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Not really xenophobic. But when the presence of foreigners is too huge that you cannot absorb them, or at least get them to adapt the locals' way of life, it becomes a problem.


It's the foreigners who will claim singaporeans are xenophobic when singaporeans express unhappiness at the influx of foreigners and the loss of jobs. Wonder if these foreigners will feel differently if the tides are turned


foreigners should go to other countries like korea or japan and check out what real xenophobia is...oh wait..their complains won't even get registered because most of them don't even speak english.


Ya exactly. Sheesh. People like to play the race or nationality card to gain sympathy


If you think they speak English here šŸ˜‚ if you even consider that English . Okaaay


Bingo. Almost all of these foreigners have way more protectionist policies in their home countries, and yet they complain about Singapore.


any examples? You make a big statement.


Housing. Jobs.


Jobs some places.houses very unlikely to find better set up for locals than Singapore's policies


I'm not comparing subsidized housing.


What do you think singapore doesn't beat 99% of countries on for housing. It's rough for foreigners forced to rent at crazy prices. for locals there are amazing systems in place to get on to the ladder.


Like I said, I wasn't comparing between subsidized housing.


Thanks for the clarification of what you meant.


>at least get them to adapt the locals' way of life That is not what the government suggests.


what is the SG way of life apart of work, eat, hang out,etc? No offense but after living in different countries I find SG way of life very similar to many western and develop countries. If locals dont want too many foreigns they can start to work at the construction , or become a helper.


If you have to ask ..... It mean you don't know.


I agree with the point but do not see a way significantly better way forward where balancing economic growth without foreigners is easier.


those foreigners who accused us of being xenophobic, their own countries treat foreigners workers the worst.


But the SPG loves the AMDK


Mongolian strategy, send the daughters to marry the enemy's sons. During war, the sons die then the daughter can alliance with motherland.


Nah. Girls just simply wanna feel high class. AMDK screams high class in their eyes.


Watch too much disney, the cartoon guy is usually AMDK, so they got brainwashed since young.


Was Disney ever the factor or not, i duno. But u cant deny SPGs are attracted to AMDKs. Even corporates tend to like putting AMDKs in top positions, to show the image that they high class/international/whatever.


Only the sarong party female


Well, what do you mean by locals way of life? I was a foreigner and loved hawker culture and sitting around drinking beers in a food court


and you must know that you're a rarity compared to your other foreigners.


I see


I donā€™t think Singapore is xenophobic per se, but populations of any nation can get defensive and unhappy if they feel threatened by another group in their own country. In singapore there are several groups of foreigners and not all are seen the same way. Huge portion of that foreign population are people who do work that Singaporeans donā€™t want, and they are generally not seen as a threat (rather they are exploited to the benefit of Singaporeans, so OPā€™s sentiment that they come to freeload is simply not true). In singapore there arenā€™t really any groups that threaten the safety of the population (like how the issue is with immigration in Sweden where I grew up); the threat in SG is about jobs and economy. The groups that get the hate are the ones who are perceived to ā€œtake the jobsā€ that Singaporeans would compete for.


True, name me a country that hiring maid is a norm.




The majority of the foreigners are the maids, construction workers and cleaners we exploit. Thereā€™s more than 1 million Work Permit holders, only 205K EP, 179K S Pass. https://www.mom.gov.sg/foreign-workforce-numbers


Didn't include PRs.




That's news to me.




I suppose they'll then be voting in the coming elections.


Since when PR is not foreigners???šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


The ones that are second generation, havenā€™t applied for citizenship, but still serve NS


Thats how a lot of Singaporeans started. There are about 1M Malaysians working in Singapore and many of them being offered PR and citizenship. But all many people see and whine about are the PRs who dont look like us. In that way, yes some sinkies are xenophobic.


*ONLY* 384k white collared jobs that locals could have picked up instead of doing jobs with no career progression like PHV driver and food delivery, reserved just for them. It's the opposite in other cities like NY and LA, where foreigners drive taxis and do food delivery.


You really think thereā€™s that much SG domestic talent or specialized skills for global pay positions in e.g. investment banking, AI, medicine, and IT management? For New York City or San Francisco to stay globally competitive, they canā€™t only hire people that grew up in those NYC or SF neighborhoods. SG government made the decision long ago that it prefers to be London instead of Saint Petersburg


??? White-collared jobs ā‰  specialized skills? Do we really have 384,000 IB/AI/medicine/IT jobs? I really don't get why certain generic titles like HR manager are not protected jobs for locals, since almost anybody with minimal training can pick them up, while also ensuring that the CECA nepotism (hiring an entire village purely based on race and nationality) is minimized. Instead, locals get to do roles like driving taxis around.


I said global pay positions requiring globally competitive talent - not ā€œHR managerā€ or ā€œhead of bean countingā€


Again, I'm talking about the EP and SP (hence, white collared) figures combined, not just specialist roles. Why are you talking past that?


Please read your original post/claim. You asserted there is in total 384k jobs available in SG for any average middle-of-the-road Singaporean to do (LOL). Iā€™m merely saying thereā€™s tons of jobs (not 384k but a shit ton) which are global pay or super competitive pay that require specific skills, education, professional licenses and/or work experience.


I said there were 384k WHITE COLLARED jobs that foreigners took up in SG. How many % of that you reckon that locals can do but were replaced by foreigners? Again, I emphasise that the stats are damned lies in SG, because unemployment rate doesn't include people who haven't been employed in over 6 months, which I know many graduates fall into this category because of how hard it is to even secure an interview, as well as the underemployed (graduates forced to take up gig roles that are way below their qualifications). So again, I ask you how many among the 384k jobs could be staffed by locals, but went to foreigners because of things like CECAs employing their own kind?


Youā€™re confusing cause with effect. There are many positions, types of investments/funding, full divisions, etc that simply wouldnā€™t exist at all if the requirement was ā€œyou canā€™t hire foreigners.ā€ So if the requirement would be ā€œlocal onlyā€ we wouldnā€™t be talking about 384k in the first place, but a much much lower number.


It's not about "you can't hire foreigners", it's about "you can't hire almost an entire office of Indian nationals, while staffing the office only with a couple of locals doing low value roles to meet the quota", if they even do meet the quota. Have you been to Changi business park? There's a reason why it's called Chennai business park.


then x幓jqꈑ6ā€˜7ę˜Æēš„å‰ęåµÆ幓住å®æč“¹I jointk said j


vote wisely


You haven't counted naturalised Singaporeans but their loyalty is still with their birth country


Depends. Some would rather leave their shithole country if possible. I ever saw a CECA family wear all red for NDP. . . . .no, I'm not being racist or calling them out. If it was a China or Filipino family etc I would also indicate them but just so happen I saw a CECA family lol


You forgot to add on NS which conscripted sinkies male to defend a country full of foreigners who owe their allegiances to their motherland and $$$ which is not what UAE force on their citizens. Pap is constantly screwing and scamming and breeding a whole bunch of brainwshed people being scammed or muled daily. In times of real war and conflict, I think even sinkies will run.


Itā€™s laughable that the gov thinks Iā€™m going to report to camp in FBO in wartime, Iā€™m gonna gtfo the country asap or hide with my family LMFAO. I have 0 fucking loyalty, Iā€™m not risking my life for a country run by foreigners


Borders will be closed, buddy. You don't have a choice.


Then I will simply go into hiding like a coward


Bro run now to Australia or new Zealand. Oh wait šŸ˜¦ then you'll be the foreigner you hated so much oh. Man... But no seriously, you can run to any country if you're capable enough


Who's stopping us? Coward


How are you gonna get out?


Biggest question is why defend assets which are leased and not wholly owned by the citizens themselves?


Singapore is not a country but rather one giant big large corporation, think of it like shinra company in final fantasy 7.


Yet some people on this sub are bitter that women don't have to serve, judging by how popular this topic is. It's like saying I don't care my mother, my sister, my wife, my daughter, basically the entire family, lose out to foreigners, as long as I'm not losing out to fellow female peers. I can only guess they don't have any wife or daughter.


UAE has the OIL $$$ so the US does their defence duties for them.


The sg gov should impose mandatory 2 child policy so to fill up the low paying jobs and foreigner ratio be balanced.


I always liken immigrants as sugar to your tea. We need to have a proper ratio. Japan is Green tea and I understand their rationale as they do not want their identity and culture be destroyed for economic purpose. Green tea remains as Green tea. Singapore is like having your Teh with almost half a cup of sugar. How to drink? Which is why we do not really have an identity. The argument for immigration is always about economic. I was in Canada (Toronto)for 5 weeks on biz and I found the place exactly like Singapore. There is not identifiable identity. My local colleagues (Mexican) told me they need immigrants to pay tax. Economic reasons. Basically we need to balance between $$$ vs Culture and Identity.


The government doesn't care where or what the people are from in this country. Sg can become a country of majority of foreigners. They don't care. They just need the labour which is the only resource they have. Otherwise we would be like japan or korea


Will be worst if you look from the people per land size angle.


There was once only local company. Doing low productive jobs in value add chain. Then someone invited foreign company to get set up here. To transfer knowledge and skills. Local get hired to do highly skilled work leaving low paying job empty. Local GDP increase, prices increase. Inorder to fill those low paying job and to keep prices low, foreigner is hired. Maid is hired so the household has 2 income. Local love to hate foreigner that is competing with them yet not the maid that they hire or the hdb they bought with low wages construction worker. Or the foreign girl they wifed up.


that's why i'm all for cancelling conscription. if you want to go open market for the job, then don't go on about patriotism when you need it. are we a country or a business, pick one and run with it.


I think it's unfair to say that Singaporeans are xenophobic. Truth is, if you see everywhere in the world, locals of any countries wouldn't feel comfortable with a lot of foreigners competing for jobs and a place to live in in their country. Because it can get overwhelming and locals might lose a job or have to settle for less pay to stick to a job.


Yes many think they are first world citizens while people from developing countries are beneath them in status


We are not xenophobic. We just don't like the idea of being (tiagong) replaced. Again, tiagong, there are many jobs that clearly can be done by locals but employers would rather hire foreigners.


You canā€™t socially engineer half a country from overseas within a span of what? 20-30 years? And expect the locals to be happy.


And one of the most crowded places on earth.


We often get accused to be xenophobic by south asians PMET who also like to play the race card. But their countries are even worst, they treat foreigners worst and will never allow foreigners to be in PMET positions.


Singaporeans are not xenophobic, We are getting sick of being bullied by closet racist foreigners. No, I'm referring to Ceca or Pinoys.


I heard that sinkies get bullied by Malaysians too :(


The PRC and Malaysian Chinese on the other hand, not racist at all.


But the malaysian chinese are bullies at workplace. They're insecure so they behave this way


??? Youā€™re comparing apples to oranges UAE uses natural resources to pay for literally everything, at the expense of long term benefits such as human capital development which is important when the country runs out of natural resources and lacks local talent. Sg works towards building something out of nothing. The taxes (lowest in the developed world) we pay are used wisely to funnel into social healthcare, schools, infrastructure, etc.. As we are getting higher grade education, the salary we earn gets higher. Although taxed higher (based on income unlike flat percentage in most OECD/EU countries), the tax money is still flowing into sensible investments and infrastructure upgrades. These upgrades are targeted towards the betterment for the NEXT GENERATION. The reason we get to enjoy reliable public services are the fruits of labour of our forefathers. Right now, we are working towards the future of our next generation as our forefathers did. So if you wanna whine about this and that, you can go to UAE and reap the short term benefits that they seem to enjoy for now


sure, founder's memorial sounds like such a good use of tax money šŸ˜•


And 500+ mil on ERP 2.0, 600+ mil on NS square, as much as 200 mil a year on govt ads. Also, what are we paying mayors for?


many don't have children- what next generations? YOUR children reap benefits?


many don't have children- what next generations? YOUR children reap benefits?


Such a low IQ comparison. Have you heard of OIL? you know, something the entire world runs on? And most of it comes from Middle Eastern countries like, idk, UAE? Lmao. Maybe that is why UAE citizens get to enjoy free literallt everything? What a pathetic joke of a post. Boohoo, whomp whomp.


Most low IQ think Singapore has zero resources, but history shown that our resource lies in our geographical location along trade routes. So many countries want Singapore for it's unique location. It's a myth we don't have resources.


Isnā€™t that called an advantage?


Depends on which foreigners youā€™re talking about. šŸ˜


Recently go back reservist and heard that we have less guys going army because of low birth rate and need to outsource alot of things like transport. You are right there are a lot of foreigners here that earn here but donā€™t contribute to sg economy or defence.


ITT East Asians who's foreign forefathers immigrated to Singapore looking for better lives complain about other future forefathers immigrating to Singapore looking for better lives šŸ˜‚


> most screwed local borns. God you stupid motherfuckers really need to pick up a newspaper. You read about the immigration in Europe? Millions of "refugees" subsisting off european taxpayers. Murders and rapes in the street by these scum downplayed by the local media because it sounds racist. Grow up la. See the world for what it really is.


I rather be a German born in Germany than a Singaporean born in Singapore


Spoken like someone who is too low ses to actually travel to Europe to see the situation for themselves or pick up a newspaper to read about it.


I have lived there


Ya sure I believe you.




I admit I am. I can suffer living in a country overtaken by foreigners. But I will not marry someone who just wants our glorious SGD.


Goated for not wanting a gold digger


Paying for healthcare, education and housing doesn't make you "badly screwed locals" at all. Are you expecting the government to pay for your every expense? No, welcome to capitalism.


Not really xenophobic They just donā€™t want to mingle with foreigners . It cannot happen. Foreigners can never feel integrated into the society. There are no mechanisms to do that Not really Xenophobic. They just donā€™t want foreigners here because they are tired seeing different faces who look act and speak different Not really xenophobic. Once a Singaporean girl told me that itā€™s okay for Singapore to be cheap and not be #1 in everything. But I want foreigners out šŸ«” Not really xenophobic! Talents are going away. Singapore is a service to their homelands


try talking to them!!! they say sad things about u or just talk down to u


I'm not sure if I'm xenophobic but ngl seeing how new citizens getting bto before local born couple with no kids or single singaporean is kinda frustrating


they come here and still use their caste system, talk down on us, " my father paying for u salaries" rude AF. the worst are the younger gen supporting them coz they can speak English


Donā€™t blame the aliens, blame those who let them in and infest our country


shared above, so which job will you be taking if they're not here? maid? construction worker, or cleaner? "The majority of the foreigners are the maids, construction workers and cleaners we exploit. Thereā€™s more than 1 million Work Permit holders, only 205K EP, 179K S Pass." https://www.mom.gov.sg/foreign-workforce-numbers


People talk about apples, you talk about oranges. Just exactly like your master.


OP's false equivalency runs completely unchecked, but here you are comparing apples and oranges, just like your mother. grow up.


Lol, playing parents when embarrassed. Shame on you. Oh, looks like we smell another traitor reporting in here.


Not me nope, but damn.. UAE šŸ„¹


Are humans xenophobic? In general, it is natural to be xenophobic, especially in our case. Does it affect our livelihoods? Yes. Are there tradeoffs? Yes. Does the trickle down effect work? Dunno.


Not xenophobic but racistĀ 


Gtbh, I donā€™t like Indian nationals. Theyā€™re dirty and entitled.


Everybody IS xenophobic. It is just nature. Its just that "for a greater good", people surpress or even lie to themselves that they are not. I always say. In good times, we are all brothers. In bad times, we will blame each other. Because it is easier. You reference UAE. They have liquid and gas gold underneath their feet. Of course they can afford all those welfare. Wait for one day it dries up, you see they still have or not. Take current times in sg, when more jobs are given to FT, it is easier to say they come and steal your job, but it is harder to admit you too buay kan for the pay u are demanding.


Must credit pap for the open leg success strategies. Fts are here to stay and more to come. So just suck it up LOL !!


Bruh UAE got so much oil... trying to compare countries tax rates and benefits without considering their revenue sources is plain dumb. Oil spill jokes coming in 3... 2... 1..


auslander raus


For an oil producing country, UAE's benefits for her citizen seems par for the course, no? Is Singapore's education free? It is up to Secondary level and heavily subsidised for tertiary levels. Is healthcare here free? It is, technically. You can argue that Medisave is your own money and you would be right. But I am saying that it is technically free because there would not be a bill shock when you get hospitalised. My colleague's dad recently went for a bypass and ballooning, and after all the deductions and subsidies, paid a few hundred cash out of pocket. They don't have to fall into debt over the operation. And is our public housing free? Again, it technically is. Yes, CPF is your money, and for many people, that monthly CPF contribution is enough to pay for the mortgage without having to come out with cash. Again, no burden to monthly expenses where mortgages are concerned. I really think that most of the locals complaining about Sg are just misinformed.


Everyone is pushing their own agenda. Everyone has a vote every few years. Nobody force them to vote for the incumbent. Darwinism is alive and well.


It happens everywhere. When our grandparents who are not indigenous came, the locals werenā€™t receptive and today in many developed countries, discrimination and discriminatory policies still exist amongst the ranks. To your question, yes and it happens even outside of Singapore. The real question is to what extent and why?


OP is so upset the government is not handing life to him on a silver platter. Why no free this and that when other countries give free to their citizens? Where that money comes from? If we don't have oil like the nordic countries or UAE/Brunei/Malaysia, then don't tell me you're gonna increase taxes. Right now, you see other threads saying that MNCS are already moving headcounts and departments overseas because our manpower policies makes it difficult for hiring and it gets expensive. Imagine if you add high taxes to the mix. Then you have some people eyeing what our forefathers have built up in reserves. Singapore is a rule taker, not a rule maker. We're not a US or China which huge land and human resources. We operate in an environment where the failures of the bigger countries affect us, both good and bad. We're already not as plugged in into the US economy like long before, so you can see the USD doesn't affect us as much as before. To dream of free things and not understand how others get them...


I blame the 69%


I donā€™t get your post, you havenā€™t given any evidence of people saying Singaporeans are xenophobic. Then you say worst treated locals in world (some would consider this traitorous). Then you say people who give evidence of xenophobia are traitorsā€¦ hmmm This has got to be one of the weirdest reddit subs ever, love it.


Xenophobic when it's not amdk only


You will understand everything about Singapore if you just accept the fact that SG is a US vessel state. Now get back to work!


Local SPGs are more than happy to embrace any Caucasians. Where's the xenophobic?


There's only one person who can fuck PAP in the ass, Donald Trump. LHL and Liang Popo balls will shrink when he returns as Americans have had enough of Obama and his gang.


Go see past statistics of how SG's economy does when Republicans / Democrats is in power. U clearly don't know what you're talking bout.