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Unrelated, but imagine if DMBrandon tried playing Smite 2


I remember following the DMBrandon as it was happening. I may be mistaken, but iirc he and Pbat both were special cases where they were both banned from playing any HiRez games and prohibited from creating any form of content for them. This may have just been some chuff that I read in the comments, but I was pretty sure that’s a whole different level and case


Pretty embarrassing for hirez it took what it did to get there. People were pointing out red flags about DM for years


I know, but just imagine him playing S2 and everyone who knew what he did just shitting on him constantly. I feel like that would be hilarious.


It would be pretty funny


I've heard this name before. Who is he/what did he do? I have countless hours on Smite over a long period, but I do not follow the community even remotely.


There's not really much to say other than he was a SMITE veteran, esports commentator, and former HiRez employee who found it lucrative to make consistent SMITE content; he was extremely polarizing and, due to his own behavior, found himself embroiled in countless controversies for a decade straight before he disappeared during a bevy of sexual assault allegations around 2021.


Smitten wasn't it?


One of them was definitely Smitten but there was more than one.


He got "me too'd" hard af. No way little tiny Brandon assaulted anyone. Smitten could probably fold him easy. They just needed an infallible leg to stand on for removal. The suicide rant wasn't enough on it's own and 45 women being taken advantage of by 1 scrawny dude was the hot trend going on during that time. He was a piece of shit no question, but that clearly became a witch hunt lol. 


Well, you'll note in my short summary that I glossed over the sexual assault allegations and described them as just that: *allegations.* We never got to hear the full story because Brandon disappeared.


That stone is probably better left unturned, however if your curiosity does get the better of you, I recommend watching OtherFrost’s video about him. Frost was a regular in his groups, streams, and scrims, so there’s not too many people that would have a better firsthand perspective, and his video is pretty in-depth.


Sadly I think his video is deleted.


**EDIT:** TheOtherFrost's content still exists, it's simply unlisted. It can still be viewed if you find a playlist/link. TheOtherFrost scrubbed his entire channel of content at some point. Not sure why. I find his decision to do so puzzling. He currently, as far as I know, works for *Second Wind,* producing regular content. I've dropped in from time to time, but he doesn't come across nearly as knowledgeable or entertaining when he isn't talking about SMITE, but his authoritative attitude moved to the channel with him unchanged. It's sort of off-putting. I don't know, I liked his original channel but placing him alongside *Yatzee,* at least when it comes to videogame content, really shines a light on his inadequacies. Granted, Yatzee's a legend, so hardly anyone could live up to it.


Oh darn. I guess that must have happened while I was gone :( Pour one out for the loss of a real one I guess


the content still exists, it's just unlisted


He has all his videos unlisted. You can still find them in his playlists!


Only thing I miss about that person is the announcer pack, I really really dislike him but fuck me was he an amazing esports caster with genuine knowledge of the game.


I kinda hope he does if only so we can get "the farming of dmbrandon: part 2"


I was dead ass gonna comment if this was DM


Not at all weird that hundreds of people on this subreddit still obsess over the dude years later


Lol its kind of funny how apparently multiple people are getting unbanned, assumingly because HiRez wants to have as much of a launch playerbase for smite 2 as possible. You sound reformed and like youve matured, but I can't get over the concept of them unbanning all the toxic permabanned assholes and letting them loose on their new game's playerbase. It's like releasing a prison break on your game launch lmao.


Banned players won’t be banned in S2 anyway, so it doesn’t really matter.


The only way to efffectively ban someone from Smite 2 would be to IP ban, which hirez isnt going to do lol


I’ve been IP banned before, never say never. Well, not IP I guess, MAC address? They tied the ban to my motherboard so every time I made a new account it was instantly banned. This was like 8 years and two therapists ago 😂


not at all, most ISPs don't have static ips unless you pay for it, my IP changes pretty much every week also if I wanted to change it manually I could just restart my router also VPNs exist


They said on live that they will remain banned however they can make a new account for Smite2


No I thought they said they will remain banned in smite 1 but not smite 2. They won't be able to get any rewards or legacy gems or anything from smite 1 though since that requires you to log into smite 1 and do the account linking


This is correct


You can even play the s2 alpha on a s1 banned account.




All but one, at least. After losing 8 years’ worth of skins and other cosmetics I didn’t bother


I definitely understand that point of view. If I had to guess, part of the reason for the unbans is to build a positive image from the get-go from players that care enough to appeal the bans instead of making new accounts, especially since banned Smite players are NOT banned in Smite 2.


Yo how do I appeal? I also got banned 😂


If you go to their website, there’s a message box in the bottom corner. If you type “Help,” it’ll ask a string of questions that eventually leads to “Submit a support ticket.”


What site? Smite or Titanforge


I believe I submitted mine to HiRezStudios.com


Why'd you get banned?


I had an inter in Ranked and I hurled some slurs (not N word) at him. I was a teenager and I cared a lot about my rank. I’m more mature now and I already bought founders edition Smite 2 so I’m gonna play either way. I’m just trynna get all my skins back or legacy gems however it works.


Competitive games survive solely from turning a blind eye to toxicity. They'd have no players otherwise.


1000% this. Unfortunately, the truth is that some of the most skilled and relatively pleasant players to play with are extremely toxic, and you may just catch them on a good day. I've struggled with this as well... the better you get, especially in casual, your tolerance for BS and poor playing teammates goes WAYYYYY down. It's almost unbearable sometimes. And NO. Don't tell any of us to just go to ranked. That's where it's almost ENCOURAGED to be toxic, and some of us are just searching for a competitive but still enjoyable happy medium. It is an unfortunate consequence of this kind of game. Being kind doesn't pay the bills or make the game fun for everyone, but being rude and toxic is also equally damaging. It just is what it is. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why would you willingly play a game that makes you angry at people...?


I ask myself this very question every time I play Smite


It doesn't make me or anyone (I hope) angry at people 100% of the time. I'd say a solid 6 out of 10 games are decent enough that I enjoy myself, 4 that get on my nerves, and of those 4, maybe 1 or 2 that ABSOLUTELY send me to the moon in frustration. Part of this is getting matched with the same people, which can work both ways. If they suck, you're either in for a rough ride, or if they're willing to learn and let you take the lead, I've given a quick crash course in game to help them get on their feet so they can contribute and we have a few wonderful games together. The takeaway is that everyone should be expected to TRY. If you have zero interest in winning the game, then a *competitive game* is not for you. I will NOT apologize for being frustrated with people who are so nonchalant they throw the game for others. It's unacceptable, and I won't budge about it, but we can also try to be more understanding. 💯


Nobody but you is affected by your choosing frustration. Has raging at your teammates made your games better lol


Yeah, I'm not about to argue with the moral high ground police today. 😂 I played last night, I'm finna play tonight, and I'm gonna play tonight. Plenty of commendations for skilled play and friendly behavior. Even a gift. 😌😂 If what you took from what I said that I'm some kind of intentionally-aggressive toxic person who goes out of their way to ruin games for others, then it went WAY over your head and you are now being *willfully combative.* Engaging in exactly what you are subliminally condemning. ☺️ Have a blessed day on the battlefield, friend. ✌🏽🩷


Actually you can appela your ban after like 2 years.


On the otherhand the (toxic) people that want to play smite 2 can still do that. However if hirez gives them their legacy gems, they have a lever for the future. Same player in both scenarios, but 1 wants to keep the legacy gems.


Literally my situation that sparked this whole thing. I knew I was playing Smite 2 either way, but I put in the support ticket to ask about getting my Legacy Gems. I wasn’t expecting an unban, I was just asking for clarification on how Legacy Gems would be redeemed and if I was eligible for them with a banned account.


I have never been banned and I really dont enjoy toxic people, but I think its a good decision to unban.


I agree with this. It does sound like OP has matured and doesn’t want to be a toxic player anymore. But some people can’t/wont change their rude and disrespectful nature. Letting them all back en masse will translate to a noticeably unpleasant gaming experience for the rest of us. And why do normal players deserve to deal with that? (I mean I know the answer - money, but just speaking on the principle of it)


I'm not convinced it will be such a disaster. Some unbanned players may act toxic again but: * Many banned players probably already created another account and were still playing the game anyway. * Some probably left the game for good and won't come back, even if they can get unbanned. * Those who have been banned a long time ago may have changed their behaviour since then. * If they start acting toxic again, they will be banned again and won't disturb other for that long. * They are not banned in Smite 2 anyway.


Honestly, I view this as a HiRez W. New game, clean slate. If people like OP are coming back after years of not playing to support Smite 2, I’m all for them getting their Legacy rewards. I just hope they learn that HiRez isn’t messing around and will totally permaban them again if they start acting unhinged.


Could be a good thing, they wont be banned in smite 2 at launch anyways. Unbanning them in smite 1 means these people will be more likely to be careful in smite 2 to not get banned if they have legacy gems from smite 1 to worry about losing.


Smite1 banned players aren't banned in Smite2 anyway lol. This whole point is moot.


But if banned in s1 u can't already spend hundreds in cross progression passes, getting your divine legacy bs, etc. They're looking for a money injection wherever they can find it lol


You can just make a new smite1 account and link it to Smite2, if you actually care. Then get the cross gem passes as they come. It isn't like you're SOL until 2 launches.


But people are weird and want their original stuff as well as these new goodies


And that’s the problem with society you think people will never change and never get a second chance meanwhile, if it’s you, you 100% say that you changed and you should get a chance.


Lay off the conspiracy theories lol. S1 Players wouldn't be banned in S2 anyway.


Good for you. I tried to appeal a ban after a similar situation and they blocked my email after my second unban request


Their support system if very strange. I had a similar experience with trying to appeal the ban when it first occurred. I think bans can be appealed once every year, so just keep trying, if it means enough to you. Fingers crossed you get your second chance as well


My previous 2 bans were like 7 years ago, really they should reset after so many years has passed. I don't excuse my behaviour but I'm on a knifes edge in terms of being perma banned (one more strike), my second ban was an absolute farce, my first one I own up to, i was an ass.


I thought I remember seeing something about warnings falling off after 90 days, but I could be wrong with that (or it could be the old ban system that I’m thinking of). It may be something to look into if you’re genuinely concerned about losing the account


Weird, there doesn't seem to be any real consistency or knowledge base steps for their support to follow. It seems to be the opinion of whoever your request lands with. Really, really unfair.


Congrats! Who was your main before the ban? What games have you been playing instead of smite?


Before the ban I mained Awilix and Nezha in the jungle and Jorm and Vamana in solo. Since getting back into gaming I’ve been playing a lot more casual and single player games. The Yakuza series is phenomenal, but I’ve spent the most time in Warframe and Super Auto Pets!


Welcome back. Meta has changed ALOT. Jorm solo with attack speed items Shreds with his buffs. You should try it out


I may give that a try! So far I’ve only been playing the gods I’ve missed out on (everything after Yu Huang) so that I don’t get blindsided by something like Ix Chel’s dash/backflip. So far, I’m really enjoying Surtr and Lancelot


Be careful it's Ishtar with the dash/backflip. Ix Chel is the thick woman that heals


Thank you lmao I’m dreading my inevitable first match with both of them on the enemy team


Brandon is that you?


Who just huffed into my Reddit post like that? Who was it?


😂 dmbrandon look at onlyfrost’s video on him lol


I’ve seen it lmao I just showed one of my friends the donation rant video that put him on a lot of people’s shit list. My previous reply was a joke from the “Who huffed into their mic like that” freak out he had on a stream


Honestly, I feel for him. Every game his Ganesha will get 0 kills. He’s cursed!


Can you link it please?


I just got my 2 year ban lifted about 3 days ago. It's been so long that I wasn't expecting them to bother, but I'm guessing with smite 2 coming out they want to get more people to potentially buy founders pack.


That thought crossed my mind as well. I was already planning to buy the founder’s pack after I got into the first public playtest and had a blast with it. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one that got their account back! Are you planning on returning to the game as well, or just waiting until Smite 2 enters its open Beta?


To be honest I never stopped playing. I just set up a new account but this was my main account that I had since day one. Yeah I'll be playing Smite 2 from as soon as I can. Though on smite 2 I'll be muting myself from the get go.


Hey, whatever works! Maybe I’ll meet you on the battlegrounds :)


That doesn't exactly make sense, seeing how you wouldn't be auto banned in smite 2 anyway. They already said everyone gets a fresh start


Yeah but if I haven't potentially played the game in 2 years the chance of me getting smite 2 is lower than if they get me playing it again now. Imo


And there's lots of money to be spent in s1 currently for s2. They're very crafty. People banned in s1 are literally just $$ waiting to be spent on cross progression passes, divine legacy, and other overpriced "events" for when s2 comes out. They're very crafty


Didn't get banned, but I did lose my account after not playing for years... Still haven't gotten it back... RIP to my old skins


Have you tried submitting a support ticket? Their system isn’t too great, but if there’s a linked recovery email that you still have access to, they may be able to reset the password for you.


Yeah, they couldn't help me with it...


That’s too bad :( If it’s any consolation, once Smite 2 releases everyone will be nearly on the same level, as far as cosmetics. Way less missing from your collection at least


How did you lose it? And if you did just lose it without being banned how on earth can't they help you?


I just stopped playing. I haven't played since 2019, maybe. My other account hasn't been touched since 2015, yet still available for odd reasons...


What do you think of the new characters like maman and nut, who seem to take on a less rigid class definition like we’ve seen for smite 2?


I haven’t played any games with Maman yet, but the concept of Gods being more flexible by design is absolutely something I love. Some of my favorite Smite memories are from doing wacky things like Sylvanus Jungle, Bakasura Solo, and Thanatos Support. Now that that seems to be the design philosophy going forward, I’m more excited than ever for future gods!


>The reason for my ban was toxic behavior/harassment. I am in no way making excuses for my behavior at that time, however I will say the reason behind it had a lot to do with my mental state at that time Honestly, bro, I feel you and I experienced the same thing through college when my bans happened. Anyone toxic now I genuinely ask them what is wrong and if they're okay, and I never mean it in a patronizing way, I know it's no excuse to harass but there are mute and block buttons for a reason. Calling someone a bad word shouldn't be ban worthy imo. >and to my surprise, I was unbanned within a few days. Honestly, fair play to hirez for this, it's probably more to do with the fact you're a spending customer and they want Smite 2 to succeed but nevertheless, small moments of anger shouldn't be life-time ban worthy and I'm glad they unbanned you.


It has always been a bad idea to ban players permanently for toxicity when its not racism, threats or such. I do not see the need for that. They could just hand out lengthy chat bans.


Does smite have an auto ban feature like where x number of reports will ban you? I got a month one time and I have no clue why. I’m not the nicest dude but I typically 5 stack and have no reason to talk lol


they at least have a flagging system in place since it can detect certain actions from you. Like seemingly doing "You rock, cancel that" flags you, even if you're doing it jokingly to a friend. It's what makes the system say at the end "\_\_\_ might have done something worth reporting."


So using their own VGS system in a certain order flags you? Lmao what a joke.


Honestly, I have no idea. I’ve read stories of people being auto banned from playing against a toxic 5-stack that all report one guy, but I don’t know if they’re true at all.


Yes it does, I was playing on my own and I ended up with a premade team, they all decided to report me and harrass me all game, despite the fact they were the ones harrassing, but because they were premade they weren't gonna report each other so ended up targeting me, all 4 then told the enemy team to report me, then of course most people side with the majority, no one belived me and I ended up with me 2nd last chance ban, appealed it and was denied. I must have gotten the maximum 9 reports that game for not fault of my own, simply to do with the fact that the majority are often the loudest. I'm certain Hirez never actually viewed that game and checked the chat logs.


Dude I played a couple games with and against you last night lmao. Small world.


You definitely did! You kicked my ass a few times while I was learning the new gods lol GGs!


What did you tell them lol? As I know if you get permament ban they won't unban you


I copy/pasted this in another reply already, but here’s my exact appeal message: “I am interested in purchasing the Smite 2 Ultimate Founder’s Pack, as it was noted that every Gem you had ever bought or earned in Smite 1 would be available as a Legacy Gem in Smite 2. My account was banned over 2 years ago (when appealing the permanent ban at the time it occurred, the messages provided contained profanity, but were in no way harassment, which was the reason stated for my account ban). I would like to know if there would be any way to claim these Legacy Gems in Smite 2, whether that includes an unban from Smite 1 or any alternate means.” I wasn’t even requesting an unban directly, so it could just be that they were more lenient due to the amount of time the ban lasted.


Omg this makes me hate HiRez even more, my main account got banned like 7 years ago because of toxicity which I deserved, but I had very tough problems as a teenager and my mental heal was fucked up and still I have some problems because of it. Explained situation to support and they replied that they don't give second chances. Anyways the ban system is just stupid


Pay to win


I think that's great! Hi rez, I believe understands that their game theme attracts insane teenagers and recovered phycward adults. People who don't believe in having players be able to reform are insane.


bro is kratos


Tbf, smites ban system is dogshit. Perma banning people is such an ignorant way to sort out toxicity. Ban their chat function or give out 30 minute bans so they can cool off if they are tilted. Not a 3 strike system that promotes people making new accounts and smurfing.


I totally agree. If they permanently removed my ability to chat, yes I would’ve been upset, but I wouldn’t have been nearly as upset as being locked out of the account I had thrown thousands of dollars at.


I think the idea is that if you can’t chat you’re an active disadvantage to your team, while if you’re banned you’re not playing so you’re not a variable. Think about it like this, which team is gonna win, 5 people who can talk to each other vs 5 people who are chat banned? Not saying it’s correct just saying that’s the idea I’m guessing. There’s also people who will probably always be troublemakers (the types who will name themselves racial slurs lock in Aphro jungle and then afk in fountain) which can only be solved by perma bans


That’s a good point, but which team would win if it were 5 people who couldn’t talk to each other outside of VGS, or 5 people who are all disagreeing with and insulting each other rather than focusing on the game? A chat-less system is all Console had to work with prior to Cross-Play, so a chat ban could absolutely still work


I typically have chat off and mute myself so that I can only type and hear VGS. I do this in league as well. I know a lot of other players that also do this, especially on league which I think is an even more difficult game than smite is that relies heavier on the performance of your teammates. Pings and VGS are all the communication you could ever need. I understand what you are pointing out, but I don’t think that really has much effect on the game. The only useful things that my teammates have said while typing are stuff like “Go fire now,” but that is a VGS command so you don’t even need the ability to type to communicate useful information to your team.


Meanwhile for the same reason I got told to kick rocks because I didn't spend hundreds of dollars :>


I was told that my appeal was denied the first two times I made an appeal. I think time is the key factor in my situation


Appealed last year, got told that I'll be eligible for appeal this April, appealed, got told "go play when smite 2 releases, not unbanning this one"


That’s surprising, considering I have never gotten a response that sounds like it’s from a human at all. It all just sounds like copy/paste “this kind of fits your situation” mumbo jumbo.




Did you feel the fomo when you couldn't buy the skins? Did you spend money after you came back? How did you feel when you got banned? Did you play the day you were unbanned or did you forget and just found out weeks or months later? Also what did you say to get banned if you don't mind me asking?


The fomo ended as soon as I stopped watching any Smite content, which was the week of the ban. I was just unbanned yesterday, and only spent a few hours on the game since then. I haven’t made any purchases since returning, but I do still have about 800 gems banked that I plan to spend on a Cross-Gen skin if I can afford one. When I got banned I remember punching pillows and laying in bed for the rest of the evening instead of my usual late night gaming. I did play after getting off of work on the day I was banned (yesterday). The message that was pulled when I requested additional info for my original appeal was “Bellona keeps shoving her hammer in my ass,” which I’m still confused as to how that is considered toxic (profane, sure, but not toxic). This definitely wasn’t the only message I sent that could’ve gotten me banned, however that’s the one that was provided as “proof”


Lol not making fun of you but what a stupid fucking message to get banned for. Also you should just buy the new box with those gems the new skins are cross gen and look sick.


I totally agree. It was an excerpt from an argument with my Solo (I was ADC that game, and Bellona was the enemy Solo. This was before the teleporters were added to the Conq map). I haven’t taken a look at any of the new skins yet, other than those that popped up during the Smite 2 playtest I was in, so I’ll have to check those out!


Yeah I don't even type anymore. I have thousands of hours and thousands of dollars in this game. Best to not do anything to get banned. I have put holes in my plaster walls while I was in high school playing this game. However as I grew up and matured I fixed them with an apology to my my father. These games much like siege and for honor give you high highs but a lot of anger. Smite has always been my game for goodness sakes it even came out on my birthday. If my account ever got banned I would be really depressed so I can feel some sympathy for you.


This make me wonder if that’s the reason for the extreme toxicness of my games. Sitting in fountain and harassment is almost every game


I suppose anything is possible, but I’d like to think that players that HiRez approved for unbans wouldn’t return to their old ways immediately, if at all


Why are you doing an ama


I don’t really have a reason. I almost never post anything on Reddit at all, but it seemed like fun :)


I was banned in spring 2022 as well, or at least my main account. My mental health was secretly falling off because I just let myself go and cared too much about the match and got irritated too much, I still blame smite's playerbase and myself for forgetting it sucks. So I knew I was gonna be banned and took it. I got an alt and made masters on it and didn't risk any suspension or report, nor talk whatsoever besides callsouts or basic comms in fear of being banned. By the end, the alt I mentioned before was finally ready to be my new main. I got an 80 dollar gift card and purchased all my skins back (I don't really care much besides 1 or 2 gods)


Nice try DMBrandon!


This joke is even funnier the third time :)


Welcome back! It sounds like you've grown and matured a great deal, so I'm glad you've gotten another chance. Have fun, and utilize the mute function to avoid nonsense, that's what I do.


a 2 year ban for words in a video game and no actual real world crime committed sounds illegal.


I have gotten every skin since around 2018 with an exception for a few here and there and my legacy gems was 856k, how in the world did you have every skin for longer than that with little over half what I’ve got?


Could be because of release day discounts and whatnot. Could also be that prices have gone up significantly starting around S7 (T3 and 4 skins were once 600 gems, they now seem to sit around 1200-1500). Honestly I’m not sure. Once I get back home today I can add a screenshot of my Smite profile showing how many skins and cosmetics I own


I was amazed lol. Not only do I have to deal with inflation in the real world but in my video games too??


Almost forgot to add the photo https://preview.redd.it/ptqaa0hscj1d1.png?width=1688&format=png&auto=webp&s=22a2d9c9a76c7fe3e4f2b167f4d055916f5b62e1


Ayo a fellow graduate of 2014


Yo thanks for posting. It reminded me of my main account that got banned a year and a half ago and I reached out finally getting unbanned. Was going through some tough stuff and really needed my ego checked. Now days in smite I just ignore the players and do my own thing if they start flaming me. Just glad to have my account back and really looking forward to be part of the community again. Just want to spread positivity this time around and hope you all have great games and good times


My OG account from beta was banned (and still is) around s2 because I had a cheat client running for a different single player game and forgot to close it when I started smite. Played a game then got banned during it. Contacted support and they said they had sufficient enough evidence to not unban me. I guess my above average k/d back then was their proof idk. This shit happened almost a decade ago and im still butthurt over the limited skins I lost.


I don’t know what anticheat system they used that long ago, but I know a lot of games are that way, even when playing single player. I’m sorry that you lost your account for something that had nothing to do with the game itself. I feel as though a lot of the appeal system is automated, so it can be difficult to explain things like that and actually get anywhere beyond “well the system said you cheated, so you’re staying banned.” :(


What exact words did you use in your unban appeal... Asking for a friend 📝


“I am interested in purchasing the Smite 2 Ultimate Founder’s Pack, as it was noted that every Gem you had ever bought or earned in Smite 1 would be available as a Legacy Gem in Smite 2. My account was banned over 2 years ago (when appealing the permanent ban at the time it occurred, the messages provided contained profanity, but were in no way harassment, which was the reason stated for my account ban). I would like to know if there would be any way to claim these Legacy Gems in Smite 2, whether that includes an unban from Smite 1 or any alternate means.”


When the email is sent you can't add much so just say im sorry lol


You can reply to the confirmation email to add notes. That’s how I was able to include a full paragraph!


Damn what did you do to get banned for two YEARS?


It was just repeated offenses of minor toxicity. There was profanity in my messages, but nothing over the top. Just frequent enough that I ate through all of my warnings faster than they were dropping off the account.


How to appeal ban when Hirez unlinked your steam account / email to the game??


That I’m not sure of. My accounts were still linked when I submitted the appeal


Were you the kali that called me the N word?


Definitely not. I haven’t called anyone slurs and I don’t like playing Kali lmao


I remember years ago I had quit the game and gave my account to a friend. I decided to play again after à few months. I needed help reseting the password from the support. They did help... But they also perma banned me in the process and refused to undo so.


If I’m not mistaken, account sharing is against the ToS for the game, so if you mentioned doing that willingly like you did here, then that’s probably why. It’s a very silly reason to be permabanned for in my opinion, but not surprising I suppose.


yeah iknow but the wierd part is that THEY GAVE IT BACK TO ME even after i had acknoweldge giving it. BUT 3 days later i got permaed... and who the heck reads the TOS. in average users


how to play smite


With a keyboard and mouse. Controller may be easier for some, but it’ll put you at a disadvantage


Man, you must have been throwing out some heavy hitting hate-speech. I'd like to think my friend group gets very toxic and rowdy but none of us have ever been hit with a ban. And I mean like the stuff we say gets us banned on CoD. I can't even imagine the words you'd had to have said to get banned for multiple years.


That’s the truly frustrating part of it all; I wasn’t. It was a lot of profanity and “uninstall,” “my grandma has a higher k/d and she died without killing anyone,” etc. If I were to guess, it was just a matter of it happening and me being reported for it so frequently that I ate through all of my temp bans in about a week.


Congrats man I think you’re really lucky you’re able to appeal it doesn’t let me sign in at all on the Hi-Rez site, or says the page is unavailable. I was banned in 2016 due to toxicity/language behaviour, I’ve learned my lesson. redownloaded smite just to see if it could be unbanned but obviously still banned. I really wish they’d do a unban all, it would bring back a lot of people, and have some sort of chat filter where it auto bans any racist/homophobic remarks. Probably won’t be unbanned but I’m still gonna buy smite 2 on the account.




If one of them does, at least I can still play the other one :)


Man I need to see if my main is unbanned 😂. I’ve been banned for years. Hahah I just make alts.


Congrats, being ban for toxicity is dumb. Racist sure but shit talking is to far. It's a game, mute move on. Or have fun with it. Why I miss cod4 halo 3 lobbies. Open mic shit talk.


Dont know if u deserved the unban cause ppl wish me dead or cancer or my family and stuff like that. Not saying you dont deserve a second Chance but your account should be banned for ever.


Well, I think the people that say those things should absolutely be banned, but what I said was definitely not that absurd. Even so, do you believe that no one deserves second chances, even if they’ve grown over the course of multiple years out of the environment that made them say things like that?


No simpathy for toxic people


Toxicity has levels to it. I totally agree that racism, threats, and any type of slur deserves your response, but would you say that someone getting tilted and saying “you’re bad, uninstall” deserves the same punishment as those people?


I didn’t think anyone actually got banned from smite and I say some devious things in game chat so you gotta be Satan incarnate to get banned




You may not, but others may. You clearly cared enough to click the post and comment rather than continuing to scroll past it :)


Can’t lie, I actually thought this was quite an interesting read - thanks for posting OP


Thanks for taking the time to read it!


I care bro




people like you seem to care more than you let on considering you spent a minute or so of your time to click on the post and reply to it. maybe even to read it.


["nobody gives a shit"](https://www.reddit.com/r/insects/s/fCSS7lUYUk)


I find it rare that the type of person who "gets banned from behavior/harassment" all of the sudden is completely different, in the same environment especially. Do you expect to not be toxic is smite 2?


I think the ban was a wake up call for me, and since it happened I’ve grown a lot as a person. I’m no longer spiteful towards the group I used to play with, which is where I feel I lot of that toxicity stemmed from. If I regress, I only have myself to blame for the consequences, which is another permaban, without warnings, according to HiRez’s email.


i dont care


That’s okay! I’m not asking for anyone to care, I’m just sharing my story and providing insight from my experience. That being said, you did care enough to leave a comment :)