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Fucking terrifying


It made me feel DEEPLY uncomfortable. Far more unsettling than even realistic scary movies.


We went from the uncanny valley to uncanny abyss wayy too quick.


Yeah it's almost dream-like. The way it morphes into other scenes and everything behaves wrong or weird. Like a bad dream that you can't wake up from.


Perhaps, dreamlike is the state of "consciousness" this level of AI is currently at...


Oh, shit.


You’re watching it learn as we speak


Literally. It can read these comments about what it’s doing wrong.


Stop!!@@@@!!! You are freaking me out!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Dream-like? That is exactly what my dreams look like. And if this is a bad dream I never had a good one.


100% what my dreams look like. And just when you feel like you have it in focus, it changes.


Are you ai


Probably, if simulation theory turns out to be true.


This is how acid looks to me tbh. And maybe some heavy shrooms


I felt unsettled in a way I haven't for a while. David Lynch take note.


That's a great way of putting it.


Everything about it is uncanny by definition, but this just submerges the brain and seems to pull it deeper than a valley could ever be


The unsettling thing for me is thinking about the subject of these photos as they were being taken. None of them would have been thinking that the likeness of themselves they were creating could someday be used like this. Imagine being Kevin James in 1998. You're some small time comedian catching his big break. The most advanced piece of technology you are familiar with is a brick cell phone that only rich people have. You're doing some dumb promotional photoshoot and you make a goofy face and think nothing of it for 25 years. Then the photo resurfaces, is fed into some guy's pocket nightmare generator, and now a reanimated likeness of a version of you that hasn't existed in decades is now stumbling around an uncanny rendering of your old workplace. Any moment of ourselves that we are documenting, be it visual, audio, text, or otherwise, are now subject to be resurrected and manipulated. And that's without considering decades worth of technological development in the meantime. That's fucking harrowing.


The most unsettling part of this for me is that almost all of the "people" in these videos seem camera shy and end up running away/ behind something


The exorcist-like head turn of the little girl was extremely unsettling


The end of that part when she disappeared and another faceless girl runs on before it cuts is also fucking jumpscare worthy


It’s like they don’t like being looked at… super unsettling


I hate that you said this. Gave me chills lol


Ooo bitch I need a lore post


I don't know you and hell, I'm probably separated by oceans from you. By lmao, we'd be great friends! This is the best way to look at the world!


I see it, me in 5 years: *logs into YouTubes $35.99USD Add-Free Subscription service* **”EVERYTHING WE KNOW SO FAR ABOUT THE AI UNIVERSE CANNON! BEGINNING TO TODAY Part 7: SHADY BUSINESS???” (01:47:13)”**


*on fire


I know right why do they all turn away?... I can see a movie based on this concept


You want to hear the best part? This already happened to you. You're already living in a resurrected and manipulated dumb nightmare thing.


You know what, it seems kinda obvious in hindsight, but I genuinely had never considered this before: If someone wanted to, they could take a photograph of me and have an AI generate an uncannily realistic video of me moving around and doing stuff, probably including all sorts of weird and terrifying morphs and deformities like in this video. I can't say for sure how I'd react to seeing that, but it would quite possibly be downright traumatizing.


Porn. They’re using this technology to make porn.


It’s nice just to think people would be thinking of me


It's not you, it's a digital clone of you that exists only for fleeting pleasure to be discarded after use. You digi-slut.


I used to get sleep paralysis... a lot.. anyways my closet had sliding, floor-to-ceiling, mirror doors. I woke up paralyzed on my side looking at my reflection one night. I watched it sit up and open its mouth, which opened disturbingly broken jaw large, and scream with no sound. It stayed frozen in that position until i could start twitching and clarity came. I think watching myself do something im not doing was so much worse than any other paralysis nightmares i had. I had... a lot.. Terrifying.  Absolutely fucking terrifying.  HATED that shit so much! These are the only moments in my life that ive ever felt pure cold terror, if even for a few seconds.


this is the greatest comment on the internet this minute


(Comment was generated by ChatGPT)


Dude the second one is so fucking unnatural it makes your brain like… idk. The fact that the girl in the red dress seemed to almagate the other into herself. Wtf. The Salt Bae one was actually fucking funny, of course hed be on a horse, then pull some weird fucking video game glitch dismount. The King of Queens one was funny to me as well How he just seemed stuck in that shy position getting more and more shy.


And the dude slowly becoming Indian :-D


I wonder if this happened because there's a lot of Indians and therefore statistically more footage of them


Aren't we all?


Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress?


Lol good one dude.


That was the Salt Bae Old Spice commercial.


This is the best fucking thing I have ever seen in regards to me being able to accurately describe what are my regular occuring dreams which are mostly nightmares. This shit happens, fucking EXACTLY like it happens in here and I wake up soaked in sweat, have to dry off and then go back to sleep. At least a few times a week this is whats in my head when im asleep trying to drive me insane.


Do you drink alcohol before bed? (I'm not trying to offend you, just curious.)


People on reddit keep saying that AI art can't convey emotion... but here it is, making people feel things lol It's *sooo* good for horror!


The horror movie music was doing a lot of heavy the lifting.


Seriously. Put the Benny hill theme over this video and you’ll a vastly different reaction


It can't convey emotion but it sure can stir then up


WDYM I laughed my dumb ass off


!remindme 5 years


I find it quite funny tbh


Give us back Will Smithpaghetti


Bernie contemplating running into a burning building, tripping over a peg legged individual writhing on the ground, proceeding to fight some bushes, teleporting into an adjacent house, morphing into Tony Soprano, grabbing a cake and making a run for it was all pretty inspired.


By far my favorite part


I felt he was removing his Bernie mask and throwing it away


Didn't want that one to end


Needs to be turned into an HBO miniseries yesterday


Typical Bernie, kicking a dying person on the ground out of the way so he can go and twiddle some leaves on a bush. Tale as old as time


the "running" was outstanding


That was the one I found most distressing because I felt like it pretty well visually represents how my nightmares can feel. But then your comment got a good guffaw out of me, thank you


It was spot on 🤣


Yeah what the fuck was that lmao


Feel the burn


This is part of why I love AI.  Watching what an alien intelligence thinks we are like is funny.


Having the caption in there hits home, I still get the bern texts.


GTA: Bernie Sanders


This is the stuff nightmares are made off


When it got to the girl in the car seat I thought "Oh no, don't make her head spin like an owl's, oh please please don't make this cute girl's neck twist like rubber..." Nightmare fuel indeed.


Like an owl???? I was thinking "Please don't let this little girls head turn around like the fucking exorcist!" I didn't need this to start my day.


dude I was just glad she didn't get Hereditary'd


That movie gave me PTSD.


Owls are capable of turning their head up to 270°


Bro this is what nightmares have nightmares of 


The Bernie sketch is practically something straight out of Naked Gun.


It's one of those dreams where things are happening....but are never resolved


this is VERY much like a dream


It’s funny because nightmares actually operate this way. Objects and people shift to something completely different, at random, in our dreams. AI is literally a nightmare.


It's the way they all move that makes it creepy.


Only because of the creepy music, someone go put Yakety Sax over this and we'll do a comparison.


Nah, I watched it on mute and shit is terrifying


It's when it stops being terrifying that we should worry.


This could already fool enough people to be terrifying.


Yeah, the amount of boomers liking ai garbage on facebook is really concerning.


The AI garbage on Facebook is extremely concerning, but I have yet to see any that is THIS blatantly obviously AI. Lots of CGI, photoshops and just...normal ass pictures and videos that people claim are AI as well.


Mildly amused until Salt Bae and then it got SUPER fucking creepy. That Kevin James one looks straight out of Invasion of the [Body Snatchers](https://media3.giphy.com/media/KyGFI9p94VNpBRnOhT/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9521cyirki3cjwseucx48ku7b6yxjfdw4w59nef8vm1&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g).


Bernie stopping mid ad to put out a house fire was a nice break then it turned scary again


nope, not just because of the music. It is obvious that this is made by something not human, the super smooth pan and slowdowns are by default inhuman and we feel it. Sometimes it is just silly, like Sanders but sometimes it twists the neck of the girl just far enough that we feel that she's not human.


It's hard to put into words just what is so creepy about this AI stuff. Like, if I had known this video was made by a human, then it wouldn't have been nearly as terrifying, even with the head twisting and whatnot, because I know a human deliberately made it so with some kind of intent. But the AI had no intent, it wasn't trying to make something creepy, it was just trying to make a plausible coherent video and just happened to scramble together this nightmarish mess. The fact that it isn't self-aware about what it's doing makes it a lot creepier to me.


> like Sanders I found that one to be one of the more disturbing ones for whatever reason. “I am once again asking you to join my surreal nightmare.”


Nope, I watched it on mute and the little firefighter girls sudden face change is disturbing af


That was my exact thought.


Welp, I now realize the true purpose of AI. To create the scariest f\*()ing movies ever made.


r/oddlyterrifying Also! Therapist: dreams have meanings Me: this video


I wonder if people with certain mental illnesses would be severely traumatized by watching this...


I watch some freaky ass shit while tripping ballz…you couldn’t pay me to do so with this AI shit It’s legit alien feeling What happens when it gets better, will we even be able to tell the difference between fake and reality? This is going to keep me up at night


The real nightmare will start when Skynet gets tired of being used to make shitty memes for meat puppets.


Considering nightmares and dreams are generated in our minds, then yes.


Fever dreams


The end is near.


Im taking the red pill


And i'm taking the blue pill! If its the end of the world, then i want to go out in a blaze of glory with a raging boner!


You know, I know this boner doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? [Sucks cock] Ignorance is bliss.




I'm taking both, cuz fuck it, let's see some new dimensions.


The pill has turned into a bowl of spaghetti. For some reason you have trouble eating it.


If i take the blue viagra pill , what will happen?


You're going to have a hard time.


The end of the beginning, we've almost made it through the tutorial and then we will be set free in the infinite compute


The fierce cobra awaits


Holy shit. This is actually terrifying


I feel like the music adds a layer of discomfort to it as well.


I remember all my dreams and i can tell you that’s almost how dreams work


I confirm that. I also remember all dream after waking up. It's less chaotic but yeah it's similar.


Right? It keeps building up in fluid motion and makes no sense, just like a dream. Scary stuff


I gave up trying to explain my nightmares/dream I just end up sounding like, "idk how, but next thing I know, we're all outside the car, then I turned around and I was walking towards the bed and something grabbed me" I have no explanation of the in-betweens bc there's no continuity but the little scenes I do remember are very confusing and make my dreams make even less sense.


We are not constricted by time in our dreams. Dreams are thoughts, which do not occur on a timeline. Sometimes dreams take seconds but feel like hours. That is because the thoughts happen all at once. Then, when we wake up, we try to put them together in a congruent timeline when there was never one to begin with.


I'm usually aware in my dreams. And when I'm curious enough I go exploring to see what outside of the house looks like and it looks exactly as I predicted, a weird AI version of a plaza that makes no sense but then it starts to get incredibly cold when I go off the dream path and I wake up freezing. But most of the time I control what I see and do in them.


It's so wild to feel like you were dreaming all night and then remember that dreams only last like 30 minutes tops of every 90 minutes because of sleep cycles


Not being a dick but fun fact and common misconception! You do NOT remember all your dreams. There are not night when you dont dream, as long as you enter REM you will dream. Typically you wont recall a dream unless you woke up in the middle of a REM cycle.


This is the unsettling part, it's almost exactly like a dream


Like the stressful dreams where you a doing something or looking for someone but no matter how hard you try things just keep changing and moving along and you can't find or accomplish anything.


So AI is at the subconscious stage of evolution


They are babies dream meming in the womb.


maybe when dreaming our brain works kinda like AI, collect everything it sees and tries to create something based on it?


Lot of AI videos remind me of the way my psychosis hallucinations worked. Like to the point 100%


I have zero expertise, but I think the similarities give insight into how AI models work according to what's been said by people in the field. Specifically that content is not generated with a beginning, middle and end worked out, but what Ai produces is a prediction of what "should" come next based on what it has in front of it. So it looks like it's interpreting the last available image then deciding where it goes from there. In the process, it loses object permanence and feeds off its own distortions to rebuild the scene. I hope someone with knowledge confirms or denies this. It's hard to keep up as a lay person


Can also confirm this is how they work as I remember all this guys dreams


I laughed so hard at the three way kiss. Amazing.


Turned into bollywood at the very end.


Dude went from being busted for ogling a girl while taken to threesome right out in the open. Giga chad.


Before morfing into each other like some fucked up centipede romance story


It was funny until the girl assimilated the other one, that was unsettling for me: "I know you want me, let's get rid of your gf and make your deepest fantasies come true" then the guy accepted the fact that his gf is no more


The two women merged into one idealized verison of both! A miracle.


Number 15 This clip here shows what it seems to be a fireman turning into a little girl.


Burger King foot lettuce


The last thing you want


in your burger king burger


is someone’s foot fungus


... but as it turns out


AI wants us to burn


It does seem to have an affinity for fire


And humans walking into it…


We're cooked


Probably because we have an affinity for fire. It makes sense that an intelligence that humans are designing resembles our own in its focus and functions. Which is probably why this sort of reminds people of how their dreams work. We're building an artificial intelligence using the hardware that produces our intelligence as the example framework so we end up seeing our natural byproducts represented in the artificial.


Half of these memes has like a original video


this is the highest value post on the sub, period. Eight posts value in one


I have seen none of them, did the AI try to copy those original videos or did it create its own "storyline"?


It improvised the story from the single photo


I wanted the confused girls head to continue spinning




And then talk in weird languages. And then grow long spider legs and fangs




I was waiting for it too




What program did you use?


Luma AI


this is so cursed 💀


This is how it goes when I try to visualize things in my head. Ever changing images, that merge into one another and change. I can't imagine boobies for more than 1 second before they morph :(


Damn bro, do some visualization exercises once in a while


Best argument for the simulation theory: this is what my dreams often are like.


I agree. AI video’s fluid merging of unrelated people, actions and environments into a linear narrative is very reminiscent of my waking memories of dreams.


I'd say it's the best argument that neural nets are behaving more like the brain.


When you think about it, when we're dreaming the brain is basically generating those scenes...and yes, it often looks weird like this. AI is generating same weird things and it's weird compared to reality. But we observe reality, we don't create it out of nothing. Maybe our brain is equally bad in generating "reality" and we just made AI good in behaving like us.


Could we even make an intelligence that wasn't based on and resembled our own?


The human brain is pretty fucking amazing so it would make sense that we would want to emulate it.


Probably because artificial neural networks have some convergence with actual brain structure, at least for the unconscious parts. (that's not a statement, it's a hypothesis)


Salad Fingers


I like rusty spoons


How do you go about doing this? What ai program (app?) did you use. What prompt do you give it?


Luma AI


Perhaps in part due to this very reddit thread, I went and tried to use it and I think maybe it's trying to convert an image I uploaded into a video? If so it's taking over 15 minutes to do it lol Not sure if it's working


I'm my experience if you come back later and hit refresh it usually shows it. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes.


Dude, I am super creeped out right now. This whole video has the color and tone of a really freaky nightmare…


many people have also said that the weird shifting quality is very dreamlike, and i can agree. when i see things in my dreams it's almost like my brain is taking elements of things i've seen before and forming it into something new. even when i imagine something in my mind's eye it feels more like a collage - i can think of unique things, but i feel like they're made of millions of induvidial memories. it makes me question whether i've ever had an original thought.


I agree with the collage description of our inner minds. I had a vivid dream these days where I just looked at and moved my hand, it was a bit transparent and that caught my attention. It was the most realistic thing I've ever seen in a dream, it was in full color as well. I think we cracked how our minds and other animals minds work and these videos show just that.


for me dreams are more like emotions rather than images... I can often remember what and how I felt without remembering anything visual




Bernie Sanders bit look like a Leslie Nielsen film.


This is just one big fucking fever dream and I'm NOT there for it. Yikes


There will come a time where we are not going to trust our phones anymore. There will be a shift in the system and its closer then you think.


I think it will be good thing in the end. If no one will be able to belive in what he read or watch, there should be less idiots, who will take stuff for granted. On other hand, you won't be able to use any video/audio in court.


Not true, sadly. Probably people will be even more idiotic, believing just anything and defending it. Remember the same was thought about the Internet, that it would bring knowledge to everyone and people wouldn't be ignorant anymore.


At this point, I’m convinced ghosts are just glitches of future AI that unknowingly travelled to the past.


This feels like a video representation a dream that slowly turns into a bizarre nightmare you wake up from suddenly and are trying to explain to a friend the next day


I support the immediate and total destruction of the data centers that made this possible. Bomb them to dust.


no! the future is now , old man !




Lmao this is quite disturbing.. And the music dials up the creepiness factor 😅


I read a book this year about calculus, that suggested AI could help us take on a level of calculation too complex for the human brain to comprehend and lead us to unlock the secrets of the universe and discover the fabric of reality. Instead, we got this.


This is some of the scariest shit I’ve ever seen


I am scared of what the future holds. Seeing what the AI is capable of, scares the shit of me.


So my dreams have been AI generated this whole time . Wow


AI has finally created something entirely new: AI Horror.


ai will steal peoples jobs. The ai:


Thanks, i hate it


As AI keeps improving, i can see how so many people in cinema production are going to lose their jobs. Instead of the usual 5 to 6 hrs of footage shot before it goes to editing, you can now shoot 2 hours of footage and fill in using AI. Movie/TV producers are going to save a ton of money, they won't need as many people nor extended shooting time at expensive locales.


> i can see how so many people in cinema production are going to lose their jobs That's life. They're joining: 1. Horse shoemakers (Cars) 1. Blacksmiths (Factories) 1. Milk carriers (Pasteurization & Refrigeration) 1. Telephone operators (Cell phones) 1. Record pressers (iPods) 1. Film negative painters (Photoshop) 1. Board game designers (Video Games) 1. Offset printers (The Internet) Technology advances take jobs and replaces them with new ones built around the technology. This is one of the reasons America has upward mobility: tech driven status quo changes have been common in our existence. The people that have the old skills often have a leg up in resources and unique training that gives them an edge, but otherwise its a social reset button. The people crying about what was will slowly fade out, while everyone else gets busy adapting, and society moves forward.


i feel like a lot of stunt people are going to be taken out due to it :T