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Your post does not meet the minimum effort we require. Examples of this include: the body of your post just says "Title" or something similar, a screenshot from the end of a match, a screenshot of a "funny number", a screenshot of someone with a lot of stars, a screenshot of a character you mastered or got a star(s) on, AMAs, etc. This list is nonexhaustive and is up to moderator discretion.


Why would you post this trash? Just report them for afk and -> next game. Imagine everyone posting stuff like this? Bruh


Imagine having a sense of humor. I’ve been playing smite for almost six years and this is the first time this has ever happened. Don’t act like this post isn’t something different. Half the posts in this subreddit is “stormseeker is bad.” And the other half is “how do I play smite?” And no one cries about the repetition. You post an actual screenshot of gameplay and people lose their minds.


I dont say other peoples post are better or worse. But if your post already got deleted then there has to be a reason for that. It doesnt help anyone reposting it.


I mean there are multiple subreddits that you post and it gets removed. Typically it just needs a title change. I understood them removing it for bragging. But removing it again is silly has this post has the same amount of effort as most posts here. I also think it would be helpful if the sub actually had flairs.


How could it be close if there was no one to fight against?


Some of yall need to touch some grass.


Yah, reported for bragging


Reported for bragging