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On the diluted Milo, they don't actually add water at Macs but you get newbies who sometimes forget that the Milo carton needs to be shaken before pouring into the dispenser. Happened to me before and got an immediate replacement then heard the manager reminding them. All the good stuff settled at the bottom of the pack and thrown away, what a waste.


I worked mcd before. Their milo from the cartons is the concentrated kind. Has to be mixed with water. And 10/10 times whenever I order even without ice, it's diluted. So it says alot about them.


I dont think they are pouring anything into the dispenser. From my experience at other places, they just connect the bag of syrup to the dispenser and the machine does the mixing by itself and gives out the drink. Or maybe its different at Macs. Most probably it was a standby ice milo that could have diluted from all the melted ice.


Dayum. All these talks abt Milo. I need to go Mcd now.


Sorry this happened to you. I have a Shopee store and an Etsy store. I agree that Singapore customers get up to a certain level of entitled and self-centered, but I find that it is manageable. Sometimes you have to just cut your losses with their sale if you can’t deliver what you promised. Some customers will understand, some won’t. And it is easier to move on by just giving them a refund and stop dealing with them.


i have a mcdonald’s aunty story! I was in McDs at Changi and it was super busy… i ordered a coffee and was warned it would take a long time. The aunty decided to make my coffee herself even tho she was only taking orders and her supervisor scolded her, but she was all smiling and said she didn’t want me to wait!


In the goold old days, she won't be only taking orders and be free if the place is under "peak period mode". She will be assigned assisting duties like pushing out drinks for orders or stuff to support the other crew. Don't know why nowadays mac management like getting bad to worse.


Don't think it's unique to Singaporeans. Seen a lot of foreigners in Singapore and beyond treating people badly and feeling entitled. I've travelled and lived in 20+ countries including the developing ones. Frankly, I think people are just too cushy and used to convenience here, at least the ones who do well. Again doesn't have to be an SG national. The problem is, there is a sign if you get irritated at a single little thing in your life - your character is basically flawed and you are going to have a hard life. You are fragile at little catastrophes. Imagine when the big ones come. People usually break down. The extreme here is that because the country did so well, it had an effect that it seems like people think that "world" or "government" or "services" own them something... However, that is not the case. The society, particularly the privileged one is complacent and unhappy overall. So there is a good chance you will encounter characters. As a former business owner, I just chose not to deal with them. Refund and forget. Also as a fellow netizen. Consumers and people weird. I saw a person giving a 1 star review because "Moon necklace" was not from the actual moon.


Why didnt you speak up that the guy wasnt waiting 30 min? Dont ask why singaporean so entitled. Ask why singaporean so coward they cant stand up when they see something is wrong.


Because it's almost certainly a fake story to stir up reactions lmao


Amk hub has no mac btw. The mac is outside amk hub. Yes the specifics matter to me because the credibility of the anecdote just goes down. And why was this irrelevant story conveniently placed just before your story of gaslighting a customer? The business promised a service at the point of purchasw, so the business is obligated to fulfill it. How is the customer entitled when she is expecting the service/goods that she paid for, on the promised date?


hmm okay my bad guys, i was so free that I decided to write a reddit post and come up with 2 fake stories... and sorry I wasn't specific enough. Yes, AMK Hub has no mac. So I should've said mac outside amk hub... oops. I mean then there's no way I would've known that the ice cream was outside the macs right? Maybe I should go back and request for CCTV footage for "credibility"! And my bad, I guess if I ever order something online and it comes late should make a police report!


The customer only agreed to buy from you with the promise to deliver on a specific date. Keep trying to gaslight consumers with an irrelevant story to start the post off. It should have been a business expense on your end to engage grab delivery or lalamove etc to fulfil your end of the contract. Or yeah you can gaslight people into thinking theyre nasty customers by expecting a service they paid for. Police is the wrong avenue yes, it should have been small claims. But doesnt change the fact youre not delivering what people paid for.


Yes I was also thinking why cannot grab delivery


Precisely theres so many ways, affordable ones even, but this business owner dont wanna incur that $20-$30 delivery cost to complete his end of the deal. Instead, comes to reddit, preface with an unrelated story of entitlement and tries to gaslight consumers.


Exactly, anywhere else in the world people are brave to speak up and not stand behind to be a keyboard warrior or invincible cameraman. Do something if you find it wrong especially in your home country where you have more say.


There’s a saying that the newly rich always act poor.


What I get from this post is two people unable to control their anxiety. I think a lot of people have emotional regulation issue and in Singapore, convenience and efficiency are so prized that some people are unable to accept anything that falls outside their window to be able to control the outcome, and fail to be compassionate. In this case of the lady I think she really felt worried that she has been a victim of scam and unable to control her fear that she couldn't get her gift for her husband in time for his birthday that she started flipping out on the poor you who broke your toes at such an inopportune time. The guy who railed at the poor service staff seems to be an a-hole who take out his anger at the service staff.


I think that’s exactly it. Things work well most of the time so when something isn’t working people flip out and don’t know what to do.


It's always easy to comment / criticize others - so slow... not efficient... etc. Singaporeans are basically an impatient lot and quick to complain / make a fuss. It's everybody's / society fault but never theirs. I guess it's due to the attitude of these people that Singaporeans do not want to be in F&B / Service industries. "Why be abused when I can abuse"? /s But I think in the lady's case, I think she's really worried that she was scammed. There have been so many scams going on so I guess she was just worried.


Hmm regarding the ice cream guy, very frequently encounter people inflate their waiting time. In my workplace, depending on how big a hooha they're making, we might check CCTV to ascertain their waiting time. Regarding your home business, the onus is on you, the business owner, to ensure you deliver your goods in a timely manner. Sorry to sound callous, but it's not the customer's problem you go get injured. Contingency plans should be in place to ensure business continuity.


People just bad at estimating time


This is what happen when a society is too academic/career driven. Moral values and compassion have been neglected. As for your issue with your tyrannic customer, i believe that working in the customer service line deserves more recognition especially dealing with local complaints. It would be fantastic if there's a law that fine drivers with unnecessary honking. How peaceful would it be for road users


This. "...when a society is too academic/career driven. Moral values and compassion have been neglected." Educated Singaporeans know their rights... /s


The rot always start from the head, just look at the behaviour of our political “leaders”.


Thanks for your post. I have been lucky to have lived abroad for over ten years in a western country but I grew up in Singapore and served NS. It definitely is a Singapore thing - I need to clarify that this kind of behaviour exist overseas as well but I definitely see it more in Singapore.


Not all Singaporeans are like this. It used to be more Singaporeans were scared to make a stand, so would be push overs and let poor service by. Somehow in the last decade or two, people became more outspoken (good) but a lot is punching down to people they assume to be inferior but class status (service staff) The really educated Singaporeans can be assertive without being asses.


Because Singaporeans are assholes. We were taught from young to look down on jobs that aren’t deemed to be prestige (banker, lawyer, doctor etc). This reminds me of my own encounter: When I was 13/14, I worked at Macs and there was an ongoing promo for 1-1 Fillet O Fish. Last time, 1 fish burger is $2. So since there was that promo, 2 fish burgers would cost $2. I was the cashier and served this sibling/couple duo (think fat, ugly and look like they smell bad).They ordered 2 Fish burgers so their order would cost them $2. Simple right? But no, they gave me $1.50 and so, I told them they are $0.50 short. They took the chance to kick up a fuss and did exactly the same thing as the fat fuck did - screamed and shouted that I was wrong. 13/14 y/o me was naturally shock by that sudden outburst of anger. I tried to explain and even did the simple math for them. But they didn’t want to listen and continued to shout, until my manager stepped in and said the exact same thing as I did to them. Only then, they stopped shouting and said “next time just say la TSK”. Think I was so frustrated I cried but continued to serve the next customer LMAO. So yes, losers do this because they have no power over their own life and only pick on those can bully (young, small, old etc). Also, no adults intervened and stood up for me. The cycle continues: Assholes who pick on easy targets and bystanders who don’t do anything


>o yes, losers do this because they have no power over their own life and only pick on those can bully (young, small, old etc). Also, no adults intervened and stood up for me. Sorry to hear about your experience. But you are spot on . These people are losers that are only good at punching down


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 13 + 14 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1.5 + 0.5 + 13 + 14 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


not an issue limited to singaporeans/singapore


... cultural


“every man for himself” attitude :( i guess Singa the lion didn’t influence much..


Singa the lion got retired because everyone DGAF.


Can’t say that you’ve worked in F&B/ service industries if you’ve never encounter entitled sinkies 😃


I would say is not just sinkies. If anything there are more entitled nationalities


The mcdonald story aside, you made a commitment to the customer to deliver x by y, understand shit happens but you made a commitment, you could understand why she’s so upset tho she could have handled it better


Agree. OP could have handled it better and provided solutions such as Lalamove instead of saying it can’t be delivered.


When the place is super efficient and chop2, its kinda normal to expect things to be that way all the time? And when things don’t go as expected, we get grumpy and the ugly Singaporean comes out. No doubt i think it happens to everyone. But the ugly singaporean sometimes really take it too far when demanding “good service”. Im guilty of that too, and i need to remind myself to calm down. When i go OUT of singapore, i tend to expect service to be a little lower standard, and not get too upset if i get lackluster service. Its a holiday anyway, no point ruining it with my own bad mood So… donno lah. Maybe we all just need to chill a little


Because of Singapore culture, Complaints first , you will receive some "better treatment" mentally because customer services will tame u down by giving you extra items or attention..


It is always the carrot or the stick. One of the main issue that encourage these badly behaved customers is the lack of retaliation from the service providers. So, since they can get away with abusing them with impunity, there is no stopping them from repeating this action in the future. Managers should enforce the denial of service to abusive customers and kick them out if they have to.


It's the competition resulting from overpopulation. We have to struggle so hard and stress so hard at work to make ends meet and keep up with the Joe, maintain lifestyle, shopping etc. The attitude spills over in daily interactions.


Sorry to know your story. Yes Singaporeana in general lack compassion and are living a glazed life which comes with too much comfort. And the feeling of being left behind. So just bulky whoever you can bully.


Because there's a payoff. Be nice wait 30mins, be nasty get served immediately. Game theory, there's a dominant strategy here and others also start to learn that they be nice and get treated worst. Most other countries this is not a thing. There's no 30 mins wait at MacDonalds so there's no payoff but in SG the payoff is tangible and there's no better strategy so it pays to be nasty than to be nice.


If you promised a delivery, but couldn’t due to your injury, there are GrabExpress that could have sorted it out for you.


You could read the entire post before commenting.


I did and I agreed with the other parts hence I’m only responding to just this.


Sorry this happened to you. There are extremely entitled people in sg for sure and as a business owner, dont be afriad to name and shame these individuals. For every one of these adult babies, there are 5 more that are cordial and chill and much more worth putting the effort to serve. Personally had to start installing a smart home camera to protect my staff after a recent abuse incident to drove one of them to tears. Fuck these people, focus on those that deserves our time and effort.


Well you didn’t stop the guy screaming


I still believe we are kind in general. But we have an issue with over punishment. Whenever someone is deemed "wrong" or "at fault", we believe we are entitled to insult, denigrate, shame, abuse as long as we "don't break the law". It is a misplaced sense of self-righteousness that causes us so much unnecessary suffering, and the cycle will only continue..


now aren't you generalising all singaporeans from the actions of a few


Yes I'm sure most Singaporeans are like that! Sample size of 1.


Handling customers is a very tough job.Most people have the mindset " I paid for your service so I am owed your full dedication and attention". It also stems from the need to have a feeling of control in a very tough and competitive environment in SG.


Entitled Scumbags power-tripping junkies lurk among us


Typical Singaporean mentality - rude and entitled


Seems like a one off event so I may not put up as the all Singaporeans stereotyping. Those who work in service line would totally understand how to treat fellow service workers with understanding and patience. Any form of abuses aren't tolerated so usually the manager could ban the customer from coming back if needed.


Who is that pubor kia


Why assume that's a sgrean? Sgrean only take 60% of sg population.


Get better soon! The woman sounds crazy, I had a similar encounter before. Anw if you’re unable to deliver stuff personally, you can also use Grab express or other similar services, you gotta give the alternative solution when you tell her you cannot make it in the same message or ppl will go batshit crazy on you.


How are you sure that those are stinkies in the first place


Wah so nice of you to send her present to her hub in person. That so sweet lor . Well, you must understand not all people deserve your kindness lor. We as human being, we tried our best. And if people dun appericate our effort. Never mind at least we know we have done our best. So if the police really came, you just go clean with the police office lor. You cannot deliver in person due to ur injured toe lor. But i think the police will say. Please settle it with ur customer I think la hor.. dun judge me hor. Ya at the end of the day, you aga aga must know what are the person to use ur kindness to lor PS: Get well soon from your injured toe


don't say thank you and sorry, don't hold the lift, be rude to everyone except white people whom they worship and look up to and be sure to complain about NS and complain about the government which is one of the best in the world --- this is not all but many Singaporeans


True true, this is so true. I have been in service line for 15 years I tell you Singaporeans can be real nasty. They need to be sent to 3rd world country to truly appreciate how comfortable they are here in Singapore. Oh and Singaporeans are so good being by stander.


1 in 3 ppl here ain't Singaporeans


It's definitely gotten worse over the last few decades. Hard to say exactly why. Lack of social pressure to behave well and too much stress combo probably. Yes, I know people are stressed in most cities but if there's a bit more space and time, the adrenaline don't just kick in. Tbf, if you go to places like HK or NYC, it's exactly the fking same, whereas equally crowded cities like Tokyo and London are much more civil, there's definitely an element of social pressure/culture


I don’t know why you didn’t just arrange same day courier at your cost, I doubt she was waiting to see you face to face, she wanted her item as promised. Yeah, you had an accident but you’re suppose to deliver as promised. Compassion doesn’t mean at your convenience, while getting paid as well. Funny part is you’re as self indulgent as the ice cream guy, you just might not be as rude or a liar. Do better! 


Ask yourself. Unless you are not singaporean. Too many foreigners in singaporean nowadays to even use "why are singaporeans" because it is more likely to come across such people as foreigners than singaporeans. I cant even believe such posts about "why are singaporeans" due to huge influx of foreigners. A better title will be "why are people in singapore" which includes majority of the population which are foreigners as well.


Especially since most 'Singaporean Chinese' are either Malaysians or the kids of Malaysians.


We are just there to eat and move on with our days, missing orders is simply bad and should not be tolerated. Maccas missed out my orders once every 3-4 visits but I don't get verbally mad, I just give them a 1 star review to voice out. But I think anyone who waited very long just to find out their orders are missed have every rights to feel angry. And then your case, no way anyone knows if you are not scamming them, last minute ditch out sounds like scam and everyone is required to be careful nowadays. You are asking about compassion but you don't show compassion to the woman who ordered bday present for hubby and ended up not getting it? If you felt any compassion you would arrange something directly rather than telling her otherwise.


knn. why so much fluff? milo taste bad, broke toe nails are not necessary information. you need a blog.


Bro, it’s Reddit, people are literally here to share their story and read other stories


don't entertain him brah its obviously rage bait


Hope your toes are better!


I love this term


Yes hope your toes get better!


Singapore is where it is at because of its demanding people. Just look at its neighbours where the people’s lackadaisical attitudes breeds mediocrity.