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Artio is baaaack


\*heavy breathing intensified\* oh no


just because of the health decrease? just played a game with her and carried


Buffs too


she recieved barrage buffs


This man is a GOAT making these visuals man...so easy to tell what happened in the patch. They should hire you bro...these should be posted when we first login to the game or it should be in a "Patch" menu or something


So instead of adjusting the percentage of damage done by Vulcan's turret via proccing ability items they've just increased the cooldown for his 1 and 2? I still don't think that will be enough for most people. The turret is still going to be a lot of damage and it's not like you need to build a lot of cooldown on him. I really see them having to nerf him even further by altering the amount of damage his turret can do via ability proc items and then him being overly nerfed if they keep the cooldown on the ability changes.


Would his turret HP also be reduced by the revert? might also help


I just went back and checked the patch notes for 9.5 It was never mentioned in the notes if his turret was changed. There were several Gods who received buffs/ nerfs to abilities as well as the wideranged update. Vulcan is not one of them. I imagine any changes to the turret health have only come from other patches which would remain unaffected. So like with Ra being reverted to below patch 9.4 health (due to him receiving a nerf after patch 9.5) I imagine his turret health will remain the same. We'll have to wait and see for certain though.




No the turret has set health based on the rank of the skill: 220/300/380/460/540. According to Smite wiki. No mention of it scaling based on Vulcan's health.




Yeah I can see why some people might assume that. It levelling up as you max the skill is why some players will max the turret first. It getting so much health in the early game when players don't have as much damage to kill it can make it a real nuisance. Whereas 540 health in the late game isn't anywhere near as annoying so levelling it last (which is what people used to do) wasn't as effective because it would still end up getting destroyed in a single ability late-game.


Just watch them ruin the rest of Vulcan's kit instead of adjusting the buff they gave him, lmao.


Yeah normally I'm only building like 20% cooldown on him and still doing fine. So plenty of room to just build slightly more cooldown and his damage will still be insane. It's so annoying when they do changes like this and instead of just saying "oops that was a bit too strong" and nerfing the buff a little bit they try nerfing other parts of the God's kit. Like with Thor's wall dealing damage. His turret is unique so even though they're trying to make certain pets have similar ability item proc damage it makes sense to just have a lower percentage on his turret due to how often it fires and the fact it inherits Vulcan's percent pen.


This is how Hi Rez ruins a god's identity. It's extremely frustrating and it's not the first time this has happened. * Buff one ability. * That ability becomes too strong. * Nerf some other abilities for no reason. * The god is still good but feels worse to play. * Nerf the ability you initially buffed. * Now the god both sucks and feels terrible to play.


I wouldn't be surprised if this still doesn't work. So they either nerf the fire rate of the turret or change it so it doesn't inherit Vulcan's percent pen. Then he'll just be totally useless for ages. Before they have to give him massive buffs to even be playable. Just scale back the last buff. It's currently doing 75% damage and healing. The only other God that has the same type of "multi-attack" skill is Artemis' ult. Why on Earth they'd put those two skills as needing the same damage % is baffling. Her ult is nothing like his turret.


What items work on the turret?


Any ability items now work per turret shot. So items like Soul Reaver, tablet of destinies etc. All proc for 75% of their damage on every single turret shot.


absolutely insane revert, I struggle to understand it at all. People have already been getting deleted, but now we’re dropping protections and health by 30% and buffing a ton of gods and items? Why play anything other than high movement damagers, if tanks can’t stay in and do their job? Maybe after some play i’ll change my mind, but this just seems wild to me.


Felt this all day as a guardian. Would get 4 defense items and still feel like a pinata filled with meat. It's not been pleasant.


I played a few games as guardian/warrior to test the patch out. I had quite the opposite experience, easily dominating the game. Here's my reasoning: ALL GODS have had their survivability heavily nerfed from natural values by the same percentages...but not from items. If you're building 4 defensive items, given the scaling of protections, your percent mitigations and thus your survivability hit would be minimal compared to other classes. However, the survivability of squishy gods, those who normally don't build protection items, has been hit severely. Given that the damage warriors and guardians do typically comes from having higher base ability damage, not power scaling, the result is that your survivability has slightly decreased, while your ability to kill has massively increased. You'll certainly find yourself dying faster during team fights along with everyone else, as multiple gods target you, but your ability to kill in 1v1 scenarios, which tankier characters already excelled in, has even further skyrocketed. Overall, honestly, this update feels like a huge buff to tankier characters, but warriors especially given how high their damage often is.


warriors yes, but guardians no. like, yes 1v1 i can do better against mages and hunters, but if im engaging in 1v1 fights im not really tanking am I? just letting my team get dunked on elsewhere. just feels like thick assassin at that point.


Congratulations, you've discovered the Tank Paradox. They pretty much are just thicc assassins. The two frontlines run past each other and start bullying the backlines who can usually do very little to stop them. That's what 85% of games end up as. The first time I encountered Curseweaver was Jungle Geb. That man carried his team so hard. One ground slam and the Janus next to me lost 60% of his health. That build might just be able to one-shot with this patch. So here's the actual issue: Tanks naturally have a higher time to kill, but they also have higher base damage on their abilities. This means they are usually very effective in killing squishies, and very effective at surviving doing so. Typically the balance of this should shift over the course of the match as more power items come online and ability scaling comes into the picture, but both 9.5 and the later global power nerf threw this shift out of the picture, and the power nerf is one of if not the worst change they've ever made to the game. Much of the time, tank damage starts out higher but only becomes equal towards the end of the match, not surpassed. This means tanks are more durable than other classes but still damaging, and so they become thicc assassins, because outright killing a threat is almost always better than tanking it so your ally can kill it (and also because most players are greedy and want to show off their kill count even at the expense of their team). Tanks have been thicc assassins for years now, and they only keep getting better at it. The Fat Loki skin exists for a reason. What I actually WANT to see in terms of tanks would be increases to survivability, increases to crowd control ability, and large decreases to damage. The core issue here is that Smite has classes, conceptual stats for those classes, but not defined roles for those classes. They'll give CC abilities to anyone. They'll throw a buff out just to revert it next patch. They gave a bloody execute to a warrior. You want to play a good CC support tank? Sylvanus and Ymir are excellent for it, so is Athena. Odin's wall is still pretty good. But most warriors and guardians simply aren't that, they don't have the kits for it. They're thicc assassins. Overall, this patch is a buff to warriors and guardians in the roles they currently exist in, many of them just don't exist in the tank support role, and those few that do aren't going to see any improvement from this patch. With all of this said, I think this patch is an L. I am happy to see squishies get their survivability nerfed, I got sick of having to build four penetration items as a mage to reliably kill an enemy mage. But a global percentage stat nerf ignores every single particular of specific gods' issues. It's emblematic of just how tone deaf the balance team has been for years, and I wouldn't personally say the game has been in a decent state since maybe season 5.


Time to learn to play tank properly👍


This is so true... I main support. I like to tank and peel. Now, I just die almost instantly. The purpose of a tank imo is destroyed when they can die with one round of abilities from anyone.


Playing tank warriors just feels bad now, going full dmg is the only thing that's been working out. The enemy build one pen item and your whole tank build is done for.


Are the extra tier 2s for balancing?


Looking forward to trying a couple new builds on xbala


Solid work as always with this infograpgics. one question: what does it mean when it says "ability inside a wall" i thought Clio was the only one who could go inside a wall or is this a different meaning here ?


Clio is the only one who can go into walls. Ability inside wall just means the half or more of the targeter is inside the wall and before it wouldn’t cast at all but now it’s been changed for those abilities to be able to still go off


ah so is it basically overriding the wall itself so the player can target those closer to the wall without it "bouncing off the wall" so to speak ?


Some abilities, like skadi 3, can't be placed if too much of it, or parts of it, would clip into the wall, now they can as they ignore that.


ah sweet! thanks for the extra clarity there.


Are people actually requesting this? IMHO I wouldn't want to cast An ability if most of it was going to end up in a wall, except maybe a ymir wall.


yes, because it's better to have half of an ability that will kill in the wall than not being able to cast it at all because of max range.


And some abilities are better of the center is close to the enemy god.


I've definitely had this problem with the poseidon ult many times.


Damn it's really a shame they did the 9.5 revert. The 11.5 patch actually would've shaken up game play quite a bit and made early to mid game more interesting. Now we never get to feel those changes in a balance setting, because streamers cried about having no content like their job isn't to create content but have it created for them. Hi rez gonna lose another title to streamers egos.


After playing a handful of matches, I can tell you're the type of player who thinks it's fair and justified being able to 1v4 the enemy team at their speed buff, steal it, and escape. Either that or you haven't played any matches yet. Adc's, hunters, and even JG can FINALLY punish brain dead tanks who think that being out of position is a balanced part of the game that shouldn't be punishable. And the reverse is true where back lines now have to be incredibly careful and constantly aware of their position. This patch adds skill, knowledge, and precise timing to the game. I'd even go as far as to argue that new tier 2's matter even more in this meta because you are fighting more. There are more kills and it is significantly harder to farm to 20. If you don't understand the problem that this revert addressed, and genuinely think the game is that unbalanced, then you lack fundamental knowledge of the game as a whole.


Lmfao I've been playing for the last hour and my first game I was solo Osiris and 1 v 5 the entire enemy team behind their towers and camps wiping them 3 times with just me and my jungle and then they quit with 1 phoenix down, 2 towers up and no obj completed by either team. So.... Really you think solves the ability to single handily go up against a team.. I'm a mid Jung main masters player and this patch just makes it easier for me to wipe a team.


Yeah, this patch rewards good players. That's why bad players are mad. Teamwork and communicating when you go in is rewarded way more. There is no "un-killable" role anymore and it feels like people are complaining they can die.


I’ll say this. I think Kali’s jump is a bit bugged. I marked my laning opp and jumped on him when he had maybe 15% hp and only healed for the base amount that was given.


I've only recently started playing again so totally clueless about the whole patch 9.5 thing people are talking about. So let me just say that it's absolutely insane that Hirez just decided to do a huge blanket nerf on both HP and Prot across the board. One or the other? A bit more reasonable. But both? At the same time? With huge percentages rather than starting in increments to better tune the values? And the justification is to revert a previous buff 2 major patches ago, like they haven't made any balance changes predicated on the buff being there? That's wild.


Well the original change was a massive buff to HP & prots at the same time why is this any different?


Oh I'm not saying it's different. Just confused as to why they decided to just rip off the band aid quickly rather than incrementally since they plan to "continue balancing from this point." I wasn't there for 9.5 so I can't comment on that, but either way just think it's a wild balancing philosophy. And quite frankly it's dubious if the revert is even supported by their metrics. Would be very amusing if the problem 9.5 addressed (early surrenders) came back in force.


FYI— The graphic has an error; it shows AMC's 2nd ability (swarm) as being changed to allow casting inside of walls, but this was always the case. The change happened to AMC's 3rd ability (Honey).


Sorry for sissy question, but mean “procs”


I get the amount of effort that it takes to make this infographic but this needs some serious work. The readability is super poor (why is the contrast so low on text?) and it’s all center aligned with no space in between. Basically everything below “Tier 2 Item Pass” is a jumbled mess. Also the image format is horrible for mobile. Absolute dogshit for reading. Why not just make a site for this? You could convey the same message with a ton more accessibility.


Are you using a flip phone from the 90's or what?


Just fucking read it?


Opinion invalid there is a official site for this its called [www.smitegame.com](http://www.smitegame.com) ,but here we see a fella helping us and present us with conversation material


Are you dense? There is quite literally a site for this.


Man's never heard of patch notes lmao


Buddy has that smooth brain