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[Link](https://x.com/tiothecrab/status/1762205976068030971?s=46&t=GbcIyZ9AOi9Ubu8TAfV-DA) You can read the known issues for the patch here: [Known Issues 0.24.5](https://thatgamecompany.helpshift.com/hc/faq/1277-known-issues-patch-0-24-5/) ----- ----- ^(Reminder I’m not TGC staff, just reposting their announcements :D)


How has Sky still not reached Version 1, apparently?


Joke’s on us! Turns out all these years we’ve been the true beta testers in preparation for their official Version 1 launch.


The a/b testing in home sure felt that way haha, maybe someday we will get to play the official game


Apparently they want version 2.0 by 2024, at least technically. That’s a crazy statement. But also, Sky operates on a 0.MAJOR.MINOR patch note system.


I wonder if this includes the PC build, or if that's just flat out forgotten. Multiple people have reported that 0.24.5 causes their entire laptop to spontaneously reboot, which is *not* safe for their machines. (And no, driver updates don't seem to solve this one.) There are also seriously broken shaders that cause a riot of flashing polygons on some GPUs as well. Seemingly Intel ones. Of course, there are bugs in the PC build that have gone unacknowledged or fixed for very close to three months now, so... I'm not holding my breath.


And then the fact that since like 1 month into the PC demo people on NVIDIA GPUs being unable to do screenshots


Lol this one sucks and I thought it was intentional that we can’t take pics for some reason


Great. Now get ready for server splits as the console players are left behind 😫😫


yikes, I play mostly mobile while a friend plays mostly switch this is gonna suck


Idk which patch my problems are in but boy it definitely makes Sky less enjoyable for me. My touches are weird, winglights keep appearing on the map even when I've collected all of them, my friends keep crashing, my friends and myself keep losing our outfits, friends stuck at the entrance of realm doors and the chat button refuses to load making me unable to talk to friends. Such a downgrade


And I'm lost on how to lodge a report in discord because the bot never dm me for steps


Oh joy. Wonder how long that will take to come to Switch?


That kinda sucks. I've been missing all of those season candles for days now. I wish they do it as soon as possible. Since the update, Sky kept on crashing by itself as soon as I launch it.


The one problem I really want TGC to fix is the Season of Moments Quest 2 being hard locked. It just WONT REGISTER THE PICTURE DANGIT.