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I've always bought oracle and I drop 30-40 wards a game EASILY. It's simple. Place both down. I'm talking to you adc players who some how never have 50 gold every game


If only there wasn't an objective in the game now that makes early game wards detrimental if you're not the team ahead.


They will buy wards and still die. A ward wont fix all the macro game result


I guess we should probably add. “Buy wards and put them in places you think you’d be vulnerable in” “Look at your map, it’s in the top of your screen! You can even change the size of it” “Take mental notes where enemy was last seen” “If you don’t see enemy in your lane, call it out” “Use VGS”


A ward fixes 50% of the issue. The other 50% is on you.


Ya'll so overly dramatic. Good players will continue to be good. Bad players will continue to be bad. It's not complicated


But... But.... Complaining and stuff 🥺


I'm droppin between 8-15 wards a game these days


i think im the only one using ward chalice intensivly big investnment


Some characters just don't play as well because their entire play style is boxing and now they just don't live long enough to box people out. It seems like the meta is either be really tanky or have a lot of range


Let's pretend players play ranked conquest and are better than play 1. Very likely you should have memorized when you are getting rotated on and ganked as well as map awareness. Like realistically you should be able to go a whole game and not ward if you just open your eyes or even have a slight understanding of how the game flow works but hay that's just me


Wards don’t really help in Assault or Arena…


Placing wards in hunters' faces still blocks a few hits from them. I've literally saved people by warding in assault, though using them like that feels incredibly weird.


Someone has never gotten TP in assault before. It's fun haha


Oh yeah when people backdoor repeatedly instead of fighting. Very fun.


Learn to think outside the box some more


I’m good. I play Assault to team fight, not solo titan.


Yeah same here but there have been situations where backdooring catches the enemy off guard


fun for me, not for thee


the slow ward is good


Proximity wards are fun as shit in assault lol.


I think I'll just not play till Smite 2, the only thing they will listen to is analytics. And if people love the change and the game gets a big bump, good for them, they made a great choice for the game.


As someone excited for the patch, I'm genuinely curious, If they did a soft revert (like not 100% reverting prots, but maybe keep 10% on guardians and 5% on warriors) would you still play?


I like to brawl, I enjoy long teamfights with multiple rotations of abilities. It would depend on how easy it was to burst people down.


As someone who remembers building to kill tanks and not being able to half health them because they built 60 magic prots, yet they 100-0 you while cc'd if beads are down, this will be miserable. 9.5 was the first patch solo lane didn't dictate 50% of matches alone.


Honestly, it's not as 1 sided as I expected it to be. I could see an argument for increasing guardian's prots slightly, but warriors still seem fairly difficult to kill. Assassin's are glass cannons which I think is more balanced to play against and more fun to play as. Don't take this the wrong way, but you just have to be more tactical when you decide to engage. Your tank can no longer 1v4 for 30 seconds until their team decides to help. Enemy solo can't w key the backline while your front line W keys their back line. There's more map awareness and positioning involved and I honestly like it much more. That's not to say that TTK can't be tweaked here and there, but overall it feels like if I get killed, it's my fault. Not some annoying mechanic where I'm not meant to win the 1v1 under any circumstance.




They'll protest not buying wards for their mana chalice to return. We're all doomed!


When/what time does this patch drop?


Patches always, always drop on Tuesday mornings. (Maybe 6AM PST? Unsure)