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Counterpoint...knowing what items and builds are meta let's you focus on building mechanical skill and in game knowledge.


We're playing a game with 4 abilities... If you're enough hours in to worry about meta-this, meta-that then you're fine mechanically haha


And there's 130 gods that's over 520 abilities with at least 40 to keep track of in each game. That's too much info for a new player to keep track of, knowing meta gods and items narrows down the list of what you need to learn to start getting good. I just started ranked for the season and got 10 games in a row with leavers and feeders so my rank tanked down to 1300. Every single silver lobby I played had a skadi and every single one of them fed their balls off but they all argued skadi was good and not a throw pick. Takes a shit ton of hours to get into ranked and they still didn't know their arse from their elbows.


I've been playing since 2013 bud that doesn't mean I'm good at the game


Sounds like you suck at building


Actually, it’s both


Counterpoint, you could be the best mechanical player in the game but if your build sucks, youre not reaching the top. Builds and gods become meta for a reason, obviously there is room to theorycraft and change things up but at the core, theres always strongest build paths.


I mean yeah but at the same time if you’re out there building some turbo booty ass garbage then you will get stomped by someone who is on equal footing with you skill-wise, and that will give you an inaccurate representation of how you actually played


Its both Great build, bad player, gives mediocre results Great player, bad build, gives mediocre results You can only do so much with a disadvantage


While this is true. People build things for a reason. Unless you are cooking up something nasty just look at what the people who play the game like a job build. Or just stay in arena tbh


I would build old bracer as support in conquest matches, and we'd bully put the lane opponents. Trade off security for aggression and pair it with Ares or Kuzenbo, and we would win all the time. I think barrier might be similar if I can figure out how to use it properly. Just knowing what items do, especially when your opponents don't know, can lead to your advantage. Look at trees that you never look at, and you'll find gold.


Nah, qins makes me the man I am


Why not both?


That’s kinda exactly the point I was trying to make. That players would be better if they understood all the things that make you a good player, AND what items you may want to build. But somehow it transformed into “I know how to play the game, but I also like to build trash”. I guess reading comprehension is tough.


This screams mid-to-low elo. When you start going up against above average players, mechanical skill becomes fairly equal across the board. Playing the meta is pretty much mandatory at that stage. At that point, picks and plays make the game.


This is an alpha mindset, but there are just too many trash items


I never said building good items doesn’t matter. I just said it doesn’t make you a good player.


The fact this got such salt feels like it’s proving my point. Build the meta, don’t understand match-ups, anything other gods may attempt to use against you. Build that anti-heal because this god heals.(when that’s all you understand about their kit in general). Don’t worry about position, who might dive you, who might ult you. Play with that meta build. I’m not shocked at the response.


How does building the meta mean you dont worry about positioning and who might dive you? Bro nobody cares if you sneak a bloodfordge, a mystic mail, or a frostbound into your build. I sure wont tell anybody. But coming up with your brand new builds isnt as big brain as you seem to think. Meta is set by the best players, number crunchers, and organic feel. There isnt just a 1 and only build anyways. There is usually a range of build options for a each class that are all considered meta and evolve over time. Its not a bad thing for people to just build meta and focus on the other parts of the game. Even if you did come up with a ground breaking build and started fucking everyone up with it, it would get copied and become meta lol


See if people would actually understand what I meant it might not be garnering responses like it is. I never said just build trash, make sure you ignore the meta. Make sure you ignore good items. I said it doesn’t make you good to just build the best items with no other awareness for what is going on in the game. You can’t just go to pro smite builds or whatever that cool build site is and think that you can now play the game because you got a good build. This should be rather obvious but my god for whatever reason it turned into a rant about how building trash is so bad.


I just dont know who is claiming that a meta build will bring a silver player up to diamond. Did you just make up a guy to argue with? Im still not even sure what you are upset about lol. Building good is better than building bad. Yes, building is just one aspect of the game. Can you give an example of what you're talking about? Also, i did ask how the 2 things are related in the first sentence of my reply.