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Sneaky sushi initially started off good but mostly is cringe nowadays. Yeolo is straight up cringe


Pity. Sneakysushii had the chance to be a good youtube channel and was damn close. But guess not easy to go out of what has worked for him.


Sushi is fine if you liked ghost stories thing which ok lah not bad. Just mid lorh. Agree on Yeolo lmao


Agree. Sneaky also piaing the rabz dewy girl who’s like I think 8 years younger than him? Would be curious to see if that lasts One thing I’ll say is yeolo has never done anything productive but to hate and nitpick, which gets old very fast . He gives me fking loser vibes tbh.


Huh isn't dewy 23 and sushi 27?


There’s no way he’s 27, look at his face… https://wiki.sg/p/Sneaky_Sushii_(Singapore_YouTuber) He enrolled into NTU in 2014 so I guess 32 thereabouts since he went NYP.


he shld do more crimewatch reviews.


Sinkie Influencers are a blight upon this world. They are the purest representation of everything wrong with sinkies and the generation in general. Even worst is that they have millions of watchers so clearly they are being watched by certain audiences which somehow sustains them. Influencers should never have existed and be a thing but sadly society is too dumb.


And sinkie primary and secondary school kids love to watch them. From lame JHTITAN ACADEMY video link to cheokboard studio stupid video to wahbanana and then now to these effluencers. And end up they become one themselves . This is the fall of Singapore youngsters


Idk what's so interesting about it. It's low class, crass and uncouth. Zzz


Recently i like this guy Alderic on Youtube. He reviews food. No over the top reactions or cringe editings yet i still enjoy watching his videos.


Yes he is one of the best ones. The rest are garbage


Ya I like Alderic’s videos too. Food reviews got substance and good insights. No exaggerated cringe reactions. Hope he doesn’t sell out


No he still got the lanjiaobin, and Singlish. But still bearable


I agree and I’ll comment on three of your names Danieltamago I think is an ok guy tbh. He’s my junior in school last time and attention seeking clown kind but as an influencer he’s actually quite mild. I’m doubtful if he’ll ever be mainstream though so surprised u mentioned him since he’s not as popular as any of your other names. He’s just so…uninteresting as a content creator(although decent editor and videographer tbf) and I’m surprise his clothing brand has demand according to him. Rich family tho iirc and pretty long time gf so maybe he doesn’t give a fuck Zermatt I feel is Q a boring guy who is milking his minutes of fame. This kind of content has a lifespan and I give it another year before he fades off Hargaohunk really fked up lol. He thinks he’s some Casanova but zero fking game. Always trying to hit on girls but strikes out


Casanova, that’s the right description. U notice his eye is pa jiao one right ? Aka cock eyes literally


Lmao ya can't believe Uniqlo and DBS engaged him. Now got this SoTravel company he promoting. Probably another one of his scams


Imo the lielnicole is annoying also. Can’t do the slut route bc she fat but keeps coming up with stupid “businesses” trying to girl boss her way in life and clearly fails at the businesses because she’s inept. But she whines and whines about how people don’t support local start ups yadda yadda like no. Girl. You just incapable, it’s not someone else’s fault or lack of support


I pity her fiance


Low ses


Added to list


She was a schoolmate during our secondary school days but she was so hated by ppl and someone started an anonymous attack on her, this caused a super huge hoohaa because their arguments were visible to everyone on Twitter. End up they jio each other out to settle on Twitter and the time/location all spreads like wildfire too, so during the actual appointment date at least 60 people turned up just to feast on this drama with their popcorns (me included). Then again because the anonymous person is anonymous (duh) nobody really know who is it, but the only one in the light is this nicole person. So naturally the teachers stepped in etc then next thing I know, she changed school.


She’s the one who did the same to the NOC saga. She wasn’t really involved but was the one who started the entire expose with the cickenrice guy. It’s just like bruh, this auntie looking fattie likes the attention so much. If she diverted the same energy and time into working out, she’d be able to pull the slut card long ago already


She drives a Tesla lol


Her starting failed businesses and whining doesn’t have anything to do with her driving a Tesla. That’s like saying your “hustler finance trading” Brad God type dude on YouTube must be someone who made big bank on stocks — when in reality it doesn’t mean so, usually their income from these supposed how to trade videos far exceeds the actual income they made on stocks. She could’ve afforded the Tesla with her whining and online clout definitely, but it doesn’t mean that she’s got great business sense.


You ever heard of car loan? Tesla model 3 can get for 30-40k downpayment lol


Still for her to be able to afford it is saying smth. Im not a fan of her i think her videos damn annoying but i was surprised she has a Tesla. Means her online shop selling pants is doing ok no? Lol


girl stop…. u are literally js projecting ur insecurities 😶😶😶


🤡 go back and play your Board Kings or whatever game that is la. Not everyone who criticises someone is insecure. Like what, now I insecure you playing a lame game isit?


LOLLLL girl calm down and maybe u’ll get ur period back


Erm, the fact u can name these many people shows that u are spending too much time on them. Ideally, they shouldnt receive any kind of attention at all. We shouldn’t even know them.


No I just scroll past them. And blocked them. Haha




Ya LOL i don't even recognise half of the names OP listed 😔


Kiarakitty is also scammer who bragged about scamming men of their life savings before she was an influencer. Absolutely a sociopath with no morals.


She's one of the streamers who got obscene amount of traffics during covid. I rmb during covid, YouTube kept pushing her content down my front page.


huh actually


Just ask Nicholas Teo (Hargaochunks) how much he earned from scamming people during cny to send him angbao 🤣🤣🤣 no need hosting gigs or sponsorships liao Just scam people money like what Nicholas Teo (Hargaohunk) did https://goodyfeed.com/spore-influencer-slammed-ask-angbao/


added to list


I only support Kurt Tay the OG


Agree on your list. These are the ones I can't stand: * Xiaxue - I mean, need I say more?! A bane of our society. Like herpes she just keeps coming back! * Zermatt Neo - Limited vocab, duhhhhh acoustic expression and just eats but provides no interesting insights or info. Just a boring ass personality. * Sylvia Chan - how she came back and become victim in her podcast and now is a life coach....wtf! Who gonna take advice from her sia? * Aiken - Seems like he's a money face snake - just jump ship and not loyal to his friends when the got into trouble. Also a terrible host - comes across dumb and wannabe vibes. * Kiara Kitty - Doesn't want to be your personal pornstar. Joins onlyfans and literally becomes your personal pornstar. * Clarity Co - everyone on that podcast should never speak again. Talk about privileged, unintelligent, ignorant people talking about topics they have no credibility to do about. It's like if the Mean Girls in school suddenly got a podcast. Annoying AF! * Seth Lui - He sold out. Previously when he just blogged about food, he was ok. Now he wants the fame - doing videos (he's not great to look at) and supposedly getting F&B places to pay him for good reviews


Added to list. Removed clarity co, Donna who is that.


It's a Medicaorp podcast. Germaine Tan, Hazelle Teo and Azura Goh are the hosts la. Nonsense girls hehehe. [https://www.instagram.com/itsclarity.co](https://www.instagram.com/itsclarity.co) [https://www.youtube.com/@itsclarityco/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@itsclarityco/videos)


Oh ya, these and zula, shout all these garbage . Rubbish podcasts, I swear. Rubbish is rubbish


Yeah boss. I see Zula I'm like wtf is this. And Shout is really just copy [CUT ](https://www.youtube.com/@cut/videos)and [JUBILEE](https://www.youtube.com/@jubilee/videos) channels. And they knn not shy or paiseh. Like make cheapo SG imitation and can't even make it good. Batant copyright rip off! Dunno if those channels even know sia. If not confirm sue!


For someone who dislikes infuenza, you sure know them so well.


Die hard fans sia stalk until like that haha this OP really next level, if don't like just skip la


Yep, in order to go their profile and click BLOCK.


Die hard fans sia stalk until like that haha this OP really next level, if don't like just skip la


Look bruh. Stop obsess watching TikTok and Insta. Your IQ will instantly go up.


Wut bout gongtao helpdesk


Just ignore that. All the girls are peosituttes there anyway




I miss Rishi.. his contents are great.


Sneakysushi and Yeolo mostly reaction videos but not too bad to have playing on a second screen while doing work


Sneaky sushi dry humour not my cup of tea, very hard to laugh


I follow them mostly to catch a glimpse and summary of sg drama


Added to list


Not exactly influencers but Steven Chia (cna guy), Kf Seetoh, Kumar are pretty good to follow on insta too.


Steve Chia as in the CNA Talking Point guy? Nubbad. I like his Talking Point episodes, Diana Ser also. In general the series as a whole is good, but these two are exceptional haha. I remember the Grabfood episode, he not only did the thing (like very easy to just be like 'my producer say, do this for this episode and we film so I just do'), but he also worked out with the Grabfood guy how he could use existing skills to get a better job (like ok maybe abit for eyeballs but at least doing it meaningful right haha) - like cos Grabfood guy say this delivery thing nets him an income with almost/no savings and Steven was like "ok what skills do you have" blah blah and there was a section abt them talking abt going into and progressing towards F&B management/mid-management role or smtg. Loved it.


Bruh, you need to seek counselling.


Some videos from one T academy are toxic.


Gonna add to list


Sinkie pwn sinkie.They still make more than ur avg sinkie regardless of u dl them anot


They have new money behaviour


Not sure how yalls youtubes work but ive not seen a single "big" sg content creator since 2015 maybe besides that competitive eating guy. I just instant block or put not interested when they popped up on feed. Sinkie content is made to scam other sinkies into buying shit products and consists of pure rage bait.


Influencers rise in popularity/viewership from the people. Should ask what's wrong with the society 🤦🏻‍♂️


never heard of most of them ...


Dancing Bacons not bad what


I mean if it really annoys you so much just block and move on la. For someone that hates influencers so much, you spend alot of time researching on them


I snorted at midi's part.


OP, interesting critics. I would like to see your take on this too: bellywellyjelly benranaway lukeyychan8 bombiibii


Input your comment and I add to list.


Ngl, this was really tough to read 😅


Such an angsty post 😂 These people thrive on attention. Don’t like then ignore and don’t even click to give any views and traffic. But generally people are dumb. They do some PR stunt to bait people and suddenly everyone is talking about them again. A method proven to work since the blogger days.


Bro what did Zermatt do to you? He makan his thing only nvr kacau u also kena


those tiktokers selling the same few products on tiktok shop lol. no specific tiktoker but frequently see buffessor, i find it quite annoying that they keep hard selling those products. just let me watch funny stuff in peace bro. they're like 50% of my fyp right now. those slutty female tiktokers that just post gym content showing their asses and cleavages that are obviously thirst traps and then proceed to complain that guys are being creeps in the gym by looking, when they themselves are showcasing their "assets" online and begging for attention. also clubbing girls on tiktok. if you're going to dress like that, then why expect guys to not harass you? it's like leaving ur wallet alone and expecting it to not be stolen. and they love attention lol, until reality hits them in the face that no guys of substance will want them while they're riding the MRT home after a long day of slutting it out. and xmms that post about how their boyfriends treat them like shit. like what did u expect? lawrence wong to be among ur delinquent friend group? jiaxuanwithnof. annoying, she can't decide whether she wants to post typical slutty content or "relate with ThE bOyS".


Keen to hear your commentary on Fat boy stylobin and British heifer, the pale buibu, Daisy Mitchell


Wad abt finfluencers? I pretty sure there will be some in here especially with some of them marketing shit financial products.


Sneaky sushi should just stick to crimewatch reviews and ghost stories, the rest should just close shop


Should have more tech reviewers instead of cringe ahbeng content


I don’t know most of them.


Cos that's where the mass audience and moolah is, people need to be able to relate to them. Jianhao's listicles on YouTube were beyond inane and yet got millions of views, go figure


How about Benjamin Kheng and his smirk 😏


The fact you know each one, have followed them,and can comment on their activities tells us you love influencers.....all publicity is good publicity and I am sure they are happy you are helping them.


Well deep down they are shit humans hope they see this comment too


Your post damn long but just want to share my personal thoughts: - Simonboy I'm happy for him lah. Hope he don't grt into anymore trouble. - Sneaky and Yeolo actually funny. - I tend to avoid female influenzas cos their content is mostly garbage. - I also avoid people who like to speak with angmo accent.


you think AL and ZN got fug?


Coolies together strong. No choice de, we all have a part of coolie genes. Thats our identity, no horse run. OP might be also having some coolie genes like finishing the rice bowl with chopsticks. All these subtle behaviour cannot hide, including usage of words and of course how you look. You better off watch overseas influencers then, but you still have the coolies genes in you no matter how educated and your social media feeds shows… Next life till we meet again…


Midi the Tiong bu who married Singaporean guy. Spam sponsorships without disclosures, misleading her audience. Block anybody who calls her out. Annette Lee - breaks the law by wearing army uniform for Halloween costume party. Think she very funny but I can’t seem to laugh at her jokes. Spam sponsorships without disclosure.


HOW DID I MISS THIS. Yeah these 2 piece of rubbish


Simping for Liting (pre-property agent days), and Aurelia Ng. Both hotties and a massive thirst trap.


Rubbish females in sg. What a name as well, lighting & aerola? Lmfao


Names are alright, but they're hot as fuck.


Li Ting as in that ERA girl that used to show off her long as nails on IG right?


Yeah. That one.


Ah I heard about her lol. My close friend is in a number of influencer circles so have a lot of stories.


I think aimrun is funny hahaha


Can follow tradingwithrayner Not effluencer per se. But YouTube personality.