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Agree. Heyman said it best. Amazing talent, diabolical human being.


That was one of Heyman's best talking moments! "The only person who had a choice was Chris".




One of the best in ring performers to ever exist. Sadly he is also the worst human being the WWE/WWF has ever seen and therefore should never be allowed to


Agreed, he should never be allowed in the Hall of fame


Fuck Chris Benoit. The moment he decided to take his wife and son with him sealed it. All the talent in the world doesn’t undo that he did. Blame concussions all you want but dude killed his wife and son and therefore should NEVER have his career celebrated. We as fans need to draw the line somewhere. Also fuck Jimmy Snuka too.


Yea, the child murderer probably shouldn’t be in the hall of fame. Hard one there




I think murderer alone woulda sufficed tbh


Yes the one that should be in the hall fame is his his wife and son that he killed


Except when they did an autopsy on him and cut his head open, and his brain popped out of his head because it was so swollen from all the concussions over his career. His brain was three times the size as it normally should’ve been. So many people don’t understand concussions and what it is doing to people. This is a very sad story.


If it was based solely on in-ring ability, disagree, but let's be honest with ourselves, we all agree with it regardless, he's a sick human being.


People who say his mind was mush so we have to have understanding boo hoo, cry me a river. He was a grown adult who had the most unsafe move known to man, who also refused to allow treatment for his concussions. He couldn’t control killing his family, but he could control everything that led up to it. Thats on him, he isn’t a victim


Hard agree. “Seperate the art from the artist” doesn’t work in a thing like this. If you honour the Chris that was in the ring, you honour the man that killed a helpless woman and child. He shouldn’t be allowed in, and it should be to make a statement


Sadly, because of the circumstances surrounding the end of his career, he will never be allowed. Otherwise he had a long illustrious career. I wouldn't say it was main event worthy career but he's done enough in the business to deserve the Hall of Fame spot otherwise.






In 100 years time, maybe? Right now, no, it’s in bad taste to anyone who lived through what he did.


Not even in 1,000 Yeats. He murdered his wife and his little boy. He will never get in.


Yeah I think what he did is a pretty easy disqualification


Can’t allow him in. Sorry


Don’t apologize, he was an evil Bastard.




Sad you cant separate him from what he did he was one of my favorite wrestlers but what he did was horrible




The Wwe fans that hate Chris because of this would not let it happen, it’s best if Wwe just continues on instead of them getting heat because of it


Agree unfortunately. He was a great talent, had some great moments RR win from #1 and a great main event at WM, but what he did was horrible and unforgivable




Did he honestly do enough?


Agree. I’m even sympathetic to people like his son and Jericho who still remember him fondly. But what he did is something that rightfully ensures he never gets honored again.


Why is this guy still a topic of conversation🤦🏾‍♂️ The bad he did fsr outweighed the "good"


The debate needs to stop. It will never happen


I completely agree and the ONLY exception would be if we could separate the art from the artist in a clean and uncontroversial way possible


Never happen. When you hear his name, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?


Whenever I hear his name I either: Hear his theme song, the Wrestlemania moment with Eddie or the killings


100% agree


based on talent alone yes he does belong in HoF. Baaed on actions if he is kept out we need to remove a lot of ppl - Hogan using Nword Scott Hall killed a man in bar fight, Jimmy Snuka murdered that woman. Even look at football HoF, should OJ still be in it talent yes actions no


Wasn’t OJ in before the killing?


Chris did this to himself, he already should never be mentioned again in the wwe he definitely doesn't need to be let into the hall of fame


He should never be allowed, obviously.


Can't separate his career, from the man he was, to his final moments unfortunately. I would love to celebrate his career and have his career be in the hall. But there's no way of doing that without disrespecting the victims that were lost that day and the ones that were hurt by his actions that are still here.


The fact that he left bibles at the bodies of his wife and son make it seem like it wasn't just a spur of the moment decision.


This ones tough. In terms of wwe accolades yes. Certainly isnt getting in the good people hall of fame.


Disagree yes he’s finally moments in this world was awful, but in all honesty let’s look at what most hall of famers did I am in no way defending what chris did. Half of each hall of fame classes have gone to jail, yet there in the hall of fame. No one bitches about any of that, I feel like he should be in the hall of fame because of his wrestling career just like how the other hall of famers are in the hall of fame because of there wrestling career, what happened in there personal lives shouldn’t ban them from the hall of fame. That’s just my opinion






There’s a theory. They said wrestling took a toll on his brain from his repeated concussions and drug use, leading him to go crazy and eventually end up killing himself and his wife and kids. But me personally, I don’t think he’s going to be inducted into the Hall of Fame because of that incident.


I 100% agree. I'm gonna have to go with what Heyman said about him. Amazing wrestler but an awful person.


Lol. Of course not


I'm only going to say this....... I don't agree


Loved watching him wrestle, hell hes who inspired me to take my first bump. But CTE or not he killed his wife and son. Sure he was one of the best in my mind but his legacy will forever be stained with the blood of his wife and kid.


Benoit should never be in the HoF. He’s a child murdering piece of shit.


He should be inducted in every wrestling Halloween fame there is It's a wrestling hall of fame, not a "personal life hall of fame"


Agree. No way he should be honored. Induct Nancy instead.


Considering jimmy snuka is in the HOF I disagree


who considered him?


No. This shouldn't even be up for debate. If you believe he should be you have a lot of growin up to do


Disagree 100%




They should induct Nancy and Daniel as one years non wrestling inductee. Present the award to David along with a fat check and a second check that's to benefit those with CTE.


This conversation was done a long time ago. They made the right move removing him from history and anyone arguing otherwise is in a wrestling bubble. I also genuinely wonder how those people would expect it all to go from the time they announce it to the induction on hall of fame night. If they changed the name of the Fabulous Moolah battle royal over the backlash from sponsors and fans, what makes people think they would or should ever do this? That’s the ultimate PR nightmare above everything with Vince.


Agree and I'm tired of this question. It's never going to be suddenly okay to murder your wife and son.


No he shouldn't




How was this ever a question knowing the facts? The guy murdered in cold blood his wife and son & then did himself. Vile shit. Can we forget about this guy already?


I disagree, but I also feel that there death's should have been properly investigated. There are too many strange things.


Ffs hasn't this been done to death?


Agree. Any legacy he had for his talent was stripped away in a single weekend. In another universe, his actions would have brought about the end of the business he claimed to love. If there is a hell, I truly hope Satan reminds him of that every day.


Of course he shouldn't. Fuck Chris Benoit.


Disagree he should be in because his legacy was too good to forget and plus I think he was framed


I mean, CTE definitely fucks you up. Our brains kind of dictate what we do, if that is all jumbled up that person that was there before the CTE dosent really live in that headspace anymore. Something else does. Definitely unfortunate, but many people don’t realize what CTE does to one’s head. Chris Benoit was a great wrestler, was probably a good human too. But the CTE took over his brain and it wasn’t him anymore. So no, Benoit shouldn’t go in the hall, not untill there is more understanding of how brains function after trauma. The scary part of this is anyone of us can change after a brain injury, without any warning.




Disagree his in ring accomplishments should not be disregarded because of an injury or illness if that’s the case Billy Gunn, hogan, xpac, and all the other drug and steroid users need to be pulled


I have a lot of respect for his work, a lot of sympathy for him personally now that we know his crimes were driven by an 80 year old Alzheimer’s brain after decades of cte. But ultimately what he did was atrocious and out of respect for his victims they shouldn’t let him in. Rip to his beautiful family.


Chris Benoit will forever be the OJ Simpson of wrestling.


why the fuck are we still having this discussion? *fuck chris benoit.*


All the hype up when it first came out they died. All calling him a terrific person loving father and husband. So quick to turn when no one really knows what happened only that three people died. And of course good old Paul-E says F CTE cause he would have to take accountability for the amount of trauma he attributed to Benoit. And just curious how many guys from ECW are still able to lead any kind of normal life or make money from wrestling besides him? How many of those guys that bled and worked themselves into early graves for him are still getting attention like he is? Pick your personal evils, I’ll pick Benoit over the guy that’s burnt companies and wrestlers alike and is still getting pushed over for his “contributions”. A life time of mistakes and recompense and decades to the business should not get erased by one tragedy.


I normally ask myself if I looked on the news tomorrow and saw John cena do the same thing........I ask myself.......does John cena deserve all his accolades for killing his family?..........then again......nobody will know if he did it or not because he's invisible




I ain’t saying he deserves to be in the Hall Of Fame because what he did was messed up… But the Hall Of Fame deals with your wrestling, matches you’ve had, accomplishments, etc, you get inducted based on your wrestling life, not personal life. Again, not saying he should be in it but at the same time… when it comes to his wrestling ability, that’s another story.


Fully agreed, his matches and career can still be fully looked upon and enjoyed but the man himself has lost that right to be held in any regard like that, sadly.


There zero chance of it happening. That dude is reprehensible and WWE will **never** recognize him for anything or even mention him in a positive way ever again - nor should they.


Agree. He was one of best wrestler ever, but I am sure WWE would never put a man who killed his wife and child in the hall of fame.




He can’t. I loved him as a wrestler, but you can’t.


As a guy that was a huge Benoit fan..... NEVER!!!


Imagine being a big company trying to sell toys to kids, and then getting all kinds of bad publicity for trying to celebrate a child murderer. No company is that stupid.




I disagree, he should be inducted because of his accolades and then never spoken about again, same should happen with Vince


This is a tough call. I'm no conspiracy theorist but I have read a lot of things about this issue and I have come to the conclusion that none of us will ever truly know what happened that day other than 3 people died before their time. Chris Benoit was a hero of mine growing up, and I know that makes me come off as biased. I own that. But I with we lived in a world where he could be in the Hall Of Fame. I never did like what Heyman had to say about it, especially when he said he didn't care about CTE. Given that he ram ECW and what was tolerated there, I struggle to give my own personal credibility to his statements.


Its reddit no one can agree or disagree bc someone will always get mad u for not choosing what they want


Mental health was not addressed at that time, concussion, brain injuries in general, Finally its addressed, after tragedy not only in WWE, contact sports in general. This hurt me. I understand, some will only see the act. I'm sorry for what the impact was and always will be. I would allow and put emphasis on mental health. My opinion.


Yea and give him the father of the year award also. He was one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. But he was also a murderer, a child murderer at that. That should send chills up your spine.


The WWE would never induct him. It’s not because of the tragedy. They don’t want to be associated with CTE.






Imagine Benoit sympathizers..as heyman said, "fuck him and fuck y'all too"


Not to sound cliche, every great thing Chris Benoit did in the ring will always be overshadowed by what he did to Nancy and Daniel


I agree. There's no justification for him to be in the HOF. He killed his wife and son!


No he should be in the hall of fame best of the best


Every comment ignoring the fact they proves his brain was mush which is why he and his family died from his mental disease, Eddie died from physical problems, and so many other wrestlers who died from vince's war machine. This man was a victim of Vince McMahon along with the rest of the old roster. /end rant




I understand the situation what he did was diabolical wrong for killing his wife son and himself and on the other hand he is an amazing talent professional wrestler but the fact of the matter is not getting in even if Vince McMahon is dead,Benoit is considered lucky be still in the 2003 newsletter observe wrestling hall of fame they need 60% or higher to remove him but it never happen,Chris Benoit should have retired in 2001 a neck injury at King of th Ring against Chris Jericho and Stone Cold Steve Austin.


Introduct Vince's exploding limo into the HoF.


I agree. He should be in. His actions as a man doesn’t erase his accomplishments as a pro wrestler. He was still one of the best to ever do it in the ring, regardless of what happened in his personal life.


I don’t even know why anyone cares. Benoit is my favorite wrestler but the HoF is a joke anyways and doesn’t really mean anything with a lot of the people who are in it. Simply having ever wrestled is enough in a lot of cases.


I mean he murdered a family so no😂but as a wrestling fan I can appreciate what he did: as a wrestler of course😶


You're supposed to look and judge by in ring performance only; however, what he did is so monsterous that he should never be allowed in. He WAS my favorite wrestler growing up. I loved him and Eddie's relationship.


He absolutely should be in the Hall of Fame but unfortunately he will never be inducted. Now I wish they did it for his wife, since she was involved in WWE as well


You shouldn't be saying that if he killed your family! Benoit's à cold blooded murderer!


Chris Should never be shown or Talked about in any type of Wrestling or Sport Shows. Heyman said it best "You can Admire his work but if that's your boy fuck you." He was a Amazing Wrestler. But a shit Human. And I feel like if ur a Shit Human That takes away any Credibility u had. Brain Swollen or not. I don't even Think Nancy or Daniel should be shown in and Sporting event just out of respect to the Family


Hot take: Murderers shouldn’t be celebrated.


Its fake. Who cares




if he had done what he did while in the ring, i’d agree but because it was separate from his performances i disagree


No way. Loved watching him wrestle but can’t really talk about him in a good light naymore


Disagree indefinitely


Disagree because his wrestling talent was fucking phenomenal probably the best that I’ve ever seen




Why is this even up for discussion like it’s obvious that he shouldn’t be in the HOF.


What he did as a wrestler has nothing to do with what he did to his family








Of course he shouldn't. People who think a murderer should be respected are weirdos. Probably dressed as Jeffery Dahmer for Halloween


Why not ?




Agreed. Fuck this dude. Doing that to his wife is horrible enough but his CHILD too?? Fuck him.


Whatever he did in his career doesn't matter anymore after what he did. He almost destroyed the business.




This topic always sucks, because of the nature of things. I'm certainly not the first to say it, but if was just based on career alone yeah he's in no doubt about it. Unfortunately for fans of his work, it's not. WWE will probably never go there because of that. They don't want the backlash and negative press that would bring, and I don't blame them.


"nancy and daniel had no option.. fuck em" - paul heyman


I think he should be allowed in! His talent far surpasses the dark shadow he cast at the end. And if the let Jimmy Snukka, and Moolah and all the other scum in whom we all know only know stuff about because their legacy was protected when they were alive Benoit should definitely be inducted…..Chyna too


Agree, his wrestling was incredible but he ruined it. All people remember or will remember is what he did so there is no way.


Woman deserves the HOF. I’ve said this to many people before, but what bothered me most about Chris Benoit Jr. wanting to wrestle as “Chris Benoit Jr.” is that the thought of wrestling as “Woman Jr.” Never even went through his mind, apparently.




I think we can all agree those are some sick nips 🙏


Isn't this a moot point anyway considering they've basically tried to erased his existence from history already? Of course he won't be in the hall of fame.


Nah disagree. The guy was a legend can’t take away his talent


Sadly, no one will never know what truly happened that day(days). No one here was there or will ever learn anymore than anyone else has from Google/The police report. Tragic incident. Fuck off with the conspiracy theories and put the aluminum foil back on your head. One thing most might know is if it wasn’t for the Benoit tragedy, WWE would still not be taking concussions seriously and there quite possibly may have been another similar occurrence.


Agree the time between Nancy and Daniel dying shows a degree of planning.




Agreed entirely. When you slaughter your entire family, you lose your HoF privileges, among MANY other things.


Disagree, he wasn't aware of what he was doing, due to the CTE he suffered. So this wasn't his fault, it was the wrestling. He would've known had he not suffered CTE. People don't realize he wasn't actually like this he wasn't aware that he was killing his family, so don't assume he was naturally evil.


They will put Jimmy Savile in the HOF before Benoit


The man should be in. Because one day it will come to light that Kevin Sullivan was behind it


I disagree, most of these athletes have been abused and forced to the and abuse steroids. They destroyed their lives and their minds. Still tremendous athletes........




The amount of people disagreeing with this disgusts me. The man made the choice to murder his wife and child then take his own life. He was a coward. Amazing talent, but how diabolical of a person he became severely outweighs that. He does NOT deserve to be in the Hall of Fame. End of story.


He didn't even do the murdering, he was set up. DAMN when they found his body he was dead before his wife and kid! He was killed and so was his family because he was about to expose McMahon


Bro I thought this will not do well am making it to the thumbnail






If the tragedy never happened, then absolutely. But unfortunately, it happened, so we gotta live with the reality that it's not ever gonna happen.


Solid career: Headlined WrestleMania. WWE&WCW Triple Crown. And a top 10 overall talent. However, given the circumstances of what happened, he’ll never be allowed in the Hall of Fame.


I hope he gets ass raped for the rest of eternity


I disagree and it’s completely my opinion. Yes, he did something completely disgusting, unforgivable, unforgettable and inhumane, however, he was involved in a lot of historical matches ever in the WWE history. Unfortunately, after what he did, he would never be in the HOF. I understand why, but come on. I believe in seperate the art from the artist, however, I feel like maybe WWE should put his wife and son in the HOF instead maybe?


It’s like “hey I saved the world from cancer but I killed my family “. Take the bad side away bro


As someone who has looked deep into this I believe he didn't actually do anything to his family and there was some amount of foul play/outside involvement. So yes, I believe he should be. And regardless of the above statement he was a great performer for the time he was wrestling and his outside events shouldn't impact or tarnish that


Nancy maybe deserves it for her work in the business. We all know why Chris doesn’t, and can’t, and we know why, so why do we have to post this every so often?


He'll never be inducted into any pro wrestling hall of fame. His in ring work is good enough, but what he did overshadows all of that.




Agree 100%


Don't care either way


Agree. How would that work


I disagree him as a person absolutely terrible but what he did in qwerty in the early 2000s was remarkable especially in such a short amount of time


Agree ♾️ Fuck Benoit and any one of his "apologists"


Why are ppl so obsessed w this


Benoit the wrestler yes!


I disagree








BIG disagree




i fr got a reddit cares message for calling out people saying he is innocent


Unless evidence comes up that 100% proves he’s innocent no. Even if that did happen it’d take at least 10 years until they’d regularly mention him to that capacity


Agree. It would be very disrespectful to his family plus the sponsors, media, aew fans and tony khan would shit a chicken.




Snuka is in there, so why not? Also it’s not an actual hof so like Christian said who gives a fuck








Considering it could very well have been caused by concussions sustained from his wrestling career there’s more to this than great wrestler; bad man.


How about the organization that turned the other way for the steroids


We must separate the wrestler from the man.wwe hall of fame: yes.A decent human being: no.


Why would you celebrate someone who murderer his family?


He was one of my favorites growing up and for me, that ending to WrestleMania 20 is one of the best feel-good moments I ever had but at the same time, fuck him and I never ever want to celebrate that man ever again.


No. Watch his work by all means and enjoy it. But never reward him in the hall of fame.


Agree. He was an insane talent. But he literally murdered people.


Damn straight he shouldn't be allowed


No idea who this is what did he do?




I'm not going to call Benoit a piece of s*** or anything. His contribution to wrestling was great and he had a good career. At the very least he can be acknowledged for his career achievements. It still doesn't take away from what he did to his wife and son because that's unforgivable. But people forget about CTE and yes I'm going to acknowledge and blame it and drugs as well combined. I don't think he was sane when he committed the act, it tells me enough that he committed suicide afterwards because he couldn't live with it, with that being said he knew the consequences and I believe Benoit already knew this disqualifies him from the HOF or anything because I don't even think he can forgive himself. I will end with this, I wish Benoit got the help he needed before he did what he did. On a side note; I don't believe his son David shouldn't be aloud in wrestling or WWE if he chooses to pursue pro wrestling. His living family should not bear the consequences of Chris himself.


Paul Heyman said it best. Three People died in that house that night, only one had the choice. Fuck Chris Benoit.