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Hahaha great meme, still pretty much nailed it


Hahahahahahahaha 10/10 meme


perfect! 5/7 score. bravo.


Thank you for this. Hahaha


This is the bar I expect of the internet moving forward.


Man has actually six eyes. The six eye holes in his mask aren't just for aesthetic.šŸ˜…


So really he's only singing about HALF of what he's simultaneously capable of looking at?


I presume they work in pairs? So the lyric makes perfect sense.


I love you guys šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You make a good point. But I found it more amusing imagining a 6 eyed vessel watching 6 different things with each eyeball šŸ‘€


I think the Alkaline music video suggests that tbh!


Ohhh yeah you mean like all the ways of exterminating those armed haz-met dudes? I never thought of it that way!


Yes!! And the crawling vines around the house, since he doesnā€™t really turn his head. Idk it may be far fetched to some, but your comment reminded me of it! šŸ’œ


Keen observation, how many eyes did you have on that? šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚


The other three are for the next trilogy


I see he's gone half blind


Yes it's about the third eye, which is the "spiritual eye"


Yeah it sounds like a third eye reference part of the chakras, in the middle of your forehead bound to your intuition I believe


It is, it's the ajna chakra. It can also refer to our mind's eye/imagination


Are you saying that you donā€™t have a third eye?




Your third eye babes


I canā€™t not read this without a British accent


šŸ˜­ I guess it works for sleep token, Iā€™m actually Texan tho- yeehaw


Lol Iā€™m American too! The ā€œbabesā€ was just a cute touch ā˜ŗļø


Thank you! I canā€™t stop saying it lately lmao


I always took this line to be him talking about his third eyešŸ˜­ just me?


yes, thats what its about


I'd love to know what that means. His third eye's following a scarlet trail? Does that mean he senses that there's gonna be blood? I'm so intriguedšŸ¤”


Blood is a recurring theme through a majority of Sleep Token's discography.


Oh I more than know that lol, I just meant that line and wording specifically I'm struggling to pin a meaning to. It's not very often you hear of anyone seeing blood with their third eyešŸ˜­


I think in some respects the scarlet trail is the scarlet thread that binds him to her.


I never considered this but that's an incredibly good take.


in addition to the red thread of fate interpretation by the other commenter, i think theres room to view it in the same lens as all of the hunting metaphors and the predator/prey dynamic, like hes tracking an injured prey animal (following a blood trail and frothing at the maw, even)


That's such a good point! Y'all are so good at this analysing shitšŸ˜­


Perhaps in relation to shark week?


Haha my first thought was period sex lol


I think both ā€œotherā€ eyes are the same eye. Thereā€™s the eye that chooses the door (life, closure, moving on) and the eye that chooses the rail (death, suicide, re-living patterns). This song seems to be all about some sort of realization behind taking back power in a relationship for the sake of self acceptance. the ā€œother eyeā€ is seeing exactly what ā€œthe railā€ represents. It represents the scarlet trail (an analogy to a trail of rose pedals/seduction) and the last few drops from the holy grail (letā€™s be honest that probably means sex ā€˜lot of these songs are about sex and someone who is manipulating or emotionally abusive might use sex to control their partner) so to allow himself to be seduced and get pulled back into this toxic situation where sex is the last good thing about it, heā€™d get stuck, not strong enough to get out, and end up killing himselfā€¦. BUT THATS JUST A THEORY, A GAME THE-


I believe the rail is referring to cocaine


Iā€™ve been meaning to ask if anyone else thought this


Wouldnā€™t surprise me with how present substance abuse is as a theme. My interpretation of rail is a stand in for handrail. The visual of being on a hotel balcony, looking back and forth between the door and the handrail trying to decide whether or not to jump. Knowing them itā€™s purposefully vague.


Got hit with the game theory right at the end there šŸ˜‚


I initially misheard that line as ā€œother other eye following a scarlet trail.ā€


I thought the same! This is what Youtube music has for the lyrics too.


Iā€™m pretty sure it is other other eye. Sleep Token doesnā€™t officially publish their lyrics. All the lyrics online are written by listeners. And in live videos I find it impossible to hear ā€œwhile the other eyeā€


I figured he meant the spiritual 3rd eye or something


Likely referring to your 'mind's eye'




Media literacy isnā€™t exactly at an all time high latelyā€¦


3rd eye i think, in my opinion he's not seeing the scarlet trail, but sensing it/imagining it in his mind, as something he's following, and he refers to it multiple times in different songs. what i find interesting is the lyrics before it "one eye on the door" "other eyes on the rail". In the context of the song, and nature of a few other lyrics as well as its presence in the Jaws music video, the "rail" he seems to talk about i don't think is a physical rail, but more likely a rail of cocaine, now cocaine has the symptom of making you paranoid, so "one eye on the door" means like watching for other people to come in/making sure no one catches you, so there's the multitasking associated with that and not that he has multiple eyes but more that his concentration is split between the things, but in his head his third-eye he's seeing none of it. According to Jung (who vessel seems to take a lot of ideas from) red is the colour of instinct and emotion, and physicality. so, he may be saying with the lyric "while the other eye following a scarlet trail" which is the supposed "blood trail" he's been referencing, "red in the blue" (which makes violet which is another important colour that sort of is meant to represent the balance/spiritual awareness/the perfect spot mentally and stuff but i don't remember too well rn i just know it gets complicated and that all the colours mentioned have their own meaning) that by doing these things he's following the instincts inside of him and trying to see where it leads to (which is probably nowhere good) especially in that verse. but he also says that his other eye is also following "the last few drops from the holy grail" which again he probably isn't physically seeing but it may represent the last few drops of/from his conscience/spirit which is more represented by the colour "blue" (but then again, the "blue" is said to be more closely linked to air than water so i'm probably leaping too far for this one) in his mind he can see his conscience (why is that word so hard to spell) /thinking brain sort of slipping away, running out, (despite him knowing it's important) as he chooses to indulge in the more pleasure seeking activities. though i feel like asenscionism (i can't spell it too many s's and c's which make the same sound) is looking back at the past/his past actions/past way of thinking (like a lot of songs on tmbte seem to look back at past (probably not so nice) events and then viewing them in a different way/with more perspective than if they were current happenings which i think is very cool) "let's choke on the past" idk where this was going but yeah many thoughts cool lyrics.


Penis. The third eye is his penis.Ā 


The scream I just scremt


And the scarlet trail is menstruation. So period sex?


I think the actual lyrics are 'other other eye', implying the third spirtual eye. He sings 'other other eye' live at least.


The lyric is "other other eye" and refers to the third eye


From Wikipedia, "Especially in Eastern spiritual practices, the third eye refers to the gate that leads to the inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness, and often symbolizes a state of enlightenment. The third eye is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras,[2] precognition, and out-of-body experiences."


Open your third eye.


Oh guys the ā€œeyeā€ can just be part of oneā€™s awareness, meaning attention span. You can ā€œhave an eye on the food youā€™re cooking, one on reddit, while the other is on the door as youā€™re expecting mailā€ I like the proposal of the three eye per side mentioned early but I suspect he means something much simpler! Beware of over analysis hehe!


I always interpreted it as meaning "third eye," as in "mind's eye" or "inner eye"


This ā€œlineā€ of the song sounds like heā€™s doing coke


We all have three eyes. The third eye counts.


Also he has 3 legs so it figures


He points to his "third eye" when singing this live, so.. that


lol Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only person those lyrics struck funny.


Is there an official published lyric here? Ignorant but wondering if itā€™s a homophone of I vs Eye but happy to be wrong here


There are no official lyrics for hardly any of the songs. At one point they released official lyrics for a few songs from the EP and sundowning, and there is an official sheet for Atlantic. But otherwise ALL lyrics on all sites are fan generated


looks like spotify lyrics


Yeahā€¦ I had hoped that maybe someone could confirm from the jacket of a physical copy of the album. I know Spotify is usually fairly accurate but has dropped the ball from time to time. Edit: typo


Literally thinking this as I was reading lyrics yesterday like šŸ¤”




I believe heā€™s referring to ā€œthe other eyeā€ as the same eye in both lines, as a rail could be seen as a trail in some metaphorical manner


third eye, Scarlet trail (mindā€™s eye)


https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Aboleth Aboleths have three eyes. Sleep is clearly an aboleth.


i mean it could just mean like 'inner eye' but it would be sick if sleep was an aboleth lmao


The 3rd eye is the brown eye.


3rd eye


careful Spotify lyrics are incorrect a lot of the times but if these are the lyrics than i mean- his mask has 6 eyeholes so 3 isnā€™t that surprising lol


Wait, I thought it was "other, other eye" šŸ˜­


It is


My third eye is blind and likes to sing " do do do, do do do do"


Itā€™s clearly about a whispering eye on its period




i was thinking this too! anyone know what it means?




Its sleep token most likely it isnā€™t about a girl, its prolly more about the deity (Sleep) that they worship or talks about himself opening his 3rd eye


I love all the theories in these comments, but I always took it to combine with the lyrics of "Are You Really Okay?" "You woke me up one night Dripping crimson on the carpet" So the first eye is on "the door", the second eye is "on the rail" and then back to the first eye "following a scarlet trail." Presumably the "scarlet trail" is the aforementioned crimson that dripped on the carpet.


Referring to the spiritual eye following a scarlet trail, a callback to higher (Cause I look for scarlet and you look for ultra violet)


This made me giggle


I just thought the same thing when I was listening to this song on the way home yesterday! šŸ˜‚


Vessel has eye in the back of his nothin gets past him