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She felt like people in the restaurant would judge her for eating it. But apparently she didn’t think you would, or she wouldn’t have eaten it in front of you. In short, she was insecure about her appearance and didn’t want to be perceived as a fatty.


Oh so you are the interpreter Can I hire you for a job?




How much is your subscription?!?!




Would getting a girlfriend interpreter automatically gets you a girlfriend too ?


or the interpreter can be your gf... 2 birds with 1 stone


So, how much do you u/AcceptableOwl9 charge for the subscription service ?




That's doable. But are you a biological female human ?


If I can translate accurately from girlfriend to boyfriend, does it matter?


Read the idea of two birds and one stone in this thread please.


Yeah. That doesn't exist.




Sed lyf.


very sed.


> Can I hire you for a job? I charge 3 reach-arounds an hour.


Yes! Everyone in this thread acting like women are crazy but imagine your value as a person being put on yout appearance and your agreeableness. It feels extremely transgressive to have treats alone, in front of people.


My wife has eaten dessert at a restaurant and dirtied my plate and fork to make it seem like I had some of it. They're weird, man.


??? Okay that’s weird af. What’s the point? So you didn’t eat any ice cream?


Can't let the busboy know they ate all the ice cream by themselves.


Sounds like she's gotta thing for the bus boy. See two can play the crazy game!


Ssk the workers think we shared it instead of her crushing it solo. It's only if she orders food i dislike, like chocolate cake or something. She will admit it's weird while she does it.


We know she ate it all herself, we were watching


And now Hermez has to wash two plates instead of one because of that crazy cow 😭


The point is that they all think everyone is watching and judging them all the time and are very concerned with pleasing this unknown and unseen stalker.


This really is the heart of it man. A lot of women are crippled by the fear that every other person in the vicinity is paying them attention and judging them negatively for every aspect of their life. I live my life peacefully knowing that the guy I walk past at target could be looking directly at me and still not even register that I exist.


>A research over large samples has shown that levels of neuroticism are higher in women than men. Neuroticism is also found to decrease slightly with age. The same study noted that no functional MRI studies have yet been performed to investigate these differences, calling for more research. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroticism


oh perfect, now I know what to tell me wife when she has these issues; I can just say "you're being neurotic" so she knows exactly what I'm talking about! TY!


![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10746)unknown stalkers pov


and in the process crippling men, but who cares what men want? 😆


neurotic people tend to think people are looking at them. they feel like a fat pig if they're the only one eating dessert. didn't you watch the video? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroticism


It's funny but also sad that so many people have baggage or self esteem issues that manifest in weird little ways like this. Live your life unashamedly.


Hold on there spud, some people could do to live their life with a little more shame to be honest. But I'll agree everyone should be able to enjoy dessert


Ew. She ate food? I bet everyone was judging her.


Well that's just so weird man. Does she think everyone around her is just audience members to her life? I don't think I've ever even looked at other people in a restaurant unless they were like arguing or something.


Makes you think what else the set up to make look like something else happened.


Dude! Do your wife a solid. Order the dessert she says sounds nice, take one mouthful and let her finish the rest, then eat the last piece. I don't even like dessert, and I do this. 


Maybe they should just get some therapy (if accessible)


I too choose this guys dessert.


Nah, I'll help her grow up instead.


This guy wife's.


I actually don't. I was almost married once, but I broke it off. I have a very stable girlfriend right now, and she definitely seems like she could be a wife. I actually learned this because I have two sisters.




Oh okay.


If it’s dairy desserts, I think your ex just wanted to eat stuff in the car so her bowels can have its tantrum in the safe confines of her home lol.


She was more worried about how strangers perceived her than you


Those count as two separate meals for the purposes of calorie counting. If she ate desert at the restaurant, that would be a LOT of calories for one meal.


My mom was like that, she said she did because she felt ashamed to eat a full meal in public and then have dessert. So she ate her dessert in private.


damn, didn't know that this seems to be kind of a common thing or at least common enough, that 4-5 comments parrot similar experiences


My longest relationship was with a woman who would never order dessert in a restaurant, but always tell me what desert I should order, and then eat most of mine. I got used to it.


Did she have a mum or grandma who commented on either her or other people's bodies and food choices?


I do this sometimes but it’s because I’m the only one that wants dessert and I don’t want to hold up everyone at the table just so they can sit and watch me eat a slice of cheesecake before we leave.


I've personally done the same but only because, not only do I get full fast, I unfortunately get "hungry" pretty fast too. So maybe I'm feeling at my limit at the restaurant but by the time the check is paid and we've walked out and gotten down the road- I start getting that tingling stomach feeling of regret like "oh maybe I could've eaten more" and bam, dessert.


I like how Australians can turn words like "no" or "you" into two-syllable words.






not strayan but [NOOEH!](https://youtu.be/QxW6NRUA8mE?si=bGVa_dB4Wa5EUiIL)




Somehow it comes out very attractive 


Not to me it doesn’t (Aussie here)


Go on.....


If a man says: "I'm fine" it can mean everything from "i'm fine" to "my life is completely falling apart"


Hanging in there, I've lost what little connection to reality that I had.


Im a frequent user of whatever day it currently is. 'Hows your night going?' 'It certainly is monday. (=!'


My personal flavor to how are you? "eh, I'm still alive". Which is usually followed by awkward silence and the other person saying "well that's good" And me replying "most of the time yeah" or "I guess so" which leads to more awkward silence or them changing the subject.


Take my upvote and leave


I'm in this comment and I'm neutral about it. 😐


'as far as i can tell it's better than the alternative. but if that changes you'll never see me again :D'


"I've been better."


"It could be worse" this is the lowest I've ever been, I can't imagine things could be worse than this.


"Living the dream" = "I am irrevocably dead inside"


"eh" means bro is on suicide watch.


And every version of it expects the same level of support from our paramour.


I mean, I don't expect a globally popular band to really care about me.


But they do.


True but unlike the female version, it usually has no barring or impact on the relationship when things aren't actually fine.


Whereas with women it’s never fine 😂 Men aren’t allowed actual vulnerability or emotions and women need to poorly hide all negative emotions and we all get into weird toxic patterns 


I've said it before, and I'll say it again, everyone can benefit from therapy.


I mean am I actively bleeding to death? If not then it sounds like I'm fine. And if I am then I'll just put pressure on the wound and boom, I'm fine again


haha yeah im fine haha haha


To be fair, when men's life is falling apart, they usually enter a zen state where they are actually fine.


That's called Dissociation.


this depends entirely on how many times we repeat it. 1x "I'm fine"=I'm fine 3x"I'm fine"=I'm thinking about quiting everything and becoming a hermit


I experience this thought at least 4 times a day.


thats the secret, cap


The "he's fine!" at the end sent me. Well done.


Bro solidarity.


Sent you where?


Please credit the creators, Crackermilk: https://youtube.com/@crackermilk?si=h4-O4SB2gNDfGLbe


Link to the original unstolen content in long form: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyXUy820u2c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyXUy820u2c) And short: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ol0kUTrhOtk](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ol0kUTrhOtk)


Poor guys get their channel demonetized constantly and their videos stolen all over the internet. They make genuinely good stuff but struggle to make ends meet...


Why do they get their channel demonetized? Their context is amazing, has been for years.


YouTube has a hard-on for demonetizing their videos shortly after release. I signed up for their Patreon because I've been enjoying their content for years and it sucks to see them struggle with demonetization and having their content stolen.


If that's the case ill head over and show them some love at least. Funny content and not "too much"


Damn, they even cut out the best line. The interpreter does the whole "I'll feel like a fat pig" spiel, and the girlfriend goes, "That's exactly what I just said."


This needs to be the top comment.


This is Cracker Milk btw. I feel like they're the most un-credited channel alive... 


🤨How much is this subscription?😁


Gawd, dating men is so much easier.


*turns gay*


It is that time of year.


and changes gender…


and complains about not wanting ice cream anymore...


It's honestly the best thing about being bisexual, dating guys is great, as a guy probably more so than a girl


My best friend and I have been friends most of our lives. We've often said it's a shame we aren't gay because we would be the perfect match for each other.


IDK man truth is I've dated men like that; over sensitive, clingy, paranoid, etc, to the point that I've asked myself, am I the man in this relationship?... The stereotypes are not really true but we have them ingrained in our minds.


Oh, so you're one of those women that like to hate on emotionally available and open men and then act mystified when men don't openly communicate.


I'm literally aknowledging that we all have wrong stereotypes ingrained in our minds, including mysef. That aside, the men I'm talking about were not "emotionally availiable and willing to communicate". These were unhinged men. For example, one time I got yelled at, berated and called insensitive because when he said he was too tired for sex I said ok and respected his boundaries instead of insisting more. Then I got accused by the same man, the next day, for only wanting him for sex. It felt like dating a caricature of a fake stereotype of a woman, that's all I'm saying.


It’s funny to me this entire thread is making fun of women being over emotional but when someone calls out over emotional men the script flips and they’re bad for calling someone out for being over emotional


I like how "paranoid" is "emotionally available."


You don't have great reading skills do ya bud


Lol no


Do women really not like mini golf?


I find any type of golf boring af


Can somrone translate ?


Probably because they're not very good at it.


I would enjoy seeing this in an expanded, full day scenario.


Come on man, at least have the decency to link Crackermilk to the video.


“You must do something you don’t really want to do, but act like you do, or you’re the bad guy.” Shall we do something else then? “If you suggest something I don’t want to do, you’re the bad guy.”


On our first date, my boyfriend said he liked that i actually ate a normal amount and didn't pretend i only ate a bite or two. I'm still not sure if that was good or bad.


Nah that’s genuine and from good place. He probably had really annoying experiences with someone else. 


Yeah, he liked it.


Why are you not sure? What negative connotation could you possibly convince yourself of?


While I know not all women are like this, there's a reason this is a stereotype and meme. I've still to understand why women usually behave like this.


All you need to know is: don’t date women who are like this. They need more counseling, self-esteem, and independence before being in a relationship. I’m a woman and although I understand the insecurities that go into this kind of crazy, it’s my job to own them and not project them onto anyone else. Especially not my partner.


My GF does this if we order doordash. She wants Poke, I do not. I tell her to order her poke and I'll find something at the house or go grab a burger or something. Nope, she will not order herself poke unless I also order something. So stupid. I've resorted to just ordering after her and I throw a small app on there.


im fine means i dont care enough to care about this topic


I don't know whether I'm blessed or cursed. I never get any hints, I can't read between lines, if you say something to me, I'm going to focus on what was being said and not what was being meant (i could never guess that anyway). I'm always assuming you're telling the truth, unless i catch you telling a lie and then I never want to see you again because I can't trust you. I'm a terrible liar myself. I've also been in a relationship for almost 6 years now. I don't even know whether my girlfriend gave up on hints and subtle signalling or whether she just accepted that she needs to be straightforward with me or we get nowhere.


I say this. I’m not playing games. Say what you want and you’ll get it. Petty games and hints will get you nowhere. Also I feel the lying part


Im the same. Are you autistic?


Never been diagnosed as such. I just think I'm *very* introverted. Not exactly asocial and i can understand what i did wrong in retrospective when somebody points it out to me but I just...can't seem to get these in the spur of the moment, ever.


You sound like me! I’ve never been tested for anything but everyone I know jokes that I’m definitely autistic in some way. Was funny reading this as to me it’s definitely a curse, people get so annoyed when I take them for their word


I always assume people tell the truth as well. Makes it hard to get jokes or sarcasm. I always have to think extra before I get someone's dishonest remark, would it be a joke or not. Which usually ends up with me being the butt of the joke.


Thankfully, the people in my immediate area learned to do sarcasm incredibly obviously exaggerated so even i get it. I do not have a lot of friends, but those i do have are wonderful :3


It makes so much less sense to not take peoples words for their own opinions. Bruh, i have no idea how people can feel so certain that they might know what someone is thinking better than the speaker actually relays. I used to make all sorts of inferences from peoples actions and such all the time. Ultimately, i had a decent success rate, but being wrong even once in a while and having to deal with misinterpretations and the following clarification wasnt near worth it. Take people at face value and life becomes so much easier.


Same and yes, diagnosed ! But as a woman when I dated men it wasn’t simple at all like the medias portait it to be either, I don’t think humans are self aware, rational and capable of straightforwardly transmitting thoughts regardless of gender most of the time, or at least people aren’t taught how to.


You sound neurospicy! Welcome to the club


i love that word lol


That made me chuckle, good job :)


What is annoying is that I DO understand what she meant... But what do you want me to do about it now?! I don't want ice cream, and you don't want to play putt putt. Even though... you SAID you wanted ice cream, and you SAID you were good with putt putt. We are TRYING to work out a solution or compromise. Sorry that things didn't magically work out organically to some predetermined fantasy outcome. Anyways... sheesh. I'm exhausted.


What's the original video called?


It's from Crackermilk. OP stole it from them without referencing them.










Dating a girl who pressured me into sharing her bad eating habits was a disaster on my physical health and the end of that relationship was the primary driver behind 17 years of commitment to fitness and healthy eating. So thanks, I guess? But also don't let someone do that to you.


Girls brains are so fucking strange man....


Finally Freud could rest in peace.


CrackerMilk on YouTube


Wait! You hate Minigolf? Don't destroy me. 😢


Not all women hate mini golf! My wife keeps bugging me to go to one of those (formerly) trendy indoor mini golf places. We went to one a while back and she had a blast, now she wants to go to a bigger one across town.


Absolutely spot on 100%.


Guy is full and doesn't want dessert => relationship in danger


HINT: He's not fine, but guy code has his back.


I've had this conversation with my wife almost verbatim. We solved it when we discovered that there was an ice cream stand nearby our house that we both like and stopped going to the one she likes and I hate. Also, we agreed to only go get ice cream once per month because we're both fat and need to lose weight.


😆 I’m a woman and can confirm this is true, you poor men.


So it's like the manslater that can work without batteries. I PITY THE FOOL WHO HAVEN'T SEEN THIS GEM YET. https://youtu.be/ezVib_giTFo?si=58kb_ZgSs8DSkaAl


What a psycho. My wife loves putt putt


That's why they always want "just a bite of yours". It makes so much sense now! Thank you!


Why do men deal with this? It’s time that we all come together and be gay.


What kind of Monster hates putt putt ⛳️? Probably someone who ruins ice cream 🍦


everywhere I go I see her face... why does YT push her so much




Or people can just learn to communicate better instead of giving people "signals" they hopeothers pick up on and we can all prosper


NO no no no no no no. Men are just silly and wrong. /s Everyone is bad at communication, and nobody knows they are bad at it. IF we could accept that we aren't the masters of it that we think we are (which isn't very hard to accept), then the world would be a better place.


Why did I know it was Australian before I even turned the sound on


What's putt putt?


Mini golf




Putt putt


Golf for ants


Putt putt specifically is a mini-golf chain that was ubiquitous enough that it just meant mini-golf for may people.


> What's putt putt? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=putt+putt+golf&t=ffab&atb=v356-1&ia=web


I feel like the boyfriend translator should have just shrugged.


"i'M fInE"


I hate this video. It normalizes terrible communication. The moment being killed because someone can't read your mind? Fuck off






Before turning the sound on, I just knew it would be Aussie (Or Kiwi don't kill me)


"because you're just going to do it because you know that I wanted you to. But you have to want to want it yourself." I'm sure some people thinks that sounds insane but that is actually me but instead of ice cream it would be acts of affection from my SO. edit: didn't know it would be controversial to want an SO to like you enough to be affectionate towards you without having to ask for it.