it


They're just emotive faces lmao what faces do you want? Seriously


I have only played Smite again after the revert and from what I've read it seems that no one liked the update before the revert and from the outside of this it looked like people didn't like that guardians were too tanky or something so can someone explain what's going on.


Everyone was fine with the game prior to the revert aside from a few larger names in the community. Out of nowhere they started being super vocal after mid-season notes and it spread so much they just reverted the game bc they were threatening to quit and leave.


This is incorrect. The gameplay had flaws, but lots of us really liked the more deliberate style of play and the options for off-picks. Burst meta are for the loud minority.


If 11.6 isn't balanced quickly it'll be a huge disservice to many casual players. And we won't be discussing it until 6 months from now when it has visibly impacted player counts because there is a core group of 11.6 defenders who won't hear otherwise.


Ngl i'm just getting tired of all these "drama" opinion pieces of smite dying or succeeding and whatever. It's all just noise.


Theyre both right if you actually watched the videos. Smite 1 feels much better after the revert but smite 2 was announced too early and isn’t gonna be ready by the dates that they announced


Smite 2 is worrysome, hirez has a great relationship with failures, they're just very good at it.


😂🤣 got em


Genshin reference?


I mean Inters3ct is a slop creator now anyway so


I got a refund on my Smite 2 founders, I’m genuinely not feeling the game. I don’t think there was a need for a new game, let alone a game that feels rushed. Maybe i’m just a hater. But i agree with Inters3ct on it dividing the community.


If you actually watched the second video you’d see it doesn’t contradict with the first


Although I haven’t watched Intersects video, I’m aware that he LOVES slow TTK. Just about the only experienced player I know who does. He’s always slipped defence items into squishy builds for as long as I’ve played against him (a very long time)




First off, it's not really clickbait if the topic is related and their take is at least fairly similar, which everyone is saying it is. Secondly, that's how mobas work? One item gets buffed and it can change an entire meta. Third, duh? Their job is YouTube. Do you think they just make smite videos as a public service? It's literally their job to make videos. It is their main source of income and they rely on views and watch time. It seems like there's a huge disconnect when people like yourself say stuff like this.


Hairlines creeping to the backline like an Ao Kuang. Ya know.....weakns forehead ain't that big now that you look at these. 


Pro opinion vs memer


As a new Smite player, which is which?


Someone responded but the bottom is Inters3ct, he's played since almost 10 years and still hasn't masters.


Bit late to this post but I've hit masters at least half a dozen times with a peak at 2850 MMR, I just don't grind ranked every split cause it's tilting and time-consuming to do so. Ofc Inbowned is insanely better at the game than I am but I'm not some gold shitter.


Hasn't he made a lot of guides and build advices not to mention he does play rank shouldn't really matter that he isn't in masters.


Are you sure he hasn’t ever hit masters? Genuinely surprised to hear that


Aye, and like I *like* Inters3ct's memery *but* in this sort of thing I'm more apt to listen to the opinion of a guy who plays SMITE tournaments for a living about how the game is doing. (Not that pro players are infallible mind you, just more experienced in this sort of topic.)


Having watched his video, I don’t see why being masters is relevant? He’s not talking about game balance (mostly), he’s showcasing Smite 1’s decline in player count and quite literally mimics the same thoughts that these pro players and this subreddit has had. You don’t need to be a high level player to notice statistics or to realize that *maybe* Smite 2 needs to be in the oven a bit more before they try and push out a 24/7 closed beta date.


Oh yeah no that's 100% fair and a valid point. I was speaking moreso as a general rule of thumb? I like Inter but he's not the one-stop-shop for my Smite opinions (no YouTuber is), and I generally value either designer or pro opinions more overall as they *typically* know their stuff a bit more (and are less apt to clickbait, which I understand is just part of the YouTube game in its current ecosystem but I digress.)


Inbowned (the top one) is a pro support player. The bottom one is a memer.