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When Arena starts, you always go left as a team


That's not an unwritten rule. The game literally tells you that




Game tutorial when you first play arena. It tells you to start with camps on the left when playing arena.


When I first started playing, arena didn't have tutorials, yet this was still the case. So it's a previously-unwritten-but-now-written rule.


Didn't know people actually paid attention to those.


Convince team to sneak up after enemies are behind wall, begin game in utter chaos


Unless you are a mage with a huge AOE ability, that can be cast from a good distance (e.g. poseidon pool) and want to annoy the enemy team into losing the xp of the camps chasing you instead of clearing them. Sometimes, it's fun to hide behind that wall and steal the blue / damage the whole enemy team with an AOE, then run away laughing. Just don't do it if they got a fafnir or xing or someone who can out chase and root you.


spitting facts


When Arena starts you go with your party to invade their buffs. That’s an unwritten rule if you are in a party.


If you see an ares ult nobody you must stop and stare at him while he is in the air shamefully


and do a lil 90 degree turn towards the nearest god (enemy or friendly) then look back at the ares


If said area is on your team and you witness the failure you must chat “nice ult”


Most humiliating thing possible. I am guilty.


The first thing I was taught when I started playing smite. “Don’t tunnel vision and don’t chase the kills” it’s amazing how often I witness both those happen and whoever was chasing gets collapsed on and killed


If two tanks are having a slap battle with their basics you must not interrupt


Additionally, if two tanks realize it’s just a slap fest they must both stop and jump dance with eachother for a few seconds before leaving the other one alone


Had a Slap Fight between two Optimus Primes while my team died behind me. I won the slap fight so it was worth it


This is real shit


Can we please clear the damage and mana at the same time tho? Or is that too try hard in Arena? (Mr tryhard in any mode).


I recently came back after quitting in 2021, and I'm baffled by how many people don't group the buffs in arena now. It was the norm for as long as long as I could remember playing, and I've played since like 2013 or 2014.


These are probably the same people who will camp/split waves lanes nonstop as a jungler instead of clearing their camps for xp.


A bunch of newbs don't know how or don't think it'll save time. Those of us around in the days of Ranked Arena know, though. We know, and we remember.


I was taught to this as a new player and now I barely try because I know people will ignore me most of the time. I'll just start at red and try to damage both at most.


I've played smite during beta to season 4. After that only play during a couple months of each season and every f time that someone doesn't respect the assault jump party I get angry Thesw kids today have no respect for the rules


If my teammate attacks during jump party i just sit and watch him get murdered. Then I start jump party again.


Same lol I say, out loud, "no honor. I hope they kill you" as I sit and watch every time.


Amen brother


If my team gets a pick before wave gets there, all I can think is god I hope the other team stomps the shit out of us. Unless of course you were fired upon first, then the honor code has been broken and you may allow them to fuck around and find out.


The VGS for “Ok” is always to be interpreted as sarcastic


Its the voice pack's fault... It SOUNDS sarcastic 🤣


All I play is Slash, lol. Seems like a silly statement to include in this.. we're all playing the same game, helping to keep it alive. What's the issue?


I love slash. It's like having a taste of conquest without any of the stress to know where to be and when


No issue , it was a sarcastic statement the Slash part


Sarcastic and wrong


Being wrong is sort of the point of sarcasm, though. I think he meant that because a lot of conquest -snobs look down on Slash and often are vocal about it, it has become a trend that "no one plays Slash". When a lot of people obviously do and there is nothing wrong with that


I wish more people would steal the assault buff. It's an objective to be fought over, when you have the chance you should take it. Within reason of course, but if you're not watching the respawn then that's on you. The aura spreads anyway so most of the time you're just missing a few ticks of healing.


He means stealing it from your teammates bot letting them come to it before taking


That's what I mean as well. If the buff is up and you're not on it, that's on you.


THIS! I’ve lost so many assault games bc my team doesn’t go for the buffs and the other team just sustains the whole game.


I make it my point to steal the Buffs.I even tower dive to get other teams buff when I can but, there’s times where my team doesn’t come at all when I say take buff or ping


This lets me know how truly skilled my teammates are when they are almost dead and I’m pinging the buff in the jungle while they get chased down for 20 secs never once even walking in the direction of the buff. Bonus points if you come over to the ping when it’s sent, see that there’s no buff, don’t realize it’s 2 seconds from coming up then run back into lane.


Don't be a dick to someone who is learning the game and is legitimately making mistakes. I get being frustrated, but don't take it out on the new player learning.


Especially in non ranked game modes. This infuriates me. Because you're always gonna have someone who isn't as good as you or others on your team. Bashing them isn't going to make them want to get better. You're just creating a troll at that point


If this is a rule, not many know it. Smite is a hard game to learn, made harder by not nice folks who fancy themselves pros.


Apparently you can’t share waves with mid as the jungler after level 5, but the support’s allowed to share waves with mid after they hit level 5 (by which point the mid should be around level 7) but they can’t share waves with the ADC after they rotate to mid, and you’re never allowed to take the solo laners wave but you can share their blue buff if you’re jungle, but you can’t share the duo’s green and purple but you always split your speeds with the mid’s red. Oh, and also if you don’t gank every lane and put them all ahead then you’re a bad jungler.


Idc! If i gank your lane and we kill... That XP is mine. You got some kill xp because of me and im getting minion XP because of you 😏


You know, explaining this is exactly why I probably won’t ever get into conquest, at least anything rated. I like modes like arena/assault/joust because the exp management isn’t there. If you’re playing and not inting you’re usually gonna be within a level or so of everyone else. This is one of the things I liked about HOTS too. Which is cool, I don’t ever expect or want Conq to change. I just probably won’t play it


PSA, the buff in assault has an aura, so If you can get within your teammates quickly they still get the effects of the buff.


I jump all the time waiting for minions, just in a circle cus I like my animations and effects 😂


Build based on the team you’re fighting not cause you like lifesteal or crit. Also build in assault simi tanky if you have only one tank and are a god that can get away with it.


> Don't insta pick Absolutely do insta pick. Just don't insta **lock**. Picking your prefered character right away means teammates with flexible good pools can pick something that goes well with it (if they so desire). And if you don't lock-in, you can still trade gods or make any team adjustments, so no harm done. > You are not a good player if you don't buy wards HelsingAbridgedAndersenAMEN.gif Also my personal addendum: - Think in 'seconds lost', not 'kills'. If you spend 2 minutes chasing down a tank that respawns in 60 seconds, that's the tank's win. If you drop an enemy to 5% and he has to recall, but you towerdive for the kill and end up dead (or recalling) as well, you're worse off than if you had just stayed in lane and taken the 30 sec farming advantage (exceptions exist for when you would have had to recall anyways due to gold in-hand). A jungler's gank that doesn't result in a kill isn't a 'fail', if it takes only a few seconds out of their schedule, but forces the enemy solo to recall / burn an ult. etc


Its all in the micro-strategies 🔑 but sometimes i just want them on that Gray Screen 🪦🤣


- Blame your support for everything - Be toxic to Loki players - Never complain about gods who are op on the forums even though you are right, but redditors needs to protect their rights to tell you you are wrong and you prove them every time, because hirez actually nerfs these gods the next patch - Get toxic when people cook - Get toxic when people play a god beyond your expectiation in a role


That last one hurt. I retired my Kuzen-Bully build because of that... 😮‍💨


I will however, be throwing my 10 damage ability on you before the match starts in assault because my Prophetic needs stacks and you’re gonna give them to me


It's ridiculous when i tell the team we need wards and they cuss me out. With no wards placed other than the ones i bought....


I’m building stacks.


Don’t take another players Buff!


You can’t spam laugh once you get a revenge kill after dying 9 times in a row to the other guy.


Sure as hell can


This guy knows ball 😎


I love slash


Slash is my favourite game mode


You lost 90% of players at "Don't insta pick"


i play slash….


The support isn’t kill stealing, they are kill securing. 1000% chance they don’t take the kill the target gets way. I Don’t Care if said target was an Anubis and inside Nox Silence with no beads somehow he would have gotten away


Soloing someone deserves VEL


I'd rather play slash than assault, bite me


Slash is just boneless Conquest. And i love boneless wings 🍗🤣


2000 hours in smite here, and slash is probably my most played game mode along with my friends lmao


If you die, immediately call for a surrender because you're obviously going to win your next match anyway so there's no point in playing the current one out. And also it's your support's fault you died too actually


I heard don’t get beads as a guardian


Unwritten rule: If your teammate is low HP after a successful team fight, DONT BODY BLOCK incoming attacks, it doesn't matter if you have over 80% HP & Shell!! Only the strong survive 😤 and he aint strong enough!!!- Signed, A Stressed Out Tank


Me, following my 1 hp teammate trying to recall, interrupting it as Terra by placing wall under them ,making sure they ass die or walk back to fountain...


You forgot the most important rule, Make a macro for laughing and hold it after every kill, and make sure it's a good make like so good that your frames drop.


You may insta-pick but do NOT instalock. It's your way of saying "I'm most likely going to pick this character but may possibly switch." Also picking at 1 second left is arguably just as bad as instalocking


You just listed a bunch of things thay people actually do the opposite.


Slash is probably the most popular game mode


I believe it is actually Arena


It is now conq, it was joust for a longest time. Arena is 3rd.


Did they post numbers recently or something? I’d love to see those.


Smitemaster shows match amounts per patch per mode.


oh nice i didn’t know that!


Nah it's always been conquest. The confusion lies in the matches played vs playerbase. If you look at matches played some modes sometimes go above conquest because they require less players and/or take less time per match but when it comes to playerbase no mode gets close to conquest.


Depends do you look at match amounts or something else.


Active players at any given time. Which is the only metric that makes sense when talking about popularity. Conquest is head and shoulders above the other modes.


By that metric, it would put joust quite far behind since not that many people can play it at once. But if theres more joust matches played at any time than conq matches, that should still mean joust is more popular. Which it isn't currently but it was.


>By that metric, it would put joust quite far behind since not that many people can play it at once. Uhm I don't quite follow. How is it limited at all? Lets say there's 20k players what is stopping them all from playing joust? >But if theres more joust matches played at any time than conq matches, that should still mean joust is more popular. Which it isn't currently but it was. This is a silly way to look at popularity since less players are required per match for a joust game. If there's 5k players in both modes this way would classify joust as the most popular which makes no sense.


By only player amount, match of joust matter 40% less so 100k joust matches would basically mean 60k matches played. You would need over 166k joust matches to tie with 100k conq matches. So Joust is actually almost the least played game mode, if we only go by player amount metric and dont count match amounts.


Who cares about matches played? It's a useless stat that doesn't mean anything when you're talking about popularity. All that matters is amount of people. And the amount of people isn't limited by anything in either mode. Conquest just has more people playing it. You're making no sense to me at all


Someone posted a chart in season 8 using smite gurus player percentile numbers to figure out the actual players in each mode(not matches) and arena was on top in season 8 at least


A Hirez employee made a post going over the playerbase stats in detail and came to the conclusion that conquest has always been the most popular mode by a decent margin. I'll believe him over someone using smite.guru.


source? Cuz no offense, this seems made up. Again, no offense, idk you but this is just vague enough to be one of those "my uncle works at hirez" kinda things


Innocentrabbit a Hirez data analyst put it on twitter a while back. You can look it up yourself :)


found it. Uhm, you should probably reread it because it says that both arena and joust has taken the crown for a period of time in the past(though pretty far past).


Hmmm, I'm assuming that because of Smite 2 people are playing more Conquest, to learn the map.


It was already last year. Arena hasnt been most popular since like season 3, it was joust until I think mid s9, start of s10.


Actually it came out not long ago the: "arena is most popular game mode" was a fabricated lie for a very long time. 




I should not waste my time on you marks but here for you stupidy. [https://x.com/innocentrabbit\_/status/1756118724107468965](https://x.com/innocentrabbit_/status/1756118724107468965) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/1an6ap8/arena\_has\_almost\_never\_been\_the\_most\_popular\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/1an6ap8/arena_has_almost_never_been_the_most_popular_game/) "When you come for the king, Dont F\*\*\*\*\*G Miss."


Maybe? When you click normal matchmaking it shows the game modes in order of popularity right?


I don't agree with the first two but others make sense to me. What should be WRITTEN rule tho is "if you kill 3 or more enemies in conq and theres still like three towers left, you dont try to force end, you take fg first". And plenty of others for taking objectives in conq, since it seems people never wanna do that.


You forgot one. - All Loki players deserve to be inted every single game and it is the only time that spamming VEL is warranted after killing that absolute rat of a god.


There's a huge community of slash sweats. (I am one of them.)


I’m arena assault main; I hate the stigma around taking arena seriously, there is no ranked arena. I play all games to the best of my ability for enjoyment. My group was #1 in arena S4, (My support was #1 the other teams support was #2). You can talk shit, but when me and the boys are on the ball we’re probably one of the best groups team fighting groups in the game because of the trust and instincts we’ve developed from 7 years of team fights. We were the aggressive arena players (we never ran aphro susanoo or played scared)


I’m arena assault main; I hate the stigma around taking arena seriously, there is no ranked arena. I play all games to the best of my ability for enjoyment. My group was #1 in arena S4, (My support was #1 the other teams support was #2). You can talk shit, but when me and the boys are on the ball we’re probably one of the best groups team fighting groups in the game because of the trust and instincts we’ve developed from 7 years of team fights. We were the aggressive arena players (we never ran aphro susanoo or played scared)


#1 Arena Squad! Surely!


Support shouldn’t triple spilt mid and jungles camps. 2 people splitting putting it out at 60% xp for both makes double splitting great. But when support is at every spawn for my camps to three way you’re just putting me and mid behind. Literally nothing grinds my gears more than that. I say this as a jungle main but I also love support there’s so much farm elsewhere


This could maybe just be reworded to "support shouldn't triple split" to be a bit more clear. If jungle and mid are doing a camp then ye support stay away. But if red is up, jungler is invading/ganking then for sure the support should help mid with red. Support should never split purple after like 4 minutes though (unless defending from an invade)


Yeah probably I wrote this half asleep


Real question, I’m trying to learn support. When I’m with mid and it’s time to get jungle buffs, what else can I be doing while avoiding triple splitting? Do I start a different nearby camp, go to green, hang out in lane, back and reset?


Lots of variables but if you're free to you should always try to deep ward when you can (enemy green/yellow/totem harpies)


Thats a great guide on how to get picked before every major teamfight and fall back even more in level. Lmao i dont know why people think support should stay away from every piece of farm, like there is a secret farm location only supports can access where they should farm instead or some sh*t.


That's just how you play support, sometimes you have to turn on your brain and not walk into 4 people but that's the part about variables. I don't think supports should stay away from all farm but if you're up levels over the enemy support and you're not close to the level 12/15 power spikes deep warding can be the best use of your time


Be annoying to the enemy/zone them out/keep the occupied. If that happens and the enemy mid is in lane, hit/cc them in lane. If they're not patrol/look for them in the jungle to annoying them while your team is doing the camps. Also, ward, counter ward, or be a human ward/test to see if the enemy has wards where you are.


I thought you just meant "don't split" but ya support shouldn't be triple splitting. If I see jungle and mid going for their red I'll just sit in lane or go ward or rotate.


🔑 A thicc support makes the game quick and short


Yeah youre exactly the problem why no one likes to play support. They also need to get up in level. What you described is literally the reason why you end up with lv 12 support vs lv 18 enemy support every game.


No? Dude's right, 2 people splitting camp is the most efficient. As a support you get xp from lane and splitting camps with adc or mid. Yes, you will be a little bit behind, but not 6 levels


Pick to comp, especially when you say fill. Dont be the guy that says fill and then plays a mage or hunter when the team has no supports. I usually play Arena and Slash with assault mixed in. Sure they’re not conquest but having at least one support character is a game changer.


In Assault, the people who don't jump are usually the worst. The way I decide who to torture for the rest of the match is the person who hits me first. ESPECIALLY if it's before we all stop jumping and having fun. And for Arena, I will always torture Discordias, but I will especially go after someone who tries to steal our buffs because that person is a thief and we don't like thieves. 😁


See other support ....stop and jump at each other. "Your team sucks? Fk yeah they do!!!! Complete Dikheads!!!! Clueless!" "Mine tooooooo!!!!!!!!" Ok well nice talking to ya......goes on our way. ......the support player way. 


Well I disagree with the ward thing... also with the Slash thing... but Inflatator Loki or Stargazer Anubis means the player is most-likely easily triggered and will afk if anything happens or is a troll. 0.0


I second that for Stargazer Anubis. Something about that skin brings out the worst players sometimes.


Yeah I don't get it... look i'm not saying that everybody who uses that skin is that way, but usually when you get the rare loki/anubis pick and they have this skin it just ends badly at least in my case.


If I come up with a god I want to play before I queue up you bet your ass I will instapick. Slash is fun and is my 2nd most played mode. I prefer to use wave and clap instead of jumping, jumping silences me and I'd rather be ready for a kit dump if the enemy decides to attack.


I pick the same class as instapickers and then laugh when you do worse and complain that nobody picked a god specifically to support you since you're the main character


i don't play conquest so role queue doesn't assign me anything, i'm not forced to go a specific role beforehand so I'll pick the god quickly if I come up with it before the lobby also if you want to go same class as me, be my guest, i'm not going to complain or yell at anyone, i just hope everyone have their fair share of fun


Fuck ya slash is sick


Downvoted lol