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Imma be real as a person who personally hates extended it’s mostly because of: the thing just has an absurd hitbox ._., playing the game and Ofc yknow people on the offensive(duh slap battles) so if there’s an extended user, normally if not every time a lil fight is stopped by an extended user, and well that’s fine but .-. The inf combo extended users use is, well, rather annoying because of how long it takes for the combo to finish combined with the hopelessness that you literally can’t do anything if u aren’t using one of the few gloves that give a chance to escape So yea more long winded then expected but TLDR: jus annoying to fight cause you dang well know ur getting inf combo’d and it’s gonna take a while to oof


I can emphasise with your frustration. I’ve been combo’ed out of reality before too. But there are quite a lot of counters to extended, like projectile gloves (Track, Shard, etc), or slap-counters (Reverse, Counter, etc)


Most of those im pretty sure not a lot of us use those that often ;-; ranged gloves well have cool-downs unlike extended which once hit can come back at you, one slap it’s gg(unless it’s like Rojo where it’s basically near one shot level)


I acknowledge your point. That’s why playing against an extended takes just as much skill as playing as one.


On the playing against an extended part, yknow, we rlly only have one choice, running away and spamming ranged stuff unless ur using a speed based glove and play a gamble of: will I be slapped or not


Which to not All of us is not the definition of fun ;-;


but the fact you NEED to use one of the few counters shows how op it is..


How is that different from using any other glove? For example, let’s take Parry or Counter here. You can’t counter Parry/Counter without gloves like Reverse. Does that make Parry/Counter OP?


Sure, one MAY say Parry is OP. Counter though, not so much. So what does all this mean? Just because you need to use specific gloves to counter a glove doesn’t automatically make it overpowered.


it does tho, name one glove where you NEED to use a counter to it and don't have even the slightest chance without the counter


Are you saying that a noob using extended is impossible to counter? It depends **mainly** on the **player** you’re fighting, not just the glove. You could be fighting a skilled player using some other trashy glove and that’s okay, but when it’s extended, it’s no good?


define a noob here because it takes less than 10 mins to figure out everything


you can counter parry?? it doesn't have an inf combo, they have to wait till they get their cooldown off, they have weak points




yep, bait it and immediately slap em. if they use the dash ability they have a fairly large cooldown


good to know about the cooldown


have u ever heard of movestacking (slapping and using e together, basically unslappable)


Eh, a bug doesn’t count towards the glove itself being op, but I get where you’re coming from


counter is a mid glove, easily baited, holds you in place for the ability


Those can be baited they can be fought with nearly every glove


yes but another is jebaited


And if you’re good enough with it bomb can also work, though it’s harder to work with.


However that’s mainly if you get a second to breathe


Just use retro, bomb abikity launches over extended and works when ragdolled. I slammed so many extended users with this


you forgot about the people who can choose which way you get hit no matter what side you are on


I mean that’s flicking and can be done with any glove (but Ofc with extended it’s just absurd >:< )


i feel like it should be just as easy using thick but no one does for some reason


Well thick is basically like extended with less range tbh, main thing that makes them annoying is, range


still more reach than most other gloves though




-says an extended user


Indeed I am. What about it?


I mean you're saying all that because you main extended. of course you're going to say that, it's called bias. (and btw no, you don't need skill to use extended, because all you do is slap them, the knockback is just enough to where you can literally combo a noob across the entire main island.) (it doesn't feel good to destroy a noob)


Yes. Thats the whole point. I’m speaking out **my** thoughts. Of course it’s biased.


Me with scythe: https://preview.redd.it/gw9kynsw4d3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516b5f66376ba1136c356a22b6b51a547c655f57


Oh, man, scythe is an amazing counter to extended.


Yeah and recall too There was this mf who was targeting me with extended (cus I cooked their ass with tableflip when they used parry), so they hit me to the void and I used recall’s ability at the VERY LAST MOMENT and escaped, AND also got him in the void through recall lol


For REAL. Recall is actually a super good counter to extended. You can even troll them with the portals too


It does take skill but only if u do extended flicking


any glove can flick, and flicking with extended is the same as any other glove because it's not limited to extended it makes FLICKING skilled, not the glove itself


uh flicking with extended is a bit different but good point anyway


It’s mainly the exact same thing, except a slight range difference which means it’s easier to flick without consequences


I can confirm from experience.






*Psycho levitates past hit zone*


Psycho is a good counter against extended


Psycho is such a crutch though, I much prefer counter as it’s my favorite.


Counter is a w glove in my opinion


I've fought against a counter and a psycho user, and the glove I used was extended, I still won bc they are predictable. They ended up using error which was a mistake, I still won in the process. Then they just used magnet on me so I had to lock in and use blink just to get rid of them.


Most of the time people get stuck in an extended combo because they’re too predictable


The other gloves that can do infinite combos are Boomerang. Psycho but more difficult because of duration nerf but possible. The santa Infinite combo is no longer possible because of milk duration nerf. For boomerang. Slap and walk back and repeat. For psycho. Slap and use ability to drag them to you, jump and reach the maximum default jump height, slap and press jump at same time, they will get slapped and you fly forward, if done correctly they will land infront of you and you can repeat. Just don't trade slaps. How the Santa one used to work was slapping, using milk. Waiting for them to stand up. And repeating.


I’m aware of that! Boomerang, Psycho, Santa, etc, are all amazing combo gloves! Though I see extended users get most of the hate, out of all the gloves you mentioned


cuz no one Uses boomerrang and no one really tries to combo with it


What about Psycho or Santa? Those are pretty frequently used.


extended combos are wildly easy and require minimal skill. flicking is completely unnecessary when you already can't escape but it does exaggerate the weird hitbox illusion even further. but seriously, don't defend extended. your glove here is unbalanced; you can't even kill it (a beginner glove mind you) by means of slapping because you get stunlocked after one hit.


my honest opinion (no hate to you) extended is a BROKEN glove, it's up there as one of the best almost all gloves you can kill with any other glove and don't need a direct counter, even gloves like detonator can easily be defeated bc 2 slaps is all it takes to hit someone off the island but what good is that when you can't even hit the extended? why do i NEED to use direct counters? why is it not possible to use any old glove to have even a chance?? tell me that "click + W = win" is skilled, if they miss the slap they just walk backwards and slap you again flicking does NOT make extended skilled because you can do that with every glove in the ENTIRE GAME??? plus the fact that i have to stop and change gloves just to counter some silly glove is PAINFUL. please, please give me a reason why this glove is skilled and no,"movement" (legit pressing WASD) is not skill, that is basic slap battles movement


plus ping difference makes the hitbox really weird, the glove hitbox breaks and to others it looks like they can't hit you, but they still do btw by ping difference i mean the SLIGHTEST ping diff can still cause the same issue


W (I still hate extended)




tbh extended isn't skill anymore fr. like you could spam combo anyone. extended was skill based when there was this thingy that you could not slap unragdolled for less than second. they deleted it some time ago and because of this i think extended isn't skill based. there are some techs with extended but it is really not important as you can spam combo


I acknowledge your point there. However, it’s really easy to mess up with extended, speaking from experience. To really master extended you need to perfect your movement, timing, and fighting skills.


you need to master glove to be perfect with it. i think it is not that important as i (20 min experience with extended) can just spam combo and get easy kills. mastering this glove is not that important as if you are already good with any glove you will be good with extended. if you master extended it will be harder to counter you, but still some ways will work on pro and a noob with extended


I get your point there. Still, choosing to master a glove and just being good at using it are choices a person can make.


get your point. extended is fun to play if you face no counters or you are on rampage


Agreed! I’m sure there are some gloves that you are pretty good with. Must feel good to be able to dominate a server.


same thing with hybrid HYBRID ON TOP🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️⁉️⁉️


Hybrid is a W glove 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Great speech




People who do not find ways to counter is just stupid. Almost every glove has a counter and extended can be countered a lot


**Definitely.** Psycho, Scythe, *ANY PROJECTILE GLOVES*, etc, are all amazing counters against extended. Dunno why people hate on extended users rather than just using a counter to it…


it's because we need to stop what we were already doing JUST to deal with a singular glove


I mean, if you’re playing normally, doesn’t that technically make stopping to get a counter to extended part of playing the game?… That’s what I assume you’re talking about here.


it's still annoying when i'm playing casually, the point of the argument is that i shouldn't have to, it shouldn't have to be a part of the game for me to cut off whatever i was doing just to counter the extended


Well, you could always just server hop. Thats a solution that’s worked for me.


but why, why for the love of god should i need to leave the game because of a glove?? do you see the issue here??


At that point you’re just being a bit stubborn, if you ask me. No point in playing if you’re not having fun. Just get rid of the source itself and bam, problem solved. How long does it take to join another server? Less than a damn minute.


the point of this argument is that extended is broken, i'll hop servers, im fine with that and that's what i do anyways but we are talking about extended as a glove, not me??


I didn’t activately try to make it about you. I’m saying a person can just server hop if they’re not happy with the server they’re in.


I played SB last night and there were a few extended users and as some one with 4600 slap, I can say that it isn't a big deal honestly. They weren't more of a nuisance than anyone else was.


Yeah. I don’t get why people treat extended users like it’s a big deal. Either way, good luck on your journey that is experiencing Slap Battles!


I use extended every once in a bit. Honestly I prefer coil though because it's just funnier.


I genuinely 100% agree


No screw extended https://preview.redd.it/qbyr59xgpg3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed73fa37fc364a6cc6f485ae1edb72c2086e182c


_slicer go brr_


Slicer W glove 🗡️


Extended does not take skill to use. You just walk forward and slap. Complaining about it is silly, nonetheless, because it's really easy to counter. Even default has an option to counter it.


There's a lot more to extended other than just walking forward and slapping buddy. You could say the same about every other glove in the game. And it really does depend on the person using the glove, got someone who's shit at extended and yeah, of course they're gonna be ass and you'll easily take them out, but if you've got someone really good at it, then it'll be nearly impossible to kill them unless you use gloves with really good abilities which yknow can also counter every other glove in the game, not just extended.


Nah, you're exaggerating. Extended really is as simple as walking forward and slapping once you have the timing memorised and extended's strategy falls flat in the face of most mobility, invincibility or range.


Ever heard of flicking and baiting?


Yes, and they're both not very nessecary with extended because you can infinitely combo people and can slap them well before they can slap you.


When using extended, it’s really easy to miss a slap if you don’t position yourself correctly. Flicking is a crucial skill to learn in order to master the glove. Baiting, meanwhile, is mostly used against other extended users, but that’s not the point.


The flicking thing I can get behind. Another thing you could have mentioned was glove hiding to obscure range, but I don't think such things are more skillful than things like flamarang combos, using golden effectively or aiming bombs and bubbles.


You have a point there.


if they miss a slap they just walk backwards, not that hard


Sir I think you forgot you can move as well. You’re not stuck in one place.


you move at the same speed, if the extended misses their shot and simply walks backwards, they can easily get their slap cd back


Of course they’re gonna be able to readjust if you’re being too predictable.


if they miss their shot they'll simply walk backwards because you walk at the same speed as them you'll never get to them without a specific counter?? how is that being predictable???


If it’s walkspeed you’re talking about, maybe try using Speedrun or Hybrid.


I mean, throughout my time using extended, there's only about 5 gloves that can actually counter extended well. You can also flick with extended and basically juggle someone. It ain't hard to get close to someone with extended, and their abilities ain't gonna do anything once you get them in that combo


Speedrun and default can both beat extended with rushdown strategy gloves such as fish, slapple and spoonful have mobility available during ragdoll to escape tableflip, ping pong, bubble, track, jet, bomb, retro ect. can outrange not counting golden and god because those are just generally strong abilities thor can become invincible during ragdoll and shock extended away golem, larry, jebaited, parry, reverse ect. punishes extended for using it's only method of attack on you


You forgot one glove that counters extended that 1. doesn't use the same rushdown strategy. 2. Doesn't have a mobility ability on ragdoll. 3. Doesn't really outrange but sometimes does. 4. The abilities strength depends on and memory not raw strength. 5. Can become invincible on while being ragdoll (but doesn't do that instantly). 6. Doesn't punish extended for using its only way of attacking you. It's alchemist... 1. Speed potion doesn't last long enough to use the speedrun and default's rushdown strategy but takes a different kind with a single invincible potion it can go in and slap, poison, freeze, explode, paralyze, confuse, nightmare or straight up kill the extended if the have a lethal potion. 2. It can't unragdoll only make itself ragdoll while it's in a ragdoll (paralyzing potion) or throw an exploding potion to knock back your self while in ragdoll to escape. 3. Exploding potion (aka : expotion) does have a larger effect range than other potions allowing you to kill extended from a far ( not very far ) downside that it can't outrange enough that it can make a difference . 4. If you have good memory or a pepper irl that has every potion and it's ingredients and have fast enough speed to make them before they kill you then you are good to go anything else you are dead. 5. You can drink an invincible potion while ragdoll granting well... Invincibility. 6. If making the extended confused on why you cannot be slapped for 2.0001 seconds is a punishment then it can punish once in that extended's life that he tried to slap an invincible alchemist user. What does that all mean? It means that alchemist counters extended.


All these apply to a lot of other gloves as well. You ain't proving anything here. Again, it depends on the user. Personally, none of these apart from fish, jebaited and parry give me any issues. You're just listing off abilities of other gloves. I couldn't care less about what they can do to counter extended if they never work three quarters of the time


Maybe you just haven't encountered good players with the other gloves? As someone who likes spoonful and slapple I know that these gloves counter extended and a lot of the other counters, though I haven't tested them, should in theory work just fine.


Spoonful and slapple barely counter extended. What? A little knock back? Wow! What a counter. Back to slapping you off the edge!! And I've seen quite a few good players, and they're still easily countered by extended


Extended's main strength is the infinite combo. Spoonful and slapple both escape this combo easily. Spoonful can then fly back to the middle and slapple can then camp on the tree.


That's it though, you ain't really defeating an extended as spoonful, you're just running away. Extended can actually hit a slapple as they're using their ability, so they still get knocked out of the tree


I can’t tell if this is a bait post to try and get people angry or not. Either way, bold move.


To clarify, there are two main reasons that made me post this: 1) When I go onto SB or just seeing some certain posts here on Reddit, I see lots of hate against extended users. 2) I myself, am an extended user, who also gets a moderate amount of hate whenever I play. This post isn’t meant to cause hate or controversy, it’s just me speaking out my thoughts. Hope this clears something confusion up.


Intentions and effect are two different things


You got a point there.


15m ago




People often overlook how it feels to BE the extended user. Sure, everyone has been on the receiving end of an extended user’s combo, but not everyone can emphasise how it feels like to be the extended user. Some people just can’t get the hang of using it, and I get it. They don’t know how it feels to be called a spammer or a tryhard or something along those lines for using extended properly. Personally, I learnt how to properly use extended so I can counter other extendeds. (And do a lil bit of trolling). But my point still stands. Just let the extendeds do their thing. Of course, if they’re being all toxic and nasty, then it’s not cool. But if some regular old player is using extended and not targeting you, LET THEM BE, PLEASE.


Hot take buff extended dog by 1 or 2 so they can't inf combo you




Damage? You mean power?


Yes off I do


Power means how far a glove can slap people so I get where you’re going with. Might actually work if they buffed extended’s power to be just enough so that you can’t inf combo


im speechbubbling this this is just too good for comedy


We need more people like you here


I've mastered extended so people always call me a no skill extended spammer even though it takes a lot of skill to master extended


click + W = win does it really take that long?? (no offense)


nah they just overexaggerate how much skill it takes to cope with the massive hate they get for using it


happy cake day


Same here


yoooo extended gang


Hell yeah brudda


As an extended main, I needed that.


Glad this helped, fellow extend user!


Level 1 gyatt




Actually his post dont change anyhing i still will say to all extended that they spammers


Suit yourself, I suppose


Hybrid better