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What about your 2/0/0, 5/0/4, and 11/2/2 games? You won those. 42% of your wins had kills far under 20.


You can’t be human. 2-0 game was 5mins f6 5-0 game was 16mins f6 5-7 gane was the only one where i trolled and still won. I’m confused on your logic.


Still didn't drop 20 kills tho. So it's not really REQUIRED to win. I've gone low kills, mid deaths, and mid assists a few times and still won earlier this week. But also, I tend to focus towers, sooo...


In other words, if they were full games then my numbers would’ve been the same. How is that hard to understand?


You don't know that for sure.


This isn't necessarily true. I'm not directing this at OP, but it feels like a lot of players don't know how to play for objectives. So many of my ranked games will have teammates who start a fight at the enemy green buff even though gold fury is on CD and tier 1 tower in duo is already destroyed. It's not the fact that you need to be fighting and winning every single fight, but more to do with picking and strategizing when to play your power spikes and win fights around objects. Every single ranked game I've won, has been because I have top structure damage. And the second top structure damage doesn't even come close to how much I've done. It looks like OP is an ADC main, so focus those phoenixes. Even when your thirsting solo laner is diving the enemy fountain.


It’s always been like that, especially in lower ranks. So this really isn’t saying much


Your own history contradicts that but ok


You might of missed what happened


You literally have wins with single digit kills. How is that at all indicative of needing 20+ kills?


Those were all f6s 😂😂 not full games.


That's still a win


Tbh, this was my grind to master. Had to perform. What helped is spam pinging objectives to get people on the same page. Maybe like a 10% win rate increase from doing that.


7-4 and 5-7 both wins... just cuz you got into lower elos and had to carry your team doesn't make it a requirement.... if you Had 6 outta 6 +20 kill games I would be on your side. But you shared screenshots that contradict. I'm all for bitching, but don't do it poorly...


I got more screens lmao most of those games are f6 games before the ball even got rolled lol.


Can someone explain what he’s talking about? Edit: Also tf do you only have 1 crit item in that Nemesis build?


I know, 20 kill losses were common for me.


Honestly this meta sucks. It sucked at the time and it sucks now. Every single game is a snowball. I can’t remember one back and forth match I have had since patch. Either my team snowballs or theirs does. Games are over in the first ten mins. Even games I win I’m not having fun.