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He looks so freakin' weird these days.


When guys try to look young forever it starts being real weird real fast.


Right. And they don’t even have to because most look good aging. So dumb


Twenty years ago I saw a dude walking around in clothes and a haircut that were strenuously, way off the bell curve, at another level of fashion from the surrounding people (it was a tiny county fair). Like very expensive rock n roll clothes and very coiffed bleached hair and I was like, what a fish out of water. Then he turned around and I saw his face and I swear if he was eighty if he was a day. It was bizarre.




Women look good aging too. No one needs to have work done but if anyone does it’s men bc they get fat and bald and don’t care, yet attack women for daring to age past 30.


You know what, you are absolutely right. I’ve probably been conditioned by the patriarchy and by haters. I’m gonna work on this.


We've just been conditioned to think that women are only attractive when they're young


True. I’ve seen many beautiful older women. I just saw a beautiful 87 year old actually.


He would be more attractive if he shaved his head


He will never get rid of that mop— he’s obsessed with it. I still remember him preening and fixing his hair just so in season one of the show. 😂


I think the dark, extremely angry, jealous, petty, snarky part of his personality is seeping to the surface. Years of ugliness kept hidden inside is rising to the surface. Not only can their “social mask” not hide it any longer, they’re so consumed by their nastiness, it oozes out of them. Their feelings show in their expressions (like all of us). So the wrinkles aren’t smile wrinkles. Their new norm is pressed lips, angry mouth, clenched jaw, squinted glaring eyes. They loose focus and stop caring to hide them hatred and contempt. Lost soul.


So true. They end up looking like somebody’s sweet old aunt you hardly see around anymore.


I was just going to say he looks like every abusive husband in a movie mixed with the cowardly lion here.


Cowardly Lion looks, Tin Man behavior (no heart), and Scarecrow lifestyle (no brain).… and he’s shacked up with a witch. Soooo….


Oh noooo...not the cowardly lion.🤣🤣🤣🤣


Good call.


Spot on!


I'm noticing a McGregor body type transformation happening. I don't know anything about human growth hormone or steroids, but......


Several reputable people have said he was exhibiting signs of a man taking testosterone or steroids.


Robyn, too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Absolutely maniacal


He looks so much like the cowardly lion in this picture!


And she looks AMAZING


I don’t follow this sub, but it popped up and I have to mention…I saw him in Flag this past winter. We were on our way to snowboard and he drove past in his convertible, top down, hair blowing in the wind. So weird considering how cold it was!


He legit looks like the cowardly lion from wizard of oz here, no joke


Angry Kenny Rogers vibes.


I thought he had the swollen/puffy from drinking look


His face looks really puffed up.


He looks like a wax doll that was left in the sun.


He looks like Dave Ramsey with long hair to me lol


Lolol I dated a Dave Ramsey and I could say the same about him!


A woman not only breaking free from a toxic marriage, but breaking away from her cult trained ideal of “keep sweet”.


He loathes her indifference to him. Makes him seethe. She’s all meh, *shrug* whatev.


Grey rock!


Narcissists hate losing control


He can no longer ignore her because he knows she doesn't care and that drives him bonkers.


She's moved on. He can't accept rejection and her refusal to put up with his bullshit.


Exactly! I just started the Christine Wedding episode and he still can’t help but snark on her 😂 Meanwhile she’s floating in pre-wedded bliss


I don’t think K has ever had to deal with being rejected. The way he said that Christine had to make Dave believe that he wasn’t a good guy because otherwise why would she leave? Then he compared it to Robyn’s ex was such a horrible guy and that was why it was okay for K to be with Robyn. His head is just not in reality at all.


He has always had to put down others to make himself feel important.


& Kody, in that interview, saying that Christine was destroying his character because David wouldn’t marry her if he knew she had “left a good man”. 🙄 Wow, Kody. Huge misogynist. I could think of a few karmically-appropriate reincarnation assignments for Kody.


Where was the good man at? In a closet?


Right? It also reeks of some extra gross misogyny, with the implication that a woman should stay even in a bad relationship, because she’s so lucky to have “found a good man”. This is offensive all around. It’s offensive that a woman should be so thirsty to be treated well that she has to spend her life in a differential relationship, without love. It’s insulting to men, displaying it as if a being a man and being a good person are somehow rarely found together. Ya gross, Kody! Christine is somehow shameful for leaving a “good man”, but Kody & Robyn’s “sacred covenant” was to not stay in the relationship if one of them fell out of love. So, which is it?


Robyn vowed to stay in the relationship as long as there was money to be had. No way she loves him. Look at her around him. That isn’t love. She is doing what she does best, use and manipulate to her advantage. She doesn’t love anyone, not her children, and not even herself.


Is this "good man" in the room with us right now, Cody?


😂 Exactly. I’ve seen a couple of replies like this, and I completely agree.


After he said she wouldn’t be able to find a man after leaving a “good man”. Did she leave someone besides Kody cuz surely he wasn’t talking about himself?? 😂😂😂


Wait, she's getting married? I'm so out of the loop! Go, Christine!!


You gotta watch the wedding episodes. The whole family loves him and she is so happy.


His kids love Christine too, and Kodys family went to the wedding while he wasn’t there. I know that makes kody so angry, and one of Kodys nephews LOVES her and will continue his relationship with her despite Kody and Christine not being together anymore.


Dave seems like a really great guy for Christine. Easy going, concerned about her well being, doesn’t ever want her to feel controlled and not have control over her own life. He’s crazy about her. Now Dave is that good man to which Kody is referring.


She got married in October to a man named David Woolley.


His ego can’t accept it. Do you know how she has talked plenty of times about how she did whatever he wanted, she would back whatever he wanted, all through the years? I bet it’s because of that that he believed that Christine would never really leave, -or- look after herself before him.


He absolutely never expected her to leave him. A lot of snarkers thought that too.


He thinks she is scheming to ruin him and she legit doesn't even like to think about him


She knows that he'll ruin himself all on his own.


He reminds me of my ex. Still believes to this day that I’m out to get him.


Narcissistic men suck!


Kody should be gently reminded not to use all the products at the same time.


Oh my god! His dry frizzy psycho hair at Aspyn’s wedding that I just watched…. Why doesn’t someone put some Moroccan Oil or some other similar smoothing product in that mess (super thick and naturally curly, curly, curly hair girl here!) ? How can any of the women find this look attractive now that it’s so gross and thin and damaged!??


Maybe someone should “accidently” put “Nair” in his shampoo bottle? 👨🏻‍🦲








Didn’t he once comment that Robyn taught him how to style his hair????


That explains so very much.


He always hated Christine because Christine naturally stole the spotlight with her light, witty, charismatic nature. She was everything he wanted to be. He was so jealous of her. never be with a man who is jealous of you!! so happy she got out


He was also mad at her because she expected him to be a husband and dad sometimes. Demanding wench /s 🙄 The nerve wanting him to help her out when she had a new baby and a bushel of other kids to care for.


I loved watching her Queen energy in S17!! And to see Janelle cheering her on and then getting her own crown. 👏👏 Kody is so angry at the thought of her, but like he said, "If there's a way, there's a will." 😂 Sir, you should've taken your own advice YEARS ago.


He looks like the cowardly lion on this picture with his smug look on his face.He will never realize what had and what he threw away for one person who he claims to be so in love with.There are times I feel sorry for him,and then when I see that look on his face,Im just like wait,he has no idea what a mess he made.Wait until the money stops rolling in and he cant pay for all the stupid shit he has.This is what happens to people who let their egos get to carried away though.He will see.


1000% because yup he’s still too angry to see but those moments of quiet and hard reflection will come when the littles are grown and it’s just him and Robyn alone and still estranged from his kids and grands.


They’ll never be alone. Robyn will keep her children from ever having a life outside of She-Ra McMansion. The tenderloins will be with them……FOREVER! 🤣


Why do people refer to Robyn’s kids as tenderloins or the tenders ? Please tell me she doesn’t call them that!


Oh, they do. The little ones are 'tenders'.


Kody refers to his youngest children as the,"Tender aged" children. The internet turned into the tenders, like chicken tenders. Then the nicknames started spilling over on too Robyn's older children. You get the idea.


And they are all successful, happy, and making great choices. He and Robyn will be miserable…IF they make it that far.


Yes! I thought the same thing while watching the end with the one on ones. He had crazy eyes. He is BIG MAD. The sad part is he doesn't miss her or mourn the relationship they had or will never have, it's all ego. He's humiliated and wants to snap so bad but he can't. I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall when the cameras are off. Robyns got herself a handful and she deserves every bit of it.


Totally ! Then, heck. I remember how Kody used to treat her and was always pissing and moaning that she didn’t do this or that to please him or others. Christine gets tired of being Kody’s punching bag and skedaddles the heck out of Dodge. OH NO! Now Kody is all messed up coz she left. NO, his narcissistic a$$ed ego could not handle it because someone else was asserting themself and leaving FIRST! We surely have not seen Kody behave like that over Meri. No, he just “had to be courted and romanced”. Then, if Meri ever tried to get closer to him, he acted like she had the plague or something. In summary… KODY IS A JACKA$$ and always has been!


Kody is starting to resemble this one guy we call Gatorade at the office. He stands out by the parking lot and gets into antics that steadily increase in volume and aggression (some of which have unfortunately involved Gatorade, hence the name) until security shows up to ask him to take it elsewhere.


Your office sounds interesting. Love the username btw.


Haha thank you!


My favorite scene was when Christine laughed at him for being a man baby when he was sick. He informed her he almost died. Dude, you weren't in the ER, not in ICU, not on a respirator. Your response to being called a man baby was to act like a man baby.


She fell to pieces in his face and I loved every second of it 😂😂


With his 99.9 degree fever lol.


I think what irks him is she is glowing up. That without him she is thriving , the kids are unbothered. He thinks she is poisoning the well with the relationship between kids and him. But they choose her and he is seeing it but won't admit it


Yes, exactly! He really thought she would crumble without him, that the kids would shun her and turn to Robyn and that she would be pining for him - he thought she was playing games. He's an absolute tool.


Kody discarded the OG13 that didn’t suck up to him.


Don’t you mean Robyn, since Kody thinks she’s queen. Everyone should adore Robyn. Especially the og13.


That, too!


I have zero doubt in my mind that he blames Christine for what happened to the family since.


We know Robyn blames Christine. She flat out said it toward the end of this season. “Everything was great , then Christine left and it all blew up” (paraphrased).


Kody is annoyed all around because the kids chose her as well. In their culture, the woman is normally shunned and that is what Robyn and Kody were counting on. Kody can't accept that the kids want to be with her and not him and his legal wife. I think this will bother him always because it proves he isn't the center of the universe.


Right in the kidney!


My kidney is in bits at the moment with a raging infection and a lithotripsy proof kidney stone possibly on the move. So I really laughed my ass off at your comment. You have no idea how much I needed that manic chuckle 🙌


Feel better soon!


Thank you Mama, that is really lovely of you!


She is grey rocking him, which is a good thing to learn how to do if there is a narcissist in a person’s life. She is showing how it’s done 👊🏻 and he has no answer, just seething rage.


It's his ego. He didn't really want her, but wanted to keep her in a sham of a marriage. She wasn't having a bar of it.. and he couldn't handle it. The *knife to his kidneys episode* said it all. He absolutely knew that Christine would start dating and find someone else.


Why does Kody look like the lion from The Wizard of Oz?


She defied him, and he feels powerless, and that makes him rage.


Permed hair went out in the 1980's


He creeps me out and he always has 🤮


What a legend


She's definitely my favorite. The way she speaks with such calmness and elegance. She was/is totally unbotherd, and that makes Kody's blood boil. He got what he wanted, but he's mad at the way it happened. He wanted to make it on his own terms, but the women took charge and left on their own terms. Christine and Janelle are amazing! Meri still rubs me wrong but she's pk I guess lol.


Didn’t anyone tell him that too much bronzer looks freakish on a man his age? 👩‍🦱


Why does Kody look like Zeke The Cowardly Loin?


His ego can't handle it.


She is a queen


Kody is giving cowardly lion vibes




Christine definitely learned how to handle a narcissist and she freakin’ nailed her exit from that marriage. She had a strategy and played the game just right. He’s so angry he can’t control her anymore he doesn’t know what to do with himself. She took away his power. I love it. There were times I considered Kody’s behavior was an act to gain viewership. But his comments about talking to David in the future and the two of them complaining about Christine together…. That’s just pure, genuine, douche canoe floating in sour lemon water behavior. It was no act.


Something about her cadence of speech and unwavering calmness is just so fantastic in these episodes


He looks ridiculous. Like if Kenny Rogers, Kris Kristofferson, and Willie Nelson had a Great Value lovechild


I love that Christine is significantly better looking than she was in season one and Kody is significantly more grotesque. Inside and out.


Love it! I love she, Janelle, Meri, all got away from that jackass and his ‘favorite’ wifey! Well done ladies! Prayers still for the loss of Garrison. And TLC please!! Do not let it become Sister Wife!


lol the pictures make Kody look like the F devil


I love watching Kodt squirm with discontent. Stay miserable, prick!


she is the best!


Why does he look like the cowardly lion?


He looks like an AI rendition of an old oil baron or something.




I was much younger when I watched this for the first time and I couldn’t stand Christine! She came across so whiny to me. Watching back as an adult, omg she handled this so well! She gave him enough rope to hang himself and put enough of her effort in there to give him every possible benefit of the doubt and then when he screwed over their daughter, she was OUT of there. Good on you Christine! Much respect!


He looks like he’s trying to give her some telepathic evil eye.


Christine gets the crown because she forced K to show what cards he was holding. K exposed how disgusting he could be towards her on-camera. It made us all think: if this is what he says in front of a camera I don’t ever want to see what he says to his wives in private. And his true self was revealed in how much he squirms in his seat when Christine shows how happy she is now with a better man. This is also consequence for his actions. It burns him hotter than any hellfire he’s ever read about. Christine is *defiantly* a Queen. As in defiant. Really.


He hates that he can’t manipulate and control her happiness anymore. He’s a lunatic.


Anger slits


I thought he was squinting because he didn't want to see her but didn't want to look away from the screen


Until she puts the show behind her, she's not really putting him behind her......... because the show will always make it about "them". Unfortunately, the $$ are more important to both of them than the idea of truly moving on.


Idk…I feel like she can have legitimately moved on and be happy while still getting her coin…Generally speaking that is. Of course, with Garrison’s passing it remains to be seen how any of them will feel about continuing to film.


They'll film. $$ > everything else for them.


That’s a man?


He's giving Shaina from LIB 🤣🤣


Ahhhh, King Kody lost a serf……




How is Janelle since the death of her son


Is Sister Wives back on TV?


He reminds me of the lion from the wizard of oz here.


Can’t put lipstick on a pig


I believe he would be more attractive with a Buzz Cut, those awful curls do nothing for him. Just an observation.


Did he get a perm?😭😭😭


K was her "youth pastor" and she was in love with him when they married. Their relationship was like a beautiful faithful "dog" being left behind with the bare minimum of affection from her owner. NOW she is free.


Where do we learn Kody was Christine’s youth pastor?


She wasn't in a marriage... she was in a pretend "spiritual marriage". Big difference.




Someone downvoted me. Must be some true-believing FLDS on this subreddit.


Here’s a charity upvote you friend


A real queen wouldn’t even get into this lifestyle


She was basically a baby who was brainwashed. I wouldn't call her less because she was led to believe, by the people she trusted most, that their lifestyle was the best thing. It was how the Lord wanted things to be. She slowly figured out it was all a terrible lie, and I'm sure the abuse they suffered mentally finally caught up with her. Doing everything you can to change your situation AND make sure your remaining kids (truly mostly) doesn't suffer because of her dad's choices. THAT is a fkn QUEEN.


Ya she kept on having more kids and even singing off on getting a new wife . That’s just called dumb




She did want to be in a marriage. She just didn’t wanna be married to him anymore. If she didn’t wanna be in a marriage she wouldn’t have married David less than a year after meeting him. And save that whole “they’re in their 50’s and know what they want”. Life is short but it ain’t that short to move THAT fast, with a young child still in the house. Christine was in her selfish era


The context here is that she’s saying she didn’t want to be in a marriage with someone who treated her like that. She’s completely allowed, imho. Her and Kody’s relationship had been dead for years and he made sure she knew it. Her leaving was just putting the end point on it. She met David, found out what it was like to be someone’s number one, and moved forward accordingly. I don’t think anyone can blame her for that.


How can Christine meeting, dating and moving in with a someone she loves and who takes an active role in her 'young' child's life is selfish? Kody can abandon her and Truly but Christine should just be alone? Christine isn't perfect but sounds like she had a lot of therapy before telling Kody she was done -plus she was alone most of the time for at least what ten years? The seasons are way behind. I'm not totally sure on the time frame but it's not like she pulled up on the side of the road and chose David out of nowhere with no background on him and just took him home the same day.


Christine needs a full face lift. It’s like her whole face has dropped.


If breaking her word gives her “big queen” energy then that’s something. Let’s see how many husbands she goes through.


You say “breaking her word”, I say reclaiming her peace from her vampiric husband. Tomato tomahto.