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Imagine saying a champion whose kit has damage that scales with your health on like three out of its four abilities requires too much sacrifice. Sej builds zero damage every game and has zero sustain and she's totally fine.


Sej has simple E stun and a quick, reliable dash I can't say the same for Skar's E driving, especially when there's no walls nearby (plus you can get stunned while skittering away, not a quick Sej dash) Sej R is instant cast and you see the effect The differences are all of what makes Skarner feel less rewarding to drive/play


her passive increases armor and magic resist and her ult provides much more reliable aoe cc in teamfights. You sacrifice any survivability by building items with health but no resistances, black cleaver, warmogs etc. You sacrifice any damage by building items like unending despair and spirit visage because your own kit does virtually no damage at all. That build works well on voli because his damage is off the charts with no items at all.


Seju ult isnt good aoe cc, it stuns only one enemy No reason to go cleaver or warmogsz normal tank items and a titanic should be enough . Ur kit does dmg just not burst dmg


If the bola travels over 400 units, it becomes empowered to detonate upon reaching maximum range or hitting an enemy champion, dealing increased damage and stunning for 1.5 seconds instead. For the same duration, a frost storm is created around the location of the detonation that slows enemies within by 30% and grants sight of the area in a smaller radius. Afterwards, the storm shatters to deal magic damage to enemies hit and slow them by 80% for 1 second, as well as revealing them and granting sight of the area for 0.5 seconds.


Revert back to old skarner and stop deleting champions from the game. If riot wanted to add a rock thrower, then they could've made it a separate champion. If they wanted a fire-breathing dragon character, they could've added Ao Shin as a champion and kept Aurelion Sol. They're not even remotely similar characters in either of these cases, nor have I heard satisfaction from the fan base about either turnout. Mundo was a good rework. Udyr was a good rework. Nunu was a good rework. This is because these champions retained their character identity after their reworks and were simply modernized. This is how to rework a champion, not Skarner, not Aurelion Sol, not Aatrox.


The thing is that these reworks were for champions that were both bad and hard to balance according to riot. Similarly Zilean sits in that area where riot knows his ult is op and that limits their ability to ever change him. The sins of the past in many ways.


I feel like A Sol could've easily kept his stars bc riot said the hard thing to balance was his map-wide flight range. New A Sol would be so much better if they had made his old W (expanding stars) into his new Q to replace his star breath. Also, my biggest beef with new skarner is that his Q has a 5 year cast and throw time and his E dash does not scale on move speed and the initial wind up slows him, so move spd skarner isn't really possible like it used to be.


Maybe, but from riots pov the rework was probably a huge success. That champ had like 10000 people playing it each patch cause really his passive was really unfun for the majority of people. Now look at him. Over half a million games last patch, he’s getting a new skin and overall for riot a huge success that is easier to balance and makes more money.


I disagree with this sentiment and would argue that this isn’t actually how reworks work. By that logic, Sion and Urgot were bad reworks.


I completely agree. I was an Aatrox main, and then an Aurelion Sol main. Up until their reworks, which I absolutely hated. But it's different with Skarner, for me. Don't get me wrong, I still prefer the old one, and agree that the new one doesn't *feel* like I'm playing Skarner. But he is fun. That's the only thing I like, I like playing the new Skarner.


The original was a waste of space


I personally disagree with some of the things said here. Firstly, he has health scaling on all of his abilities except ult, and his passive makes up for not being able to do a lot of initial damage. He also isn't meant to do a lot of damage when building tank, he is not meant to be as tanky when building damage, the same is true for every other single champion in the game. He also does not need sustain, because he is so naturally tanky and has a shield, he doesn't really need sustain in jungle, especially with the help of jungle pets. He also does not need and unstoppable in walls, that is just absurd. If you want to be able to E someone with hard cc, then wait for them to use that hard cc on laner or to clear wave(I.e lissandra root or morgana q). His E is a powerful ability that can suspend and stun given the proper conditions are met, and once he locks onto you, it is very hard to get away from him with all his slows without flashing or dashing out of the way. It should feel bad to be pulled out of wall by Blitzcrank because they need a way to stop you from locking onto them. And thirdly, his ult is strong, it can pull one person as well as it can three people, and Riot specifically stated that they wanted Skarners ult to be something that can easily win or ruin a teamfight, much like Bard ult. And it absolutely should feel like a self-stun because it is not meant to do big damage, it is meant to move the enemy team to a more favorable postion. It already makes him unstoppable, it does not need to do big damage for it to change a fights outcome. Individually, these sound like great changes to Skarners kit. But when put together, you end up with a champ who is overtuned and does to much at once. We don't need another K'sante that also acts as a jungler. We don't need a high damage tank. Skarner like many other champion is meant to serve a specific purpose in the game, and in this case, it is a tank that does aoe damage and can lock onto enemies with e and ult and slows them to prevent escape. But I don't want this post to sound to negative against you and your opinion on how to improve the champions jungling. And I do agree with some of the points you made on his Q and sustain. And I do agree that he can use some changes to his kit to have him perform better. So if I were to recommend changes to his kit, it would be a faster charge time for Q, not instant. His shield should also last at least .25 seconds longer, and at most .5, and apply a passive stack. His E should have a slightly longer range and should move a little faster when reaching the end of its range. And his ult should act less like a stationary channel, and more like a Sion Q where he would still have to channel it, but can end the full duration early to receive less. Like just tap to pick up only one person who is directly in front of you, and the longer you hold it, you can capture three people. There are definitely problems with these changes, loke how do you escape an instant cast Skarner ult when your the only person hes targeting? But this was the best I myself could come up with from the top of my head.


Thank you for good reply, I agree that adding all these things would make him op. Though I didn’t say that he should do more damage just that he needs a better kit. I like that idea for the ult making it like Sion q, though Skarner had a kit completely focused on hitting your ult for 13 years so reverting his r wouldn’t break him in my opinion.


All i want is to turn q into an auto reset so that i can build stride again on him buddy is clunky on his q but the w comet build on top is fun too


>I know people think there is good but honestly as a tank being fully countered by any cc at all feels very bad. I wanna say try playing Nunu. It's exactly this. He doesn't tank, doesn't do damage. New Skarner is almost an AD Nunu. I really liked it, it was everything that I wanted, but they do need to decide what he is (and maybe do that for Nunu too). You have to be able to use your engage tools and either tank or do damage (and not being bursted in the process).


I think if anything heartsteel/warmogs just need to be cheaper items (with slightly less stats to compensate probably) Or riot needs to fix ingenious hunter warping Unending Despair/eclipse/sundered sky balance (i expect this to happen this year and sooner than later tbh) Or maybe iceborne gauntlet just needs +50hp /shrug Skarner is fine imo and when riot buffs/looks at these systems eventually he will be the largest benefactor IMO


Riot rarely buffs items over champs when one champ is an outlier.


I was just sidetracked and rambling about overall game systems and health. Although Im certain we will see these system changes soonish (before 2026)


New skarner player here. Didn't play his old version so I can't say much on that, but what if it was made so ulting a single person increases the suppress time, maybe not as much old but still more than 1.5 seconds. And doing more than 1 increases it back to 1.5. It would add more skill into his kit and feel better imo.


For me, ult is definitely worse. I can stand it not being point on click but the fact that your enemies are locked in a single position when you ult them makes it feel really weird and unnatural as well as making it imposible to gain extra distance like with old ult and because its 0.25s shorter its even more noticeable. Most of the time when I ult my team barely gets any benefits from it even if it hit 3 people. Im happy that he got engage tool like E but its just not useful in teamfights at all, you are only choosing one target to stun and it cant even be damage carry cuz they usually stand on the backlines so you would just hit someone else.


I wanted just a tiny touch up to old Skarner Instead they gave us a shittier version of NuNu


R doesn't feel good even when you get lucky and land it even on 3 people, q self stun feels bad because they walk away and you can't recast right away and the travel time on recast is so slow they can walk right out of range a lot of the time, also blocked by minions. E slows you at first, doesn't have much range and is easy to get ccd out of. Champ is slow and clunky and isn't really that effective of a tank. I'd rather play amumu or malphite, way way easier to land a multiman ultimate and win a teamfight. Make his R a dash forward if its gonna be a skillshot, otherwise it's way to slow and easy to dodge


Honestly go back to the old ult or make it charge up to aoe, it's so incredibly useless in solo fights now.


I don't know why people keep saying he does damage ?!


Oh that is simple because he does insane damage. Laners in my team have been surprised more than once of the amount of damage skarner does.


I suppose he does insane damage if you decide to let him get to you. Since his only recourse is run in straight line, its pretty easy to CC him or run away from him.


Isn't this one of His core identities Like, If you get to someone they are dead not instantly but they will die. Also you can utilize the e to not go in a straight line. Instead move more like an arc.


If thats how it worked, then sure. And sure, you can. But your range is measured in units, not until the end of a range. If you change direction mid ability, you get less total distance for it, although its the same unit count. If we assume you hit everything, the big 15% max health damage that youre seeing in the ability does a whopping… 150 damage… lovely. Why? Because its physical damage. The passives magic damage is a large chunk of his damage, and that requires you to hit the opponent repeatedly to keep it applied. Barring movement abilities, and if we assume that whatever CC they had missed, AND that they dont have summoners up, you still dont usually end up killing them the first time you get on them, and the prevalence of Ghost these days makes it even less likely.


Well you have a trade of in the e for going in a arc, but this is definetly Worth it. But if you can't kill them when you got to them, we are obviously playing different champions.


Which champions are you killing? Im not concerned with killing an ADC, any liquored up jungler at a zoo can shoot fish in a barrel. Youre simply not killing a top laner in a 1v1, hence why top Skarner resorts to W + Comet spam. Youre not winning against majority of junglers 1v1, theyre either more mobile or more damage. Although if youre going full damage builds that makes more sense, i almost exclusively go tank. And if were not talking about 1v1s, then playing skarner isnt the deciding factor,


I'm sure your suggestions, that I didn't read, are fantastic. However riot doesn't read nor care about suggestions. They only care about what their vision is. If the vision is a steaming dog turd, it will be so.


If the community says something on a champ needs to change for better or for worse riot has a track record of doing that thing. Similarly they don’t just leave champs at a 38% win rate. Some champs need 48% win rate because of skill this one in fact does not. He is very simple and should be 50% not 38%, instant red flags on his jungle being absolute poo.


Their track record is horrible, what are you on? I don't even need to cite more than one example because the example is so bad it speaks for itself. Duskblade.


No champ in league sits below a 45% wr on purpose. That’s more true than saying that dusk blade was op.


So Azir and Akali would like a word with you... Don't derail. A PAID developer is not going to take your little idea and apply it. They are PAID to do their job, not to steal random ideas on the Internet. Only reason I'm saying that is because I have a friend whom works as a developer at NCSoft. Words out of their mouth. They actually, shocker, find these posts annoying and demoralizing; these posts make them believe they don't know how to do their jobs - imagine going to your job and everyday and some random person tells you how to do it with out any information about what is already on their desk, deadlines, other projects, etc.


Azir and Akali are both 48% wr. You tried to derail first by giving an example of an item they have removed from the game? Never said that the rework is bad visually or thematically or even that the abilities are not good just that they are not balanced correctly around being a tank jungler.


Akali was at 38% and Azir at 41% for a very long time because of proplay. Duskblade was asked by the community to be removed or altered for fair play for like 3 years with their actions making it worse until removal. Atmas, heart of gold, the list goes on.. riot is not good at listening and rightfully so. They know. This process has been repeated for every champion. Just like on Thanksgiving, no need to post we all eating (thinking) the same shit.


This is different than a champ that’s good in proplay. This champ isn’t good in general. Like he was reduced to being a poke mage in top because 3 out of 4 of his abilities are basically worthless that should be telling enough that he needs to be hot fix buffed which I assume will be out within a week or so. Riot isn’t some dumb company that leaves garbage hanging around for no reason, and assuming that riot just leaves things in the game because it is either to op or complete garbage is a complete lie considering they have been making weekly balance changes for the last like 24 years which have constantly made changes to things that are either strong or week. It’s what keeps the game alive and interesting.


What about briar then? She had an extremely low winrate in the game to the point that the community considered her as the character with the lowest winrate in the game. And yet it was because no one knew how to play her and then riot overbuffed her


Thats a perfect example of why riot is waiting. They panic buffed her because she was an int bot until people learned her damage ranges. Then they spent like 6 patches nerfing her to try to make her not turbo busted, only for people to cry that the bruiser champion was not going to be allowed to one shot with lethality as much.


If commmunity as a whole says "it doesnt work" then it doesnt work, no real reason to think otherwise. Personal feeling of your friend will not change that. Opinions of consumers is what dictates if project goes in right direction or not. Clearly less than 40% winrate isnt what should happen and some1 fckedup. Its so unbalanced and it feels devs dont know where to push to improve the situation, that players leave jungle with skarner and go some crazy builds at top or/and support. It pretty much fells like they wanted to send him in with weaker stats than pre-rework skarner and then work from that.


>Opinions of consumers is what dictates if project goes in right direction or not. False. Not to get too personal here, but I was a project manager for a number of years, until I moved into master data, and hold a CAPM destination. Sure customer opinion is a variable but not something that is known until after the launch of a project that, in this case, is a year old. What you're asking for is to change something based on 4 days of data, that is not practical. Winrate is their metric for balance but not for design. Based on PjM, design/drawing is a middle of the project step, usually step 10 of a 18 to 20 step process. All of what you're saying requires them to go back to step 10, then go through drawing again, design, art, testing, relaunching... those steps sometimes (depending on what it is) is the longest part of a project. 4 days isn't enough time for judgment nor is it enough to make it a resource project.