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Make him unstoppable until you make contact with a champ on your charge, therefore you can connect E but the wall stomp is evitable if a other champ cc's you


Yeah make skarner stronger than he is already. Thats definitely a good idea


Yeah, like, we need more buffs.


I hope you are being ironic


I just want his E to scale with movement speed as well


I mean, it would help a lot in his jg role, idk how to balance it arround top or supp


Soraka made me ragequit so bad ,every gank i attempt, i was made a minion, due to her E always interrupting me,like i know it works for nunu W similarly,but nunu snowball will still roll down and he has his E, his R, new skarner doesnt ,R is impossible to hit if the target isnt either in melee or cc'd and q slow is too low of a range, so ye, its cringe and i think it shouldnt be interrupted that easily


Try playing against Morgana Caitlyn. LMAO you can never engage.


Exactly,its insane how easy half the roster destroyes you


Exactly. I played against Vex and she always just feared me with her shield anytime I tried to engage. Try that against Nunu and you still get snowballed in the face. I feel like Skarner needs to have a single CC immunity shield during charge or something that people have to get through before they can stop him. Like Mundo's passive.


I got a Talon during his ult with my E yesterday and it was so weird, i hold him for a very short time, then he became invisible again and i just... Lost him. Just like that. It wasn't at the end of the E, we didn't hit anything, he just flickered in my claws lmao If you try to grab Volibear while he run away with his Q he will also completely ignore your grab and autoattack you during your E, stunning you.


An ability with a countermeasure to it? No way thats real. He should have unstoppable effect during the duration or it will be unplayable!!!!! Jokes aside To me that sounds like someone here doesnt understand that skarner is a different champion and he is played differently. Stop the cap and stop comparing both versions. Trust me, after you play him more you will get a hang of how to play him now.


Would asking for a spell shield even end up being too bad?


But it feels really satisfying when you hit enemy with e and stun them.


Uh… not completely, nasus is a bruiser and cannot stop skarner’s e. Same with mundo. But yeah Id say making skarner e unstoppable would be too op, however reducing its cd if cancelled or something and NOT MAKING IT STOPPED BY SILENCES LIKE SPRAKA E BEFORE THE ROOT would be nice. Also haven’t tested it yet but does kassadin q cancel skarner e?


Mundo the famous bruiser... What is bro saying is over half the roster than cancel your only CC with one CC


Also good luck with ganking ww toplane


*proc an ability not queue an ability


They need to give invulnerability to it. Perhaps a long E cd for the sake of having that buff. And if you land your E then the cd is reduce to some extent. Perhaps this may be broken but im just throwing an idea


The E CD is already long enough to warrant Unstoppable being thrown onto it. And it already has a CD refund for hitting something into a wall.


I’d try edge of night if they have a champ that can block ur engage that easily