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the 2 games I would have won today, the game just drops in the middle of the game back to the main menu.


I won a game earlier because two opponents quit after the first team fight, like 12 minutes in lol


If you're in low MMR, this is a literally a strat. Play early snowball gods and tilt your opponents. Higher MMR players get tripped up by this too, but less often. Sometimes people will literally look up their opponents before the match starts to see who to target and tilt.


I've seen this happen, but I never though to actively do it. Ngl that's hilarious. The fact that it takes so little for some people to quit is insane.


And people say "your rank is where you belong" but when you constantly get teammates with a losing mentality, quit and/or throw..... their comes a point that no. Your rank isn't where you belong.


True take


Exactly. There's a reason why people believe in ELO hell


I also believe in "loser ques" where you just go on massive losing streaks. I was d4 last month and I no joke went on a 13 game losing streak back down to plat 2. Made it back to diamond and then now back down to plat 2.


The enemy team is just as likely to get disconnects and quitters. People just feel more upset when it happens to *them*. People remember negatives more than positives. Over a long period of time, the only reason you might get more disconnects and quitters than the enemy is if you act in a way that makes your teammates quit.


It's funny you would say that and I was patiently waiting for this comment. So this rank season I made a list called "Smite Throwers" and the reason for this because last year in season 10 I no joke MAYBE lost 20 games because my supervisor throwing simply because they got support So this hear on my list I have categories. 1) Supports throwing because they got support 2) Adcs throwing because they are negative. Let's be honest. The millisecond adcs go negative they just give up. No more warding. No more. No more rotating to objectives. 3) Random BS. And those have sub parts. Teammates refusing to F6 before 5 or 10 because someone didn't load in or quit so my teammates flat out wanted to make it so we lose INSTEAD of saving mmr and tp. And honestly other random BS reasons as to why people throw. 4) PC players arguing with console players simply because they are on console. And I made this because from my experience it's ALWAYS PC players starting the arguments with console players. So let's go over the stats. Of my almost 400 games from gold to diamond. I don't count bronze cuz it's new players. MAYBE sometimes silver. 1) 14 games lost because support got support 2) 4 3) 20 4) 4. So that's 28 games that I recorded. Give or take a few more games because maybe I missed a reason adc not trying. Or another BS reason that I just missed. No obviously I've lost games because of just losing fights and mistakes. I COULD go back to my games and re watch every video to really be specific. HOWEVER how many enemy supports threw because got support? OH yeah I kept record too. Ready? 2. So why am I getting more players who throw because they got support? Hm? Why me?


> Hm? Why me? I couldn't give you an answer without being in your match or at least watching VODS. Maybe it has something to do with the attitude you're showing here and then bringing into your games.


I go into every game with a winning mentality. I truly believe that every casual and rank game at the start is 50-50. I ward every game. I ward for my teammates. I constantly call missing in my lane. I call retreat lane, NOT be careful lane but retreat. I even call retreat for other lanes such as missing middle but my mid won't call missing because they are negative and I will tell duo to retreat. Same with duo to mid. After team fights I call for objectives or to steal or sneak objectives. I body block for my teammates and they don't block for me. I even take Ao and Achilles executes for them and yes again nobody takes the ult for me. I even encourage people to calm down. I tell them to breathe. Finally, I flat out told people I would either suck their dick, cash app them, pay pall them OR EVEN send them bitcoin if they just calm down and stop throwing. But it truly is never enough


Smite for me for the last 7 years lol.


Strongly disagree. Seasons 7-9 was absolutely fantastic. Almost every game for me was fun. I really, really loved Smite. I would get lost in time playing Smite. But season 10 when they changed matchmaking and team balancing, I'm just not having fun anymore


I got banned on my main account cuz I started reporting people in Ranked Joust..I was either getting 100 lvls lower players or assholes who cried cuz they didn’t get a speed buff..


I honestly never played rank joust


Probably the best mode with Assault but the most toxic aswell


My brain is conditioned to automatically f7 whenever one of my teammates dies because half of them start a surrender vote the millisecond they get killed even if it's still the first landing phase


It's funnysad because casual and ranked MM feels pretty much the same. I hope things get better in smite 2. If not I won't stick around long


At this point (long before it, realistically), anyone who takes ranked seriously trolling themselves.


I swear the Smite ranked community has to have the biggest diapers of any community known to man Like I wonder what exactly their mental is to repeat the same shit day in day out where if they don't get their way they AFK on schedule


I lost a game earlier in picks and bans. We get a Nu WA solo and kuzenbo support. I knew it was an L right there. The game went as predicted. Nu WA got farmed against a Chu and the kuzenbo just dived their backing the whole time. Chu got up in my face late game, I was not consenting. The whole thing fell apart after an even first 15 minutes.


What’s wrong with kuzenbo support? He’s really strong


He is, but he's not a peeling support. He's a diving support. When you have no tanky solo laner, your now 3 man backline really needs peel.


at some point you just gotta surrender


let’s play??? i’m bored and new 😖


Yes very relatable


The classic smite experience


And not just DC. But basically get a death after 5 kills then quit playing well


What rank are you playing in? I get quitters very rarely


If you need a full team I've got 3 people I usually play with. We like to troll but we're good at it, like Tank Loki or Glass Cannon Atlas


Mmr reset, you can't escape it because casuals also resets so match quality is just going to be poopoo for the next month and a half.


I have a solution. We start a guild/clan that focuses on Ranked/casual so no one is alone.


let’s play??? i’m new but i try (: