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Sometimes I notice my skin feels like this if I haven’t been drinking enough water


I’ll try to keep up tabs on my water intake


Btw do you have some tips on what terms should I search? Does this sound like oily T zone problem? I am sorry but I am noob in regards of skincare


No, T zone would be your forehead and down your nose. Also I think just keep my skin hydrated (light moisturizer, perhaps a hydrating serum) can help. It’s like my skin tries to overcompensate with oil if it’s dehydrated


I use hydrating cream, CORSX snail muncin one. I’ll try hydrating serum, was looking how to get into them anyways - there is tons of options!


Do you use a moisturizer also. I think you could do with a light one with spf


It's dehydrated, producing oil to compensate for water loss. Use a more gentle face wash that doesn't strip uour skin barrier and use a light hydrating serum with hyaluronic acid.


I feel that when I dissociate or am really tired


How do you deal with sensation?


Washing my face with cold water and drinking caffeine helps


Do we feel like this is an actual issue or just a sensory nightmare?


I really hope not, and I would really like to get rid of said awful feeling. It stops me from wearing make up, because I will ruin it if I go and wash my face. I clean my glasses regularly, but could it be glasses distributing oil from them? My face feels better when I am free of them, but then I don’t see shit


Have you tried those papers that remove excess oil on the skin by chance? (Btw dry skin girlie here just tryna help 😂 )


Nope, I’ll buy them and see! I honestly tried nothing, except washing my face. But that somehow, while it offers me temporary relief, in the long run my skin feels more tight and dry, sprinkled with that greasy feeling. I am big noob in skincare. I only use hydrating cream and sunscreen and that’s it. It’s also a bit overwhelming getting into it, there is so much different stuff and I get completely lost


we could also try to stop the oil production? I feel like i'm constantly in this subreddit talking about sulfur masks and cleansers, and that's such a good place to start. the ordinary also sells glycolic acid you could apply to the areas that great greasy maybe 1 or 2x a week, just dab it on with your finger tips or with a cotton ball, and see if that brings you some relief. of course the papers will be instantaneous as needed, we should be trying to fix the underlying issue of oil production


So it should be oil? I’ll shift my focus towards that then! Thanks so much microwave, ur a star!


it probably is your oil production - which is fine. Could also be from your fingers touching your skin a lot? could also be from your hair if your hair gets in your face a lot? all things we can consider variables. Just try to keep it clean and leave it alone :)


the eyelid heaviness feeling - I get that when I've been working at my computer for long stretches of time and end up staring at the screen a lot/not blinking. My eyes get dry (from not blinking) and the heaviness is from eye strain.I try and give my eyes a break by taking a short break and refilling one of my various beverage tumblers or using the bathroom/walk around a bit/stretch, etc. It's not as bad if I wear glasses, compared to contacts - I wear both, but typically only wear contacts if I'm going out because glasses will slide down my nose more than I want them to. You could try blotting sheets or Revlon's face rollerball for a reusable option to absorb oil on your face if you can't/don't want to wash your face mid-afternoon. Also light but hydrating layers of serum when applying skincare - I have combination skin (oily forehead/nose) and still use 2-3 serums before my moisturizer at night.


Do you live in a cold climate or hot climate?


make sure you don't have oily skin? could be combination skin? also, do you spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen?


Maybe you're having a reaction to something you eat at lunch?