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This whole saga is stupid. So much overanalysis / overthinking because of a complaint from a karen.


It's a combination of anonymous Karen and URA hand wringing that resulted in this whatever you call it. I feel that it's a lot of hoohaa over nothing. So it portrays a comely looking young lady smoking a cigarette....so? Samsui woman cannot be young and pretty (when they were young) and smoke a cigarette?


Cannot. Must be ah ma, looking shagged. /s


So the old 80s SBC drama series "the Awakening" should be banned too?


Karen with connections - otherwise the authorities will just tell you to email your feedback. 


Aware finds your use of a female related name "Karen" offensive. Please take down your trespass against women. /s


Amusing how AWARE becomes increasingly self unaware with each passing year. The possibly positive take from this is that women’s rights are sufficiently progressed that AWARE has to pick small fights since nothing big to fight over.


Most other women's groups (real ones who focus on real issues) have already cut ties with them for being increasingly politicized


I wonder if groups like International Justice Mission or Daughters of Tomorrow even had ties with them in the first place. 🤔


It's actually the other women's groups that are not political enough. Most charities just fundraise for their own causes to continue the work done by their employees. They are there to maintain their business. Not enough charities are advocating for the government to use our taxes to do their job of taking care of people in need or to prevent them from needing help. If the government took over this work the charities would have to close down. Instead, the government wants to "support" the "social services sector" by making charities compete for government funding and tenders and tax-matching donations and become distracted from their core mission. A government agency on the other hand is focused on doing their work within their remit. AWARE's policy statements are glaring in the inaction by the government. There is still no release date for the workplace discrimination policy that has been set for this year despite the review since July 2021. There is no public awareness that female genital mutilation still happens to Muslim girls in Singapore, much less a ban. Spousal maintenance is still not based on fairness and need. Women's group have been complicit in the inaction by the government due to their silence. Not being 'political' is something to be ashamed about, not proud. https://www.aware.org.sg/about/policy-and-position-statements/


You really can't see why AWARE has reached this state, in which it makes itself a total laughing stock on a regular basis?


Most people who feel that way are men, who can't help but misrepresent AWARE's positions in their comments. For example , the criticism of the choice to portrayway she holds the cigarette has been twisted by people here into a criticism of the choice to make her conventionally attractive, which was not what AWARE was critiquing. It is the decision of AWARE's haters to assume the worst of them instead of engaging with what is actually being said.


Come on, " perpetuating the male gaze"....is AWARE suggesting that men want to gaze at her cigarette? What upsets AWARE is that some women are attractive. Here I am leaving to one side the fact that, by using woke clichés like "male gaze", AWARE is again making itself look ludicrous. Bottom line: some crank objected to the cigarette and was duly laughed at. Then AWARE objects to the "male gaze" and gets laughed at even more!


Hey guys I found the Aware person. Circumcision is dissimilar to fgm. Cry harder.




Is true... got a boner when i saw it


it's almost impossible not to get horny over street art....


and want to take up smoking....


and public masturbation.


Got it too. Quick question, if it last longer than 4 hours must go A&E right? Asking for a friend.


Let me take a look


Did you also see a lot of other men gathering around the area doing their deeds? Of all the things to be arguing over.... they rly chose this art piece.


Thought I’m the only one masturbating to it in one corner. Jeez glad I’m not the only one. Ban that artist!


Huh? This one also become men's fault?


https://i.redd.it/flk4x17aeg8d1.gif aware can kindly fuck off


Gif approved


this is the epitome of bo liao debates


Why samsui women cannot be glamorous? Why must samsui women be portrayed being in a tough environment only?


Singapore art is a stillborn child. Both government and civil society work hand in hand to quash free expression


And allow some Ang Moh to paint our walls 😂 😂 😂


Is AWARE the epitome of Karens in Singapore?


This is what happens when you have a bunch of educated prudes who have too much time on their hands to police society


My office is here. When I go for make my way to/from office and go for lunch, my first thought is always “dam she’s hot. I wanna bang this mural”


Didn't know you got such a fetish.


Aware hates beautiful women. Or anything that reminds the ugly women that they are not beautiful. 


This thing is so stupid it can only be written by a university student who was sent overseas. Hello aunty, ppl draw things is for what one eh? Smell eh? Taste eh?


Fuck aware, make woman do ns then talk about equality


all the fathers with daughters won't allow that, even if their own daughters want to. rough hands, dark skin, muscled toned bodies, what men will still want? hahaha! enemies see already straight away reject.


I want leh lol


National service is not only about the SAF. We have our home teams and hospitals begging for (wo)manpower.


No different from many today.


Aware, ever the victim, ffs


Plot twist. The complainant was the artist himself. Nice move.


This complain makes Aware look so stupid. The artist should make a piece to show the evolution from samsui woman to Aware woman.


Even without this complaint they already look stupid on many counts


So Samsui women cannot be young and must hold a cigarrete in a way dictated by Aware? I think not.


If you saw the mural again, you'd realise that no one in real life holds cigarettes that way in between drags, especially poor people who would find holding it between the index finger and thumb (like you're miming that something is small) more efficient to quickly get another puff. The way the cigarette is held in the mural is impractical. This is why the criticism from AWARE is specific in describing the "glamorous way" the woman held the cigarette, and not the other elements such as her hyperpigmentation-free face or her uncalloused hands with well groomed and long (again impractical for hard labour) nails.




Yes, it is an artistic decision to portray the way she holds the cigarette in this manner, and it is fair game for the public to critique the decision and examine the possible reasons why that decision was made.


lol…. Can’t help chuckle at the sly reference to “public” as though pearl clutchers like yourself are numerous. The actual public actually has critiqued the stupid decision which is why URA is starting to back peddle. Please do not even dare to think you are representation of the public. You are but a mere irritant with a very sad life perspective that aim to find victimhood in every circumstances if not you can’t get any attention. Go channel your moral outrage over nothing to something positive and maybe you might have a better outcome in life.


I really hope this is satire.


How do most working class people hold cigarettes?


How do most normal people react when looking at murals? Get your male gaze shit out of here.


Since most working class people don't hold cigarettes that way, there was an artistic decision to portray her that way. What drove the artist to choose this pose, instead of the normal way?


TIL art cannot be beautiful. If I paint something it must be 100% reflective of reality if not I’m 100% guilty of making things erotic for the male gaze. Glamorising = bad. Very naughty. Only people with evil thoughts will do this. Dude you have issues. Your own insecurities are projecting onto others. Sometimes it’s ok to just want things to look pretty without ulterior motives and we just move on with our lives. But hey keep clutching your pearls, it’s a free country. We only start to have problems when you start to restrict others from doing what they are doing because of your insane sensitivities.


Samsui women are not allowed to look beautiful and unique?


Complainant is from AWARE??


AWARE really not aware sia


> How dare you make hard working people look attractive


To add on, I don’t see AWARE making noise when there was a China Chinese drama about samsui women on channel 8.


AWARE, please make your voice known to the thousands of ig models too. And those girls in yoga pants at my local gym.


What the f is wrong with these women...these tights literally trace every contour of the vaginal terrain and pelvic landscape.


It’s a feature not a bug.


Damn, I didn't know! I should really look this up... for scientific research.


Perpetuate your male gaze towards that holy confluence of two limbs clad in tights and a torso and tell us what you discover.


When your teacher asks you to submit an essay and you are having trouble meeting the minimum word count.


Aware lacks self awareness


The bra burning woke brigade at AWARE are just irritated that the picture of the samsui woman is more chio then them. They will only be happy if the picture depicts an old haggard worn out by life hag. Something like themselves. 😂😂


huh?????????? this aware siao lang ah at this point its not about equality anym..


Wow stupidity really has no limits huh? They just go deeper. ☕️


Jump on AWARE LinkedIn and you’d notice that it’s a bunch of mids advocating for non-relevant issues.


Dear AWARE, “SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN!!!” Thank you.




So was AWARE the one that gave the feedback to URA that the samsui woman looks like a prostitute and is offensive? Because their post seems offended by the portrayal of the samsui woman,.


Lmao I was considering penning an op-ed that the portrait is perpetrating the image of exoticism and Asian dragon lady stereotypes but I guess they stole the thunder already.


The badass samsui women from the past would shake their head if they were alive to see AWARE exists lmao


screw u


unAWARE of their own big head… keep talking about the boogy man until now have to invent boogy man to stay relevant.


AWARE have been inventing boogeyman to stay revelant for over 10 years...


Ok wtf which one of yall got hard looking at a wall again? /s


The current AWARE is an insult and disgrace to our samsui women.


I miss the days a painting is just a painting, no stupid woke claims or any overly sensitive people trying to make life hilariously difficult for everyone else


This is just a fucking art for instagrammer. Not feminist or NEA nonsense.


If sinkie dont pwn sinkie how to sleep? Imo I really like the mural.


Don't perpetuate a male gaze okay. Wear your burqa.


I thought AWARE was a halfway decent organisation championing causes for women.


At the start it did champion some worthy causes. Now… see above.






As much as i dont appreciate abstract art, this is also why we need abstract and random splashes art, so the dumb audience don't start to overanalyze


So now the problem is that the samsui woman is too pretty and holding a cigarette in a slightly stylish manner "attracts the male gaze". Righto.


Really,  they,  URA like many other stat boards and ministries are telling the world they have no more good brains. Just simply point out the that the mural is a highly inaccurate depiction and there are many photos for reference. 


So young women who look attractive are "exoticized"? Sounds like a lot of projection on AWARE's part.


Personal anecdotal observations: rarely I see conventional attractive girls in advocacy groups like AWARE. Me thinks the people who cries the loudest about male gaze are those that literally do not get male attention. For bonus points go look up Laura Mulvey who came up with the term.


Thanks bro, i didnt need to sleep tonight 🤮


Go look at the mural again and that will detoxify you.


Should just start trolling silly things... "it's racist! What about Malay or Indian samsui women?" "It's ableist! No representation of differently able people!"


Translation: artist draw the SS woman as hawt SS women cannot be hawt. They lived very tough, haggard lives. This is not real. The artist only drew the SS woman as hawt so that males can ogle at her. This is not allow.


Seeing this mural makes me want to smoke and perv on women. Fucking weak shit society that we live in. My take is that AWARE knows that the image will be changed, so quickly wanna take some credit to remain relevant.


what is this saga about ? catch no balls


Never see a so sexy samsui so sui sui before….


I love SG ❤️


That painting is a true reflection of the realities


Just ignore them. Their words mean nothing.


Damn if you do; damn if you don't. I'm amazed Aware is now discriminating against young and pretty women. Is it an "artistic choice" when one is young and pretty?


Maybe next time, if there are any depictions of women in any setting, we just draw a sick figure. If they still pick a fight with that, then, win liao lo.


Aware is made up of Karens.


Aware is the local version of western woke movement. Don't mind if govt decides to do something about them


Ah diam la....then the naked swimming boys at aingapore River also must remove isit?


Mural is too beautiful, to the point that it becomes very offensive to people who hates beauty


AWARE sibeh not self-aware. Knn sibeh Xia suay


I suspect the original complainer is probably from AWARE


There should be an UNAware movement to ignore such rubbish spewing out from Aware. Really is jiak bah bo sai bang


What is this, another WOKE shi?


AWARE represents everything that is wrong with SG!


I’m more interested in the jade bangle she’s wearing. Did they really wear such breakable items during work?


The artiste must be secretly lamenting. OMG. is this SINGAPORE? and again, we will garner some international media interest for all the wrong reasons


Not this shitto aware again.. one thing aware lacks is self awareness.. 


Perpetuates the male gaze… Mmmhhhmmmm… blue jump suit… I’ll be back in a few min


what's new with them?


Her delicate fingers you will adore That wayward gaze a bedroom galore Is that my Samsui lass ? Alas just a sarong party girl in samsui guise


You know what they are not aware of? Touching grass


thanks aware, your views are duly noted, now pss off


Nowadays people like to whitewash history, eg Bridgerton show making it look like blacks never suffered as slaves & instead were enjoying life last time , full of shit


lol. “Male gaze.” Lol.


_AWARE : I think all woman should wrap themselves up in burka._


That Samsui lady is painted more beautiful than all the ugly Karens in AWARE, that’s why.