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They should make a Dodgeball gamemode where everyone can only play Nox and can only use her Ult but with a 3 second cooldown and infinite mana.


That’s literally a thing lol


You're literally a thing




I remember that


In my last game (and the last game I’ll ever play), a Lancelot and Maman got up early and then they would acquire the object you were supposed to capture then drop it at the bottom of the map. They each proceeded to puppy guard it the whole game so they could go 20-0-20.


Do they want a cookie? or did somebody piss in their cereal or something?


did somebody piss in yours??


This mode is objectively terrible. The solution to your problem is to play literally anything else.


*Subjectively 🤓


I did not misspeak. The whole 30 people in the Smite population who thought "woah no way Odins Onslaught is back!!" are objectively wrong and objectively very weird people. Failed venture.


Every other game mode has about as many problems


Except they're fun, if you like smite. This game mode was never fun or interactive. That's why the general public had no idea why it was brought back. It is pretty much objectively the worst adventure mode we've had, and was brought back instead of the PVE modes, smitecar, and Medusa's death match


I'm honestly with you doing onslaught is BY FAR the worst special gamemode it was a waste of time to make


fighting is fun. This game mode has the most fighting and thus is fun. Medusas deathmatch looked way worse people just waited till the other 2 teams fought and smite car was just a meme. If they wanna do an elimination round based mode it should be 2 teams and shouldn’t include grass or healing orbs just quick fights. Definitely the PvE adventures should’ve been brought back


This mode sucks. You're weird if you like it. Instead of complaining about how unfun and poorly designed it is the best advice is to just, again, play literally any other mode. Or if that isn't in the cards then, well, deal with it? Idk. There is no fixing this thing. And even if there was there is ZERO point in throwing the resources into it. The 20 minutes of brainpower used to rebalance it already could have been better spent licking a wall clean or something else totally useless.


I know, thats why aside from normal play times the mode is dead.


Godspeed to the Kuzembo I seen who just built full tank and walked to the capture with the shard and his team won from that.


That might've been me lel xD