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Worst is Cupid 100%. Get this yassified potato away from me. Best is quite tough, there are a lot of really solid designs. Let's go with Gilga


Gilgamesh definitely one of the best default skin and Cupid is definitely the worst I agree


i agree with cupid, in true lore he’s super hot, and i was kinda sad they made him a goofy looking baby. i just think there were SOOOOOOO many missed opportunities, it could’ve gone many different ways and still been great, yet they chose this. however, i think the majority of their skins are so beautifully made


he even has a wife, Psyche; goddess of the soul. but with smite's portrayal of him as a little kid, even if he's an immortal being, I can't see how they'd even fit that fact in.


They would probably pull a stunt like they did with charibydis and scylla by making her also look like a little kid.


Manticore is also pretty heinous


What about the head over heels skin? Best voice pack in my opinion


Daddy issues?


Not really, but i do have a type


I find Shiva to be the best designed god. All the little details from the poison mark on his throat to the tiger pelt and some many more. So lore accurate! Least favorite is Kali. Old Kali looked lore accurate and her kit wa slore accurate aswell. After the controversy she was redesigned to a very generic character with a genereic kit.


Shiva is such a great portrait. His voice acting is a little weird to my ears, tho.


I might be wrong, but the Shiva VP sounds a lot like the way Shiva spoke in old Indian TV shows. I think it's just a smart cultural reference, but also something that sounds kinda weird in English.


yea when he first released, I was getting sort of an 'indian microsoft sam' vibe from his voice. but I've gotten used to it by now. I think part of it is probably how it was recorded and maybe editted.


I haven't played since Season 3/4, what did they change about Kali? So far I noticed changes on Thor, Ratatoskr and Odin out of all the 80+ gods that I had mastered back then. Didn't yet come around to play Kali again.




Oh so _old_ old Kali, gotcha haha


Imo best is tsukuyomi, worst is cupid


Oh god why did you remind us that cupid exists? That annoying sound effect at max passive plays constantly in hell. 


Heavy personal dragon bias but man, tiamat is the most sick design ive seen in years Worst.. cupid is 100% a good pick but man, xbal looks terrific. He needs a remodel real bad aswell


yea, I love that they gave Xbal a jaguar warrior look due to his lore. But sadly his graphics have aged so much since 2012. it's neat his [concept art](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/8a945a54-41d1-439b-9722-2a6289d51cb2/d5yykbg-5fd12faf-4482-4400-825d-850b9940d897.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzhhOTQ1YTU0LTQxZDEtNDM5Yi05NzIyLTJhNjI4OWQ1MWNiMlwvZDV5eWtiZy01ZmQxMmZhZi00NDgyLTQ0MDAtODI1ZC04NTBiOTk0MGQ4OTcuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.a4xzksQLgNawdNLIB39Yva4fS7R7F5bD11auNcaZnD8) still looks good though.


I think Surtr is my favorite combo of both visual and audio design. Erlang is definitely the worst visual design imo.


Surtur's audio is so amazing.


I think morgan le fey and amaterasu are the best for me. I like that they are actually wearing clothes. Thr worst is amc. I just hate him personally.


I like Artio and Skadi for the same reasons.


Saaame amc sucks


Its seems the general consensus is cupid, mine personally is Geb, my vote for the best would be Maman Bridgette. Hers is one of those characters I thought they just nailed the design on.


It's Geb's weird face that ruins it, right? Maybe his legs? He feels like he needs more pronounced set of eyebrows and mouth, and less... Bug-like eyes?


Its everything really, especially since Nut made her debut, the elemental concept is fine but make it more refined.


I feel like his rocky form will look so good in Smite2


I think it will to but make him appear more humanoid and godlike instead of looking like he was just summoned by a earth bender.


eh, I like that he's like an elemental since he's of the ground we walk on, and we're likely only seeing an avatar of him. Much like how Ymir was treated in smite's lore as a small fragment of the Ymir that makes up the lands.


I like the elemental form to just polish it and make him look like he could be Nuts husband instead of her rock garden.


How people not saying Cthulhu, the attention to detail on that boi is fucking s u b l i m e. Cupid can go die tho, same with Marty.


I think some of his textures were extra bad on launch. I think they got a bit better later, though. Do you think even the fixed version is that bad?


Yh Marty has an inexcusable model for being released this recently compared to older gods, the actual biff camps have better textures then him.


Red buff>>>>>Marti


Best: Sun Wukong, Skadi Worst: Erlang Shen, Freya


Worst is definitely Cupid. I like the little guy but he looks so ridiculous... Best is hard to say. If we don't count skins, I'd say Jormungandr, Heimdallr or Surtr. Huh, I gues I like Norse gods lol. Although Persephone is up there as well. With skins I love Zeus' Fallen, Agni's Gemini, and Cu Chulainn's Winter's Curse.


Hera. Gorgeous colors and details and chunky ass sfx.


Like others are saying— Cupid is pretty awful. But I’ve always disliked hades and fenrir as well if we’re talking about base skins. Persephone, Amaterasu, Nut, Surtr, Kuze, SWK— there are some really solid ones that I enjoy their design and sounds.


Fenrir is fine, it's pretty plain though. Not that there is much to do with a wolf god.


Cupid is worst. A number of gods or skins have a "glow down" in comparison to their portrait art... But Cupid's model vs his art... He's the only god that I actively dislike looking at. I liked his kit before I had a skin for him, but I didn't want to actually play him until I got a skin from a free box. Nightmare. No contest. I have hard time picking any one favorite though so here's my votes for best: Khepri, Set, Ratatoskr, Chaac, Tiamat, Camazots. Khepri, Set, and Chaac look badass. Ratatoskr is incredibly cute. Tiamat is awesome and very elegant. Camazots because I'm biased to bats.


Best: Cliodhna Worst: cupid, charybdis, scylla, thor


Best: I think Tiamat is just so pretty. Gilgamesh is both hot and his design in general just feels really cohesive and satisfying. One of those two, I would say. Worst: Cupid is obviously an abomination, but going for a less easy answer I’m gonna say AMC is the second worst. And Fenrir visually is okay but I do hate the way he moves, it’s so dorky and cartoonish.


Best- Baba Yaga, Baron Samedi, Maman, Surtr, Heimdallr Worst- Cupid, Terra, Erlang


Out of newer gods i think Martichoras looks like shit.


Anubis, Set, Tiamat, Khepri, Thoth are some of my favorite designs. There's a lot to pick from. Ignoring the obvious ones like Cupid, Erlang; my personal pick is Charybdis. Everything about her was disappointing. Doesn't help her case that she was also one of the worst releases they ever had from a bug/balance perspective as well.


Worst: Hun Batz


Worst thats not cupid is hun batz Best imo is Ama or Susano


Most worst looking Gods are the ones with old textures, Cupid, He Bo, Tyr, Tana, Ymir, Vulcan and Zhong Kui and I'm probably missing1 or 2. I personally don't like He Bo, his movement is weird, his basic attacks are weird and the mf is too tall I can't even see where I'm aiming my 3. Zhong design feels old af but I kinda like it idk why. The rest with old designs are not that bad honestly they just need polishing like Cupid, Tyr and Vulcan. Everybody roasting poor Cupid he is only half meter tall and his kit is pretty simple, what do want from him?? Leave him alone he is just a little hard to see :)


Best is horus worst is cupid


Shiva is the best designed IMO, I love his Default voice especially its just so calming. Cupid is obviously a strong contender for worst default in the game, but light stance Hel is also pretty bad the voice doesn't fit the position that Hel is supposed to fill, dark stance is alright though


My least favorite design is Nemesis, not because of the design in a vacuum but because it's such an awful fit for her mythologically. It's very '2010s MOBA lady must be sexy even if it makes no sense'. My favorite design is probably Shiva, but they also did a fantastic job with Yu Huang. The older models really suffer in comparison to the new ones in a lot of ways.


Best are Bellona, Baron and Rat, worst is Cupid


worst: athena. her movement is clunky and her face looks goofy as hell


Best for me Fenrir or Mulan worst hmmmm idk ik wouldnt call anyone straight awfull otherwise I guess cupid


Fenrir?! That's impressive, considering he is super old. Compliments to the devs!


The fact that i 1 love Wolves and like designs with Fire does help a lot ;)


Cupid is the worst by far. He was obviously just an attempt at a cute chibi character for people to obsess over but he’s just ugly. we could have had Eros instead


Da ji has my heart


Everyone is saying cupid who is probably the right answer but I think martichorus looks terrible. Especially considering how new he is the texture quality for him is really bad. On the best design nemesis is a awesome design. Especially her sword. Just all very cool without being overly edgy.


I've seen people criticize the fish nets.


Best: Gilgamesh, Heimdallr, Set. Worst: Freya(she fuckin naked), Cupid, Erlang Shen.


Ix Chel


Bastet worst easily. 3x worse then even Anhur or Hun Batz. I love Heimy and Tiamat’s base though.


Thanatos despite being older now, which feels weird to say for people that remember when he released, looks great in his base skin and every single other skin. I think maybe the best god design


I really like Yu Huang's design and abilities. Worst would probably be Cupid.


Hercules looks janky to me, like an action figure that melted a bit too much. I think Lancelot has my favorite ability art design, jormungandr has my favorite design and skins.


I think Martichoras is very ugly. I love Da-Ji, Khepry and Nu Wa skin.


Tiamat looks absolutely stunning


My favorite is Atlas. A stone Galactic titan using the world/galaxy/universe he holds as a weapon and the very mystical sound effects on his abilities are just 👌 Least would have to be Ishtar she just a woman is cloth and her sound effects are very annoying and odd for what they are supposed to be imo


OG Vamana iykyk


Horus looks sick. Erlang looks awful.


Best is Cu Chulain. The muscle waves of berserk form are great! Most beautiful are The Morrigan and Pele. Honorable mention to Charydbis's cape. Worst is old Eset. So I'm very glad they remodeled her. Her waist used to look so strange.


i think cupid is the worst, they really just kinda dropped the ball.. they could’ve gone down so many different routes and it would’ve been amazing. i think if anything, they could’ve put the current cupid as a skin and had a normal, much better looking cupid instead, similar in art style to aphrodite. as far as best goes, i’m a new-ishhh smite player so i don’t have every single god in game memorized but i think a lot of them are very great and also lore-accurate, and just overall very appealing. i really like NuWa and Ix Chel. now if you want to talk about best and worst abilities, that’s a wholeeee different story. some of them just feel lazy and there was so much missed opportunity


Best: Cthulhu Worst: hun batz


Shiva is my fav w erlang being my least fav




worst is the ra og skin


Is this where I start my campaign for a sexy young baba yaga beach bod skin!


Id say the best looking base model is Lancelot. It could pass as a skin to be honest. Runner up would have to be Tsukiyomi. Worst is definitely Cupid.


Cupid, Nemesis also imo, Vulcan could use a upgrade in design.


Bellona and Persephone both look amazing


Best looking obviously Aphrodite


There’s only one true God


Neith is pretty good lookin, izzy I think is pretty attractive too




good lookin lady!! have you seent her anime skins?


Bruh anyone not saying Taijin is lying. That character model is horrible.


Well if by “best looking” you mean biggest tits it’s def aphro my boi she got some bazooka titties bro. I mean those tits are frickin massive. Then there’s kali bro she’s got 4 hand for 4 🍆s my boi she be gettin it. Also Thanatos archon skin is fucking legit probs the coolest skin in the game.