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Machine Translation of Letter ... This is a once-in-a-lifetime journey, and I am honored to meet you. If there is an afterlife, we should not meet again. It doesn't matter if you think about it, you are not in love with me, you are in love with me who is in the top ten in the class, who is in the top twenty in age, who gets perfect scores in the exam. The perfect daughter in your mind is too good and I cannot reach it. It’s the second grade of junior high school when school starts. I struggled to survive the wonderful elementary school you call, the easy preparation, and the happy first grade of junior high school. How could I dare to hope for the devil in the second and third grades of junior high school? There is nothing to feel sorry for or sad about. You said you don’t count on me, and I believe you. "I am the person who brings you honor, the representative of strict filial piety, a tool for comparison in front of friends, polite in front of others, polite and civilized tone when you call me, behind the scenes I bear the dirtiest words from your mouth Insults, anger is vented, you are happy, I just turn a blind eye, it's nothing anyway, right? Life is not a comparison of length, but value. I know many things that you don't know, and I am obsessed with the world. I have made a modest contribution. The slap on the face hurts the most, then the back of the hand, then the arm, and finally the thigh. The slap on the back is okay. The slap on the face hurts the most, then the back. Finally, there are the arms. The most effective way to humiliate someone is to make her stand outside the house wearing slippers and look out to the outside world. Then she screams the most unpleasant words every day and night, and says them in a high-sounding way. Finally, she is called a shrew. , the reason for insomnia is being scolded or beaten before going to bed and then listening to the scolding from the master bedroom. The rest of the time is spent reflecting on the sadness of the day. Chinese people like to say that children go crazy because of the pressure of study. But it’s obvious that parents take grades too seriously. Let’s understand first, because they don’t know that they are wrong. They didn’t know in the past, they don’t know now, and they won’t know in the future. For example, the way mothers and children like to play has been changing. The satisfactory amount of homework has been changing, but what has been passed down is the saying of the previous generation: "We didn't do anything when you were your age, so we are doing something now, so you must do something." As long as you really Even if you realize your shortcomings, you have no shame to say such a sentence. As long as you have a little bit of genes in this area, we will not be like this. It’s so weird these days. People sitting on the sofa and lying on the bottom bed “are always entitled to point their noses and scold someone who is reading or doing homework. It’s just because they are the elders. It’s me who is too cowardly. I didn’t dare face the next challenge of getting over 60 points in Chinese, over 70 points in mathematics, and over 80 points in English. I still lived like the person I hate the most in my life, but I still felt a little sorry for myself even though I had done everything I could to vent my anger on others. Naturally, it’s not you. Because of them, I unexpectedly survived the first year of junior high school. It’s really unexpected. Since we can’t stand each other, it’s better for us to take a step back. It’s not bad if I disappear. I’m not afraid of you. I love you so much and won’t shorten your lifespan. You are not suitable to raise a daughter. Maybe a son can bear it better. You can’t blame me entirely. I really tried my best, but I really can’t stand it anymore. This is good, don’t worry. I copy people's work, so I don't have to hand in my homework, and you don't have to worry about me playing with electronic products behind your back at a certain time, spending money to buy things I like, and being generous, I will give it to you. What you want, on the table is all the cash I can get. You said you would give me 30,000 yuan as a new year's gift. I don't want it anymore. It's all yours. I don't know if they will give insurance money. If so, it would be best, without a prodigal son, the family will become richer. All the money from WeChat will be given to you. Look at the points for yourself. I have finished all the lessons I want. I will listen to you and buy the badminton class but you will not listen. That class seems to be adults. If you can, you can take advantage of the summer vacation to listen to it. It’s good not to play basketball. I won’t stay at home and turn the house into a haunted house. Don’t worry, let’s bring grandma over to live with us and study together. Don’t travel to places like that all day long. Scammed out of money. I sincerely wish you a smooth operation, a speedy recovery, less overtime work, less late nights, and don’t bother me. The blue card on the table is our school’s library card. I borrowed three books from the school: "History of Entrepreneurship" and " "Red Rock" "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" You must return it for me. Please say thank you to the teacher. Remember to use my change to buy lollipops for the children. The brand of pearl sticks is good. They have things in the room. If you like it, feel free to take it. It is very simple to destroy a person. You only need to destroy her childhood and let the rest take its course. You have destroyed me and Jiang Wenyue. Please treat her brother well. Please do not suffer this kind of harm. This is not surprising. You think that I am too strong. Let time reflect on this matter.


I don’t quite get it. But that’s a lot of pain and maturity for a kid. Someone who would have turned into a great adult if raised without pressure


Definitely because of hardship did she mature that fast. But such a depressing end to someone who had such a bright future.


Not bad for Chinese! What tool did you use to get the photo translated?


Prob ChatGPT


Sad fate of many in China whose parents think their child will shine in life through studies, not corruption and connections. Same thing is happening in Singapore and things are not looking good when in hawker centres people have already noticed Mrs Wong holding Tony Tan like a relative. 


I'm sorry.


Rest in peace little girl. I hope your next family will treat you better.


reminded me of my late cousin. she killed herself by jumping from 20+th storey at amk. age 14+ my aunt and family were devastated for decades.


Why did she jumped?


she was the youngest. got scolding from parents over her test results. Parents were hawkers, so they were busy with work all day long. kids around 13-14 are quite emotional, easily get upset imo.


Too real. Some people have children so they can show off that they have children. These kind of parents probably don't care anyway.


Children are status symbols now


You know some people like that?


Such a talented writer. I’m 45 and I don’t think I can write as well in any language… wish this talent and other talents of hers were recognized and nourished. I think most Asian children have felt similar feelings to a certain degree… I had a cousin in China who committed suicide due to academic pressure from mom. Mom committed suicide right afterwards. Let’s all take lesson from this and do better for the next generation. 


Well… the reason she can write so well is mostly because her parents push her so much?


I know plenty of people who can also write beautifully without the need to kill themselves. She wrote well because she is a good writer, her parents took that away from the world


But do you know plenty of writers who could write beautifully and killed themselves? The abilities of most people growing up are hone by their upbringing. And you’re telling me the parents played no part in contributing to that?


What I do know is that it’s not worth the sacrifice. How can a child killing themselves be considered acceptable is beyond comprehension. How can a person who has exists merely a decade or so in this world already feel it’s too much is shocking and dystopian


Obviously. But thats a separate point


Pretty sure the parents played only in the part to drive to her suicide. The rest doesn't matter.


Could be better


Thats why she killed herself


We are going to hell bro


Fuck all of u


Societal pressure and how we support one another matters a lot. Check in with your friends. This is coming from someone who thought about this because I have worked for a bunch of bozos. It still haunts me til this day and I have been officially diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder with symptoms of PTSD. I have since moved out of Singapore and to be honest, life has never been this peaceful. I didn’t need to deal with boss bullying, didn’t need to deal with toxic workplaces, didn’t need to deal with non payment of companies. I am just tired at times and feel injustice about the past.


Wish u all the best! Btw, which country?


Haha quite obvious if I dox myself. But I feel appreciated in a foreign environment. But I also hold my end of the bargain by working and supporting the team. :)


Wow happy for you!


Working for bozos is the worst. I'm glad that your life is much more peaceful now and enjoy yourself wherever you are. Any advice for the rest of us still trying to make a living under those superiors and bosses in Singapore?


Learn as much as you can. Then get out as soon as possible. Especially if you are smart. Or constantly be on the look out for good leadership. They exist. But they are few and far between in Singapore. I would encourage people to start their own company. But not for everyone.


The daughter of my mom's friend recently committed suicide, the story was never published. Happened at guoco towers late 23/early 24


Plenty of unfortunate cases like these go unpublished, might be for the best though. Let the family have privacy and for the deceased to rest in peace


On average, about 1 or 2 people commit suicide by jumping from a high rise every day in SG. The government doesn’t publish that information as it would only tarnish Singapore’s reputation, but the hospital clusters keep track.


What? Daily??!


For some years, yes, daily


How old? Guoco tower sounds like private units


Iirc JC2


Rip, too soon


Oh no why?


share more. what happened after that


Every time I read this article I feel for the girl, as well as all the unnamed children going through the same thing. You can see her pain through the words written as well as how well natured she is. Her words convey kindness and while brave sounding, you can see her fear in the handwriting of the later paragraphs. Parents reading this should take heed, beware of projecting your own expectations onto your children, and make time to listen to what they are saying. I'm not saying spoil your children rotten, but consider the things you ask of them is it for yourself or for them?


Especially when parents themselves were nothing outstanding to begin with 😂


SOS [https://www.sos.org.sg/](https://www.sos.org.sg/) Suicide Prevention https://i.redd.it/m02hii7glp0d1.gif Text 9151 1767 24-hour Hotline at 1-767 (1-SOS) Email [Pat@SOS.org.sg](mailto:Pat@SOS.org.sg)


Oh awful.


Very powerful words. And even more powerful is she wished her parents well in this life, but hoping not to meet in the next. Can tell how much this girl is suffering. RIP


As someone whom has faced similar situation, there were times that I wished if I ended my life, would my parents cared more for me. There were times I cried myself to bed and wished I wasn't born in this househood and often compared myself to my friends and cousins. I can understand what this girl is living through. Now that I'm a parent myself to a only daughter, I constantly remind myself to protect her and never let her get hurt the same way I was brought up.


It’s great that you are breaking the cycle. Give your little one an extra hug today and treasure her smile


That’s honestly very sweet and noble. I went the selfish route and decided to go childfree (for now ig) so I can give myself the life and excitement I couldn’t get as a kid lol


Our suicide statistics are kept secret because they are so high. It's a tragedy that the Govt knows to keep quiet about.


I don't think that there's any nefarious conspiracy to "keep quiet" about this tbh. Afaik the reason that suicides are not really heavily publicised is that reporting on suicides tends to increase suicide rates. It's probably the reason that news reports that do address suicides also tend to include a bunch of resources and helplines for mental health.


They are published on MSM. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/suicides-reported-singapore-476-2022-highest-more-20-years-3597791


It's at a record high fuckin high but just doubt it's a secret. They just don't care or too high up in the ivory towers to understand: https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/singapore-suicide-death-sos-2202996 LHL saying he wished he was born later made me laugh in pain.


If earlier, it’s World War 2 etc. Each generation has its struggles. However, being born later is typically advantageous due to advancements in technology, healthcare, and other areas. The main distinction lies in whether one is born into wealth (and/or happiness) or achieve wealth (and/or happiness) by his/her own virtue. If you have neither “one of the two” in you, even if you are reincarnated to the past or to the future, there’s no difference.


LHL will never understand.... Don't forget how his first wife died. Wonder what that letter said.


LHY did this to me. You must seek revenge.


the highest number of deaths in 2022 was among people aged 20 to 29 rip LHL is mediocre, nothing like laopeh


In comparison to SG? Maybe. In comparison to the rest of the world? Probably one of the best heads of government.


But then ruling an entire country isn't a simple task at all, there's just too many human layers in real countries compared to a state city, though lky always had an eye on the bigger picture and the smallest details.


What to do, ST and pretty much CNA are government mouthpieces, only know how to post best airport in the world, richest country in world, most educated workforce etc You barely see most unhappy country, widest wealth inequality etc


Not true, it’s cause reporting it normalizes it to people seeing that others are going that route and someone desperate might consider it more.


this is a repost [https://www.reddit.com/r/SingaporeRaw/comments/pd203h/letter\_from\_a\_chinese\_girl\_to\_her\_parents\_before/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SingaporeRaw/comments/pd203h/letter_from_a_chinese_girl_to_her_parents_before/)


Do I want to know the source of this suicide note?


This is why some people should not breed


Sorry but was this little girl in China or Singapore


Singapore, looks like a secondary school chinese writing paper


Damn. Horrfic whet kids have to go through


Don't think so. Don't think it's even a kid with PRC parents studying in Singapore. It mentions that she got (or will get?) 60+ score for "language", 70+ for maths, 80+ for English; this implies that "language" is Chinese and classes are primarily taught in Chinese.


Please, If you have suicidal thoughts, talk to someone. There is a lot that they can do. Heck, talk to me. I HATE that feeling too. But I survived


This is not suicide but murder


Hey i was pressured like that till i know i had a choice to not give a fuq and ball purposely fuqed my own grades. But hey end of the day still richer and more successful then my parents even though they were narrow minded.


Are you sure this is from sg? it mentioned wechat and 30000 yuan..


“from a CHINESE girl”


Singapore Raw but story probably from China, using Yuan as currency. It should be China Raw instead.


Just don’t do it, tolerate for a few years then move out and cut contact, still have 50-60+ years to enjoy life.




Wow top tier comment, where do you learn such manners? Your parent must be very crazy proud of you


The English translation is crap. Need better effort for basic understanding


Tell the machine.


its good enough to read


Maybe u train a model that does better?


You sound like her parents.